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Baron McVey (Approved)

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:31 am
by Baron McVey
Player Name: John
Google Handle: GarrisonBurne

Character Name Baron McVey
Rank: Seasoned Experience: 35 Advances Left: 0
Race: Quick-Flex
Iconic Framework: M.A.R.S. Personal Concept (Professional Thief/Gambler)
Attributes: Agility d12+1, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Charisma: +2; Pace: 8, Running: d8; Parry: 8 (½ Fighting +2); Toughness: 6 (14) (½ Vigor+2 plus armor); Strain: 1
  • Climbing (St) d6 (HJ+1)
  • Fighting (Ag) d12
  • Gambling (Sm) d8
  • Lockpicking (Ag) d8
  • Notice (Sm) d8
  • Persuasion (Sp) d8
  • Shooting (Ag) d12
  • Stealth (Ag) d8
  • Streetwise (Sm) d6
Racial Characteristics
  • Agile: Quick-Flex start with a d8 Agility (and a Trait maximum of d12+2).
  • Ambidexterity: All Quick-Flex possess the Ambidextrous Edge.
  • Distinctive D-Bee: Unless they hide their non-human appearance, a Quick-Flex faces prejudice from the Coalition. They suffer −4 Charisma with such folks.
  • Elusive: Quick-Flex are difficult to pin down in close quarters, giving them a natural +1 to their Parry rating.
  • Fast: Quick-Flex have +2 to Pace and increase their Running die by one die type (usually a Pace of 8 and d8 Running die).
  • Restricted Path: Their natural hyperactivity and lack of focus makes the pursuit of any magical Arcane Backgrounds impossible for them. Quick-Flex cannot access PPE. The race cannot take any Arcane Background which uses PPE or any Iconic Framework which includes such an Arcane Background.
  • Short Attention Span: Quick-Flex have a difficult time sitting still and focusing on intellectual pursuits. They suffer a −1 to all Smarts rolls.
  • Supreme Confidence: All Quick- Flex are inherently Overconfident in addition to any Hindrances chosen by the player.
  • Curious (Major): It killed the cat, and it might kill your hero as well. Curious characters are easily dragged into any adventure. They have to check out everything and always want to know what’s behind a potential mystery.
  • Loyal (Minor): Your character may not be a hero, but he’d give his life for his friends. This character can never leave a man behind if there’s any chance at all he could help.
  • Wanted (Minor): Wanted for thievery in Lazlo.
  • Overconfident (Major): (Racial) There’s nothing out there your hero can’t defeat. At least that’s what he thinks. He believes he can do most anything and never wants to retreat from a challenge. He’s not suicidal, but he certainly takes on more than common sense dictates.
  • Filthy Rich (Hindrances) This character made some major scores before the current adventure. She’s got 20,000 credits saved up and gets three additional rolls (total of five) on the above listed tables.
  • Luck: (IF) The adventurer seems to be blessed by fate, karma, the gods, or whatever external forces he believes in (or believe in him!) He draws one extra Benny at the beginning of each game session, allowing him to succeed at important tasks more often than most, and survive incredible dangers.
  • Linguist: (IF) The character has an ear for languages and a rare talent for recognizing similarities between them. A character with this Edge starts with a number of languages equal to his Smarts die (Spanish, Dragonese/Elven, Gobbely, Euro, Faerie Speak, Chinese), and can make a Smarts roll at –2 to make herself understood in any language or dialect she has heard spoken for at least a week.
  • Ambidextous: (Racial) Your hero is as deft with his left hand as he is with his right. Characters normally suffer a –2 penalty when performing physical tasks with the off-hand (characters are assumed to be right-handed). With this Edge, your warrior ignores the –2 penalty for using his off-hand (see page 75).
  • Quick: (F&G) Quick characters have lightning-fast reflexes and a cool head. Whenever you are dealt a 5 or lower in combat, you may discard and draw again until you get a card higher than 5.
    Characters with both the Level Headed and Quick Edges draw their additional card and take the best as usual. If that card is a Five or less, the Quick Edge may be used to draw a replacement until it’s Six or higher.
  • Charismatic: (F&G) Your hero has learned how to work with others, even those who might be somewhat opposed to him or his efforts. This adds +2 to his Charisma.
  • I Know a Guy: (F&G) Some people seem to know someone everywhere they go. The contact may not be the most amazingly helpful person— they may even hate the hero for some past slight or money owed. The person known may be well-placed in an organization, or just as easily homeless and only know a few possibly helpful rumors. The point is, however, almost anywhere he goes, the hero seems to know someone, and that person usually at least knows something of value or can contact some helpful folks. Once per session, the player can invoke this Edge to effectively have the Connections Edge with any person or group. Use the rules for Connections to determine if the contact can be reached, and if he will help in any way. If the attempt to contact a particular person fails, the once-per-session use of this Edge is not used up; failures on the Persuasion check to get help still trigger that session’s use of the Edge.
  • Rich (F&G) Unless the hero is planning to remain in one location for a serious length of time, annual salary really isn’t part of the equation for his wealth. He’s managed to accumulate a bit of money, but more important, extra gear. He begins with 5,000 credits and gets two rolls on the Body Armor, Close Combat Weapons, Cybernetics, or Ranged Combat Weapons Tables. The hero may give up the two rolls to instead own one vehicle of his choice.
  • Connections: (Colorado Baronies, Black Market, Pecos Badlands, Tolkeen University Refugees) (F&G) Whether it’s to the Feds, the cops, the Mob, or some big corporation, your heroine knows someone on the inside someone who is willing to lend her a hand on occasion (usually once per game session). This Edge may be taken more than once, but each time must be applied to a different organization. The GM should also ensure the organization is limited to a single, unique organization. A hero may, for instance, have Connections (US Army), but he shouldn’t have a blanket Connections (Military). To use a character’s Connections requires that she first get in touch with one of her contacts. This requires a Streetwise roll. Failure means the particular contact wasn’t available, their cell phone wasn’t on, or they were otherwise tied up. Once in contact, the hero must make a Persuasion roll. The GM should feel free to modify both the Persuasion roll and any results based on the circumstances. A failure indicates the heroine’s contacts just couldn’t come through this time, or perhaps just weren’t persuaded that their help was really necessary. On a success, the contact might share information, but won’t do anything too risky to help. On a raise, the contact is willing to leak sensitive information, but stops short of outright betrayal. Two or more raises means the heroine has pushed the right buttons and can count on serious help. The Connection will risk serious consequences for the heroine, and if she needs financial assistance, may provide more than he’s comfortable with. If the heroine asks for muscle, the contact delivers either one expert (a safe-cracker, wheel-man, security expert, etc.) or five average fighter-types for the contact’s particular organization (a mob boss sends five thugs, the Army sends five infantrymen, etc.). Note (+2 on his rolls to contact Steven Duarte; Tolkeen University Refugees.)
  • Thief: (HJ) Thieves specialize in deceit, treachery, and acrobatics. They can be invaluable where traps must be detected, walls must be climbed, and locks must be picked. Thieves add +2 to Climbing, Lockpick, Stealth, as well as Notice or Repair rolls that relate to traps and similar devices.
    The bonus to Stealth does not apply when the character is in a wilderness environment—only in urban areas.
  • Danger Sense (HJ) Your hero can sense when something bad is about to happen. Anytime he’s about to be the victim of a surprise attack, ambush, or other nasty surprise, he gets a Notice roll at –2 just before the attack or event occurs. If successful, the character knows something is about to happen and may take appropriate action against it. This means the hero is on Hold for the first round of a combat. Should the hero fail his roll, he still follows the normal Surprise rules, if applicable (see page 65).
  • Jack-of-All-Trades: (HJ) Through advanced schooling, book-learning, computer-enhanced skill programs, or just amazing intuitive perception, your hero has a talent for picking up skills on the fly. There is little he can’t figure out given a little time and a dash of luck. Any time he makes an unskilled roll for a Smarts-based skill, he may do so at d4 instead of the usual d4–2.
  • Elan: (HJ) When this spirited hero puts his heart into something it tends to pay off in big ways. When you spend a Benny on a Trait roll (including Soak rolls), add +2 to the final total.
  • Scrounger (HJ) Some people are just very skilled at knowing how to find what they need in an urban setting. They know where to look, who to talk to, and how to get what their group needs. A Scrounger can make a Streetwise check, once per session, in any city or large town (−2 in smaller urban areas) to accomplish one of the following:
    • Gain 1d6+2 fully charged e-clips for the firearms she and her teammates use.
    • Acquire a complete reload for one Mega Damage weapon, such as a Boom Gun, Mini Rail Gun, or grenade launcher.
    • Procure food for 2d6 people for a week.
    • Fully restock one Trauma Kit, or find 1d4+1 first aid kits (as found in the NGS2 Survival Pack).
    • Obtain a non-secured cred-card with 2d10 × 2,000 credits on it.
    • Find some rare (not necessarily valuable) and needed item (entertainment chips for computers, a spare part for a suit of armor or vehicle, snacks and treats, etc.).
  • Two-Fisted (adv) A Two-Fisted hero isn’t ambidextrous—he’s simply learned to fight with two weapons or both fists at once. When attacking with a weapon in each hand, he rolls each attack separately but ignores the multi-action penalty (see page 66).
  • Quick Draw (adv) This Edge allows a hero to draw a weapon as a free action (and thus ignore the usual –2 multi-action penalty if he chooses to fire as well). If the character must make an Agility roll to draw a weapon (see page 74), he adds +2 to the roll.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:36 am
by Baron McVey
Cyber-Wired Reflexes (U):
  • Strain: 1
  • Bonus: Agility increased one die type. Each step past d12 adds a +1.
  • NotesThis particular enhancement is a requirement for many other upgrades.
  • Cost: 12,000 credits.


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:37 am
by Baron McVey

Branaghan Armor Retrapped Modified SFD Huntsman Lightweight Personal Armor.
Environmental Body Armor with a Armored Long Coat.
  • Armor Value: +8 Armor
  • Strength Minimum: d6
  • Environmental Protection: Yes
  • Weight: 16 lbs
  • Modifications: Enhanced Armor, Added Environmental Systems.

Gentleman's Gambler
A gilded six shooter pistol made of fine craftsmanship. It has a silvered and gold filigree decorating not only the handle but the barrel. Legends say it was commissioned for Luke Short in 1876, and has passed from hand to hand of a true gentleman and gambler.
  • Range: 10/20/40
  • Damage: 2d8+3
  • RoF: 1
  • AP: 2
  • Shots: 6 (Can spend 2 PPE to reload like a TW weapon or actually reload it)
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Notes: Semi-Auto, +3 to Shooting Rolls
  • Enhancements:
    • Base weapon TX-26, modified as follows
    • (Minor x2) Extra Accurate +2 Shooting (included)
    • The Undertakers Friend (Major): it gives the wielders the ability to measure accurately the height of any body preparing them for a casket size. The gun also ignores up to 2 pts of to hit modifiers
    • Monkey Shines: (Major) A true eccentricity, when the gambler pulls the trigger he really never knows what he is going to get, unless he sacrifices a bit of himself into the action.
      • Every shot roll a d6, if using semi auto roll 2d6 for the below random effect. Special: you can take a level of fatigue to choose the effect below or 2 levels if semi-auto firing.
        • 1) Super natural killer: the bullet can harm those whom have a weakness against a super natural sub type.
        • 2) Flame gout: the bullet takes on all the special effects of plasma and deals +2 damage
        • 3) Righteous Silver: The bullet takes on the qualities of being both holy and silvered
        • 4) Quick shot: The user can take an immediate second shot with this weapon.
        • 5) Extra powder: the weapon does an extra 1d6 damage for 1 round.
        • 6) Undertaking: Any would delivered by this bullet cannot be healed during the golden hour.

Wilk’s 237 Laser Pistol
  • Range: 15/30/60 Damage: 26d+1
  • RoF: 1
  • AP: 4
  • Shots: 16
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Notes: Semi-Auto
Sword of Lord Faris
Modified Vibro-Sword
  • Damage: Str+d10
  • Weight: 9 lbs
  • Notes: AP 4; Silver-Plated, Mastercrafted: +1 fighting.
NG-S2 Survival Pack:
Weight: 30 lbs.
Designed and sold by the Northern Gun Corporation, this is a fairly common starting item for anyone roaming the wilds. It contains just about everything needed for basic survival.
  • One two-person tent, insulated against up to −40 degrees Fahrenheit. It has water collection capabilities, capturing ambient humidity and evaporating water from occupants, thus extending water supplies by 20%.
  • One sleeping bag, also insulated.
  • One flashlight, with a concealed pocket knife. Miniaturized solar panels give it near-infinite operation under typical conditions.
  • One biometric compass/inertial mapper. Body motion provides the necessary power, and the system lets the user know how far and in what direction he’s traveled over time (+2 to Survival rolls related to land navigation). A mirrored back allows for reflective signaling to others if the sun is out.
  • One first aid kit, provides +1 to Healing checks. It has three uses before it needs to be replenished (300 credits).
  • One hunter/fisher kit, containing wires, line, hooks, and other elements necessary for fishing and small gametrapping. This provides +1 to Survival checks where food gathering is concerned.
  • Three saw wires, composed of serrated, high tensile strength wire and two ring handles. Capable of slicing through wood, stone, and even non-Mega metals.
  • One fire starter, a combination solar powered ignition cell and flint sparker (with six extra flints).
  • One survival knife, one small hatchet, and one wooden cross.
  • Four signal flares.
  • One climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, four ceramic spikes, and a small mallet.
  • One bar of soap and a sterilized cloth.
  • One canteen.
  • Two weeks worth of minimal sustenance survival rations in sealed pouches.

Credits: 91,213


Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:37 am
by Baron McVey

Narrative Hook: [dice]0[/dice] (Siege of Tolkeen)

Baron McVey was born to poor peasants in the country of Tolkeen, specifically the town of _____. His parents were unable to really care for a child so they gave Baron up to an orphanage stating that they found him on the road. The orphanage wasn't well funded, but they did their best to bring Baron up safely. At a relatively young age Baron decided he didn't want anything to do with the Orphanage anymore, so he ran away.

Baron grew up on the streets, after running away from the Orphanage. He fell into a gang, and learned how to pick pockets, and burgle homes and businesses. Time and time again, Baron proved both skilled and lucky and missed out on being caught. Eventually Baron came under the wing of Lord Faris a notorious thief, scoundrel, and gambler. He saw promise in the young Quick-Flex as a protege and heir. He taught the boy real skill in thievery, allowing the boy to become rich in short term. But soon this all came to a crashing end.

The war in Tolkeen rolled in full swing. This was both good and bad for business, the chaos allowed for more riskier robberies, but goods started to become scarce. Lord Faris being a generally good natured rogue, started doing work for Tolkeen, stealing and raiding from the Coalition. To which Baron joined in his banditry. It was here that the duo's good luck failed. Lord Faris was captured and eventually executed for his crimes by the Coalition, while Baron fled to the Colorodo Baronies. It was here that Baron joined in with the Black Market. A few months of work in the Baronies eventually sent him south into the Pecos Badlands. All in all Baron was living the life of a gentleman rogue, stealing from the rich and occasionally giving to the needy. Baron eventually heard of the Tomorrow Legion, and made his way their to see what it was all about.

Tolkeen University Refugees (Steven Duarte)

Many as One's Advancement Chart

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:38 am
by Baron McVey
Advancement Chart
Racial Framework
  • Agile: Quick-Flex start with a d8 Agility (and a Trait maximum of d12+2).
  • Ambidexterity: All Quick-Flex possess the Ambidextrous Edge.
  • Distinctive D-Bee: Unless they hide their non-human appearance, a Quick-Flex faces prejudice from the Coalition. They suffer −4 Charisma with such folks.
  • Elusive: Quick-Flex are difficult to pin down in close quarters, giving them a natural +1 to their Parry rating.
  • Fast: Quick-Flex have +2 to Pace and increase their Running die by one die type (usually a Pace of 8 and d8 Running die).
  • Restricted Path: Their natural hyperactivity and lack of focus makes the pursuit of any magical Arcane Backgrounds impossible for them. Quick-Flex cannot access PPE. The race cannot take any Arcane Background which uses PPE or any Iconic Framework which includes such an Arcane Background.
  • Short Attention Span: Quick-Flex have a difficult time sitting still and focusing on intellectual pursuits. They suffer a −1 to all Smarts rolls.
  • Supreme Confidence: All Quick- Flex are inherently Overconfident in addition to any Hindrances chosen by the player.
Iconic Framework
  • Begin with +5 skill points.
  • Begin with two Edges of your choice, ignoring Rank requirements. (Luck & Linguist)
  • Make one additional roll on the M.A.R.S. Fortune & Glory Table.
  • Begin with the starting gear of any one Iconic Framework of your choosing. (Crazy)
Hero’s Journey
  • Underworld & Black Ops
    • [dice]4[/dice]
    • Your character is inherently gifted at larceny, possessing the Thief Edge without concern for requirements. He also gains +3 Skill Points to spend on Climbing, Lockpicking, and Stealth as he chooses.
  • Experience & Wisdom
    • [dice]5[/dice]
    • She always gets a strange tingling in the back of her neck when things are about to go all pear-shaped. She’s seen enough trouble to know when it’s coming. Your character has the Danger Sense Edge.
  • Training
    • [dice]6[/dice]
    • Part of your character’s extensive training including full understanding of a particular occupation or area of focus. You may give her one Professional Edge, ignoring requirements, subject to the GM’s approval. (Jack of All Trades)
  • Experience & Wisdom
    • [dice]7[/dice]
    • Your hero knows how to make the most of second chances. He has Elan.
  • Underworld & Black Ops
    • [dice]8[/dice]
    • With a nose for opportunities, horse-trading, and five-fingered discounts, your hero is the go-to person for getting what’s needed in a crunch. He has the Scrounger Edge and Connections (Black Market).
MARS Fortune & Glory
  • Fortune and Glory
    • [dice]0[/dice]
    • Agile and Dexterous: Your hero adds one die type to Agility and begins with either the Ambidextrous or Quick Edge.
  • Fortune and Glory
    • [dice]1[/dice]
    • Charming and Well-Traveled: Your hero begins with the Charismatic and I Know a Guy Edges.
  • Fortune and Glory
    • [dice]2[/dice]
    • Wealthy and Connected: You hero begins with the Rich Edge and the Connections Edge with two factions.
  • Fortune and Glory
    • [dice]3[/dice]
    • Choose Your Fate: Select any other result on this table, or gain two rolls on the Hero’s Journey tables of your choice. (Chose 2 rolls)
Rich & Filthy Rich
  • Close Combat Weapon
    • [dice]9[/dice]
    • The crafter of this weapon knows something about vampires in the world, and she incorporated silver into its making.
  • Body Armor
    • [dice]10[/dice]
    • Significant environmental system improvements grant your hero +1 to Vigor checks while wearing this suit. If your suit does not have Full Environmental Protection, this result provides that benefit instead.
  • Cybernetics
    • [dice]11[/dice]
    • Your hero wants to give that Juicer a run for his money, so he got a level of Cyber- Wired Reflexes installed.
  • Close Combat Weapon
    • [dice]12[/dice]
    • Exceptional crafting and balance grants your hero a +1 Fighting with this weapon. This result may be applied up to two times.
  • Body Armor
    • [dice]13[/dice]
    • Extra high-density plating and other design factors grant +3 Armor to your hero’s starting armor.
  • Initial Advances: (From Hindrances): Filthy Rich, Upgrade Smarts (d8)
  • Cybernetic Modifications: Cyber-Wired Reflexes.
  • Novice 1 Advance: Upgrade Agility by one die (d12+1)
  • Novice 2 Advance: Upgrade two lower skills by one die. (Fighting d10 & Shooting d10)
  • Novice 3 Advance: Upgrade two lower skills by one die (Lock picking d8 & Stealth d8)
  • Seasoned 1 Advance: Upgrade Vigor by one Die (d8)
  • Seasoned 2 Advance: Edge: Two-Fisted
  • Seasoned 3 Advance: Edge: Quick Draw
  • Seasoned 4 Advance: Upgrade two lower skills by one die. (Fighting d12 & Shooting d12)
  • Veteran 1 Advance:
  • Veteran 2 Advance:
  • Veteran 3 Advance:
  • Veteran 4 Advance:
  • Heroic 1 Advance:
  • Heroic 2 Advance:
  • Heroic 3 Advance:
  • Heroic 4 Advance:
  • Legendary 1 Advance:
  • Legendary 2 Advance:
  • Legendary 3 Advance:
  • Legendary 4 Advance:

Re: Baron McVey (Approved)

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:32 am
by Ndreare
For your consideration

Gentleman's Gambler
A gilded six shooter pistol made of fine craftsmanship. It has a silvered and gold filigree decorating not only the handle but the barrel. Legends say it was commissioned for Luke Short in 1876, and has passed from hand to hand of a true gentleman and gambler.
  • Range: 10/20/40
  • Damage: 2d8+3
  • RoF: 1
  • AP: 2
  • Shots: 6 (Can spend 2 PPE to reload like a TW weapon or actually reload it)
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Notes: Semi-Auto, +3 to Shooting Rolls
  • Enhancements:
    • Base weapon TX-26, modified as follows
    • (Minor x2) Extra Accurate +2 Shooting (included)
    • The Undertakers Friend (Major): it gives the wielders the ability to measure accurately the height of any body preparing them for a casket size. The gun also ignores up to 2 pts of to hit modifiers
    • Monkey Shines: (Major) A true eccentricity, when the gambler pulls the trigger he really never knows what he is going to get, unless he sacrifices a bit of himself into the action.
      • Every shot roll a d6, if using semi auto roll 2d6 for the below random effect. Special: you can take a level of fatigue to choose the effect below or 2 levels if semi-auto firing.
        • 1) Super natural killer: the bullet can harm those whom have a weakness against a super natural sub type.
        • 2) Flame gout: the bullet takes on all the special effects of plasma and deals +2 damage
        • 3) Righteous Silver: The bullet takes on the qualities of being both holy and silvered
        • 4) Quick shot: The user can take an immediate second shot with this weapon.
        • 5) Extra powder: the weapon does an extra 1d6 damage for 1 round.
        • 6) Undertaking: Any would delivered by this bullet cannot be healed during the golden hour.