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Expectations & Setting Rules

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:01 pm
by Ndreare
  • Much like Pinnacle Games I like to keep the games generally PG-13

Bennies - Spend Them as You Like
  • All characters have Common Bond for free. This includes the bad guys.

Command Edges
Command Edges work as normal, but also gain the following.
  • If you have effective communication and observation, you can use Command Edges on Spirit/2 people.
    If you have Command Presence this increases to Spirit in people.

Golden Bennies
  • Golden Bennies are something I learned about from Sean Patrick Fannon and latter when reading Shaintar. While not exactly the same as a Shaintar Golden Benny, I will have them in this game. Here is how they work.
    A Golden Benny May
    • The golden Benny belongs to the player, not the character. So if you are in more than one of my games it goes with you.
    • Do anything a Benny can do with an additional +2 to the roll.
    • Allow you to reroll a Critical Failure.
    • Allow you to add +4 to any roll (after making the roll!).
    • Allow you to soak all of the damage from a single attack.
    • Be Exchanged for 2 regular bennies.
    • Gain up to 10 Power Points
    • Allow some other narrative awesomeness you can talk the GM into.
    • Can be traded one for one for a Dark Benny or two Light Bennies in Nightbane.
    Wow Rob, that sounds so awesome. How can I get one?
    • You get a Golden Benny on Christmas, on your birthday, on your wedding day, loss of a loved one, or other unique days worth noting such as your mother in laws funeral.
    The Catch: Well there is always a Catch, and with the Golden Benny the catch is you can only ever have 1. Special Exceptions may be made if events fall within a month of each other. For example if you are lucky enough to get married on Dec 23rd, have you mother in law die the day before christmas and your birthday is on Boxing Day I will not be a jerk, and will likely let you have two for up to 1 month. AND YOU HAVE TO TELL ME! I cannot give you a golden Benny if I do not know about the qualifying event.

Limited - Heroes Never Die
  • The following setting rule applies to certain named wild cards of other ships. Explicitly it applies to the crew of the Pursuit. Others may be added as needed.
    Heroes in movies very rarely die. When they do, they go down fighting or perform one last, epic act of heroism.
    With this rule in play, Wild Cards who are Incapacitated from a damage roll make a Vigor roll as usual but treat Critical Failures as regular failures and ignore the rules for Bleeding Out.
    How a hero might survive what should be certain death is a chance to get creative. An adventurer who falls from a towering cliff, for example, might land in a pool of water or crash through the branches of a forest far below.
    If the situation is particularly heroic or if it serves as a major story point, the GM and player can decide the character perishes. A hero who confronts a massive demon on a crumbling bridge, for example, might take the fiend with him with his final blow.
    Villains: The reverse is also true—villains rarely die either! Heroes should play this in the spirit it’s intended—they shouldn’t attempt to cause some sort of gruesome and undeniable death to a villain who falls into their hands, for example. They should instead turn the captive over to the authorities—even though they know full well he will eventually escape to plague them once again.

  • Side Kicks will have 1/2 (round down) of the earned advances of their Patron and no HJ rolls.

Size Isn't Everything, But its Still Something
  • Characters with appropriate trappings may use powers on Power Armor, Robots, and Vehicles. Doing so requires spending an additional amount of PPE equal to the Size of the target to activate and maintain the power. Example; Trying to turn a Size 3 power armor invisible can be done by paying an additional +3 Power Points to activate, then when maintenance comes up paying 1+3 = 4 Power Points to maintain. Generally (but not in all cases) Size will be applied as a bonus to the defenders roll to resist power as well.

Updated: August 14th, 2019.