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Sgt 86Delta
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Need to identify the necessary conversions.
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Sgt 86Delta
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SKILLS: Familiarization

Post by Sgt 86Delta »

Skills are very broad for ease of play, but sometimes it’s
dramatically appropriate to emphasize when a character is
out of his element.

When a hero finds himself using a skill in a dramatically
different way than he’s used to, he suffers a –2 penalty to
his rolls. How long this lasts depends on the skill, but should
typically be at least a few days of casual use, or a few hours
of more intensive use.

What a character is familiar with should be based on his
background and any character history the player has written
up, with the Game Master having the final say.

If you want more in-depth rules, see the Skill Specialization
Setting Rules on page 95.

If it’s dramatically appropriate to show that a character is out of his element with the
particular use of a skill—such as picking up an alien weapon and trying to make a Shooting
attack with it—the GM should simply apply a penalty (usually −2 to −4) to the total.

When to do this, and how large the penalty is, depends entirely on the situation. A
gunslinger might suffer a penalty when using a bow, for example, at least until he’s
had a day or two to practice. A professor might suffer a −4 to a Science roll if the player
specifically says he’s a world famous chemist when the check the GM has called for
concerns Paleozoic geology. (Though that’s a great time to award a Benny if the player
roleplays his lack of knowledge!)

How long a penalty lasts under repeated use depends on the skill in question. Physical
penalties likely fade after a day or so of practice. Penalties for knowledge-based skills are
removed if the character spends time researching the subject matter and has access to
suitable materials. A French literature major who has time to study up on her Shakespeare,
for example, shouldn’t suffer a penalty to her Academics.

In summary, use familiarization penalties for dramatic use or to illustrate differences
in cultures or technology levels. Even then, keep the story moving and don’t get bogged
down in the minutiae.
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Sgt 86Delta
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SKILLS: Common Knowledge

Post by Sgt 86Delta »

Common Knowledge


Instead of asking characters to have dozens of background
skills they rarely need in actual play, we use the concept of
“Common Knowledge.” Your hero knows the basic history of
his land, common etiquette, how to get around geographically,
how to operate common machinery or equipment native to
his time period and location, and who the major players in
his locality are. A Common Knowledge roll is made by rolling
the adventurer’s Smarts attribute.

If a character’s background suggests he should know
something about a subject and he must make a roll, add +2
if most in his area or profession would know the answer. If
the subject is foreign to a character, subtract 2 or more from
the roll. Everyone else breaks even and gets no modifier.

If it becomes important to know how well a character
performs a common task, the GM can ask for whatever roll
is appropriate. Knowing how to do a dance, for example, is a
Common Knowledge roll. If it becomes important to see how
well a character performs the dance, the GM might ask for
an Agility roll (with no bonuses or penalties).

For example, an adventure might read: “Anyone who makes
a Common Knowledge roll detects that this cavern was carved
by civilized hands, not formed naturally.” A dwarf knows more
about stonework than an elf, so give the dwarf a +2 on the
roll. A human has about average knowledge, so no bonus is
granted. An elf who has spent most of his life in a forest won’t
know much about stonework, so the roll is at a –2 penalty.


Characters roll Common Knowledge to know
people, places, and things of their world,
including etiquette, geography, culture,
popular technology, contacts, and customs.
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Sgt 86Delta
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Post by Sgt 86Delta »


Complete Skill List:
  • Freedom Academics (Sm)
  • Freedom Athletics
  • Freedom Battle
  • Boating (Ag)
  • Climbing (St)
  • Driving (Ag)
  • Empathy (Sp)
  • Fighting (Ag)
  • Gambling (Sm)
  • Guts
  • Healing (Sm)
  • Intimidation (Sp)
  • Investigation (Sm)
  • Knowledge (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Arcana (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Computers (Sm) Freedom Computers
  • Rifts K/Cybernetics (Sm)
  • Freedom K/Demolitions (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Electronics (Sm) Freedom Electronics
  • Rifts K/Engineering (Sm)
  • Rifts K/History (Sm)
  • K/Law (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Medicine (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Politics (Sm)
  • Rifts K/Science (Sm) Freedom Science (Sm)
  • Freedom Languages
  • Lockpicking (Ag) Freedom Thievery
  • Freedom Logistics
  • Mysticism (Sp)
  • Notice (Sm)
  • Freedom Performance (Sp)
  • Persuasion (Sp)
  • Piloting (Ag)
  • Psionics (Sm)
  • Repair (Sm)
  • Riding (Ag)
  • Shooting (Ag)
  • Spellcasting (Sm)
  • Stealth (Ag)
  • Streetwise (Sm)
  • Survival (Sm) Freedom Survival
  • Swimming (St)
  • Taunt (Sp)
  • Throwing (Ag)
  • Tracking (Sm)
  • Freedom Tradecraft (Sm)
Sarge's Roles _

GM of a Vauxhall Knights Campaign

Player Characters - Savage Rifts Groups
  • Architect, Chaing-Ku - Vampire Hunters
  • Silverclaws, Wolfen MARS Techno-Warrior - 18th COT
  • Xero X Kalvin, Psi-Stalker Chiller (Burster Variant) - 12th AAT
  • Doc Olliday, D'Norr Cyber Doc/Weird Scientist - 24th COT
  • Luke, In'Valian MARS Rogue Scholar/Super Scientist - 77th CIT
  • Asher Black, Human Information Broker - Level 4: Shattered Dreams
  • Ozzati, Trimadore Techno-Wizard - 7th SET
  • White Castle, Human MARS Rogue Scholar/Legacy Scout - The 32nd
Player Characters - Savage Dimensions
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