Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

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Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

Brokner Jakobi
Rank: Seasoned 1 Advances Left: 0
Race: Dwarf (Rifts)
Iconic Framework: Techno-Wizard
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace: 5 (d4 run); Parry: 5; Toughness: 6; Strain: 0

  • Athletics d6
  • Common Knowledge d4
  • Notice d8
  • Persuasion d4
  • Stealth d4
  • Science d8
  • Techno-Wizardry d12 (3)
  • Electronics d8
  • Occult d10
  • Repair d12+2 (2)
  • Fighting d6 (1)
  • Shooting d8 (2)
  • Intimidation d6 (2)
  • Piloting d6 (2)
  • Gambling d4 (1)
  • Habit (Minor): Drinks. Your warrior has an annoying or dangerous compulsion. A Minor Habit irritates those around her but isn’t dangerous. Allies avoid him if possible.
  • Quirk (Minor): Prefers to brew and consume his own alcohol (use ck as base stat)
  • Overconfident (Major): There’s nothing out there your hero can’t defeat. At least that’s what he thinks. He believes he can do most anything and never wants to retreat from a challenge. He’s not suicidal, but he certainly takes on more than common sense dictates.
  • Cybernetics (IF): Penalties to magic for each point of strain.
  • Device Dependent (IF): Must have gear, tools, and parts to make gizmos and gadgets work.
  • Enemies (IF): The United World of Warlocks has many enemies who seek the secrets of their techno-smithy’s including the Splugorth, Transgalactic Empire, and powerful supernatural beings.
  • Gearhead Geek (IF): However it manifests, every Techno-Wizard has a Quirk Hindrance related to personifying machines
  • Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry): 15 PPE, 3 gizmos
  • Arcane Machinist (IF): Create gadgets up to half Smarts die per session as an action.
  • Machine Maestro (IF): +1 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research Repair, and Thievery rolls related to the target machine. +2 for TW gear.
  • Mr. Fix-It (HJ): +2 to Repair rolls, half the time required with a raise.
  • Master of Magic (HJ): Mega Power Modifiers
  • Extra Oomph (HJ): +2 damage when using direct damage spells and TW weapons
  • McGyver (N1): Quickly create improvised devices from scraps.
  • Sidekick (Hind): The character gains a Wild Card sidekick.
Racial Abilities:
  • Distinctive D-Bee: −1 Persuasion when dealing with the CS and other prejudiced groups.
  • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
  • Near-Human Physiology: –1 penalty to Healing skill rolls and cybernetics checks.
  • Physical Strength and Endurance: Start with d6 Strength and d6 Vigor, increasing Trait maximums
  • Racial Enemy: −2 on Persuasion checks when dealing with elves.
  • Reduced Pace: Decrease their Pace by 1 and their running die by one die type.
  • Technically Inclined: Begin with d4 Science.
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Brokner Jacobi
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for 99

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

Devices (Powers)

Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry): 15 PPE

Portable Medical Scanner (healing)
An on board medical library diagnosis injuries and anatomies for most races in the three galaxies. The device can also emit soothing, magically infused, rays that heal just about any injury - even permanent crippling injuries, poison, and disease.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant

Shockwave Gauntlets (havoc)
Hightech gloves that gather ambient energy from the atmosphere and release it in a shock wave either emanating from the glove or by tossing a ball of energy further away.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant

Droid Grenade Launcher (summon ally)
A pneumatic tube that launches small metallic balls that land near their target and transform into tiny, deadly, robots.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2+
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5

Old Stuff
Digital Armor [Protection] (PPE Cost: 1) [Novice]
  • Range: smarts
    Duration: 5
    Trapping: a mass of nanites emitted from harness
    Effect: Protection creates a field of energy or armor around a character, giving him 2 points of Armor, or +4 with a raise. Whether the protection is visible or not depends on the Trapping—this is entirely up to the caster. Protection doesn’t normally stack with other armor, but see the Toughness modifier
    ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point each.
    MORE ARMOR (+1): Success grants 4 points of Armor (+6 with a raise).
    TOUGHNESS (+2): Protection provides Toughness instead of Armor and is not affected by AP (magical or otherwise). This means it stacks with natural or worn armor.
Get back in there!! [GREATER HEALING–RESURRECTION] (PPE Cost: 30) [Power Rank]
  • Range: Touch
    Duration: Instant
    Trapping: D-FIB machine
    Effect: Possibly the most powerful—and controversial—spell effect in the world, resurrection brings a spirit back to her dead body, then returns her to life. The time and energy involved is massive, the risks are literally life-threatening, and there’s only ever one chance for the spell to work for a given being.
    To return the dead to life, the caster must make a skill roll with a penalty based on how long the target has been dead. Less than an hour is the easiest at −2, a day is −4, up to one month is −6, within a year is −8, and anyone dead longer than a year is at −10.
    It takes 2d6 hours to cast the spell (time of death is considered from when casting begins), and if the caster fails the roll, death claims him for his hubris and he dies!
    Fortunately, the caster can seek aid from others who can make a cooperative roll using the same Arcane Skill as the primary character. These aides do not need to have greater healing and can only provide up to the normal +4 bonus maximum. Characters who make the cooperative roll do not die on a failure but are Incapacitated by Fatigue, and each level can only be recovered by eight hours of rest.
    A resurrected character returns to life Incapacitated with three wounds and a permanent injury from her cause of death.
    The damage and injury could be healed with use of the greater healing power as normal
Frak Off! [Havoc] (PPE Cost: 2) [Power Rank]
  • Range: Smarts
    Duration: Instant
    Trapping: repulsion field
    Effect: This ability creates chaos and mischief for all those within its area of effect, hurling debris and rivals in all directions. With success, the caster places a Medium Blast Template anywhere within Range, or a Cone Template emanating from the caster (see Area Effect Attacks, page 97). Anyone touched by the template is Distracted and must then make a Strength roll (at −2 if the caster got a raise). Those who fail are hurled 2d6”—directly away from the caster if using the Cone Template or directly away from the center if using a Blast Template (the caster chooses for those in the dead center). Victims who strike a hard object (such as a wall) take 2d4 damage (nonlethal unless it’s a spiked wall or other more dangerous hazard).
    Airborne Targets: Flying or airborne targets suffer an additional −2 to their Strength rolls as they have no ground to brace themselves on.
    „„AREA EFFECT (+1): Havoc affects a Large Blast Template.
    „„ STRONG (+1): Strength rolls are made at −2.
I said, FRAK OFF! [greater Havoc] (PPE Cost: +2) [Novice]
  • Range: Smarts × 3
    Duration: Instant
    Trapping: hand clap
    Effect: Greater havoc enhances the penalties to resist to −2, or −4 with a raise. Furthermore,targets are knocked back a total of 3d6" and automatically Shaken, regardless of hitting an object.
There ya go! [Healing] (PPE Cost: 3) [Novice]
  • Range: Touch
    Duration: Instant
    Trapping: narrow beam from scanner
    Effect: Healing removes Wounds less than an hour old. The penalty to the caster’s arcane skill roll is the victim’s Wounds, if any (to a maximum of −3 for those who can take more than three). A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds.
    For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is still alive (see Aftermath, page 132). If so, a successful arcane skill roll returns the ally to action (Shaken if it matters.)
    „„GREATER HEALING (+10): Greater healing can restore any Wound, including those more than an hour old.
    „„ CRIPPLING INJURIES (+20): The power can heal a permanent Crippling Injury (see Incapacitation, page 95). This requires an hour of preparation and only one casting is permitted per injury. If it fails, this caster cannot heal that particular injury (but someone else may try). If successful, the subject is Exhausted for 24 hours.
    „„NEUTRALIZE POISON OR DISEASE (+1): A successful healing roll negates any poison or disease. If the poison or disease has a bonus or penalty associated with it, the modifier applies to the arcane skill roll as well.
There y’all go! [MEGA - HEALING – MASS HEALING] (PPE Cost: 6) [??]
  • Range: special
    Duration: Instant
    Trapping: wide scanner beam
    Effect: The healing power can be cast on all allies within Spirit × 2 of the caster. Ignore individual wound penalties of the treated and apply a flat −2 instead. The power is selective; the caster chooses who is affected.
Staying put!! [Wall Walker] (PPE Cost: 2) [Novice]
  • Range: smarts
    Duration: 5
    Trapping:grav boots
    Effect: Wall walker allows the recipient to walk on vertical or horizontal surfaces. With success, she moves at half her normal Pace. With a raise, she may move at full Pace and even run.If forced to make an Athletics roll to climb or hang on to a surface, she adds +4 to the total.
    Modifiers: „„ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The caster may affect others at the cost of 1 Power Point each.
I will follow, no matter what [MEGA - WALL WALKER – GREATER WALL WALKER] (PPE Cost: 4) [Novice]
  • Range: touch
    Duration: 3 (1/round)
    Trapping: Chosen Trapping
    Effect: Using greater wall walker means the target automatically gains the ability to move at full Pace. He also gains +4 to resist being moved by such powers as havoc, pummel, or telekinesis, and he gains +4 to resist the Push maneuver.
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Brokner Jacobi
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for 99

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

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Brokner Jacobi
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for 99

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

Adventure Survival Armor
TK Revolver (with +1 shooting, see pg 106)
NG-S2 Survival Pack
Tool Kit
remaining credits: 18, 125 cr

U.W.W. Techno-Smithy Field Armor (Triax T-13 Mechanic's Armor)
  • Armor: +6 Armor, +2 Toughness
  • Powers: The wearer may use her own Power Points to activate the following powers with the Range (Self) limitation: boost Trait (Strength) and deflection
  • Notes: Notes: Infravision, mechanic suite grants +2 to Repair rolls—Heavy Improvised Weapon
  • Minimum Strength: d4 (18 lb)
  • Cost: 125,000 credits
Techno-Smithy Wrench (HJ Staff)
  • 10 PPE (which regenerate at the same rate as the caster's), grants a +1 Techno-Wizardy Rolls. Does Str+d6 (Mega Damage if 2 PPE is channeled through it that round)
TW Grenade Launcher
A cyclical grenade launcher that infuses standard grenades with magical nanites that are released on impact and gnaw away at matter.
  • Base Item: WI-GL4 Grenade Launcher - 50,000
  • Major: Add a power smite with greater smite and lingering damage modifiers (6 PPE to activate) - 20,000
  • Minor: +1 Shooting - 5,000
  • Total: 65,000*1.25 = 93,750
  • Damage: By grenade type +4 (+6 with a raise). Next round nanites gnaw for base damage minus one die type (one additional turn only)
  • Range: 18/36/72
  • ROF: 1
  • Payload: 24
  • Min. Strength: d6
  • Weight: 15
Matter-Energy Converter (TW Item)
This techno-wizard marvels converts energy into matter for a short period of time. The converter uses magical energy to create devices from seemingly thin air. Useful for quickly manufacturing tools, parts, and other items needed in making repairs. The Techno-Smithy can use a ritual to make an object permanent.
  • Base Item: 3D Printer (SFC) - 500
  • Major: Add an edge (Conjurer) - 20,000
  • Major: Add an edge (AB Magic) - 20,000
  • Minor: 5 PPE - 5,000
  • Minor: 5 PPE - 5,000
  • Total Cost: 50,500*1.25=63,125
RFT Hangouts wrote: 300,000 credits in gear. Add 25% to any custom gear cost, to account for time and failures...18,125 credits remaining
Last edited by Brokner Jacobi on Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Brokner Jacobi
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for 99

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

Iconic Framework: Techno-Wizard

Hero’s Journey
  • Enchanted Items 1 - Staff. 10 PPE (which regenerate at the same rate as the caster's), grants a +1 to all Spellcasting or Faith rolls. Finally, it’s a combat-worthy staff (Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1, two-handed) that even does Mega Damage if 2 PPE is channeled through it that round
  • Magic & Mysticism 18 - Putting down opponents before they end you is a powerful lesson in this dangerous world. Your hero gains +2 damage when using direct damage spells and TW weapons.
  • Training 10 - Functional machines and technology often mean the difference between life and death in the world of Rifts®. Fortunately for any group your hero runs with, she’s pretty good with tech, giving her a one die type increase for the Repair skill, and the Mr. Fix It Edge.
  • Experience & Wisdom 15 - Free professional Edge ignoring requirements (Master of Magic)
  • Education 18 - Three additional skill points to spend at character creation, but they may only be spent on Smarts-based skills.
Explorer Points
  • (5 EP) Expanded Understanding: Your character adds a power to her power list that she would normally not have access to. This may only be selected once per Rank. Note: This does not give your character the power; it merely adds the power to her list. She must still learn the power as normal (typically via spending an Advance on the New Power Edge): summon ally
  • Initial Advances: (From Hindrances): +1 Smarts, Sidekick
  • Novice 1 Advance: McGyver
  • Novice 2 Advance: +1 Smarts
  • Novice 3 Advance: +1 Repair, +1 Occult
  • Seasoned 1 Advance: +1 Fighting/+1 Athletics
  • Seasoned 2 Advance:
  • Seasoned 3 Advance:
  • Seasoned 4 Advance:
  • Veteran 1 Advance:
  • Veteran 2 Advance:
  • Veteran 3 Advance:
  • Veteran 4 Advance:
  • Heroic 1 Advance:
  • Heroic 2 Advance:
  • Heroic 3 Advance:
  • Heroic 4 Advance:
  • Legendary 1 Advance:
  • Legendary 2 Advance:
  • Legendary 3 Advance:
  • Legendary 4 Advance:
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

Post by Brokner Jacobi »


Basic Robot (Wild Card)
The basic robot is sentient and interprets orders based on its Smarts, costs $10,000 ($50K if a Wild Card), and can hold up to 5 points of Robotic Modifications. It has 5 attribute points and 15 skill points (used just like building characters). Each attribute point and every two skill points can be dropped for a $1000 discount (minimum of $1000) and one additional Mod slot.

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: —
Pace: 4; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities
  • Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; does not breathe; immune to poison and disease; ignores one level of wound penalties.
  • Environmental Weakness (Electricity): Robots suffer +4 damage from electrical attacks.
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

Post by Brokner Jacobi »

Rust Bucket
Rank: Novice Advances Left: 0
Race: Techno-Wizard Robot Assistant
Iconic Framework: Techno-Wizard
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Pace: 3 (d4 run)/6 (d6 run, flying); Parry: 2; Toughness: 5; Strain: 0

Athletics d4
Common Knowledge d4 - d6 (1) - d8 (2)
Notice d4 - d6 (1) - d8 (2)
Persuasion d4
Stealth d4
Occult d6
Electronics d6
Science d6
Repair d6 - d8 (1)
Fighting d4 (1) - d6 (2)
Shooting d4 (1) - d6 (2)
Intimidation d4 (1) -d6 (2)
Piloting d4 (1)
Research d4 (1) - d6 (2) - d8 (3)

Hindrances & Complications
  • Cybernetics (IF): Penalties to magic for each point of strain.
  • Device Dependent (IF): Must have gear, tools, and parts to make gizmos and gadgets work.
  • Enemies (IF): The United World of Warlocks has many enemies who seek the secrets of their techno-smithy’s including the Splugorth, Transgalactic Empire, and powerful supernatural beings.
  • Gearhead Geek (IF): However it manifests, every Techno-Wizard has a Quirk Hindrance related to personifying machines
  • Bloodthirsty: Former assassin droid. Prefers to take no prisoners unless ordered otherwise.
  • Mean: Can say some pretty nasty and insulting stuff
  • Loyal: Sticks with Jakobi no matter what.
  • Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry): 15 PPE, 3 gizmos
  • Arcane Machinist (IF): Create gadgets up to half Smarts die per session as an action.
  • Machine Maestro (IF): +1 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research Repair, and Thievery rolls related to the target machine. +2 for TW gear.
  • Luck (Hind): 1 extra benny per session
  • Scavenger (Hind): May find a needed item once per encounter.
Racial Abilities & Bonuses
  • ADVANCED ANALYSIS (4): These Drones have advanced analytical abilities. They begin with d6 Smarts and may ignore the unskilled penalty for Smarts related traits.
  • ANTIGRAVITY SYSTEM (2): These drones are designed for flight and can Fly at Pace 6 and run for extra movement.
  • CONSTRUCT (8): Drones add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe, ignore one level of Wound modifiers and are immune to poison and disease. Constructs cannot heal naturally. Healing one requires the Repair skill, which takes one hour per current Wound level per attempt and is not limited to the “Golden Hour” (see page 96).
  • DESIGNED FOR FLIGHT (-2): These drones are designed for flight and do not move well on land. They have a base Pace of 3, a Running die of d4, and subtract 2 from Athletics and rolls to resist Athletics where movement and mobility are integral to the challenge.
  • GANGLING CONSTRUCTION (-4): These drones are designed for information gathers and tool working. They suffer -1 to all Strength and Agility rolls (but not linked attributes).
  • OUTSIDER (Major -2): Drones subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls when interacting with anyone besides other AIs, and have no legal rights in most areas (they’re generally considered property).
  • SIZE -1 (-1): These drones are smaller than humans and begin as Size -1, also suffering -1 Toughness.
  • RESTRICTED PATH (-0): Rust Bucket was built by a Techno-Wizard, and designed to be a Techno-Wizard assistant. As such he can only be a Techno-Wizard. This is worth no points as it will not affect the character.
Tool Attachments (Powers)
Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry): 15 PPE, 3 gizmos

Hermetic Force Field Generator [environmental protection]

Skill Chips [boost/lower Trait]

Force Beam Emitter [telekinesis]
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Re: Brokner Jakobi TW WIP for Remorseless

Post by Ndreare »

Move to Supporting cast until the player can return.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!

1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal
54 = Jokers = They are equal
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal
56 = Jokers = They are equal
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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