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New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:05 am
by Daniel

I am Lars (Dan). I ran the Black Company for a year. Took some time off to write RPG material - some was even published. Now I am looking at starting up another game here at Savage Rifts.

The following people I promised to give a position to in the next game I run. Mostly former BC members.
  1. Venatus Vinco, Pender Lumkiss, Corrigan, Freemage, RFT, Alecto, Hans, Snake Eyes, and SGT 86Delta
I am looking for some input. What would you rather play? Chaos Earth or Rifts Arzno?

1.) AMC (Arzno) = Using the new Rifts books I would run a Rifts game run out of Arizona. We would explore the pacific west coast and all the way to the east coast. Saving the day and sometimes helping out the Tomorrow Legion. LONGER INFORMATION POSTED BELOW.

2.) Suggest something you want.

3.) Chaos Earth, End of Days, Coming of the Rifts. Play "every day people" caught up in the End of Days. I recently wrote a bunch of published cannon Chaos Earth material and more is coming....I love Chaos Earth and could run a game of it. Instead of being power house characters you would start out as normal people surviving the end of the world. LONGER INFORMATION POSTED BELOW.

Just wondered what you thought. Seriously I would love to run both . However I do not think I can commit to doing that. :)

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:07 am
by Daniel
I suppose I could run Chaos Earth until December and switch over to Rifts Arzno in December as an option. Let me know your desires, thanks!

Note that Chaos Earth could start “now” and AMC would be after new books drop as PDFs

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:45 am
by Icosa
Chaos Earth sounds pretty cool to me...and there's something thematically symmetrical about running a game using the new SWADE Rifts rules to depict the 'beginning' of Rifts.

New rules, new characters, new world. Etc.

Arzno's cool too though! Not far from where I grew up, that area. :)

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:10 am
by Ndreare
Both sound interesting to me.

But honesty is always best in gaming and I think the Chaos Earth game would be more enjoyable. It would be something unique and new i have not played before.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:15 am
by Daniel

Good points Alecto. And thanks for being honest RFT.

If I did Chaos Earth it would look like this...

Savage Rifts Chaos Earth; The End of Days, the Great Cataclysm, the Coming of the Rifts.

What is SWADE Chaos Earth?
Chaos Earth gives players a chance to play in a world somewhat more recognizable than the world of Rifts. Monsters are only starting to appear and there the forces of humanity are still trying to hold on to the civilized world that Earth had been, as opposed to Rifts where characters live in a world where violence and horror have been commonplace for centuries.

New Characters. New setting. New rules. The birth of the Rifts. Play a Character surviving the end of days.

REIGN OF CHAOS (Savage Rifts Chaos Earth Game)

At the start of the game none of the Player Characters will have an Arcane Background. If a PC desires to have one they can build it into their Character Sheet and just not utilize it until after December 22nd 2098! GM will notify PC when the ability becomes usable. Not everyone’s power turns on like a light switch at the same time. Events will trigger the powers for use. In the dangerous and violent upheaval of Earth you won’t be waiting long. The coming of the Rifts is preceded by a advanced society of the Golden Age of Humanity. PCs will play using the below listed Setting Rules. Additionally PCs May roll on the Advanced Society / Advanced Medications chart listed below.

Every Player Character is a "everyday person”. Unless a PC sells the GM on why they are a member of NEMA, or a Juicer soldier home on leave, or a recipient of Mind Over Matter technology _ everyone starts as a average Joe/Jane. That doesn’t mean your baker, nurse, lawyer, pizza delivery, dog walker, Prepper, Cop, or stay at home mom doesn’t know how to fight or shoot. Your hobby might be taking Tae Keon Do at the gym or going to the gun range on your days off. I’m just trying to avoid having a group of Glitter Boys, SAMAS pilots, Juicers and Crazies. All existing in Chaos Earth but let’s start low key for our apocalypse. Granted, maybe you are a National Guard member who drives a Glitter Boy Power Armor on the weekends so you might eventually end up in one. Alternatively you might have served in one of the armed forces and that explains your Ace Edge when flying a SAMAS. That is if you find a way to get one.

Reign of Chaos will start about a week in advance to the Great Cataclysm of the Rifts: which happens on December 22, 2098. So the game will start on December 14th, 2098. Every PC, once approved, will be provided a IC reason for why they know the other PCs. More details on that later, I don’t want to give away the story yet.

I encourage diversity. It will work perfectly well for one PC to be a Rock Star from LA, while another PC is a high tech farmer from Nebraska. Yet another is a Firefighter from Kansas who used to be in the Navy. A 17 year old in High School... I’m not saying No to being a combat character, I just think it might be fun to get there, but not start there...

Example: My IRL CE group consists of a Rock Star, a Dog Walker, a Cop, a Baker, a HS Cheerleader, a Chiropractor, a Professor and later we were joined by a Army soldier.

Having said the above. Maybe everyone would prefer to play members of NEMA and be more than average people. If that’s the case. We can go that direction.

This is the end of the world and we will do what we want!

So what are the setting rules for Chaos Earth and can I play a mage or D-Bee?

Setting Rules for Chaos Earth
  • Born a Hero
    Heroes may ignore the Rank qualifications for Edges during character creation. They must still meet any other Requirements as usual. The usual rules for Rank Requirements apply afterward.
  • Conviction
    Conviction is a special award granted when a character experiences a great victory or catastrophic misfortune. Conviction can be spent to add a d6 to a Trait or damage total. The die can Ace, and its result is added to the final Trait total.
  • Advanced Science and Meds
    Every Character get a boost to attributes. A free die type to one attribute. Good science, meds, and genetic engineering of the Golden Age.
  • Dynamic Backlash
    A Critical Failure on an arcane skill check results in Fatigue (described on page 150). That works well in traditional fantasy settings or worlds where magic is relatively common. If you feel magic should come with a higher price, however, use this table instead. Note that arcane devices Malfunction (page 153) and cause a roll on the Dynamic Backlash Table.
  • Multiple Languages and Literacy
    Some settings feature characters and cultures who typically speak many different languages. If this Setting Rule is in play, all characters have the Linguist Edge for free (page 40), and ignore its usual Requirements. A character who actually takes the Linguist Edge knows a number of languages equal to her Smarts (instead of half her Smarts).
    Additionally, every Character can Read. You be edumacated folk!
  • High Adventure
    Characters can spend a Benny to gain the one-time use of a Combat Edge. They have to meet the Rank and any Edge requirements as usual but can ignore Trait requirements. Multiple Bennies can be spent in one round for multiple Edges, either for different effects or in order to meet a needed requirement to gain another Edge.
  • More Skill Points
    Thanks to technology and improved education, characters in modern and futuristic settings have 15 skill points at character creation rather than 12. This helps them take Driving, Electronics, and other skills common in the modern world.

Allowed Arcane Backgrounds
(First Quarter of game, possibly not that long depending on story progression... the first 3 months, all AB skill rolls are at -2. Shorting, on page 150 of SWADE is allowed but will be super dangerous with the -2 in play!)
  • Gifted
    ARCANE SKILL: Focus (Spirit) „
    The character has innate abilities that don’t fit into the usual tropes of magic, miracles, or psionics. Their powers may be low-level super powers, divine gifts, or even alien abilities, and are often very unusual or unique for their setting.
    Hands Free: Gifted can use their powers while Bound (see Activation, page 150).
  • Magic
    ARCANE SKILL: Spellcasting (Smarts) „
    Magicians range from powerful wizards to vile cultists. They draw on raw supernatural energy to fuel their eldritch fires. This energy infuses the worlds in which they live, and is drawn forth with gestures, words of power, or ancient runes. Important note: While on/in, or within Spirit x2 of a Ley Line they do not suffer from the -2 mentioned above.
  • Miracles
    „ARCANE SKILL: Faith (Spirit) „
    Those who invoke miracles draw their power from a divine presence of some sort, including gods, nature, or spirits. Their powers are usually invoked with a few words of prayer or by performing established rituals.
    Those who cast miracles are champions of their particular religions. They typically have Hindrances that pertain to their service, such as Vow or Obligation. They might also have Connections to others of their religion who can help them out when their divine energies wane.
  • Psionics
    ARCANE SKILL: Psionics (Smarts) „
    Psionicists tap into their own mental energy to manipulate matter, read minds, and far more. Some are agents in the employ of a vast government agency, while others are often on the run from them! Some may have years of training or they might have developed their incredible powers in isolation.
    Hands Free: Psions can use their powers while Bound (see Activation, page 150).
  • Weird Science
    ARCANE SKILL: Weird Science (Smarts) „
    Weird Science is the creation of strange and powerful devices beyond the normal technological level of the setting. It might be possible due to super fuels, alien discoveries, or rare super-geniuses who constantly push the boundaries of science.
    Arcane Devices: Weird scientists auto- matically have the Artificer Edge, which allows them to create Arcane Devices (see page 45). Indeed, they must always use devices for their powers.
    Malfunction: Weird science devices don’t cause Fatigue when they suffer Backlash. They Malfunction instead (see page 153).

Dimensional Beings aka. D-Bee’s

Not every hero is human. With the coming of the Rifts many beings from across the Megaverse spill out of open portals and find themselves on Rifts Earth. As above, with super humans like Juicers, if you want to play a D-Bee present your concept to the GM. I think it might be a little hard to jump into the game and be a non human. You’d miss the opening, not have the comradeship the others experience of their world bursting into nightmares. Maybe play a average Jo or Jane and later switch to a D-Bee? If it appeals to you we can talk more.

- - -

The Golden Age is gone. Savage Rifts Chaos Earth. Survive or die as you experience the Coming of the Rifts.


Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:20 am
by Daniel

If I do the Arzno Mercenary Corps it would be SWADE also and set in 110 PA Rifts Earth.


Arzno is a city-state founded by mercenaries and adventurers. It is a thriving community nestled between the north rim of the Grand Canyon and the grand plateau beyond. It is a place where the magical art known as Techno-wizardry is common, and where daily life revolves around the activities of the thousands of mercenaries who live and work within the city. For the citizens of Arzno, the Grand Canyon provides a number of natural resources. There is the fresh water of the Colorado River, down below on the canyon floor, and the relative safety and seclusion of being located on the very lip of the canyon (on the north side). This means the yawning space of the Grand Canyon serves as a natural barrier against the dangers to the south, be they bandits, vampires or monsters. However, the greatest resource available to Arzno is easy access to the power of the ley lines that crisscross the entire length of the Grand Canyon. In addition, a few short ley lines run through the city itself. This has encouraged a growing community of Techno-Wizards to make their home in the heavily armed and fortified city-state.

Unlike most communities in Arizona, Arzno is of considerable size - a real burgeoning city - and the founding mercenaries and their families have always welcomed practitioners of magic. Thus, Techno-Wizards are a respected and productive part of Arzno society. It doesn't hurt that the Techno-Wizards also contribute magical creations to the defense of the city as well as do thriving business creating TW weapons, armor, vehicles and devices for sale to the mercenaries and visitors.

Player Characters in the AMC game would act similarly to the Legions SETs, only be based out of Arizona instead.

Characters would be Novice and can be from any of the Old or New Rifts books.


Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:50 am
by Daniel
An example Chaos Earth Post:

I would have occasional “Conflicted” OOC inserts as a mini game. See below......

Reign of Chaos GM Post

Conflicted is my mini game within our game. These will be questions that you can discuss with your family and friends. By answering the questions in a OOC somewhere at the start or end of your Player Characters Post you will earn ... things. Either, bennies, XP, or awards in character. If I really like your answer I might incorporate your character finding something cool etc.

Famous Prepper, Crazy Cade once asked the following question to his guest during one of his shows...
  • List five crimes punishable by death in a post apocalyptic world that do not carry that sentence in the world of today.
Reward: For a Bennie give us your response in OOC.

Alternative post... for 1 XP answer the following.

One of your friends has been shot in battle, and a field medic told you he would be paralyzed from the neck down for the rest of his life. This is a post apocalyptic world you are living in and your friend asks you to please have mercy on him and put him out of his misery. His wife and kids have already died and all he wants to do is be with them instead of living in a world as unforgiving as this. Would you have mercy on your friend and kill him or would you let him live? Why? .

As the sun sets behind dark clouds and the ash continued to settle the Player Characters get a sense of impending doom. A feeling. Make a Notice Roll.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:55 am
by Daniel
Your response might look like this...


For a Bennie here is my list...
  • 1. Asking, "Are we there yet?"
  • 2. Asking a Demon to dinner.
  • 3 ... 4... 5 ... ect

Bob runs across the roadway and gathers up the dropped ammo as he runs. He isn’t concerned with the demonic creatures racing after him. He might be. But. He hasn’t seen them.
grabbing the ammo Bob runs to the door where Tom is standing.


Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:38 pm
by Icosa
Off the cuff I have an idea for an ex-military type who lost an arm...perhaps a cybernetic replacement?

But I could totally do other things too if we need more down to earth concepts. :)

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:48 pm
by Daniel
Cybernetic and bionic are a yes. Nice concept.

I’ll set up a Hangout tonight.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:56 pm
by Ndreare
I know line walkers do not exist. But I love mages. I would like to be a young wizard with a lust for life.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:58 pm
by High Command
Chaos Earth had an interesting predecessor to the LLW called the Blue Zone Wizard (idiots who thought standing in the middle of the blue lines that bring demons would be a good harness the energy to use it for power) and the Chaos Wizards (Kid and teen wizards with spells like Cherry Bomb, Demon Strength, Debris Barrage, Agony, Call Lightning, Spoil and Sorcerous Fury. If nothing else the Rise of Magic book will be a fun read for any who like the rough and tumble version of magic for Chaos Earth.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:44 pm
by Pender Lumkiss
Dragon Juicer all the way. Either setting is fine, but hot damn Chaos earth sounds frackimg epic/tragic. Yeah so f9r chaos earth, Benny Gumbo owner of Freshly Juiced Dragon, trendy goloden age juice bar whose speciality is the cataclysmic cyclone: 2 dragon fruits, 1 beets, 6 plums, 8 Strawberries, cyanne pepper, and a hint of mint.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:48 pm
by Daniel
I have a Savaged Chaos Mage in my IRL game. Rob you could play one. Unstable magic etc. funny quite often.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:49 pm
by Daniel
Jon. I’m itching to do a Dragon Juicer too. I get it.

And you crack me up :)

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:53 pm
by Pender Lumkiss
Lars wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:49 pm Jon. I’m itching to do a Dragon Juicer too. I get it.

And you crack me up :)
Updated the concept based on requirements.

chaos earth, Benny Gumbo owner of Freshly Juiced Dragon, trendy goloden age juice bar whose speciality is the cataclysmic cyclone: 2 dragon fruits, 1 beets, 6 plums, 8 Strawberries, cyanne pepper, and a hint of mint.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 12:53 am
by Daniel
Thanks for the ideas and talking earlier Jon. I got the game figured out in my head now.

After a sleep I’ll get cracking on details...and post.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:25 pm
by Ndreare
Are chaos earth characters rifts level or more normal?

Skimming through the chaos Earth book do you not look as powerful as Rifts characters.
But it has been a long time since I played Palladium and my perception highly distorted

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:59 am
by Daniel
In a lot of ways CE characters are way more powerful than Rifts characters. They are widely genetically enhanced, have better technology and are schooled. They are the pinnacle of humanity you might say.

However they are not born into the world of Rifts and fight to survive from birth.

The arrival of magic and demons is new to them. Something they never thought could happen.

Going to PM you something.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:13 am
by Ndreare
Cool thanks. Also of note the book I have does not actually have magic PCs in it. So I am getting the one High Command mentioned today. (Assuming it will have magic in it)

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:03 am
by Sgt 86Delta
I would gladly play in either Arzno or Chaos Earth.

Chaos Earth first mostly because it is something different than Rifts.

Thanks for the interest post.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:38 am
by Icosa
I did a writeup for my character as a MARS Techno-Warrior using normal Rifts SWADE rules (as of latest update on May 3rd), with the adjustments you mentioned in the first Chaos Earth post there. Seemed to work out pretty well, though I imagine the gear might be different for pre-Rifts, and for a character who's no longer in the military.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:17 pm
by Daniel
Character creation will involve some hand waving.

I’m glad you mentioned gear. I will work on some gear tables.

VV kindly said he would get a CE area set up when he is able. I’ll post stuff there.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 1:47 pm
by Ndreare
I will keep an eye out on the dimensions for when the new one pops up.

Very interested in character creation changes. Because now I am thinking I may make my first PA pilot.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:32 pm
by Daniel
Updated Chaotic Dynamic Backlash:

Chaotic Dynamic Backlash
A Critical Failure on an arcane skill check results in Fatigue (described on page 150). That works well in traditional fantasy settings or worlds where magic is relatively common. If you feel magic should come with a higher price, however, use this table instead. Note that arcane devices Malfunction (page 153) and cause a roll on the Dynamic Backlash Table.

Otherwise, If a 1 or 2 is rolled on either skill or wild (so not crit, but a 1 or 2) you roll on the Chaos Magic Chart!
A Chart will be typed up based of CE Chaos Magic from PB.

More CE info, a preview:
OOC Comments
Surviving Chaos, the day the world ended.

The Great Cataclysm defies description. In the United States of America, the West Coast shattered with a succession of raging earthquakes that were off the scale. Cities fell in a matter of minutes, and minutes later, they were washed over by tidal waves as tall as mountains. The Rocky Mountain basin exploded in a fountain of steam, ash, rock, and lava that made Krakatau look like a firecracker. The mountains themselves also fell and then rose, as if by magic. Cities along the East Coast were consumed by storms that exceeded Category Nine. From the Texas panhandle to Ontario Canada, a thousand F-8 tornadoes (said to be impossible) ripped across Tornado Alley, taking two thirds of the Midwest with them. The skies tore open and bled swarms of demons and monsters.

Then things got really bad.

It's a miracle humans survived the Great Cataclysm at all. In a matter of scant hours, most of the world looked like Hiroshima after the bomb hit it. Only there were no rescue teams to offer aid. No government to promise help, no communications whatsoever. In the blink of an eye, the Earth went from the pinnacle of human accomplishment to mass destruction on a global scale.

December 22, 2098. Survivors refer to it as 12/22. Day one of Hell on Earth, the end of days, the Coming of the Rifts.

Our Reign of Chaos game starts on a December 8th, 2098, under the watchful glow of a full moon. Political unrest in South America, new Naval Advances and bio solar cells are the headliners in today's paper.

Northern Eagle Military Alliance forces deployed to South America!

US Navy officially unveils USS Ticonderoga, secret for three years now, the worlds first submersible aircraft carrier!

Bio solar cells, power your internal bio comps with invisible solar cells in your skin!

Life is life. Things are good. You live in the best of times with the best technologies and medicines. The majority of vehicles are electric or nuclear powered, old gas guzzlers are rare. Internal cell devises or incredibly powerful hand held devises are commonplace.

The branches of the US armed forces all exist but are smaller and less necessary. NEMA acts as a federal police and military force. Marvels such as the USA G-10 Chromium Guardsman (later known as Glitter Boys) and advanced mega weapons are as ordinary a thing as genetic alterations at birth to secure safe birth and longer life. On average a 40 year old looks 30 and will have a longer life, upwards of 160 years old.

Who are you in this world, this Golden Age of Humanity?

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:54 pm
by Daniel
Hangout conversation.

I’ll do my best to interact this weekend.

I’m repiping a water system today so might be slow on responses today.


Join the conversation on Hangouts:

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:13 am
by Ndreare
Lars wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:32 pm
Otherwise, If a 1 or 2 is rolled on either skill or wild (so not crit, but a 1 or 2) you roll on the Chaos Magic Chart! [/ooc]
Hum, this would make wild cards 33% less competent than Extras of the same mechanical skill level. I see having it linked to skill die of 1 or 2, but think you may not want to include the wild die.

Re: New Game? What to run?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:12 am
by Daniel
RFT wrote: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:13 am
Lars wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:32 pm
Otherwise, If a 1 or 2 is rolled on either skill or wild (so not crit, but a 1 or 2) you roll on the Chaos Magic Chart! [/ooc]
Hum, this would make wild cards 33% less competent than Extras of the same mechanical skill level. I see having it linked to skill die of 1 or 2, but think you may not want to include the wild die.

Right. Good point. Thank you. Agreed. How does this look? Is it too much, too little? Changes needed? Supposed to represent the fact that magic is new and not easy to control. Will apply to Psionics too (reskin as needed).

  • When a Player Character rolls a Critical Failure on an arcane skill check it results in Fatigue (described on page 150) and they must roll on the following table.
  • When a Player Character rolls a 1 on an arcane skill check it results in Fatigue (described on page 150) and they must roll on the following table.
  • Bennies may not be used for Critical Failures.
  • Bennies may be used to re-roll a 1 on skill check when not a Critical Failure.
Roll a 2D6 for effect:

Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

Fear: All Player Characters with in a Large Burst Template must make a Fear check (a Spirit roll as a free action).
Success means a character manages to overcome the situation and carry on. A failed Fear check means the unfortunate soul faces the consequences below, depending on whether the source of fear was grotesque or terrifying in nature:
1d6 = 1, 2 or 3 = NAUSEA: Effected are overwhelmed by nausea, as if the scene was grotesque or horrific, such as a grisly discovery or learning a secret “Man Was Not Meant to Know,” the character is Shaken and Fatigued. Critical Failure means the victim must roll on the Fear Table as well.
1d6 = 4, 5 or 6 = TERROR: Effected are overwhelmed by terror as if a terrifying trigger, such as a monstrous creature or unknowable evil, is much more intense. Extras are typically Panicked. Wild Cards must roll on the Fear Table (at +2 with a Critical Failure on the Fear check). Roll a d20 and add the monster’s Fear penalty, if any, to the roll (a −2 adds +2 to the roll, for example).

Stunned: The character is Stunned (see page 106). However even if the character recovers from being Stunned he remains Distracted for the remainder of the combat.
Stunned characters:
• Are Distracted (and remain so as long as they’re Stunned)
• Fall prone (or to their knees, GM’s call)
• Can’t move or take any actions
• Don’t count toward the Gang Up bonus
• Are subject to the Drop
Recovery: At the start of a Stunned character’s turn, he makes a Vigor roll. Success means he’s no longer Stunned but remains Distracted and is now Vulnerable (these fade at the end of his next turn). A raise on the Vigor roll removes all ill effects.

Refreshed (Stolen Power): After the spell is cast the Caster regenerates 1d6+2 Power Points. Any other spell caster within a Large Burst Template losses 1d6 Power Points.

Id Self (Mirror Self) Roll a 1d6 to determine if the "clone" of the Spell Caster is an ally or enemy (under GM control).
1d6 = 1, 2 or 3 = Ally.
1d6 = 4, 5 or 6 = Enemy (under GM control, might be an immediate hazard or used as a pretend ally).
The ally is a clone of the caster except: it’s an Extra; it has the same number of current Power Points as the caster after subtracting for this casting; it cannot use the summon ally power; its skills (but not attributes) are one die type less (minimum d4) than the original; it has identical mundane equipment, no magical qualities, the Extra disappears when killed, otherwise stays in this dimension; has the Construct and Fearless abilities.

Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

Distracted: The hero subtracts 2 from all Trait rolls until the end of his next turn.

Exhausted: Instead of just being Fatigued, the Player Character subtracts 2 from all Trait rolls. If he takes another level of Fatigue, he’s Incapacitated.

Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 2:09 pm
by Pender Lumkiss
Looks good.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:03 pm
by Ndreare
Looks good, I like it a lot more.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:24 pm
by Venatus Vinco
The Chaos Table is cool.

If you want to keep it SWADE you could check out the "Dynamic Backlash" setting rule in SWADE core.


Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:33 pm
by Ndreare
I do think there is value for the Dynamic Backlash table.

But if you keep this one, thinking for 6 the mechanic may be easier if you said...

6 The character is Stunned (see page XXX). However even if the character recovers from being Stunned he remains Distracted for the remainder of the combat.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:44 am
by Dr. Mario
I made Dr. Mario

He is an academic and professional here in the US on a Fulbright Scholarship while he finishes up his residency.


Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:00 pm
by Sgt 86Delta
Wesley "Stones" McAlister

Outside of equipment and contacts he is good to go.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 6:05 pm
by Daniel
Looks great!


Feel free to post characters in the above link.

Also, feel free to add a post to your character stating what equipment you think you would have.

I'll approve most things in this Golden Age world we live in. The end is a week away so things will change.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:06 pm
by Tribe of One
Man. If you end up with any free spots for this, let me know. I've got an idea for a disgraced scientist/tech bro that could be fun. Meelon Usk, maybe, or Stephen Nealson. Just got out of rehab in sunny California, wishing he hadn't been forced to sell off all his stock in the bio-solar cell company he founded, despondent that the hot NEMA liaison he was dating won't return his calls. But them's the breaks when you have a drug-induced meltdown and urinate on the carpet during a presser in the Oval Office.

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 4:47 pm
by Daniel


I spoke to Snake Eyes today. He said he was unable to play anything.

So. Add you in to mix!

Chaos Group

* Pender Lumkiss = Benny Flippin Gumbo
* Alecto = Juno Reyes
* VV = James Johnson
* SGT 86Delta = Wesley "Stones" McAlister
* RFT = Dr. Mario
* Corrigan =
* Freemage =
* Tribe of One =

Re: New Game? What to run? (( Chaos Earth it is))

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:53 am
by KahlessNestor
Bummer. Full. And I actually had an idea LOL Have fun!