Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
for Oscar
Enchanted Items & Mystic Gadgets table1d20 1d20: [17] = 17
1d20 1d20: [20] = 20
1d20 1d20: [19] = 19 The Evil That Men Do. You’ve been out there, fighting bandits, raiders, and the soldiers of
would-be warlords. Or, maybe you were such a person, robbing and hurting others until one
day the truth of who you’d become hit, and you decided to start a new journey
1d20 1d20: [2] = 2 The Siege of Tolkeen. The invasion and destruction of the magical state of Tolkeen by
Coalition forces in 109 PA reverberates throughout North America. You may have fought in
that war. Many Tolkeen refugees are now in or near Castle Refuge
: 4d6 × 100
4d6*100: [3, 5, 1, 2]*10 = 110
Universal Credits, and 2d4 × 500 credits
2d4*500: [1, 2]*50 = 150
10 EP for 3rd character
10 EP for 2 rolls on Mars table Strong and Powerful: Add one die to Strength and begin with the Brawny Edge.
10 EP for signature item
6 ep for 2 rolls on enchantment
1d20: [10] = 10
Your hero is in good shape with a Snare Gun at her side, see page 104.
1d20: [1] = 1
Made of a wood unknown to most of the world, your character’s elegant staff is a
powerful weapon and tool for magic work. The staff has 10 PPE (which regenerate
at the same rate as the caster’s), and grants +1 to all Spellcasting or Faith rolls.
Finally, it’s a combat-worthy staff (Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1, two-handed) that even
does Mega Damage if 2 PPE is channeled through it that round.
36 total divide by 50 % coupon = 18EP
Talisman of Marduk (Patron Item)
Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
Character Name
Jose Kerske Martinez
Rank: Novice
Advances Left: 3
Race: Human
Iconic Framework: Werecat
From Frame Work
Jose Kerske Martinez
Rank: Novice
Advances Left: 3
Race: Human
Iconic Framework: Werecat
- Agility d8
- Smarts d10
- Spirit d4
- Strength d12
- Vigor d8+2
- Athletics d6, +2 on Athletics checks to climb
- Common Knowledge d8, SM +2 dice
- Electronics d4, SM
- Fighting d8, +2 Improved Martial art,+1 when striking
- Intimidation d4, SP
- Language (American) d6, SM
- Language (Dragonese/Elven) d6, SM
- Language (Demongogian:) d6, SM
- Language (Spanish) d8, SM
- Language (Euro:) d6, SM
- Notice d4+2, SM
- Persuasion d4, SP
- Piloting d4, A
- Psionics d12, SM +2 dice
- Shooting d4, A
- Spellcasting d12, SM +2 dice
- Stealth d6, A
- Thievery d4 A
From Frame Work
- Enemy (Major, The CS and supernaturally evil creatures),
- Habit (Minor, Hunters’ Instinct),
- Heroic, Vow (Major, Monster Hunter)
- Curious, Minor
From Creation - Heroic Major Honor is very important to your character.
He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill
prisoners, and generally tries to operate
within his world’s particular notion of proper
gentlemanly or ladylike behavior - Cautious, Minor This planner personifies restraint
and carefulness. He never makes
rash decisions and likes to plot
things out in detail long before
any action is taken - Greedy (Minor) A miser measures worth in material
possessions or wealth. If a Minor Hindrance,
he argues bitterly for more than his fair share
of any loot or reward the party might come
across. As a Major Hindrance, he fights
over anything he considers unfair, and may
even kill for it if he feels slighted or covets
something he cannot have
- Iconic Framework Werecat
Benefits, table rolls, etc - Cats Land on Their Feet: All Werecats start with the Acrobat edge.
- Invulnerable: Attacks— even those causing Mega Damage —which don't use one of the Werecat's vulnerabilities can only Shake them. Wounds from magic, psionics, silver, and the natural attacks of a supernatural creature may only heal through natural healing or the use of the healing power.
- Keen Senses: Like all cats,Werecats are attuned to their surroundings. They benefit from a +2 to Notice rolls in cat and manmonster forms.
- Low Light Vision: Werecats in all forms ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
Man-Monster Form: Werecats' supernatural gift bestows two additional die types to Agility and Strength while in cat or half-cat/halfhuman form. Their racial maximum for Agility in human form is d12+2, rising to d12+4 in man-monster form. Their Strength has no maximum. - Natural Magic: Werecats begin with Arcane Background (Magic), a d4 Spellcasting skill, 10 PPE and three powers from the list above.
- Natural Psionics: Werecats begin with Arcane Background (Psionics), a d4 Psionics skill, 10 ISP and three powers from the list above
- Red in Tooth and Claw: In manmonster form, Werecats have claws and fangs doing Str+2d4 Mega Damage, and AP equal to Agility. The claws grant +2 on Athletics checks to climb, and they may Bite grappled opponents—see Natural Weapons in Savage Worlds.
- Regeneration: Werecats make a natural healing roll daily to recover Wounds, or Injuries once all Wounds are healed.
- Shape Change: As an action, a Werecat may assume her human, animal, or man-monster form; this costs no Power Points. Werecats retain the capacity for speech and can use psionic powers in all forms, and magic in human or man-monster form. The change to cat form confers the natural abilities inherent to that form—use the Cat, Small entry for ocelots and the Lion entry for jaguars and panthers (see Savage Worlds). While in cat form, the Werecat retains her Smarts, Spirit, Hindrances, Edges, and linked skills. She gains the cat’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills but cannot cast spells or use humanoid devices.
Drawbacks, etc - Arcane Duality: Werecats get the Arcane Background Edge twice for two different types of powers, but whenever they take a Power Edge, they must choose whether it applies to magic or psionics. Werecats can take the Power Points Edge twice per Rank but only gain PPE with one use of the Edge and ISP with the other
- Cyber Resistant: Can't use cyberware due to change shape and regenerate.
- Distinctive Appearance: Werecats in their non-human forms suffer −2 to Persuasion. They are misunderstood outside of the Yucatan. Reactions to known Werecats typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists.
- Enemies (Major): The CS and supernaturally evil creatures will react violently to known werecats, attacking on sight if they can win.
- Human Mutant: True werebeasts are part animal, part human, part monster. Their Race must be Human and they cannot choose another.
- Hunters’ Instinct: Werecats cannot resist the instinctual urge to engage in hunting or fighting regularly, gain the Habit (Minor) Hindrance.
- Monster Hunter: Werecats dedicate their lives to the elimination of vampires and supernatural evil, as the Vow (Major) Hindrance.
- Power Activators: Werecats must have their hands free (and have hands—no cat form) to perform gestures and have the power of speech to cast spells; if Entangled, Bound, silenced or otherwise muted they cannot activate magic powers.
- Racial Enemy: The old saying about cats and dogs is true. Werecats and werewolves are enemies, and suffer −2 on Persuasion checks with them.
- Weakness (Garlic and Wolf’s Bane): A Werecat must check Spirit when coming into contact with these herbs or become Shaken. Attacks against those wearing them are at −2 penalty.
- Weakness (Magic and Psionics): As a creature of magic, a Werecat can be affected by magic and psionics.
- Weakness (Silver): Werebeasts are vulnerable to silver. Were]cats suffer +4 damage from silver weapons.
- Weakness (Supernatural): Werecats can be hurt by the natural attacks of vampires, werebeasts, creatures of magic and other supernatural beings.
- Wild Beast: Their connection to nature makes Werecats uneasy in cities. When in a city for more than a day, they grow irritable and depressed suffering a −2 to all Trait rolls. They must check Spirit every day to remain calm; if they fail they must leave the city for the nearest natural habit.
- Example (-2): add if applicable
- Two Fisted, : If a character makes a Fighting attack with one action and another from a different hand in a later action, the second attack doesn’t inflict a Multi-Action penalty. The Off-Hand penalty still applies unless he’s Ambidextrous, however (page 104)
- Acrobat, : from Framework The Acrobat gets one free reroll on Athletics totals that involve balance, tumbling, or grappling. It doesn’t affect rolls to interrupt actions, climb, swim, or throw.
- Martial Artist : from Framework The fighter has trained in basic martial arts. Her fists and feet are weapons (see Natural Weapons, page 104) so she’s always considered armed. She adds +1 when striking with them and causes Strength+d4 damage. If she already has a Strength damage die from the Claws racial ability (page 18) or the Brawler Edge, increase the damage a die type. Martial Artist does not add to damage from other Natural Weapons such as fangs or horns.
- Werecat : from Framework
- Master of Magic : iTrue understanding of the ley lines, Rifts,
and eldritch flow of power through the
world grants the spellcaster exceptional
might and capability. The Master of Magic
gains access to the Mega Power Modifiers
for all known magic or miracles powers. - Brawler, :His fists hit like hammers or his talons cut like scythes. His body feels like it’s made of stone. Brawlers increase their Toughness by 1 and roll Strength +d4 when hitting with their fists or feet (or claws if they have them). If they already have a damage die from Claws (page 18), the Martial Artist Edge, etc., increase the damage die type by one instead. The Brawler Edge doesn’t make the character’s fists Natural Weapons (page 104).
- Bruiser, : The fighter increases his Toughness an additional +1, and the damage caused with his fists or claws another die type.
- Ambidextrous, : Your warrior is as deft with his left hand as he is with his right. He ignores the Off-Hand penalty (see page 104).
If holding a weapon in each hand, Ambidextrous characters may stack Parry bonuses (if any) from both weapons - Improved Martial Artist : From HJ training 4-5 Whether via formal training in a dedicated school, learning at the hands of a
master, or just surviving a dangerous world, your hero’s picked up some serious fighting skills. He’s got the Martial Artist Edge, or Improved Martial Artist, if he already had Martial Artist. : Seasoned, Martial Artist Increase the warrior’s Fighting bonus to +2 and her damage die an additional step - Iron Jaw: From Talisman of Marduk Iron Jaw edge The hero can shrug off even extreme blows.
He adds +2 to Soak rolls and Vigor rolls to
avoid Knockout Blows (see page 100). - linguist Edge : From Talisman of Marduk Linguist
This world-traveler has an ear for languages.
She begins play knowing half her Smarts die
type in different Language skills of her choice
at d6 (see the Language skill on page 31) - Brawny : From F&G Brawny Your bruiser is very large or very fit. Her Size
increases by +1 (and therefore Toughness by 1) and she treats her Strength as one die type higher when determining Encumbrance(page 67) and Minimum Strength to use armor, weapons, and equipment without a penalty (page 66).Brawny can’t increase a character’s Size above +3 - Arcane Background (Psionics) Unlike other Arcane Backgrounds, the
psionic powers available to minor, major, and
master psionics can be quite different; unless
otherwise specified (Iconic Framework,
Race entry, etc.), psionics have access to
the following powers (Rank permitting):
arcane protection*, bolt, boost Trait†, detect/
conceal arcana*, confusion, darksight*, disguise*,
divination, empathy, entangle, environmental
protection*, farsight*, fear, fly*, havoc, healing,
mind link, object reading, relief, telekinesis,
warrior’s gift*.
Powers marked with an asterisk (*) have
the reduced Power Points cost from the
Range (Self) limitation, while those marked
with a dagger (†) have both the Range (Self)
and Aspect limitation - Arcane Background (Magic): When putting together a particular style
of magic, the Game Master and players
should focus on common Trappings and use
the Ley Line Walker’s spell list as a starting
point. They have access to almost all spell
types commonly known to mortals and gain
access to Mega Power Modifiers by taking
the Master of Magic Edge - Free Runner: Your character practices “parkour” or is just
very skilled at running, jumping, swinging,
scampering up walls, and over obstacles.
As long as there are obstacles she can bound
on, bounce off, or swing on, she moves at her
full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot.
She also adds +2 to her Athletics rolls when
climbing and in foot - ADEPT: Upon taking this Edge, for each of his current Ranks and at each new Rank, the adept may choose one power
to become an Innate Ability with the Range (self) limitation. The adept must already have the power to begin with—
chosen normally from his power list. The following powers may be upgraded to Innate Abilities this way: arcane protection, boost Trait, deflection, healing, protection, smite, speed, and warrior's gift. All other aspects of the character's Arcane Background and powers remain the same. - Sample:
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:53 pm, edited 17 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
If applicable
Arcane Background: Magic
boost/lower Trait, disguise, healing, invisibility, light/darkness, relief, and speak language.
PPE/ISP: 10 - Recovery: 1/hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes
Trapped Power Name Boost/lower Trait,Boost/Lower Trait(innate)
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 (boost); Instant (lower) Trappings:
Physical change, glowing aura, potions. This power allows a character to increase or decrease a target’s Trait (attribute or skill). Boosting an ally’s Trait increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise. Lowering an enemy’s Trait has a Duration of Instant and lowers the selected attribute or skill a die type with success, or two with a raise (to a minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action at the end of his following turns. Success improves the effect one die type, and a raise removes the effect entirely. Additional castings don’t stack on a single Trait (take the highest), but may affect different Traits.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
STRONG (+1): Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to shake off the effect is made at −2
Trapped Power Name disguise, (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Disguise Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10 minutes
Trappings: Malleable features, illusionary appearance, hair of new form. Disguise allows the target to assume the appearance of another person of the same Size and shape, including clothing. It does not confer any abilities, however. Those who have reason to question the imposter’s identity make a Notice roll at −2 to see through the disguise (−4 with a raise on the casting roll). This is a free action.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
SIZE (+1): The recipient may assume the shape of someone up to two Sizes larger or smaller than themselves
Trapped Power Name invisibility (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Powder, potion, iridescent lights. With a success, the character and his personal items are transparent except for a vague blur or outline. Any action taken against him that requires sight is made at −4, or −6 with a raise. The same penalty applies to Notice rolls to detect the unseen presence.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+3): The power may affect more than one target for 3 additional Power Points each
Powers (post background as a reply to character sheet)
Arcane Background: Psionics
arcane protection, detect/conceal arcana, empathy, mind link, and mind reading.
PPE/ISP: 10 - Recovery: 1/hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes
Trapped Power Name Arcane Protection (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Arcane Protection
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Concentration, a dull glow around the protected character, a fetish. Success with arcane protection means hostile powers suffer a −2 penalty (−4 with a raise) to affect this character. If the power causes harm, damage is also reduced a like amount. Arcane protection stacks with Arcane Resistance should the recipient have both!
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each
Trapped Power Name Mind Reading (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Mind Reading
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Psionic invasion, soulsight. Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one truthful answer from the subject. The target is aware of the mental intrusion unless the mind reader gets a raise. The GM may apply modifiers based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or current state of mind
Trapped Power Name Mind Link(PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Mind Link
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 30 minutes
Trappings: Headpieces, talismans of Tao or other gods, crystals. Mind link creates a telepathic connection between two individuals (which does not necessarily have to include the caster). The link accommodates only willing subjects and communication—thoughts that aren’t consciously transmitted aren’t relayed. Once activated, the Range between all linked minds is one mile, or five with a raise. If any of the linked characters suffers a Wound, all others must make a Smarts roll or be Shaken (this cannot cause a Wound). The speed of communication is that of normal speech, but with a raise members may communicate up to 30 seconds or so of speech on a single combat turn.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect additional individuals for 1 additional Power Point each.
If applicable
Arcane Background: Magic
boost/lower Trait, disguise, healing, invisibility, light/darkness, relief, and speak language.
PPE/ISP: 10 - Recovery: 1/hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes
Trapped Power Name Boost/lower Trait,Boost/Lower Trait(innate)
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 (boost); Instant (lower) Trappings:
Physical change, glowing aura, potions. This power allows a character to increase or decrease a target’s Trait (attribute or skill). Boosting an ally’s Trait increases the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise. Lowering an enemy’s Trait has a Duration of Instant and lowers the selected attribute or skill a die type with success, or two with a raise (to a minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action at the end of his following turns. Success improves the effect one die type, and a raise removes the effect entirely. Additional castings don’t stack on a single Trait (take the highest), but may affect different Traits.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
STRONG (+1): Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to shake off the effect is made at −2
Trapped Power Name disguise, (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Disguise Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10 minutes
Trappings: Malleable features, illusionary appearance, hair of new form. Disguise allows the target to assume the appearance of another person of the same Size and shape, including clothing. It does not confer any abilities, however. Those who have reason to question the imposter’s identity make a Notice roll at −2 to see through the disguise (−4 with a raise on the casting roll). This is a free action.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each.
SIZE (+1): The recipient may assume the shape of someone up to two Sizes larger or smaller than themselves
Trapped Power Name invisibility (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Powder, potion, iridescent lights. With a success, the character and his personal items are transparent except for a vague blur or outline. Any action taken against him that requires sight is made at −4, or −6 with a raise. The same penalty applies to Notice rolls to detect the unseen presence.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+3): The power may affect more than one target for 3 additional Power Points each
Powers (post background as a reply to character sheet)
Arcane Background: Psionics
arcane protection, detect/conceal arcana, empathy, mind link, and mind reading.
PPE/ISP: 10 - Recovery: 1/hour/30 minutes/15 minutes/5 minutes
Trapped Power Name Arcane Protection (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Arcane Protection
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Trappings: Concentration, a dull glow around the protected character, a fetish. Success with arcane protection means hostile powers suffer a −2 penalty (−4 with a raise) to affect this character. If the power causes harm, damage is also reduced a like amount. Arcane protection stacks with Arcane Resistance should the recipient have both!
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each
Trapped Power Name Mind Reading (PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Mind Reading
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Psionic invasion, soulsight. Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one truthful answer from the subject. The target is aware of the mental intrusion unless the mind reader gets a raise. The GM may apply modifiers based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or current state of mind
Trapped Power Name Mind Link(PPE/ISP Cost) [Power Rank]
Mind Link
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: 30 minutes
Trappings: Headpieces, talismans of Tao or other gods, crystals. Mind link creates a telepathic connection between two individuals (which does not necessarily have to include the caster). The link accommodates only willing subjects and communication—thoughts that aren’t consciously transmitted aren’t relayed. Once activated, the Range between all linked minds is one mile, or five with a raise. If any of the linked characters suffers a Wound, all others must make a Smarts roll or be Shaken (this cannot cause a Wound). The speed of communication is that of normal speech, but with a raise members may communicate up to 30 seconds or so of speech on a single combat turn.
MODIFIERS ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect additional individuals for 1 additional Power Point each.
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
Combat Mage Heavy EBA (TW)
Notes: While powered increase Strength two dice and ignore Min Str, farsight and darksight.
• Armor: +6 Toughness: +3
• Weight: 36 lbs (Min Str: d6)
• Notes: While powered increase Strength two dice and ignore Min Str, farsight and darksight.
• Rarity: -4; Cost: 250,000
Bandito Arms Branaghan Special Armored Overcoat (Rifts Patron Item)
• +2 Armor and +1 Toughness
• This protection can stack with other non-MDC body armor (but not MDC armor, they have no effect)without an increase to the Strength Minimum required to wear the base armor, unlike other armored coats and cloaks. It is usually worn over such armor.
• No Minimum Strength Requirement (5 lbs.)
• Pocket: Lock Picks
• Pocket: E-clips
• Pocket: E-clips
• Pocket: MDC Handcuffs
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
Utility Belt
• Armor: +4 Toughness: +1
• Weight: 13 lbs (Min Str: d4)
• Notes: Basic Communications (radio range five miles), air filtration systems, and five hours of emergency air
• Rarity: +1; Cost: 18,000
Standard Adventurer Gear Package
NG-S2 Survival Pack (20 lb)
Combat Mage Heavy EBA (TW)
Notes: While powered increase Strength two dice and ignore Min Str, farsight and darksight.
• Armor: +6 Toughness: +3
• Weight: 36 lbs (Min Str: d6)
• Notes: While powered increase Strength two dice and ignore Min Str, farsight and darksight.
• Rarity: -4; Cost: 250,000
Bandito Arms Branaghan Special Armored Overcoat (Rifts Patron Item)
• +2 Armor and +1 Toughness
• This protection can stack with other non-MDC body armor (but not MDC armor, they have no effect)without an increase to the Strength Minimum required to wear the base armor, unlike other armored coats and cloaks. It is usually worn over such armor.
• No Minimum Strength Requirement (5 lbs.)
• Pocket: Lock Picks
• Pocket: E-clips
• Pocket: E-clips
• Pocket: MDC Handcuffs
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
• Pocket:
Utility Belt
- scabbard: Short sword
scabbard: Drain Blade
Holster for Wilks
Utility Belt: Survival rolls do not take
a penalty for being attempted without
basic tools (3 lb., 2,500 credits).
• First aid kit (+1 Healing roll, 1 use).
• Canteen (half gallon).
• Communicator (5-mile range).
• Compass/inertial mapper.
• Flint & steel, whetstone, multi-tool.
• Flashlight/signal light (two modes,
LED, and IR).
• Magazine/E-Clip storage slots (4).
• Meal Ready to Eat (1 use, can sustain
a normal human for one day).
• Survival knife (Str+d4
• Armor: +4 Toughness: +1
• Weight: 13 lbs (Min Str: d4)
• Notes: Basic Communications (radio range five miles), air filtration systems, and five hours of emergency air
• Rarity: +1; Cost: 18,000
Standard Adventurer Gear Package
NG-S2 Survival Pack (20 lb)
- • Climbing kit with cord, pitons, and hammer; +1 Athletics (climbing).
• Compass/inertial mapper with a mirrored back for signaling; +1 Survival (navigation).
• Emergency Kit with a survival knife, signal flares, and one week of sealed minimal rations.
• Fire starter kit with pocket lighter and flint sparker.
• First aid kit with three uses (each refill costs 100 credits).
• Flashlight and radio (five-mile range), crank and solar powered.
• Hunting/fishing kit +1 to Survival checks to gather food via fishing and trapping small game.
• Sanitation kit with water filter, canteen, mess kit, soap and sterile cloth.
• Two-person tent, insulated with a water collector, providing +2 versus cold or heat environmental Hazards. Paired with an insulated sleeping bag.
• Survival Knife
• Wooden Cross
• Mallet and wooden stakes
• 1 set extra clothes
HTH Weapons
Silver-plated Short Sword
[image]- •
- •Damage: (Str+d6). AP: 8
• Weight:4 lbs. (Min Str: d4)
• Rarity: +0 Cost: 00,000
[image]- • Dmg: Str+d8 AP: 8
• Weight:4 lbs. (Min Str: d4)
• A magic item; +2 PP for +2 damage and on successful hits target rolls Spirit vs the
attack roll to resist both lower Trait (Vigor) and sloth; lasts 5 rounds.
• Rarity: -4 Cost: 3 million
- •Damage: (Str+d8+2). AP: 10
• Weight: 2 lbs. (Min Str: d4)
Note: s: Costs 1 PP; blade has the sunlight Trapping. Looks like a sword hilt with a large
focusing crystal embedded in it until activated (a free action; otherwise a Light Improvised
• Special Weapon can cast spells speed and blind
• Rarity: -2 cost, 90,000
Foldable Staff- • Dmg: Str+d6
• Weight: 6 lbs. (Min Str: d6
• Note: Made of a wood unknown to most of the world, your character’s elegant staff is a
powerful weapon and tool for magic work. The staff has 10 PPE (which regenerate
at the same rate as the caster’s), and grants +1 to all Spellcasting or Faith rolls.
Finally, it’s a combat-worthy staff (Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1, two-handed) that even
does Mega Damage if 2 PPE is channeled through it that round.
• Rarity: -1
Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol
- • Range: 15/30/60
• Dmg: 3d6, AP: 3
• ROF: 1
• Shots: 20
• Weight: 4 lbs. (Min Str: d4)
• Notes: +2 Shooting (+1 from Weapon Balance, +1 for being a Wilks)
• Rarity: +1 Cost: 11,000
Snare Gun
• Range: 8/16/32
• Dmg: entangle
• ROF: 1
• Shots: 2
• Weight: 3 lbs. (Min Str: d4)
• Notes: Notes: Per the entangle power with Strong, using Shooting roll. A short, double-barreled
flare gun; can still fire standard flares
• Rarity: -3 Cost: 45,000
Talisman of Marduk (Patron Item) (SWADE)
These unassuming talismans look like pieces of ancient currency made into jewelry. The trick to them is that embedded in the core of these ancient bronze coins are a chip of stone. This stone chip is from the mythical Tablet of Destiny, gifted to the high priests of Marduk in the times of Babylon. These talismans have been passed down from high priests to high priest, eventually coming into the hands of great leaders over the centuries. Anyone who comes into contact with one of these talismans is likely destined to become a great leader.
Godly Health: Even with the merest fraction of power from the Tablets of Destiny the talisman enhances the health of it's wearer.
• Gain +1 to Toughness and the Iron Jaw edge. If the hero has this edge, instead increase it's bonus by 1.
Magical Resistance: The Talisman protects it's wearer from harmful magical effects.
• The wearer acts as if he had 1 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane powers, and adds +1 to his Trait rolls when resisting opposed powers. Even friendly arcane powers must subtract this modifier to affect the resistant hero. This stacks with Arcane Resistance, Arcane Protection, and other such abilities.
Voice of Kings: The wearer is able to speak any language even if only for a brief while.
• The character gets the use of the Linguist edge.
Sight of Destiny: The wearer is able to peer into the depths of time and space to view events as they happen.
• The wearer gains the Object Read power while using this talisman. The medallion has a base of 10 P.P.E. and regains 1 PPE per hour. They do not gain access to Mega Modifiers.
Two E-clips or magazines for each weapon
4d6 × 100 Universal Credits, and 2d4 × 500 credits worth of gear or valuables
11000 1500 - • Range: 15/30/60
- • Dmg: Str+d6
- •Damage: (Str+d6). AP: 8
- •
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:55 pm, edited 18 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
Hero’s Journey
Hero’s Journey
- Hero’s JourneyTable
(17): she has three additional skill points to spend
at character creation, but they may only be spent on Smarts-based skills.
Hero’s JourneyTable
(20): Martial Warrior, if he
already had Martial Artist.
Master of Magic
Advances- Initial Advances:
Brawlers increase their Toughness by 1 and roll Strength +d4 when hitting with their fists or feet (or claws if they have them). If they
already have a damage die from Claws (page - Edge(s) granted by Racial Features: Acrobat Were Panther
Martial Artist
Arcane Magic
Arcane Psionic - Edges(s) from EP F&G
Smart and Learned: Your hero adds one die type to Smarts and two die types to any
three Smarts-linked skills.
: Strong and Powerful: Add one die to Strength and begin with the Brawny Edge. - Edges(s) from Patron Item Marduc
Godly Health: Even with the merest fraction of power from the Tablets of Destiny the talisman enhances the health of it's wearer.
• Gain +1 to Toughness and the Iron Jaw edge. If the hero has this edge, instead increase it's bonus by 1.
Magical Resistance: The Talisman protects it's wearer from harmful magical effects.
• The wearer acts as if he had 1 points of Armor when hit by damage-causing arcane powers, and adds +1 to his Trait rolls when resisting opposed powers. Even friendly arcane powers must subtract this modifier to affect the resistant hero. This stacks with Arcane Resistance, Arcane Protection, and other such abilities.
Voice of Kings: The wearer is able to speak any language even if only for a brief while.
• The character gets the use of the Linguist edge.
Sight of Destiny: The wearer is able to peer into the depths of time and space to view events as they happen.
• The wearer gains the Object Read power while using this talisman. The medallion has a base of 10 P.P.E. and regains 1 PPE per hour. They do not gain access to Mega Modifiers. - Novice 1 Advance Two Fisted
- Novice 2 Advance: Free Runner
- Novice 3 Advance: ADEPT
- Seasoned 1 Advance:
- Seasoned 2 Advance:
- Seasoned 3 Advance:
- Seasoned 4 Advance:
- Veteran 1 Advance:
- Veteran 2 Advance:
- Veteran 3 Advance:
- Veteran 4 Advance:
- Heroic 1 Advance:
- Heroic 2 Advance:
- Heroic 3 Advance:
- Heroic 4 Advance:
- Legendary 1 Advance:
- Legendary 2 Advance:
- Legendary 3 Advance:
- Legendary 4 Advance:
- Initial Advances:
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:59 pm, edited 8 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
For a young Were Cat, Jose, has traveled a bit with his parents. They stayed in the city of cats. in South America, and it was there he had his schooling and Training. Later he went back home in Colorado. The mountains to start his life. when the war between Tolking and the CS broke out .
Jose would help guard the refuges from both sides he escort them to the castle and that is where the castle learned of him and tried to get him to stay , but Jose is a free spirit and was not tempted by their advances in the beginning, He loved the Outdoors and he would be no ones House Cat!
Evented sounded so Good, usually a call came from the Owl, and she asked him to join them. It seems the 1st was needing some one with his abilities to join the first.
Well from the beginning Jose stood fir he really could car lees, and he kept thinking She's a bird, no stop thinking of grabbing her, she is the future boss here. Concentrate on what she is saying. Jose tried his best to concentrate as visions of the hunt went through his mind.
Oh, the Owl is tricky, she knew all the right buttons to push. She mention going to Russia and the big open areas filled with Demon and Devils and other such horrible creatures. and how the people suffered there. and how one could pick up all sorts of wealth.
Jose remembered reading about this area from the city of cats. He knew it was cold, and desolate there. Boar might be good. he wonder how it might taste Then he said "Yes", maybe to the taste of the boar, but he said it out loud and those there started congratulating him on being part of the 1st SET.
He was befuddled, he wasn't going to join but all the distractions hunting, Food fighting , demons . and getting wealth and everything they mention. just wore him down. They would arrange transportation for him to get him there.
After he leaves from another door in walks Jose's Mother Maria, the Owl motions to a table where tea is set up. and they both set down. Maria looks at the Owl and says, "Thank you."
The Owl looks back and says, "No thank you you were right about what would get him to join us."
Maria continues after she sips the tea., "Yes he need to get out of here the CS doesn't like him being around the mountains and they are sending in a death squad to hunt him down. If I told him this he would try to show how good he is."
The Owl puts her cup down and says, "We already asked the Native Americans to watch over the CS, and they said that they would make their mission look like ta Host of plagues will be coming down on their heads."
Maria smiles, "Thank you again, do you know of a good woman for Jose? May be he will find one in Russia?"
They both laugh. Then the Owl added, "I might have him carry some gear to the 1st SET."
For a young Were Cat, Jose, has traveled a bit with his parents. They stayed in the city of cats. in South America, and it was there he had his schooling and Training. Later he went back home in Colorado. The mountains to start his life. when the war between Tolking and the CS broke out .
Jose would help guard the refuges from both sides he escort them to the castle and that is where the castle learned of him and tried to get him to stay , but Jose is a free spirit and was not tempted by their advances in the beginning, He loved the Outdoors and he would be no ones House Cat!
Evented sounded so Good, usually a call came from the Owl, and she asked him to join them. It seems the 1st was needing some one with his abilities to join the first.
Well from the beginning Jose stood fir he really could car lees, and he kept thinking She's a bird, no stop thinking of grabbing her, she is the future boss here. Concentrate on what she is saying. Jose tried his best to concentrate as visions of the hunt went through his mind.
Oh, the Owl is tricky, she knew all the right buttons to push. She mention going to Russia and the big open areas filled with Demon and Devils and other such horrible creatures. and how the people suffered there. and how one could pick up all sorts of wealth.
Jose remembered reading about this area from the city of cats. He knew it was cold, and desolate there. Boar might be good. he wonder how it might taste Then he said "Yes", maybe to the taste of the boar, but he said it out loud and those there started congratulating him on being part of the 1st SET.
He was befuddled, he wasn't going to join but all the distractions hunting, Food fighting , demons . and getting wealth and everything they mention. just wore him down. They would arrange transportation for him to get him there.
After he leaves from another door in walks Jose's Mother Maria, the Owl motions to a table where tea is set up. and they both set down. Maria looks at the Owl and says, "Thank you."
The Owl looks back and says, "No thank you you were right about what would get him to join us."
Maria continues after she sips the tea., "Yes he need to get out of here the CS doesn't like him being around the mountains and they are sending in a death squad to hunt him down. If I told him this he would try to show how good he is."
The Owl puts her cup down and says, "We already asked the Native Americans to watch over the CS, and they said that they would make their mission look like ta Host of plagues will be coming down on their heads."
Maria smiles, "Thank you again, do you know of a good woman for Jose? May be he will find one in Russia?"
They both laugh. Then the Owl added, "I might have him carry some gear to the 1st SET."
Last edited by Jose Kerske on Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Jose Kerske
- Posts: 81
- Joined: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:21 pm
- Location: San Antonio, TX
Re: Jose Kerske Martinez, Werecat
this is from
Jose Kerske
Novice Male Human, Werecat
Iconic Framework: Werecat
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Language (American) d6, Language (Linguist #3) d6, Language (Linguist #4) d6, Language (Spanish) d8, Notice d4+2, Persuasion d4, Piloting d4, Psionics d8, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 16 (6)
Hindrances: Cautious, Curious, Enemy (major, The CS and supernaturally evil creatures), Greedy (minor), Habit (minor, Hunters’ Instinct), Heroic, Vow (major, Monster Hunter:)
Edges: Acrobat, Ambidextrous, Brawler, Bruiser, Martial Artist, Master of Magic, Werepanther
Armor: Armored Duster (Armor 2), Plastic-Man Light EBA (Armor 4)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, +1 to Hit), Bite/Claws (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d10, +1 to Hit, M.D.C.), Draining Blade (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, AP 8), Silver Sword, Short (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6), Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, ROF 1, AP 2), Wooden Stakes (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Gear: Lock Pick Release Gun, MDC Handcuffs, NG-S2 Survival Pack, Wooden Cross
Languages: American (d6), Linguist #3 (d6), Linguist #4 (d6), Spanish (native, d8)
Current Wealth: 9,950
Arcane Background: Magic (Rifts® TLPG)
Novice Advances
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field ManualSetting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Multiple Languages, Rifts® M.D.C., Super StrengthValidity: Character appears valid and optimal
Created with
Jose Kerske
Novice Male Human, Werecat
Iconic Framework: Werecat
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Language (American) d6, Language (Linguist #3) d6, Language (Linguist #4) d6, Language (Spanish) d8, Notice d4+2, Persuasion d4, Piloting d4, Psionics d8, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 16 (6)
Hindrances: Cautious, Curious, Enemy (major, The CS and supernaturally evil creatures), Greedy (minor), Habit (minor, Hunters’ Instinct), Heroic, Vow (major, Monster Hunter:)
Edges: Acrobat, Ambidextrous, Brawler, Bruiser, Martial Artist, Master of Magic, Werepanther
Armor: Armored Duster (Armor 2), Plastic-Man Light EBA (Armor 4)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, +1 to Hit), Bite/Claws (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d10, +1 to Hit, M.D.C.), Draining Blade (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, AP 8), Silver Sword, Short (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6), Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Wilk’s 320 Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, ROF 1, AP 2), Wooden Stakes (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Gear: Lock Pick Release Gun, MDC Handcuffs, NG-S2 Survival Pack, Wooden Cross
Languages: American (d6), Linguist #3 (d6), Linguist #4 (d6), Spanish (native, d8)
Current Wealth: 9,950
Arcane Background: Magic (Rifts® TLPG)
- PPE: 10
- Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Innate Power; Limitations: Touch (limited)), Disguise (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: Touch (limited)), Invisibility (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164)
- I.S.P.: 10
- Powers: Arcane Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p148), Mind Link (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164-165), Mind Reading (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p165)
- Magic: Power Points: 10; Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Innate Power; Limitations: Touch (limited)), Disguise (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: Touch (limited)), Invisibility (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164)
- Power Activators: Magic users must be able to gesture and speak to cast spells.
- Psionics: Power Points: 10; Powers: Arcane Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p148), Mind Link (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164-165), Mind Reading (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p165)
- Cats Land on Their Feet: All Werecats start with the Acrobat edge.
- Invulnerable: Only magic, psionics, silver, and supernatural attacks can harm them and those wounds may only be healed through natural healing or the healing power.
- Keen Senses: +2 Notice in cat and man-monster forms. Already added in, less by 2 in Human form.
- Low Light Vision: Werecats in all forms ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
- Man-Monster Form: +2d to Agility and Strength in cat or man-monster form. Already added, less by 2d in Human form.
- Natural Magic: Werecats begin with
Arcane Background (Magic), a d4 Spellcasting skill, 10 PPE and three powers from their list. - Natural Psionic: Werecats begin with Arcane Background (Psionics), a d4 Psionics skill, 10 ISP and three powers from their list.
- Red in Tooth and Claw: In man-monster form gains +2 Athletics checks to climb and has natural weapons.
- Regeneration: Natural healing roll daily to recover Wounds, or Injuries once all Wounds are healed.
- Shape Chage: As an action, assume human, cat, or man-monster form. Retain speech and psionics in all forms, magic in human or man-monster form. In cat form, use the animal Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills but cannot cast spells or use humanoid devices.
- Werecat Breed: Three native types of werecat exist. Each grants an additional racial ability and complication.
- Arcane Duality: Can take Power Points Edge twice per rank, but only gain PPE with one and ISP with the other.
- Cyber Resistant:
- Distinctive Appearance: In non-human form -2 to Persuasion, Reactions start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists.
- Enemies (Major): Attacked on sight by supernaturally evil creatures and the CS.
- Human Mutant: Can only be a human
- Hunters' Instinct: Instinctual urge to hunt or fight regularly.
- Monster Hunter: Dedicated to eliminating vampires and supernatural evil.
- Racial Enemy: Werewolves are enemies; -2 Persuasion checks with them.
- Weakness (Garlic and Wolf's Bane): Spirit check when contacting or become Shaken. -2 penalty to attack those wearing them.
- Weakness (Silver): Suffer +4 damage from silver weapons.
- Weakness (Supernatural): Can be hurt by the natural attacks of supernatural beings.
- Wild Beast: When in a city for more than a day, suffer -2 to all Trait rolls. Spirit check daily or leave the city.
- Weakness (Magic and Psionics): Can be affected by magic and psionics.
Novice Advances
- Edge: Ambidextrous
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field ManualSetting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Multiple Languages, Rifts® M.D.C., Super StrengthValidity: Character appears valid and optimal
Created with