Instead of awarding 1-3 XP plus a benny (plus EP) for player participation, would it be acceptable to change to this format?
1.0-1.49 post rate = Success! Receive one Advance and 1 EP
1.5 - 1.99 post rate = Success with a raise! Receive one Advance, one Benny for the quarter, and 2 EP
2.00+ post rate = Success with two raises! Receive one Advance, a bonus Benny for the quarter, a <Fancy Name for New "Benny">, and 3 EP.
The new "benny" would be something in line with Conviction from SWADE page 136.
I suggest the following for this special "Benny":Conviction wrote:Conviction can be spent to add a d6 to a final Trait or damage total. This die can Ace, and its result is added to the final total.
Conviction tokens aren’t Bennies and can’t be used as such. They are kept between sessions, but a player can never have more than one at a time.
1) You can only ever have one of these "Bennies" per character. They do carry across quarters, but if one of your characters earns a second one before spending one already gained, the new one is not awarded to that character.
2) They cannot be purchased through EP. These are solely a reward and a pat on the back for player contribution!
3) They can add 1d6 to any trait or damage total.
4) They can be used to reduce the effects of a critical failure to a standard failure.
5) Elan and similar edges do not apply to this "Benny" because, as with Conviction, it's not actually a Benny.