One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

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One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by High Command »

I am running a one shot adventure set near Baton Rouge for Savage Rifts. The venue will be Roll20. No experience with Savage Rifts or Savage Worlds is necessary, though it is advised. 5/6 Spots claimed.
1. @Pursuit Jade Rodriguez, Rift Runner (Muscle/Specialist)
2. @Lars Cole (Talker/Driver)
3. @Venatus Vinco Speed Damon (Phaeton Juicer; Driver/Muscle)
4. @Icosa Casper (Talker/Specialist)
5. Aaron B Destiny, Convoy Guard and Former Commando Muscle/Talker
6. Muscle/Specialist

Characters should be starting level (Novice 1 or Seasoned 1 for MARS); no dragons, power armor, or robot vehicles. Races should generally be able to exist in a Coalition Controlled area. D-bees are okay, but they should be able to conceal their presence at a distance at least (a helmet or hood or hat and sunglasses). Elves and Quick Flex are fine, Cactus People and Grackletooths are too dramatic. Vehicles will be provided to the group. They will be unarmed. Gear should be subtle and civilian in nature. No exoskeletons, etc. This is an Oceans 11 style heist, not a Grand Theft Auto smash and grab. For Hero's Journey, you may roll and then pick the table it applies to. For MARS, you may put together a table of 8 choices and then roll, but the table must predate the roll. Use the Supporting Cast forum to build your character. Starting Wealth is random rolled using the VTT Die rolling channel or the site's built in roller, as are Hero's Journey rolls.

Need 2 drivers (but more backups are better) and someone who can handle social challenges and networking. This will feature dramatic tasks and chases heavily, but can also include social conflict and networking, plus a bit of combat if things go poorly. Pregens will be available. (and will be posted later). Time will be Sunday the 28th of November, at 7 PM CST (8 EST, 5 PST). Run time is planned for about 3 to 4 hours - erring closer to 3. I will provide some setting information in this post later. If I don't get at least 4 players by Wednesday, November 24th, I will reschedule.

The Hook
You’ve been approached by a member of the Torres Family (the largest smuggling operation in all of Arkansas and the biggest Black Market employer in El Dorado) operating in Greenville or Baton Rouge for a sophisticated Heist in order to steal a major diamond from a high roller. They have the core bits of the heist set up, but they need a couple of drivers, some muscle, and someone good enough to talk their way into and possibly out of the parking garage of the Mississippi Star. The timing has to be perfect. You can’t be seen going in before 7pm on the date of the transfer, but have to be in place by no later than 7:15 pm. There is a security check of the cars at 7PM, so being seen in the parking area at that time will be problematic. There are two cars already parked and both will be needed. There are two operatives coming out with identical satchels. Get them both to the rendezvous points and then go to ground.

The Mississippi Star Casino and Brothel
Up the river about ten miles north of Naval Station Baton Rouge and it's civilian city, a collection of ramshackle buildings have grown up around the only authorized building and its large dock, a casino called the Mississippi Star. The buildings are shops and houses which serve the staff and customers of the casino and brothel, serving everything from food to drugs to weapons and ammo, though all of it within I.S.S. regulations, despite them being out of town by a good bit. The reason is simple, this is where the troops love to come to blow off steam in ways that are technically illegal in town. Got a d-bee fetish? There’s a girl that will have you. Want some psi-cola? A hostess can provide for the right price! Want to gamble way above the limit? Provided you show the funds to back it, they will let you have the game. The I.S.S. keeps trying to get agents in, but they keep being found out and ejected, but never killed unless they overstep. Run by an El Occulto Madame that traveled to Baton Rouge from Pinnacle, the casino/brothel is relatively new, and operates as an open secret. While the things it offers are technically illegal, it also turns over the worst of its offenders to the I.S.S. as well as its rivals. In placating the I.S.S. by being both a boon and a bane, they ride the line that allows them to continue operating. They get a lot of civilian trader traffic, including many pirates. Often no limit games are convoluted ways of parties paying for one thing or another. Entire ships or their cargos have changed hands over games of poker or blackjack.

Named after the red-tail hawk, this is a small off road sports sedan that is popular among individuals and racers alike. Built with relatively high clearance and a wide stance, it can cover distance quickly and corner like a cat. All advertisements for the vehicle show it cornering and sliding around turns in a dramatic fashion. It is the single most common vehicle in the Rally category of the King of Road Races competition. It actually compares favorably (except for the power system) with Northern Gun’s Ermine Reconnaissance Vehicle, and is often used by security forces in that capacity. The ISS also uses them, though they upgrade their armor protection considerably, and add military level sensors.
Size: 4 (Large)
Handling: +1
Top Speed: 160
Toughness: 18 (4) 1+3 15–300K
Crew: 1+4
Mods: 3
Credits: 22,000
Notes: Off Road (treat as 4WD); Range: 400 miles
  • Four-Wheel Drive (4WD): Treat each inch of Difficult Ground as 1.5″ instead of 2″.

Pregens Available:
Lucky Lou Lemans, Gambler, Gun Slinger, and man with the gift of gab
Roxy, the Dog Girl Fix-All, Break-All Wondergirl

Camden, 35 miles north of El Dorado, is the home of the Torres Family, the cartel who dominate smuggling in Arkansas and is the regional fourth black market power behind the Chicago Network, El Occulto, and Bandito Arms. Ironically it controls more of the trade and smuggling in the area, but rarely directly sells anything. Instead it acts as a middle man between the other three. The stores are almost all run by the other cartels, leaving them to shoulder the biggest risk, while the Torres focus on moving the various products to market - often on the most patrolled and maintained roads in Arkansas. The territory between the southern edge of CS Missouri and the Coalition bases along the Gulf of Mexico, called the Arkansas Corridor by Black Market operators, is the most heavily trafficked smuggling route in North America. The Torres family, as the dominant smuggling group in the region, has become wealthy and powerful thanks to the traffic. Cornelius “Tripp” Torres III, head of the Torres Family, controls every administrative function of Camden, from choosing who gets to live within the walls, who gets to be the Mayor, and who is part of the garrison.

The Torres Family has been a thorn in the side of Fort El Dorado leadership for decades. Despite numerous attempts to root out corruption in Camden, El Dorado has never had any success even denting their operation. Attempts to infiltrate the Torres Family’s organization always fail and, due to the careful political wrangling of Trip Torres, strict actions against the town are politically infeasible. For the last two decades, Fort El Dorado abandoned challenging the smugglers directly instead focusing on containing the corruption to Camden.
briefing page 1.jpg
briefing page 2.jpg
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Scalawag »

Hmmm, might be possible. My wife would not like me staying up that late, but at least I do not work the next day. Would need a different character, but I could do that,
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by High Command »

Yeah, you'd need a different character since the site gives a free advance by default. But you can use to put a character together easily. The scenario lends itself to MARS, but honestly any character can make it work if you try. Its outside city limits, but the place is subjected to heavy surveillance by the ISS so Magic Users and such want to draw a low profile.
Tales of the 17th SOG
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Casca »

I would like to play. I have a little Deadlands and Tour of Darkness playtime. Still pretty new though.
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by High Command »

absolutely. Post a link to your character here. We're going to tap the player list out at 6 players to make things easier for me. I'll reserve your space once you've either claimed a pregen or presented your own.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Pursuit »

I’m claiming Jade

(GM edit :P)
Curse of the Crimson Throne GM Bennies: 6/6

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Venatus Vinco
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Venatus Vinco »

1. Smart & Learned
2. Spiritual and Determined
3. Shiny & Chrome
4. Gregarious & Resourceful
5. 2 HJ Rolls
6. Vigorous & Tough
7. Wealth & Connected
8. Live Die and Live Again
Didn't have a signature but wanted the 1 EP for using OOC tags!
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Pursuit »

We got us a @Venatus Vinco!
Curse of the Crimson Throne GM Bennies: 6/6

Lost Colony GM Bennies: 7/6

Dark Frontier GM Bennies: 6/6
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by High Command »

Scalawag wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 7:55 pm Hmmm, might be possible. My wife would not like me staying up that late, but at least I do not work the next day. Would need a different character, but I could do that,
@Scalawag and @Casca are you still interested? Do you want to build your own or use one of the pregens?
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Daniel »

I’m in. I’d like to play Cole thank you.
Agents of Titan Robotics Industries (AoT)
The Agents (Players)
• Jim - Sparkmort Zipwidget: Male Tinker Gnome Power Armor Ace
• Derrick - Caiden: Male Human, Momano Headhunter
• Steve (Hans) - Berk: Male Simvan Psi-Druid Monster Tamer/Rider
• Murp - Rupetta Martin: Female Human MARS Merc Soldier (X-CS)
• Freemage - Lance: Male Dog Boy Techno-Warrior (Cyber[netic] Knight)
• CSC - Ozy “Oz”: Dragon

My Accounts:
  • Daniel - Admin/GM of AoT
  • Jackal - IC (Neural Intelligence) - 7th SET
  • Vi - Space Pirate - Stars Without Numbers
  • Henry Grimes - CS Commando - Rumble in the Jungle

Not Active
  • Hondo - Wild Psi Stalker
  • Burn - Mega Juicer - Juicer Uprising (On Hold)
  • Blackfish - Ogre Combat Mage - 12th SET (On Hold)
  • Setrakian - Dragon Juicer - FoM Jungles (Retired)

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  • Lord Coake - NPC
  • Valentine - NPC
  • Erin Tarn - NPC
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Re: One Shot for 11/28/21: The Great Mississippi Star Heist

Post by Icosa »

Okay, making a character. Psi-Ghost Intel Operative, with social grifting, stealth and thievery.

Casper's sheet

Generation stuff
Custom Fortune and Glory table:

1. Smart & Learned
2. Spiritual and Determined
3. Agile and Dexterous
4. Gregarious & Resourceful
5. A Strong Suit of Armor
6. Vigorous & Tough
7. Wealth & Connected
8. Up Close and Personal

F&G rolls 1d8 1d8: [7]+[6] = 13
Hero's Journey 1d20 1d20: [14]+[10] = 24
OOC Comments
Bennies: 4/4 Red Bennies: 1
Toughness: 21 (9 armor), Parry 9
Notice: 1d8 (+2 visual)

Character Name: Alecto
Rank: Seasoned Experience: 45 Advances Left: 0
Race: Android
Iconic Framework: MARS Techno Warrior
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10 (d12+2), Vigor d8
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6 (8); Parry: 6 (9); Toughness: 11 (+2 in armor, and +7 armor)

Race Package:
Adaptable (2)
Construct (8)

Outsider (-1) (Applies when true robotic nature is revealed)
Distinctive (Concealable; a Wound reveals) (-1)
Restricted Path (No ISP/PPE) (-2)
Wanted (Major) (-2) (CS, Federation would destroy immediately; also mysterious creating faction hasn't forgotten her)
Dependency (Power) (-2)

Skills: 15 (5 fight/shoot/throw)
Shooting 1d10
Fighting 1d8 (1d12+2)
Investigation 1d6
Persuasion 1d6
Stealth 1d8
Streetwise 1d8
Notice 1d8

Clueless (Major - Is rebuilding knowledge of the world after having suffered near-total memory loss)
Stubborn (Minor - Has great confidence in ability to calculate outcomes; tends to reject counterarguments)
Cautious (Minor - Always wants to plan for every contingency; cover every angle)

Adaptable: Attractive
Brawny (+1 Toughness, 8x Str carrying)
Brave (+2 vs fear)
Ambidextrous (ignore offhand penalty)
Rich (5000creds at start, 2 rolls on gear tables)
Filthy Rich (20,000 at start, 3 more rolls)
Quick Draw (draw weapon as free action, +2 to Agility to fast-draw)
Two-Fisted (ignore multi-action penalty for using off hand)
Level-headed (draw two initiative cards and use best)
Sweep (Make single Fighting attack and apply to all adjacent targets at -2)
Rock and Roll (Ignore recoil penalties on full-auto shots)
Strong Willed (+2 to Taunt and Intimidate; +2 on Tests of Wills)
Elan (+2 on rolls resulting from using a Benny)
Improved Sweep (Fighting attacks made with Sweep suffer no penalty)

Upgrades (Cybernetics): (Max Strain: 12)
Core Electronics (1)
* Interface jack: +4 Repair or Common knowledge for linked equipment, 20 mile radio
Optics Package (1)
* +2 sight Notice, IR/Nightsight, 50x distance/20x macro, +2 vs blinding, record images
Reinforced Frame 2 (2)
* +4 Toughness
Enhanced Vigor 1 (1)
* +1d Vigor
Cyber-Wired Reflexes 1 (1)
* +1d Agility
Wired Chip Port (1)
* 4d skill chip (Fighting)
Targeting Eye (1)
* +2 Shooting on calibrated weapons
Nano-Repair System (2)
* Heal 1 Wound/day, +4 vs Bleeding Out
Built in Weaponry (1)
* 1 Vibroblade (purchased: 13,500)

Wilk's 237 Laser Pistol (2d6+1, AP4, RoF 1, 16eclip, 15/30/60, semiauto)
JA-11 Laser Rifle (3d6 laser or 3d6+1 ion, AP2, RoF 1, 60eclip, 30/60/120, can do MD for 10x shot power +snapfire, reduces range penalties by 2)
Vibro-Sword (Str+1d10 MD)
NG-E4 Plasma Ejector (3d10 MD, no AP, RoF 1, 12eclip, 24/48/96, snapfire, affects least-armored location, can ignite)
NE-85 Personal Rail Gun
Range: 70/140/280
Damage: 2d10+4
RoF: 3
AP: 4
Shots: 20
Weight: 60 lbs
Cost: 75,000
Notes: Mega Damage, no Snapfire penalty. Shots listed are number of full bursts.
SFD Huntsman Armor (+3 armor mod)

The Fury - Signature Item
Exoskeleton Body Armor
+2 toughness, +9 armor
Pace +2
Str 1d12+2
Full environment
Loudspeaker, 10 mile radio, laser rangefinder, nightvision
Min str d8
96 hours operation on full charge

NG-S2 Survival Pack
2 person tent, +20% water supplies
Sleeping bag
Flashlight w/knife; solar
Inertial compass (+2 to Survival to navigate)
Short range (5 mile) radio
First aid kit (+1 to healing; 3 uses)
Hunting/Fishing kit (+1 to Survival to forage)
Three ‘saw wires’
Fire starter
Survival Knife, hatchet, wooden cross
4 signal flares
Climbing kit w/30 rope
Soap and washcloth
2 weeks rations
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