Scions of Order & Chaos

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Savage Siri
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Scions of Order & Chaos

Post by Ndreare »

Ndreare wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:53 am The forces of Primordial Chaos have been awakened. The power flowing from the rifts into the megaverse drawing them like moths to a flame.

For eons the young gods have protected the earth. The great pantheons of earth moving as they could. But now the awakened primordial beings attack as soon as they sense the gods manifesting on earth.

Now forced to use their agents, and children, the pantheons of earth come together in fragile factions. Moving to sever the links the Primordials have formed with Rifts Earth, they work to allow their parents and masters back into the world.

The Primordial Alliance, if it could truly be called an alliance, includes elder gods of ancient Egypt, titans, and other forces of nature, previously held in slumber due to the waning power. However as they awaken and their power begins to touch the earth the signs are obvious for those who know to look.

The Celestial Accord includes many prominent and some unknown members of the younger religions. Greeks, Norse, Chinese, and others. Working to reduce the influence of the Primordials and their minions in any way they can.

Setting Rules Changes
  • Divine Nature: These Godlings and Dragons have been selected as divine champions. They are considered Legendary at creation, and Heroic throughout advancement and even when activating powers that are controlled by rank such as summon ally.
  • Elementalist: The elementalist edge does not provide access to fairies. However it allows the character to replace any summoned creatures Construct trait with the Elemental trait at no cost change.
  • Fanatics: As per SWADE
  • High Adventure: Adding high adventure. This rule can also be used to gain access to a Power for a single activation.
  • Favored Son/Daughter: As a reward for building your character to the restrictive themes of the game. Characters whose powers fit within a single special effect/domain of powers gain a free Iconic Edge of Novice or Seasoned rank.
  • Supernatural Strength: By Fiat Character with strength over d12 can inflict mega damage when using melee weapons (some weapons can be destroyed by this excess force). Characters with strength over d12+2 can inflict mega damage with their empty hands.
Character creation:
  • Make a Demi-God from Land of a Thousand Islands (or other character who is a loyal agent of the Celestial forces).
  • Though your gifted powers do not need to match your Patrons theme. They must fit within a theme and share a single special effect/trapping.
  • Add Obligation (major) to your Patron. You gain no additional benefit from this Hindrance.
    Take maximum wealth and select your Hero’s Journey results.
  • Do not purchase a signature item. When your character is finalized an item of power will be awarded as a gift from your Patron.
  • After character creation add one site advance making your character Novice 1. Dragon hatchlings may also take their hindrances at this time and spend them.
  • The following Iconic Frameworks are not appropriate for this game. Elemental Fusionist, Glitter Boy, Intelligent Construct (technology based) or M.A.R.S. Itis important that we are low skill, and high power for this game.
Questions & Answers
  • Can Demigods select a race? Published Ancestries/Races with 8 net positive traits or less should be good to go.
  • Can I be a demigod from the Jewish/Christian/Muslim religions? No.
  • May I trade or sell starting gear? You may sell starting gear for 50% value. I will entertain in kind trades if you help me with book references.

Major Alliances for the setting.
OOC Comments
The Celestial Accord
  • Members: Olympians (Greek), Aesir (Norse), and Celestials (Chinese).
  • Motive: Maintain the balance of power and uphold the ancient pacts.
The Primordials
  • Members: Titans (Greek pre-Olympians), Jotnar (Norse giants), Elder Gods (Egyptian) and the Great Old Ones.
  • Motive: Having to long tolerated the younger gods now see an opertunity to overthrow the current gods and return the megaverse to primordial chaos.
  • Plot: They are awakening ancient beings and causing natural disasters to destabilize the realms.
The Enlightened Paths
  • Members: Devas (Hindu), Kami (Shinto), and Netjer (Egyptian).
  • Motive: Spread wisdom, enlightenment, and maintain cosmic order.
  • Plot: They are looking for demigods to become avatars and messengers of their teachings.
The Underworld Coalition
  • Members: Hades' followers (Greek), Hel's domain (Norse), and Duat dwellers (Egyptian).
  • Motive: Increase their influence over the mortal realm by spreading their dominion.
  • Plot: They manipulate demigods to open gateways between the mortal realm and the underworlds.
Minor Alliances for the setting
OOC Comments
The Elemental Conclave
  • Members: Storm gods like Zeus (Greek) and Thor (Norse), alongside sun deities like Ra (Egyptian) and Amaterasu (Shinto).
  • Motive: Control the fundamental forces of nature, keeping them in balance or using them to wage war.
The Mystics’ Union
  • Members: Magic deities like Isis, Thoth (Egyptian), Odin (Norse), and Athena (Greek).
  • Motive: Hoard mystical knowledge and magic for their own purposes or for the greater good.
The Artisans’ Guild:
  • Members: Craft and fire gods like Hephaestus (Greek), Ptah (Egyptian), and the Dwarves of Svartalfheim (Norse).
  • Motive: Forge legendary weapons and artifacts that can tip the balance of power.
The Circles of Life and Death:
  • Members: Life and fertility gods like Demeter (Greek) and Freya (Norse), paired with death deities like Anubis (Egyptian) and Yama (Hindu).
  • Motive: Maintain the cycle of life and death, rebirth, and the passage of souls.

Planned Start Date = Early January
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Savage Siri
Posts: 4447
Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:55 pm
Location: Skagit County, Washington

Re: Scions of Order & Chaos

Post by Ndreare »

  1. @Stoic = Coyote (0 active games)
  2. @High Command = Sipak, Divine Claw of Pakhet (1 active games)
  3. @MJH = TBD (1 active games)
  4. @Imperator = Antipas Komnenos, Champion of Nemesis (2 active games)
  5. @Tribe of One = @Vik reborn (1 active game)
  6. @Snake Eyes = Svanthal Keiv-Thorson, Second Son of Lightning and Thunder (0 active games)
  7. @Merlaggon
  8. New Players?
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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