Sipak, Godling, Scion, and Divine Claw of Pakhet (Pakhet the Night Huntress and Ripper of the Wadi, Pakhet the Destroyer of the Venomous, Pakhet the Stormbringer)
Novice Male Godling
Iconic Framework: DemiGod Background
Pakhet is called a lioness, but is actually a caracal headed goddess, known for hunting venomous monsters and those bringing plague. She protects families and children. She is known for her Piercing Eyes that see into the darkest places to find the enemies of humanity, and her Piercing Claws that strike quickly at the venomous and plaguebearers. She protects children and families, as long as they maintain a small home shrine to her.
Pakhet has several scions, but none more frustrating and useful as Sipak (Son of the Claw).
Sipak is a bit of a lazy git. He is specifically suited to fighting assassins and venomous creatures. He is a healer, but only when he must. He is aggressive, acrobatic, and prefers to act from ambush. But like all cat-beings he is motivated by the things he finds pleasurable, from food to alcohol and beyond.
But Pakhet relies on him as the extension of her own claws. He lacks the specialized eyes her other offspring has, but his claws are sharp and well practiced. He can investigate, and has the natural curiosity to match, but he is famously lazy unless there is great need. Thankfully the curiosity his mother plagues him with keeps him quite active, much to his chagrin.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10 (d12+1 in armor), Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Healing d6, Language (Dragonese/ Elven) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6+1, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Survival d6, Thievery d6 Pace: 8; Running Die: d8; Parry: 6 (8 w/ Pakhet’s Ripper Claws[); Toughness: 25 (8) (in Armor and Cloaked)/ Toughness 13 (unarmored) Strain: 8/8 Hindrances: Curious ("What in the Duat is that?"), Heroic ("Sit tight, I'll save you!"), Loyal (No way I'm leaving someone as interesting as you behind!"), Overconfident ("Would you stop complaining? I got this!), Quirk (Hedonistic and Lazy; "Unless and until something catches my eye, I'll be right here. I could use a drink and some food. What? Yes I know I don't NEED to. but I WANT to!"), Obligation (Major; to Pakhet, Bast, Sekhmet, and the other Gods of Light among the Egyptian pantheons; "Yes mother, Yes
Ancient Egyptian for Aunt or Uncle - no gender difference
Sekhmet, I will do the task with haste.) Edges: Attractive, Brawler, Bruiser, Martial Artist Armor: Armored Cloak (Armor 2, Toughness 1), Combat Mage Heavy EBA (TW) (Armor 6, Toughness 3) Weapons:
Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, Notes: +1 to Hit)
Claws (Range Melee, Damage Str+d8, Notes: +1 to Hit, +2 to Athletics (climbing))
Bite (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, Notes: +1 to Hit)
NG-56 Light Ion Pistol (Range 10/20/40, Damage 1-3d8, ROF 1, Shots 12/12, Notes: Widespread: +2 to shooting, damage reduces by range band)
Claws of Pakhet (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d10, AP 8, Notes: +1 to Hit, +2 Parry; Non-lethal at no penalty, +4 damage for Non-Lethal Attacks, +2 to Athletics (climbing)
This basic survival kit is packed with ultralight gear essential to anyone roaming the vast wilderness and ruins of Rifts Earth. (20 lb, 3000 credits)
Climbing kit with cord, pitons, and hammer; +1 Athletics (climbing).
Compass/inertial mapper with a mirrored back for signaling; +1 Survival (navigation).
Emergency Kit with a survival knife, signal flares, and one week of sealed minimal rations.
Fire starter kit with pocket lighter and flint sparker.
First aid kit with three uses (each refill costs 100 credits).
Flashlight and radio (five-mile range), crank and solar powered.
Hunting/fishing kit +1 to Survival checks to gather food via fishing and trapping small game.
Sanitation kit with water filter, canteen, mess kit, soap and sterile cloth.
Two-person tent, insulated with a water collector, providing +2 versus cold or heat environmental Hazards. Paired with an insulated sleeping bag.
Ammunition: 2x Pistol E-Clip, 7 mags of Normal Bullets for 1911, 1 mag of Silver Bullets for 1911
Combat Mage Armor's Nightvision (Darksight; TW option from Armor)
Rank: Novice Power Points: 1 Range: Smarts Duration: One hour Trappings: Faceplate darkens but also has a blacklight/ultraviolet type of glow.
Darksight allows a hero to see in the dark. With success, he ignores up to 4 points of illumination penalties. With a raise, he ignores up to six points and can see in pitch darkness.
Pakhet's First Gift of Sight (Detect Arcana; Innate) Rank: Novice Power Points: 1 with a +1 to the roll Range: Self Only Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal) Trappings: His eyes shine as if reflecting moonlight
Detect arcana allows the recipient of the power to see and detect all supernatural persons, objects, or effects in sight for five rounds. This includes invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, and so on. With a raise, the caster knows the type of enchantment as well. When used on a supernatural creature, the caster learns its active powers and arcane abilities. With a raise, he knows Weaknesses common to that creature type. This doesn’t reveal Weaknesses of unique individuals, if any. Those must usually be discovered through research or trial and error (or a raise with Greater Detect Arcana).
Invisible Creatures: Detect arcana also allows a character to ignore up to 4 points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by magical darkness, invisibility, or similar abilities (or all penalties with a raise). MODIFIERS
COSMIC ALIGNMENT SENSE (+1): The caster can sense the presence and exact location of supernatural good or evil within range. Detect arcana activated with Cosmic Alignment Sense no longer requires line of sight to locate these creatures.
IDENTIFY (+1): The caster can identify a magic item’s powers and how they work. Success reveals its powers and how they work, but only a raise reveals any cursed powers.
GREATER DETECT ARCANA (+2): Detect arcana is greatly enhanced, giving it expanded analytical effects. With a successful Arcane Skill check on a particular magical effect or supernatural entity or phenomena, the caster can learn the following:
Active powers and arcane abilities.
Type of supernatural creature
(vampire, werewolf, dragon, etc.).
Enchantments present on an item.
The PPE or ISP possessed by a target.
Other information the GM allows.
When used on a supernatural creature, a raise on the Arcane Skill check reveals any susceptibilities, Weaknesses, and ways to bypass Invulnerability.
PRESENCE SENSE (+1): The caster is able to sense the presence and exact location of living beings within range like a radar; detect arcana activated with Presence Sense no longer requires line of sight to locate living beings.
Combat Mage Armor's Eagle-sight (Farsight; TW option from Armor)
Rank: Seasoned Power Points: 2 Range: Smarts Duration: 5 Trappings: Faceplate darkens but also has a blacklight/ultraviolet type of glow.
Farsight allows the recipient to see in detail over great distances. He can read lips or read fine print up to a mile distant. With a raise, he also halves Range penalties for Shooting, Athletics (throwing), or other abilities affected by Range.
Cat Mother's Succor (Relief)
Rank: Novice Power Points: 1 Range: Smarts Duration: Instant/One Hour Trappings: After a short prayer to one of the protective feline headed goddesses, he either eats a "bug or snake" (purely a magical manifestation) causing the ailment. For Create food/water, he finds the items in a container (that might have been empty) or hiding nearby (but wrapped to keep the environment from getting on it). The food is always precisely what the recipient is craving and/or will enjoy the most.
Select one of the options listed below:
Recover: The caster removes one of the following negative conditions: Shaken, Distracted, or Vulnerable. A raise on the arcane skill roll removes two conditions. If affecting more than one target (via the Additional Recipients modifier), the caster may choose which condition(s) to remove for each ally.
Relief can’t remove negative conditions caused by ongoing effects (Bound or Entangled, Stunned, etc.) unless the source of the effect is removed.
Numb: Reduces the recipient’s total penalties from Wounds and Fatigue by one with success, or two with a raise. An Exhausted (−2) hero with three Wounds (−3), for example, reduces her total −5 penalty to −4 with success, and −3 with a raise. This effect lasts one hour. It doesn’t remove the Wounds or the Fatigue, it just allows the recipient to ignore the penalties. If the target would be Incapacitated by Wounds or Fatigue, she’s still Incapacitated as usual.
The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Cannot be combined with any Mega Modifier.
STUNNED (+1): If using the Recover option, the caster may also affect the Stunned condition. This completely removes the effects of being Stunned.
AREA EFFECT (+2/+3): For +2 Power Points relief affects all allies within a Medium Blast Template centered on the caster (or a Large Blast Template for +3)
(Varies): Instead of the usual effects, every 1 Power Point creates enough food and water to sustain a Size 0 humanoid for one day. The nourishing food is permanent (doesn’t disappear after you eat it), though it decays and is inedible after 24 hours if not consumed. The water is just like clean rainwater and does not spoil.
Blessing of Pakhet (Speed) or Curse of Sekhmet (Sloth)
Rank: Seasoned Power Points: 2 Range: Smarts Duration: Instant (sloth); 5 (speed) Trappings: A short prayer in Ancient Egyptian and a seeming burst of natural speed or a divine curse that slows a target.
Sloth lessens celerity and coordination. It halves the target’s total movement each round (round up). With a raise, movement is also an action. The target automatically attempts to shake off the effects of sloth at the end of each of his next turns by making a Spirit roll.
AREA OF EFFECT (+2/+3): Sloth only. For +2 points the power affects everyone in a Medium Blast Template. For +3 points the area of effect is increased to a Large Blast Template.
STRONG (+1): Sloth only. The Spirit roll to shake off sloth’s effects is made at −2.
Speed increase celerity and coordination. Success with speed doubles the target’s movement (basic Pace and running). With a raise the character also ignores the −2 running penalty.
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): Speed only. The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Cannot be combined with
any Mega Modifier.
QUICKNESS (+2): Speed only. The character’s total Multi-Action penalty each turn is reduced by 2 (she can do two actions at no penalty or three
at −2 each).
GREATER SLOTH (+2): Sloth only. The target cannot run. With a raise their Pace is reduced by 2.
GREATER SPEED (+2): Speed only. The recipient ignores the effect of Difficult Terrain and triples jumping distances (horizontal and vertical). On
a raise, don’t roll their Run die; they automatically gain the maximum die result possible when running. Additional Recipients may be utilized with this power. It affects more than one target for 2 additional Power Points each.
Pakhet's Divine Claw Blessing (Smite)
Rank: Novice Power Points: 2 Range: Smarts Duration: 5 Trappings: After a short prayer to all three feline goddesses (Pakhet, Sekhmet, and Bastet), a translucent claw or cat's Paw seems to be imprinted on the weapon or natural weapon and the weapon seems to become silver or laced with silver. It cannot be removed until the end of the power's duration, but it is purely cosmetic. The damage is silver in nature.
This power is cast on a weapon of some sort. If it’s a ranged weapon, it affects one entire magazine, 20 bolts, shells, or arrows, or one full “load” of ammunition (the GM determines the exact quantity for unusual weapons). While the power is in effect, the weapon’s damage is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise.
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Cannot be combined with any Mega Modifier.
GREATER SMITE (+2): The weapon’s damage is increased by +4, or +6 with a raise—it also deals Mega Damage, if it didn’t already. Additional Recipients may be utilized with this power. It affects more than one target for 2 additional Power Points each.
Divine Understanding (Speak Language)
Rank: Novice Power Points: 1 Range: Smarts Duration: 10 minutes Trappings: Taps into the understanding of the universal divine language which allows all languages to be deciphered.
This power allows a character to speak, read, and write a sapient language other than his own. A raise on the arcane skill roll allows the user to appropriately use and understand slang and dialect as well.
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1): The power may affect more than one target for 1 additional Power Point each. Cannot be combined with any
Mega Modifier
GREATER SPEAK LANGUAGE (+2): The recipient can speak, read, and write all sapient languages at once.
MASS UNDERSTANDING (+5): The caster causes characters within Smarts ×2 of him to understand one another, regardless of language.
Special Abilities
Languages Known: Ancient Egyptian, Dragonese/Elven (native, d8)
Arcane Background (Gifted): Demigods start with Arcane Background (Gifted), speak language and two other powers chosen from the list above, two die types in the Focus skill, and 15 PP. Unlike mere mortal Gifted folks, Demigods can use their PP to power Techno-Wizardry devices.
Expanded Awareness: Demigods have the detect arcana power as an Innate Ability with reduced PP cost from the Aspect, Personal, and Range Limitations. They may also sense supernatural beings within line of sight with a Notice check.
Low-Light Vision: Demigods ignore Dim/Dark Illumination penalties, but not Pitch Black.
Nigh-Perfect Being: Demigods start with the Attractive Edge, one extra die type in Agility, Smarts, and Spirit, and two extra die types in Strength and Vigor, but start with just 3 points to increase their attributes instead of the usual 5. Their maximum attribute limit is d12+2, except for Strength which has no limit.
Rugged: Demigods can thrive in the worst environments. They gain a free reroll on Vigor checks to resist or survive environmental hazards (see Hazards in Savage Worlds).
Slow Regeneration: Demigods make a natural healing roll every day. Permanent injuries may be recovered once all Wounds are healed; treat each injury as a Wound for this purpose.
Supernatural Being: Demigods are supernatural creatures, gain +4 Toughness, and ignore the effects of Gritty Damage.
They radiate a supernatural aura and abilities affecting such targets affect them, and vice versa.
Unaging: Demigods are effectively immortal, with life spans averaging 400 centuries. They gain +2 on Academics rolls involving history or spirituality.
Divine Heritage - Gift: The Claws of Pakhet: These magical vambraces enhance and grow Sipak’s natural claws so he can better act as Pakhet’s champion. It can also sheath those same claws and provide a mother’s closed paw to discipline wrong-doers - Ignore the penalty to Fighting checks for making Non-Lethal attacks, and add +4 to Non-Lethal Damage rolls.
Damage: Str+2d4 MD, AP 8, Notes: +2 Parry, Counts as Claws. Magic Item (not technology).
Divine Heritage - Bite/Claws: Sipak has claws and teeth dealing Str+d4 damage. Also Gain the Smite Power.
Divine Heritage - Fast Leaper: The character can jump twice as far as listed under Movement, page 92. In addition, he adds +4 to damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of the usual +2 (unless in a closed or confined space where he cannot leap horizontally or vertically — GM’s call). Also Increase Pace to 8 with a run of d8.
A God Am I: Demigods are set above humanity and know it. Choose one of these Major Hindrances for no extra
benefit to represent how they deal with it: Overconfident (“I can keep you safe”) .
Chip Off the Old Block: A god is a being of belief and holy fervor; as such, a Demigod is at least a partial reflection of that belief. Heroic (“I must help you”)
Quirk (Divine Form): Demigods believe their body is a temple. They eschew physical modification and distrust doctors, biologists, surgery, and bloodwork. At best, manipulation of the Demigod’s unique biology could have unintended negative effects or their physiological data could fall into enemy hands. At worst, some surgeons would secretly experiment on or even dissect the being. This is why, despite not suffering explicit penalties from Cybernetics or Bio-Wizardry, such implants are rare among Demigods.
Enemies: Rival gods from other pantheons and orders (or even within the same one!) send agents against the Demigod. Meanwhile, everyone from the Coalition’s RCSG to the Federation of Magic to the Splugorth would love to get their hands on such a unique being .
Godling: Rather than being a half-mortal child of a god, the hero is a fully divine being—either a very minor deity or an independent avatar of a greater one. A godling doesn’t pick a race. They are immune to most “mere mortal” concerns: disease, poison, starvation, suffocation, thirst, and the need for sleep. However, even beneficial drugs don’t affect them and they cannot have cybernetics of any kind. They are truly unaging and thus cannot take the Elderly or Young Hindrances.
Pace: 8+d8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 25 (8) (Combat Mage Armor and Armored Cloak)
Weapon in hand: The Claws of Pakhet or Rod of The River or NG-56 Light Ion Pisto or .45 Automatic Pistol
Rod of The River (Pakhet)
This rod allows a godling of Pakhet to inhabit a sliver of her true power over the river. Channeling the river allows the character to create and manipuate water to some small degree. However the main strength of the staff is the ability to become one with the river.
Channel the River: The character may use Elemental Manipulation of Water at will (without rolling to activate the power; see below) through the rod. The base cost is reduced to 0. The character may use non-mega modifiers by paying the cost from their own power points.
Mace: The rod can be used as a heavy mace inflicting Str+d6. If the users Strength is d12+1 or higher the weapon inflicts mega damage.
One with the River: The character's body turns into river water. While in the form of the river the characters personal gear is absorbed into the rivers and cannot be used while in this form. However in this state the character is immune to all physical damage and can only be shaken by physical attacks unless they are magical in nature. Even falling great distances will only shake the character until they can reform. The characters body is amorphous and may pass through any substance or crack that water can permeate.
Elemental Manipulation (Water)
Elemental Manipulation (Water)
Rank: Novice Power Points: 0 Range: Smarts Duration: 5 Trappings: By inhabiting this sliver of Pakhet's control, the bearer of the Rod of Pakhet has full control of any water in range, as if it were their own body.
Upon activation, the caster may choose one of the following effects:
ATTACK: The caster uses their activation roll as an attack roll, dealing 2d4 damage to a target (3d4 with a raise) within Range.
MOVE: The caster may move a cubic foot of water up to the caster’s Smarts in any direction as a limited action.
PUSH: The elements buffet and move the target. The caster uses his activation roll in place of his Strength for a Push (see Savage Worlds).
Special Effects: The caster may use the elements to create an additional effect with the GM’s approval. He may use water to conjure a quart of water (not “inside” objects or people) or purify a gallon of water per casting.
After activation, each additional use of the effects above are an action. Roll a new arcane skill roll for Attack or Push (these rolls do not suffer Backlash for Critical Failures as they are not activation rolls).
ARMOR PIERCING (+1 TO +3): The attack is focused to defeat armor or seeks out exposed areas. Each Power Point spent grants it AP 2 to a max imum of AP 6.
FATIGUE (+2): Powers that drain or tax an opponent can cause Fatigue. This modifier may be attached to any power that can cause damage or is resisted by the target. If she’s affected by the power in any way, she also suffers Fatigue. This cannot cause Incapacitation, however.
GLOW/SHROUD (+1): Glow gives off soft light of an appropriate color for its Trapping (or caster’s choice). This creates soft light in a Small Blast Template centered on the target, and lasts until the power expires. It subtracts 2 from her Stealth totals and negates 1 point of Illumination penalties for those attacking the glowing character. Shroud dims and slightly obscures the target so that attacks against her suffer a −1 penalty and she adds +1 to her Stealth rolls.
HEAVY WEAPON (+2): The caster pours his energy into the attack, creating a focused blast. The attack deals Mega Damage (counts as a Heavy Weapon).
HINDER/HURRY (+1): The target is slowed in some way, perhaps due to intense cold, a slippery surface, or even binding matter or energy. His base Pace is reduced by 2 until the power expires. A caster can Hurry the recipient instead. He might get increased energy, sure footing, or more powerful muscles. His Pace is increased by 2. Effects of either modifier aren’t cumulative.
LINGERING DAMAGE (+2): The target is hit by fire, intense cold, acid, gnawing insects, or some other Trapping that continues to cause damage after the initial attack. On the victim’s next turn, he suffers the power’s base damage minus one die type (one additional turn only). If hit with a 2d6 bolt, for example, the victim takes 2d4 damage at the start of his next turn. If the base damage is already a d4 die type, it loses a die instead.
RANGE (+1/+2): Double the power’s listed Range for 1 Power Point, or triple it for +2. Casters with access to Mega Modifiers can increase Range to 5× for +3 Power Points or 10 × for +4. This modifier may not be used on powers with a Range of Touch or the Cone Template.
SELECTIVE (+1): With intense focus, the caster can choose not to affect any or all individual targets within a power’s area of effect (picking all enemies instead of allies in a blast, for example).
Pace: 8+d8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 25 (8) (Combat Mage Armor and Armored Cloak)
Weapon in hand: The Claws of Pakhet or Rod of The River or NG-56 Light Ion Pisto or .45 Automatic Pistol
Wounds: 0/3 (-0 to all rolls) Fatigue: 0/3 (-0 to all rolls)
Arcane Background: Gifted PP:
Beginning 15
- Recovery: 10/hour
Hero's Journey:Training (4-5): Whether via formal training in a dedicated school, learning at the hands of a master, or just surviving a dangerous world, your hero’s picked up some serious fighting skills. He’s got the Martial Artist Edge.
Hero's Journey:Enchanted Items & Mystic Gadgets (16): Your hero has a rare and coveted suit of TW Combat Mage Armor (see TLPG page 77), which may or may not place him on a few bounty lists in many regions.
Divine Heritage: Fast Leaper (Leaper Racial and +2" and +1 DT to Run; 4 pt)
Divine Heritage: Bite/Claws (add bite/claws and the smite power; 3 pt)
Pace: 8+d8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 25 (8) (Combat Mage Armor and Armored Cloak)
Weapon in hand: The Claws of Pakhet or Rod of The River or NG-56 Light Ion Pisto or .45 Automatic Pistol