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Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:35 am


Post by Sidious »

Satyxis are comparable in size and build to human women seen throughout the world. Similarly, their skin tones range from near alabaster to deep brown, with hair color and texture running the gamut of human variability. Those in the Black Fleet tend to have slender and athletic builds, but this reflects the physical demands of piracy; overall, Satyxis display a wide range of body types.
  • Attractive: Satyxis are typically athletic from raiding and pirating. They get the Attractive Edge.
    Bad Reputation (Minor): Infamous as pirates and raiders, the average person fears Satyxis—most folks who discover who and what they are initially have Uncooperative Reactions.
  • Great Rack: Satyxis have horns that are natural melee weapons, that can be use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to Strength + 1d4 damage.
  • Built for Adventure: Satyxis are built to adventure in some of the toughest fights. They begin with Agility and Vigor of d6, and +2 die types to Fighting and Athletics.
  • Blight of Shazkz: Satyxis are resistant to poison, disease and necrotic energy
  • Languages: Satyxis speak and read Abyssal and Satyxi. Satyxi is never taught to non-Satyxis and is typically used only when communicating with other Satyxis and conducting rituals.
  • Near-Human Physiology: Satyxis were modified by blight giving those unfamiliar with their biology a −1 penalty to Healing skill rolls and to any cybernetics checks involving installation, repair, and modification.
  • Wanted (Minor): Any minion of the Nightmare Kingdom attack to capture or kill a rogue Satyxis in an instant.
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