Who Am I #1

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Diamond Patron
Diamond Patron
Posts: 599
Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:28 pm

Who Am I #1

Post by Technospawn »

Here is the first picture. Who is this?
Books: SWADE Core and SWADE Fantasy Companion

Prize is 10ep and $25 at DriveThru RPG.

Contest ends 11:59 PST on April 6th, 2024.
GM Stuff

Code: Select all

[b][color=#BF0000] Initiative[/b]
I will roll 1d56 for each of your initiative cards. I do not reroll duplicates, instead there are 2 extra Joker positions. Ties can be broken by an athletics roll.
[list][*][b]Lowest card goes first[/b]
[*][b]Quick rerolls 41 or higher[/b]
[*]1, 2, 3, 4 are considered Jokers
[*]Cards divisible by 4 are considered Clubs for hindrances affected by Clubs (excepting 4 which is a joker).[/list][/color][/b]
Savage Realms Bennies
GM = 7/7 Jarierth = 0/2
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