01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

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Savage Siri
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01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

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Finding Pearls bar took little more effort than looking in the yellow pages. The sign above the door showing a hand holding out a pair of silvery pearls, partially faded. Looking around from the entrance the nearest bus stop was only about 25 yards from the door just on the other side of an alley. The dirty alleyway seems rather ordinary for the crime ridden streets of chicago. Having arrived near midnight there are few people on the streets and no one seems to be waiting at the bus stop.

You see an older couple waiting at the bus stop. They look like they are in their seventies or eighties. On seeing them you can tell they seem to be enjoying their former marriage and do not show any signs of trauma or madness. As your team approaches they look at them with casual interest enjoying their decades old habit of people watching.

Narate your investigation actions, roll Notice and ask me what other rolls may be nessisary.

Note: Outside of the first notice roll in a scene. If I do not ask for a roll, then the roll will generally be ignored.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Notice: 1d6!!: [1] = 1
Wild: 1d6!!: [4] = 4
Result: 4 - Success.

"Guys, I will be having a quick talk to the local unsavory sorts... I will probably need to 'Convince' them to talk to me."

Looking around, Kurt looks for a group of any local toughs or other people that would not talk to any cops that would show up. Locking eyes with whoever appears to be the leader of any such groups, Kurt gives them a challenging look as he starts walking up to them, trying to see if they have any tells of the Supernatural.
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Tank wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:02 am Looking around, Kurt looks for a group of any local toughs or other people that would not talk to any cops that would show up. Locking eyes with whoever appears to be the leader of any such groups, Kurt gives them a challenging look as he starts walking up to them, trying to see if they have any tells of the Supernatural.
As Tank looks around for some street toughs or others to interview he sees what he desires. Near the edge of the next block there is a group of what looks to be teenage toughs hanging out outside of a bodega. As you approach you can see the kids periodically going into the bodega or being given errands by the operators inside. Long before Tank gets close one of the kids sees him, tapping his friends on the shoulder and pointing Tank out to them. As he approach's he hears some under their breath comments about apes ripping their arms off and beating people to death.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:05 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Tank wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:02 am "Guys, I will be having a quick talk to the local unsavory sorts... I will probably need to 'Convince' them to talk to me."
After giving the area a quick
Notice d6!!: [7!!] = 7 Notice Wild d6!!: [1] = 1
to see if they're lucky enough to have their prey just show up, Mal then decides to have check out around Pearls. "Good plan, try not to hurt them too badly. I'm gonna step inside Pearls and chat up the barflies." As he makes his way to the door Malavish checks his look in the reflection of a car window then he checks to see if anyone is looking before he snaps his fingers and his appearance changes. Now dressed in work clothes and looking like a middle aged laborer, just off work.
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Walking into Pearls the old Irish style bar would be better called a pub. The people inside look more like furniture themselves than a revolving crowd. Behind the counter there is a middle-aged man with a healthy beard, and scruffy hair.
Upon seeing the stranger enter he gives a little nod. "You here to drink or to pry?" he asked bluntly.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:05 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Ndreare wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:28 am Walking into Pearls the old Irish style bar would be better called a pub. The people inside look more like furniture themselves than a revolving crowd. Behind the counter there is a middle-aged man with a healthy beard, and scruffy hair.
Upon seeing the stranger enter he gives a little nod. "You here to drink or to pry?" he asked bluntly.
Inside he buys a drink for himself and the bearded man and begins
Persuasion d10!!: [5] = 5 Persuasion Wild d6!!: [5] = 5 Free reroll Persuasion Reroll d10!!: [4] = 4 Wild Reroll d6!!: [5] = 5
him up. "Bit of both actually. My niece is lookin to move to the big city from out near Galena. Got offered a place few blocks over but my sister is worried. She heard bad things happen to girls around here. I told her I'd ask around." As he talks up the patron he keeps his eyes pealed watching the locals. Looking to gage if anyone is watching him watch them.
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:13 am

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Ndreare wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:51 am
As Tank looks around for some street toughs or others to interview he sees what he desires. Near the edge of the next block there is a group of what looks to be teenage toughs hanging out outside of a bodega. As you approach you can see the kids periodically going into the bodega or being given errands by the operators inside. Long before Tank gets close one of the kids sees him, tapping his friends on the shoulder and pointing Tank out to them. As he approach's he hears some under their breath comments about apes ripping their arms off and beating people to death.
"Hey! I have a few questions for you guys, and you are going to give me the answers. These questions should not cause you any difficulties after you do, and we can be friends. Friends help friends. Friends don't do things to their friends that would make them have to eat their meals through straws for the next few week. You guys want to be my
Intimidation: 1d6!!+2!!: [5]+2 = 7
Wild: 1d6!!+2!!: [9!!]+2 = 11
Result: 11 - Success with Raise
, right?"
Last edited by Tank on Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Harry Dresden
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

As before, Harry opens his
d10!!: [1] = 1
d6!!: [4] = 4
to scan the area for signs of recent supernatural activity. He pays particular attention to the area of street between the bar and the bus stop, glances at the teenagers, and ends with the alley. He keeps a loose eye on his fellow investigators as they go about their business, but trusts them to be able to handle themselves.
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Harry Dresden wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:00 pm As before, Harry opens his
d10!!: [1] = 1
d6!!: [4] = 4
to scan the area for signs of recent supernatural activity. He pays particular attention to the area of street between the bar and the bus stop, glances at the teenagers, and ends with the alley. He keeps a loose eye on his fellow investigators as they go about their business, but trusts them to be able to handle themselves.
The "Sam only" window becomes visible to Harry.

"You see an older couple waiting at the bus stop. They look like they are in their seventies or eighties. On seeing them you can tell they seem to be enjoying their former marriage and do not show any signs of trauma or madness. As your team approaches they look at them with casual interest enjoying their decades old habit of people watching."

There is also a residue of enchantment magic in the alley, as if some sort of charm has been used often in there.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Harry Dresden
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Joined: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:34 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

Taking a moment to double check his surroundings, Harry approaches the elderly couple at the bus stop, takes off his hat and smiles. "Nice evening for people watching. Do you two come here often?"
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Sam Spector
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Sam Spector »

Sam heads towards the ghosts at the bus stop but stops when Harry attempts to engage the couple. He maintains his distance smoking his cigarette and watches intently. The living, sheesh.
Sam Spector
Player: Jim
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Zachary »

A young man of collegiate age sits alone in the back of the Pearls. His
Zachary isn't wearing his suit right now, so he doesn't have any armor value at the moment.
is at odds with his otherwise well-groomed appearance. His eyes
Demon Sight: detect arcana (Range 8", Duration 5, PP: 2) - Summon Brog'thauth's eye to pierce the veil, revealing hidden secrets.
1d10!! (-1 Penalty +1 Bonus): [6] = 6
Wild 1d6!! (-1 Penalty +1 Bonus): [4] = 4
whenever a new patron arrives. He appears to be just another young man minding his business while nursing a beer.

When the middle-aged laborer enters and strikes up a conversation barkeep, the young man's eyes the newcomer a little longer than usual. Then he hides his hands under the table and mutters something under his breath. A quiet pop sounds underneath the table and a brief waft of sulfur follows it.

A couple minutes later, something spiderlike with
drops into the laborer's pocket. It immediately disappears, leaving behind a note.

'Table in the back. Nothing unusual, if you discount the half demon masquerading as a mortal.'

Zachary pretends to nurse his beer while he keeps one eye on @Malavish and one on the entrance.

Notice 1d6!!: [17!!] = 17
Wild 2 1d6!!: [5] = 5
: Success with Three Raises (17, detect arcana active if relevant)
Combat Relevant Abilities:
Brave: +2 to Fear checks, -2 to results of Fear table.
Calculating: When Action Card is 5 or less, ignore up to two points of penalties to one action.
Command: 5" Range, Extras add +1 to Spirit and +1 to Vigor to recover from Shaken and Stunned, respectively.
Corruption: Gain a Minor Hindrance or upgrade a Minor Hindrance to a Major) if rolling a Critical Failure on Arcane Skill.
Hesitant: Draw two action cards and keep the lower. If it is a Joker, keep the joker.
Transformation: If Zachary suffers one or more wounds, he transforms unless he rolls Focus each round he is wounded.
Vulnerability: Distracted when within 12" of Holy objects.

Demonologist Form:
Arcane Background (Demonologist)
Genius, Fast Learner: Free reroll any Smarts or Smarts-linked rolls. No penalty to Smarts-linked untrained rolls.

Possessed Form:
Environmental Resistance (Heat): Ignore background effects, Reduce damage by 4, +4 to resist effects from Heat.
Growth, Permanent: +1 Size
Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination, but not Pitch Darkness.
Melee Attack: All melee attacks gain +d6 damage.
, Possessed Demonologist
Pace 6, Parry 7 (Staff), Toughness 6(1)/10(0), Reach 1 (Staff), Size 0(1)
Wounds: 0/3 (-0 Penalty, -0 Pace)
Fatigue 0/2 (-0 Penalty)
Bennies: 4/3
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

OOC Comments
Notice 1d6!! or 1d6!!: [2]+[10!!] = 12
Spirit 1d8!! or Wild 1d6!!: [6]+[3] = 9
Kids Spirit 1d6!!: [2] = 2
Malavish wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:37 am Inside he buys a drink for himself and the bearded man and begins chatting him up. "Bit of both actually. My niece is lookin to move to the big city from out near Galena. Got offered a place few blocks over but my sister is worried. She heard bad things happen to girls around here. I told her I'd ask around." As he talks up the patron he keeps his eyes pealed watching the locals. Looking to gage if anyone is watching him watch them.
The man behind the bar looked doubtful at the man asking him questions. “It’s a city. Bad things happen to everyone. But specially bad things happen to girls.” The bartender wonders off without answering Malvish as he considers. Considering, prying questions, open about it, but not trying to be a bully about it. “So, you’re not a cop.
“I guess I can tell you. Yeah, we had a couple girls go missing from around here. So a couple days ago I started warning the ones that stay late to make sure they leave with someone.”
The bartender does not know much about the disappearances as Malvish asks his questions. But he had couple of regulars, both women, stop coming recently. He has a little talent giving him intuition and knows that they are dead. Though he cannot tell much more. Some prying to help him remember reveals that both the missing girls never came in with family, and only seemed to hand out with other women.
“So why are you asking? One of them family, a client somethin?”

Tank wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:12 am "Hey! I have a few questions for you guys, and you are going to give me the answers. These questions should not cause you any difficulties after you do, and we can be friends. Friends help friends. Friends don't do things to their friends that would make them have to eat their meals through straws for the next few weeks. You guys want to be my friends, right?"
The boys look back and forth from one another. “Hey, we don’t want trouble old timer.” They say ready to answer Tank’s questions. Tank can clearly see his talent for intimidation has worked on these youths. Some prodding gets the kids to admit they did see a guy putting a girl in a car near the bus stop. But it was not a week ago, they say the guy three days ago, helping a blonde lady. She looked like maybe she was too drunk or something.
One of the kids, a young latino, gets excited to say. “Yeah, I’ve seen that car before. Capri is a nice car with a big V8. But this one roars when he starts it up, you can hear it from a couple blocks away. I be that guy has some real nice modifications on that car.”

Harry Dresden wrote: Thu Feb 08, 2024 1:53 am Taking a moment to double check his surroundings, Harry approaches the elderly couple at the bus stop, takes off his hat and smiles. "Nice evening for people watching. Do you two come here often?"
The two seems to hear Harry’s question as they look at him surprised to see him talking to them. As they begin answering Harry finds he cannot make out their words.

The words of the old couple begin answering Harry’s question, but Harry cannot understand or hear them. “Come here often? Kid, where else would we go? This is our haunt.” They trail off as they realize Harry cannot understand them.

Sam Spector wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:20 pm Sam heads towards the ghosts at the bus stop but stops when Harry attempts to engage the couple. He maintains his distance smoking his cigarette and watches intently. The living, sheesh.
The thick old world accent familiar to Sam they reply. “Yeah, they get like that. Strange most of these guys cannot tell we are here unless we try real hard. You with the kid?” They ask about his haunt.
I still need a networking roll from Sam for how much information he gets from the old couple.

Zach and Mal
I feel like this post would be better worked out between the two of you rather than me having a post on it.
Zachary wrote: Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:33 pm A young man of collegiate age sits alone in the back of the Pearls. His
Zachary isn't wearing his suit right now, so he doesn't have any armor value at the moment.
is at odds with his otherwise well-groomed appearance. His eyes
Demon Sight: detect arcana (Range 8", Duration 5, PP: 2) - Summon Brog'thauth's eye to pierce the veil, revealing hidden secrets.
1d10!! (-1 Penalty +1 Bonus): [6] = 6
Wild 1d6!! (-1 Penalty +1 Bonus): [4] = 4
whenever a new patron arrives. He appears to be just another young man minding his business while nursing a beer.

When the middle-aged laborer enters and strikes up a conversation barkeep, the young man's eyes the newcomer a little longer than usual. Then he hides his hands under the table and mutters something under his breath. A quiet pop sounds underneath the table and a brief waft of sulfur follows it.

A couple minutes later, something spiderlike with
drops into the laborer's pocket. It immediately disappears, leaving behind a note.

'Table in the back. Nothing unusual, if you discount the half demon masquerading as a mortal.'

Zachary pretends to nurse his beer while he keeps one eye on @Malavish and one on the entrance.

Notice 1d6!!: [17!!] = 17
Wild 2 1d6!!: [5] = 5
: Success with Three Raises (17, detect arcana active if relevant)
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Sam Spector
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Sam Spector »

Persuasion 1d8!!: [5] = 5
Wild Die 1d6!!: [8!!] = 8

Sam chuckles at the ghost's reference to Harry.

"Yeah, I'm with the kid. Sorry about him but the living, whatta going to do, right? Since I'm still on this side of the Veil I figure I might as well do what I can. I was a PI by trade and I still try to keep my hand in and it's easier to deal with the living side of things when you have a few on your team."

Sam takes a drag on his cigarette.

"Anyway, we're looking into an attack that may have happened near here. A mortal girl that was grabbed by some vampires the other night? I'll let the kid ask his questions if that's okay with you folks. You can just tell me and I'll pass it along. Sound like a plan?"
Sam Spector
Player: Jim
Active Alts: Sparkmort Zipwidget, Vixa, John Reid
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Ndreare wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:35 am
Tank wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:12 am "Hey! I have a few questions for you guys, and you are going to give me the answers. These questions should not cause you any difficulties after you do, and we can be friends. Friends help friends. Friends don't do things to their friends that would make them have to eat their meals through straws for the next few weeks. You guys want to be my friends, right?"
The boys look back and forth from one another. “Hey, we don’t want trouble old timer.” They say ready to answer Tank’s questions. Tank can clearly see his talent for intimidation has worked on these youths. Some prodding gets the kids to admit they did see a guy putting a girl in a car near the bus stop. But it was not a week ago, they say the guy three days ago, helping a blonde lady. She looked like maybe she was too drunk or something.
One of the kids, a young latino, gets excited to say. “Yeah, I’ve seen that car before. Capri is a nice car with a big V8. But this one roars when he starts it up, you can hear it from a couple blocks away. I be that guy has some real nice modifications on that car.”
"Now that was being Friendly. Thanks for your help... but if I find out that you lied to me or withheld something important... something Unfriendly may happen."

With a tip of his head, Kurt walks over to his friends and passes on what he was told.

"So... did anyone else find out anything useful? By Tyr, it sounds like whoever does this does it every so often... sounds like a similar thing happened to a different lady three days ago."
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Ndreare wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 9:35 am
The man behind the bar looked doubtful at the man asking him questions. “It’s a city. Bad things happen to everyone. But specially bad things happen to girls.” The bartender wonders off without answering Malvish as he considers. Considering, prying questions, open about it, but not trying to be a bully about it. “So, you’re not a cop.
“I guess I can tell you. Yeah, we had a couple girls go missing from around here. So a couple days ago I started warning the ones that stay late to make sure they leave with someone.”
The bartender does not know much about the disappearances as Malvish asks his questions. But he had couple of regulars, both women, stop coming recently. He has a little talent giving him intuition and knows that they are dead. Though he cannot tell much more. Some prying to help him remember reveals that both the missing girls never came in with family, and only seemed to hand out with other women.
“So why are you asking? One of them family, a client somethin?”
Malavish chuckles, "Definitely not a cop. But I am looking into it for a concerned party who worries there may be some... cover-up going on. What are your local beat cops like? Do you know one who looks like..." Mal then describes the officer that abducted their client. He also motions to @Zachary to join them at the bar. "Don't worry about him, we work together. Sorry for sending in a ringer first. If the cops are in on this, we can't be too careful."

As the bartender refreshes their drinks Mal fills Zach in on the little he has learned so far. "A few regulars here have vanished, women who came in alone or with other women. So it sounds like they're targeting those loners with few to worry about them. Feel free to chime in with any questions I miss."
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:31 am

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Zachary »

Malavish wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:48 pm He also motions to Zachary to join them at the bar. "Don't worry about him, we work together. Sorry for sending in a ringer first. If the cops are in on this, we can't be too careful."

As the bartender refreshes their drinks Mal fills Zach in on the little he has learned so far. "A few regulars here have vanished, women who came in alone or with other women. So it sounds like they're targeting those loners with few to worry about them. Feel free to chime in with any questions I miss."
Zachary approaches the bar when @Malavish beckons him over.

"Nasty business," Zachary says with a nod, "but that's what we get paid to resolve."

He asks the bartender, "Any new patrons that make you uncomfortable, or do you have any regulars who might not be someone to find yourself in an alley with at closing time?"
Combat Relevant Abilities:
Brave: +2 to Fear checks, -2 to results of Fear table.
Calculating: When Action Card is 5 or less, ignore up to two points of penalties to one action.
Command: 5" Range, Extras add +1 to Spirit and +1 to Vigor to recover from Shaken and Stunned, respectively.
Corruption: Gain a Minor Hindrance or upgrade a Minor Hindrance to a Major) if rolling a Critical Failure on Arcane Skill.
Hesitant: Draw two action cards and keep the lower. If it is a Joker, keep the joker.
Transformation: If Zachary suffers one or more wounds, he transforms unless he rolls Focus each round he is wounded.
Vulnerability: Distracted when within 12" of Holy objects.

Demonologist Form:
Arcane Background (Demonologist)
Genius, Fast Learner: Free reroll any Smarts or Smarts-linked rolls. No penalty to Smarts-linked untrained rolls.

Possessed Form:
Environmental Resistance (Heat): Ignore background effects, Reduce damage by 4, +4 to resist effects from Heat.
Growth, Permanent: +1 Size
Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination, but not Pitch Darkness.
Melee Attack: All melee attacks gain +d6 damage.
, Possessed Demonologist
Pace 6, Parry 7 (Staff), Toughness 6(1)/10(0), Reach 1 (Staff), Size 0(1)
Wounds: 0/3 (-0 Penalty, -0 Pace)
Fatigue 0/2 (-0 Penalty)
Bennies: 4/3
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Sam Spector wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:39 pm Sam chuckles at the ghost's reference to Harry.

"Yeah, I'm with the kid. Sorry about him but the living, whatta going to do, right? Since I'm still on this side of the Veil I figure I might as well do what I can. I was a PI by trade and I still try to keep my hand in and it's easier to deal with the living side of things when you have a few on your team."

Sam takes a drag on his cigarette.

"Anyway, we're looking into an attack that may have happened near here. A mortal girl that was grabbed by some vampires the other night? I'll let the kid ask his questions if that's okay with you folks. You can just tell me and I'll pass it along. Sound like a plan?"
The two nod as the man begins to speak. “You know we have been here so long things tend to blur together.”

Then the wife replies. “But you know we did see one of the kidnappings. I maybe it is the one you are interested in. Maybe it was decades ago. Its hard to tell. You remember, she was pretty and blonde, dressed like a man and was even out drinking in public.”

“Oh, the little blonde girl? I remember her. She was dressed like a man, wearing jeans and a sporting shirt. She came out of that bar over there. When she got here. That strange man showed up, dressed like a cop, but then he covered it up with a long coat. We seen him take some other girls so we tried to warn her. But neither of them could hear us.

“Well he walked up to the lady and chatted with her. Something in the way he talked, we could not hear the words, but we could feel some power in it.”

They finish sharing adding little else to the known narrative. But confirming the cop must be a wizard of some sort for his words to carry power into the near astral as it did.
Tank wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 12:37 pm "So... did anyone else find out anything useful? By Tyr, it sounds like whoever does this does it every so often... sounds like a similar thing happened to a different lady three days ago."
Tank’s information gathered from the kids is enough to know the officer should be back within a day or two and with his car being so distinct it should be possible to spot him.
Malavish wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:48 pm Malavish chuckles, "Definitely not a cop. But I am looking into it for a concerned party who worries there may be some... cover-up going on. What are your local beat cops like? Do you know one who looks like..." Mal then describes the officer that abducted their client. He also motions to @Zachary to join them at the bar. "Don't worry about him, we work together. Sorry for sending in a ringer first. If the cops are in on this, we can't be too careful."

As the bartender refreshes their drinks Mal fills Zach in on the little he has learned so far. "A few regulars here have vanished, women who came in alone or with other women. So it sounds like they're targeting those loners with few to worry about them. Feel free to chime in with any questions I miss."
Zachary wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:21 pm Zachary approaches the bar when @Malavish beckons him over.

"Nasty business," Zachary says with a nod, "but that's what we get paid to resolve."

He asks the bartender, "Any new patrons that make you uncomfortable, or do you have any regulars who might not be someone to find yourself in an alley with at closing time?"
The bartender softens a bit with the investigators being honest. Telling them what he knows, lends little more information. “We had another guy come in here a few days ago. He seemed real upset, but I could not help him. I think his daughter went missing, he said she never came home, but he knew she had come here. He gave me a number to call if I thought of something. But it sounds like he knew nothing himself. I gave his card to the cop, but something made me think I would need it again.” He reaches behind him and pulls out an old steno pad tearing off a page with the name ‘Tomas Shapiro’ written on it with a phone number.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Posts: 24
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Ndreare wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:05 pm The bartender softens a bit with the investigators being honest. Telling them what he knows, lends little more information. “We had another guy come in here a few days ago. He seemed real upset, but I could not help him. I think his daughter went missing, he said she never came home, but he knew she had come here. He gave me a number to call if I thought of something. But it sounds like he knew nothing himself. I gave his card to the cop, but something made me think I would need it again.” He reaches behind him and pulls out an old steno pad tearing off a page with the name ‘Tomas Shapiro’ written on it with a phone number.
Malavish takes the paper with a nod. "He may have come across something since. If nothing else, it's someone we can give answers to when we learn them. Thanks for the help." Paying out his tab with a decent tip. Looking to @Zachary, "We should probably head out, still got a few other leads to look into." Heading out into the night to rejoin their comrades Mal takes a second to find a secluded spot and slips back into his usual form. As they walk he gives Zach the lowdown on what they learned earlier at the gas station. "So not a lot but possible leads in that Chuck guy. Sounds like something spooked him. And the number to the officer who went investigating at the gas station after our client escaped, which being a possible trap is a tough one to approach."

When they find the others Mal shares what they learned, "Client is not the first to disappear around here, enough so that the barkeep has taken to warning young ladies not to leave alone. Aside from that we got the number of the parent of another missing girl."
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:13 am

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Your last response for Tank mentioned it was an officer's car... but I am not sure if that was a mistake on your part
's car should be easily recognizable... and be heard from a couple blocks away when it starts. A Capris with a distinct look and sound. If we should want to stake out the place here, we should be able to EASILY notice it when it shows up."
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
User avatar
Sam Spector
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:30 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Sam Spector »

Sam takes a drag on his cigarette as the others speak. "The spooks pretty much say the same thing. Whoever it is though is using more than just smooth talking on these dames. According to them this shlep is literally charming these girls into going with him."

"This bozo doesn't know it but he handed us a nice advantage. If he couldn't see that ghost couple over there then I'll lay a C-Bill he won't be able to see me if I'm on the fade out. I should be able to tail him back to wherever their hideout is no worries. What do you boys think? Seems like a plan to me."
Sam Spector
Player: Jim
Active Alts: Sparkmort Zipwidget, Vixa, John Reid
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

"I don't like the idea of another young lady being put into harms way as bait for you to find their base, Sam. Maybe Malavish can be the bait again? It worked well last time... except for the bullet wound he took for joking around at the wrong time. We also may have problems keeping up as the cavalry... depending on how far behind we trail them. We wouldn't want for them to get suspicious."
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:05 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Tank wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:32 pm "I don't like the idea of another young lady being put into harms way as bait for you to find their base, Sam. Maybe Malavish can be the bait again? It worked well last time... except for the bullet wound he took for joking around at the wrong time. We also may have problems keeping up as the cavalry... depending on how far behind we trail them. We wouldn't want for them to get suspicious."
Mal listens to his cohorts plan a bit then speaks up, "Sending two of us into a vampire den without reliable back up sounds like a bad idea to me. Sam can ghost out of there but I, or whomever I disguise, can not. We could still set a trap for him though and just try and knock him out here. I can pick through his brain with ease if he's knocked out."
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
User avatar
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:13 am

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Malavish wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:51 am
Tank wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:32 pm "I don't like the idea of another young lady being put into harms way as bait for you to find their base, Sam. Maybe Malavish can be the bait again? It worked well last time... except for the bullet wound he took for joking around at the wrong time. We also may have problems keeping up as the cavalry... depending on how far behind we trail them. We wouldn't want for them to get suspicious."
Mal listens to his cohorts plan a bit then speaks up, "Sending two of us into a vampire den without reliable back up sounds like a bad idea to me. Sam can ghost out of there but I, or whomever I disguise, can not. We could still set a trap for him though and just try and knock him out here. I can pick through his brain with ease if he's knocked out."
"I look forward to having a corrupt cop brought to Tyr's Justice... or anyone masquerading as a cop. Your plan, Malavish, sounds worthy... even to the point I am willing on having your illusion on ME to bring him to me so I can land the first blow... as long as you drop the illusion before I take that said first blow."
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

"No offense big guy but our bait should look like they're vulnerable and intoxicated and NOT like they are eager to for a scrap. I'm not sold you have the acting chops to sell the job." He gives the giant of a man a friendly shrug. "My thought is you all lie in wait up an alley, I'll hang out on the street and once our target rolls around the corner I stumble a bit, look about to be sick and head into said alley. Hopefully he sees an easy target doing him the favor of self-isolating and takes the bait. Predators often make the easiest prey."

Focus d6!!: [2] = 2 Focus Wild d6!!: [5] = 5 Reroll! reroll Focus d6!!: [5] = 5 Reroll Focus Wild d6!!: [5] = 5

With a snap of his fingers Mal takes the form of a beautiful young woman. He gives the team a glowing smile and a twirl.
Mal's disguise.jpg
"Well boys, how's about I head into the bar and bait this trap. I'll come back out after I look sufficiently drunk and prey-like. If the target is heard prowling about before then someone pop in and give me a wink. Maybe not the kid though as he's already been seen in the bar tonight." After getting any feedback Mal sashays into the bar.
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Having put together enough information to make a plan the team prepares to bait the kidnapper. Aware of his methods, his vehicle, and his arcane talent the investigators feel prepared...

Malvish taking on the form of an attractive young woman heads into the bar to “enjoy herself” and bait the trap.

Sam, takes advantage of his invisible nature and watches Malvish from the far side of the bar. While Harry, Tank and Zachary move into position hidden in the alley. The team waits, expecting it to take hours for anything interesting to happen.

About an hour into the night an older latino looking man comes out of the bar. Heading towards the street end of the alley, he waits only a couple dozen yards from where the investigators are hiding. After about 15 minutes tan and gold capri pulls up, the deep throttle of the engine sounding like a caged demon. The two of them talk for a brief moment before the driver of the capri hand the old hispanic man what appears to be some cash.

Then the car pulls around and backs into the alleyway. Then, walking up to the bus stop the man sprinkles some sort of black powder on the ground while mumbling. Then he returns to the car to wait, the investigators find they feel compelled to look away from the car, as it becomes hard to remember that the man and car are in the alley.

Somehow the investigators find the car is parked far enough down the alley as to be only about a dozen yards from them. It seems their trap is working perfectly...

After about 20 minutes of waiting Malvish and Sam come out heading to the buss stop. The officer gets out of the car and walks up to her...
"Hey, how it is going. You okay?"

Let me know what you are doing. If any of you would like to begin hostilities, then everyone roll Initiative. I would then roll notice and initiative for Poneros if needed.

  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Ndreare wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:53 am
After about 20 minutes of waiting Malvish and Sam come out heading to the buss stop. The officer gets out of the car and walks up to her...
"Hey, how it is going. You okay?"
Malavish turns to give the man a drunken smile, "Oh, hey there. Yeah I'm... " Covering "his" mouth Mal rushes past the officer into the alley, moving to the back of the car and leaning on the trunk he begins to make gagging sounds. I hope this is the guy

Persuasion d10!!+2: [1]+2 = 3 Persuasion Wild d6!!+2: [2]+2 = 4 Free reroll from charismatic Persuasion Reroll d10!!+2: [7]+2 = 9 Wild Reroll d6!!+2: [4]+2 = 6
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Harry Dresden
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

Harry approves of the plan and would have volunteered himself if he hadn't been nearly seven feet tall. In any case, Mal seemed well equipped for the job. He agrees to the plan as is, knowing that while it carried a risk for his fellow investigator, it was the most expedient way to find and save more potential victims.

When the man starts sprinkling black powder, Harry again activates his
d10!!: [7] = 7 d6!!: [3] = 3
in order to examine the substance, the car, and the people involved.
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Harry Dresden wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:12 pm Harry approves of the plan and would have volunteered himself if he hadn't been nearly seven feet tall. In any case, Mal seemed well equipped for the job. He agrees to the plan as is, knowing that while it carried a risk for his fellow investigator, it was the most expedient way to find and save more potential victims.

When the man starts sprinkling black powder, Harry again activates his
d10!!: [7] = 7 d6!!: [3] = 3
in order to examine the substance, the car, and the people involved.
Harry can see the powder is a component to some sort of mind control magic. The effects of which become quickly obvious as everyones eyes begin averting from the vehicle and its passengers. With the wizard in plain sight, Harry can see he is veiled by some sort of illusion. This being is not human.

Malavish wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:05 pm
Ndreare wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:53 am
After about 20 minutes of waiting Malvish and Sam come out heading to the buss stop. The officer gets out of the car and walks up to her...
"Hey, how it is going. You okay?"
Malavish turns to give the man a drunken smile, "Oh, hey there. Yeah I'm... " Covering "his" mouth Mal rushes past the officer into the alley, moving to the back of the car and leaning on the trunk he begins to make gagging sounds. I hope this is the guy

pd10!!+2pLdd6!!+2 Free reroll from charismatic pLLd10!!+2LdLLd6!!+2
Following Mal around to the back of the car, the officer pulls out his wallet and begins to lift it showing it to 'her' as she looks up from the act.
Enchantment 1d10!! or 1d6!! with +2 to final result.: [7]+[5] = 12 Oh, +2 more for Joker for 11 total nope not a joker
"This place is not safe. Relax..."

GM Note: I am assuming he will be interrupted. Since all the others are on hold, this will be Athletics to Interrupt him.
Inititive 1d56 or 1d56: [47]+[52] = 99
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Athletics: 1d8!!: [5] = 5
Wild: 1d6!!: [5] = 5
Result: 5 on Contested Roll

1d56: [37] = 37
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Athletics d4!!: [2] = 2 Athletics Wild d6!!: [2] = 2 Benny to reroll Athletics Reroll d4!!: [3] = 3 Athletics Wild Reroll d6!!: [8!!] = 8

d56: [48] = 48
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Harry Dresden
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

[roll] d56: [23] = 23 [/roll]

[roll] d6!!: [4] = 4 d6!!: [5] = 5 [/roll]
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Resist Interrupt 7, used both GM bennies from Joker, but not the benny donated by the players
Resist Interrupt 1d8!! or 1d6!! with +2 from Joker: [2]+[4] = 6
Lets try one of those bennies Resist Interrupt 1d8!! or 1d6!! with +2 from Joker: [3]+[3] = 6
Lets try the other benny Resist Interrupt 1d8!! or 1d6!! with +2 from Joker: [1]+[5] = 6
1) Malvish


3) Harry, Sam, Tank & Zach
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

As the "young woman" retches flies begin to buzz around the car, the closer the officer gets the thicker the cloud and it congregates around Malavish's altered form. When the begins to life his badge and talk Mal straightens up and turns to the man.
Ndreare wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:07 am
"This place is not safe. Relax..."
The "woman's" features seem to melt and flow, shifting into the demon's true form, the congregation of flies all droping dead as he does so. A deep, ominous chuckle bubbles out of the Demons chest and he
Intimidation to test vs Spirit Intimidation test vs Smarts d6!!: [4] = 4 Intimidation Wild d6!!: [5] = 5
"No. It isn't."
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

The officer looks momentarily surprised and straightens his back. As his body seems to instantaneously change as if an illusion had been dispelled. "Brother , I did not know you were one of us. What brings you here, the pickings are getting slim." There is no sign of fear in the demons eyes at all.

His true state momentarily shown to Mal us that of a winged goat headed demon, his badge becoming a septor, even his car revealed as a fiery red bull made of mechanical iron and stone.

Others may go. While he is normally immune to fear and intimidation, you revealing yourself has lowered his guard and I am going to treat him as distracted by conversation only until an attack is resolved.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Occult at -4
  • Occult: 1d6!!-4!!: [8!!]-4 = 4
    Wild: 1d6!!-4!!: [4]-4 = 0
    Result: 4 - Success.

Hmmm... a Cambion... Rakasha by the looks of it. If I remember right, their magic is limited to mind control, illusion, and shapeshifting in addition to the standard physical prowess improvements. It may be able to be manipulated since they often like to prove themselves to other Demons like Malavish. He may even get it to fight me one on one to prove itself. Not too bad a problem... but that Golem looks to be an Iron Juggernaut. I can't take one of those alone physically... even with help from these other three it may be a problem. We will need to have a plan to deal with it before we go after the Cambion.
Last edited by Tank on Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Harry Dresden
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

Occult Roll
d6!!: [1] = 1
d6!!: [4] = 4
Both rolls at -4
Harry casts deflection on himself and his two closest allies, Tank and Zak.
2 power points, +2 for two additional recipients. d10!!: [3] = 3
d6!!: [13!!] = 13
Both rolls at -2 as per the no power points rule.
Not wanting to hastily attack a mysterious enemy, Harry opts to better prepare himself and his allies for combat. He places his hands on their shoulders as his shield bracelet activates, surrounding them with an invisible, protective force that should help deflect any incoming attacks.

Deflection: foes must subtract 2 from attack rolls directed at the user (or 4 with a raise).
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Sam Spector
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Sam Spector »

Sam looks on invisible, ethereal as the scene plays out. This ain't my kind of fight. I might be dead but I'm not stupid. Moving off to the side Sam remains unseen and waits to for an opportunity to do something useful.
Sam Spector
Player: Jim
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Knowing that Harry put protective magics on him, Kurt decided it was time to act. Launching himself at the Demon, Tank believes that the best way to deal with these two is to put the Demon in danger and use the threat of its demise to get it to control the Golem.

Demon... if anything, Silver should work best against it.

Fighting (Due to the protective magics, Tank will be Wild Fighting... so +2 to Hit and Damage, but doing 2 attacks, so net 0 to attack)
  • Action 1:
    • Fighting: 1d12!!: [9] = 9
      Wild: 1d6!!: [10!!] = 10
      Result: 10 - Hit (Possible Raise)
      • Damage: 2d8!!: [4, 3] = 7 + Possible 1d6!!: [4] = 4 due Raise
    Action 2:
    • Fighting: 1d12!!: [10] = 10
      Wild: 1d6!!: [3] = 3
      Result: 10 - Hit (Possible Raise)
      • Damage: 2d8!!: [2, 4] = 6 + Possible 1d6!!: [10!!] = 10 due Raise

Going for a quick one-two punch, Kurt hits with both, but unfortunately is unable to do more than phase the Demon.
Last edited by Tank on Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

The unexpected blows land solidly in the demon. Rattling him, and leaving him in a stumble.

Parry: 8 Toughness: 8(1)
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Zachary »

Zachary cracks his neck and gets down to business. He stands very still and begins to
Power Preparation: A caster may prepare powers by concentrating for an entire round (no movement or other actions and must not be Shaken or Stunned). If successful, he ignores 2 points of penalties on all powers cast on his next turn. If he does not enact any
powers on his next turn, the preparation is lost.
. Despite his best efforts to seem stoic, a little shiver goes down Zach's spine as the unpleasant energy begins to pool inside him.
Combat Relevant Abilities:
Brave: +2 to Fear checks, -2 to results of Fear table.
Calculating: When Action Card is 5 or less, ignore up to two points of penalties to one action.
Command: 5" Range, Extras add +1 to Spirit and +1 to Vigor to recover from Shaken and Stunned, respectively.
Corruption: Gain a Minor Hindrance or upgrade a Minor Hindrance to a Major) if rolling a Critical Failure on Arcane Skill.
Hesitant: Draw two action cards and keep the lower. If it is a Joker, keep the joker.
Transformation: If Zachary suffers one or more wounds, he transforms unless he rolls Focus each round he is wounded.
Vulnerability: Distracted when within 12" of Holy objects.

Demonologist Form:
Arcane Background (Demonologist)
Genius, Fast Learner: Free reroll any Smarts or Smarts-linked rolls. No penalty to Smarts-linked untrained rolls.

Possessed Form:
Environmental Resistance (Heat): Ignore background effects, Reduce damage by 4, +4 to resist effects from Heat.
Growth, Permanent: +1 Size
Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination, but not Pitch Darkness.
Melee Attack: All melee attacks gain +d6 damage.
, Possessed Demonologist
Pace 6, Parry 7 (Staff), Toughness 6(1)/10(0), Reach 1 (Staff), Size 0(1)
Wounds: 0/3 (-0 Penalty, -0 Pace)
Fatigue 0/2 (-0 Penalty)
Bennies: 4/3
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Spirit 1d10!! or Wild 1d6!!: [3]+[2] = 5
Benny to Unshake
Fear, LBT, Fatiguing, Favored Power 1d10!! or 1d6!! with a total -1 penalty: [7]+[4] = 11
Last Personal Benny
Fear, LBT, Fatiguing, Favored Power 1d10!! or 1d6!! with a total -1 penalty: [7]+[5] = 12

The demon stumbles shaking his head to clear it. Then realizing there are so many enemies around him, and not all of them could be seen he releases a powerful roar! The sound fills the ally with dark energy.


Then stepping to the side he turns on the warrior ready to defend himself. "Graziel" he says with force followed by a much softer and moree satifying. "Kill."

Suddenly the car disapears as the iron jugernaught assumes its true form, the monsterour bull like golem spins, facing Tank and lashes out with a kick at the small man, standing only knee high. But the time it takes for the giant metal monstrocity to transform and spin is enough for Tank to slip to the side. The blow missing him entirely.

Fighting, All Out Attack 1d10!!+2: [1]+2 = 3
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Fear (+2 due Brave)
  • Spirit: 1d8!!+2!!: [2]+2 = 4
    Wild: 1d6!!+2!!: [3]+2 = 5
    Result: 5 - Success. No Effect.

"Your magic has no effect on one of Tyr's Chosen."
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

Occult d6!!: [5] = 5 Occult Wild d6!!: [2] = 2
Mal recognizes their prey and his pet and, operating under the assumption his allies would rightfully not engage a foe they can't hurt, he immediately begins thinking how to talk himself out of this and hopefully into the half demons trust. Then of course Tank does step out and swing. Hmm, new, new plan then... drop the halfbreed and hope that makes the golem pliable.. he thinks before the Rakshasa unleashes a fear spell. The magic washes over and past the demon, having
Spirit d10!!: [18!!] = 18 Spirit Wild d6!!: [1] = 1

"Pathetic." He snorts derisively.
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Harry Dresden
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Harry Dresden »

Fear Check, +2 from Brave
!!1d12+2: [4]+2 = 6
!!1d6+2: [4]+2 = 6
Harry recoils from the demon's breath. "Yeesh," he waves his hands in front of his face and coughs, "if you're going to roar like that you should really see a dentist about your halitosis. You might be used to sulfur and brimstone, but take pity on the rest of us."
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Initiative, Players go first
Cambion 1d56 or 1d56 versus Harry Dresden 1d56 Malavish 1d56 Sam 1d56 Tank 1d56: [6]+[29]+[37]+[49]+[34]+[11] = 166
Okay, player's act first. All players take an action now.

Instructions: Resources reset (even GM bennies go away), take and advance (yes, even mid combat) and post your actions.
PS: Sorry again for the long lag while I moved, got set up and shook off my ADHD.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Posts: 20
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Tank »

Again Fighting (Due to the protective magics, Tank will be Wild Fighting... so +2 to Hit and Damage, but doing 2 attacks, so net 0 to attack)
  • Attack 1
    • Fighting: 1d12!!: [7] = 7
      Wild: 1d6!!: [5] = 5
      Result: 7 - Miss the Parry of 8
    Attack 2
    Fighting: 1d12!!: [9] = 9
    Wild: 1d6!!: [9!!] = 9
    Result: 9 - Hit the Parry of 8
    • Damage: 2d8!!+4!!: [9!!, 7]+4 = 20

As Kurt Launches another One-Two combo after the Cambian, the demon is able to slip the left, but unfortunately for it this puts it in the absolutely wrong place to be as Kurt's right hand lands like a hammer in the demon's gut.
Bennies: 3 / 2
+1 due Heroism and Advancing Story
Parry 8
Toughness 15
Pace: 6
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2

Shotgun: 2 / 2
Holy Water Super Soaker: 5 / 5
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Malavish »

When Tank lands a stunning shot to the cambion Mals loudly suck air through his teeth, "That's gonna leave a mark." He then turns to the juggernaut "Is this really what you want to be doing? Acting as muscle for an idiot who serves vampires? Help us subdue him and I'll find you a nice scrapyard outside of town. Peaceful, quiet, Free."
Persuasion to test vs Spirit, 6 (Distracted if he fails)
Persuasion d10!!: [4] = 4 Persuasion Wild d6!!: [5] = 5 Free reroll Persuasion Reroll d10!!: [6] = 6 Persuasion Wild Reroll d6!!: [3] = 3 Benny to reroll Persuasion Reroll2 d10!!: [6] = 6 Persuasion Wild Reroll2 d6!!: [3] = 3
Pace: 6 Parry:5 Toughness: 6
Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue 0/3
Constant Effects:
Powers on:
Combat Edges:
Bennies: 2/3
Characters Imperator (main acc), Malavish, Antipas, Drexler, Murpf
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Savage Siri
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Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Ndreare »

Raise, it is Shaken and Distracted
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Sam Spector
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:30 pm

Re: 01.2 Bus Stop near Pearls

Post by Sam Spector »

Sam hovers near by, invisible and intangible, waiting for an opportunity to assist. He curses under his breath but being dead confrontations with the living and especially demons isn't really his strong suit.

Moving around the perimeter he keeps an eye out for any other surprises that might be waiting to spring on them.

Alertness +2
Notice 1d8!+2: [4]+2 = 6
Wild Die 1d6!+2: [1]+2 = 3
Sam Spector
Player: Jim
Active Alts: Sparkmort Zipwidget, Vixa, John Reid
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