Into the Western Wastes

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Berkyn of Celik
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

As the group makes its way through the badlands, Berkyn collects some thorny scrub growing in the hard packed earth. Careful not to let the thorns cut him, he mixes it with some of the Cordru blood and bile he kept from the last fight. Making sure the wine bottle he stored it in gets plenty of the day's heat but little air, he shakes it a little to make sure it is properly mixed. As the group passes the pictograms, he takes a hard
1d6!!: [2] = 2 1d6!!: [3] = 3 -2 =1
but has no idea what they could mean. As they pass the ritualistically stacked reamains, the bard stops to let the feathers brush against his hand as he
1d6!!: [5] = 5 1d6!!: [5] = 5
the totems.

What eluded him before, now dawns on him as he recognizes the patterns in the gory scene.


That night, just like the previous night, he
1d6!!: [3] = 3 1d6!!: [2] = 2 +2 =5 1d6!!: [13!!] = 13 1d6!!: [2] = 2 +2 =15 so one dose with +2 to DC
some of the congealed fluid along with some ingredients from his alchemist's kit into smaller vials each night at camp.

Maybe this batch will do better than the last

Once he is finished on the second evening, he takes the smallest of drops and
1d6!!: [3] = 3 1d6!!: [1] = 1 1d6!!: [3] = 3 1d6!!: [13!!] = 13 +2 =4 and 13 so both successes
it with some water. He then hands the skin to Lor and Caro.

"Drink this, it will numb the pain. Be careful, Lor, don't want to tear those stiches. Not to much Caro...oh well a gulp like that will definitely kill the pain..."

The bard then walks to the edge of the camp and listens to the howling in the distance. If he wasn't sure before, he was now.

"That's a gith hunting party. I doubt they can be reasoned with. Probably have been following us for a while. Our choices don't look good, but I say we make a stand here and see about making sure we only have to fight them on one front. "

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Failed Agility Check
Treated for Bumps and Bruises

Success (5)
Common Knowledge 1d10!: [7] = 7 -2 = 5
Wild Die 1d6!: [5] = 5 -2 = 3
Success (6)
Common Knowledge 1d10!: [6] = 6
Wild Die 1d6!: [2] = 2

After having been patched up once again by Berkyn, she gives him a second appreciative nod as she takes several sips from the offered concoction, noting her pain numbing significantly as the herbal agent took hold over her. It not occurring in the slightest to Lor at that moment of how easily it would be for the bard to poison her at any moment given the numerous opportunities that he’s had so far to do so at her own behest.

The treatment had put her in a better mood after the offensive behavour of the people who had attacked her earlier, examining the pictograms and totems with mild interest as they passed, noting their likely origin for future reference. While Lor wanted to tell the others about them, she realized at the last minute that such details had nothing to do with battle and killing, so it was more than likely that they wouldn’t have any interest at all in the subject. It was unfortunate that there was no one to relate to among them, but such was her situation and there was nothing to be done about it. It would be rude to bring up idle knowledge without being prompted in the wrong sort of crowd, and one did not get to where she did without being polite!

On the second evening she had been among the very last to even notice the approaching hostiles, only doing so after it had been clearly pointed out to her. Even then only drawing her full attention when it was clear that the problem wasn’t going to resolve itself.

“Gith is it?” Lor asked from atop her kank once more, having resumed filing her nails and performing necessary self care with mild disinterest in the news. “I suppose that would explain the totems that we found earlier. Did you see how grisly and odd they were? What a waste of time to make such things. I couldn’t imagine making any money at all from such trinkets.” She finished with a slight yawn, motioning a slight wave of her hand towards Caro then.

“Caro, do be a dear and go and kill all of them for me. I will wait here for you to finish. I’d rather not get involved this time if it is all the same. Creatures here so far seem to have a strange notion as to my involvement in battle and those sorts of things.” Came the dismissive words, followed by the likely long pause and stare from the dwarf in disbelief. The reaction causing her to look up for a moment and back from whence they came, taking in the sights and sounds of the charging creatures who were making their way towards them.

“Oh my, there does seem to be quite a few of them doesn't there?” She frowned, as this fact finally dawned on her. “No, no I don’t think this will do at all.” Lor intoned with a disgusted shake of her head. “We are in Tarek territory at the moment, and those sort and the Gith do have it in for one another quite often. It is likely that these fellows were off in search of battle against their hated foes and have come across us as opportune victims. I think perhaps if we head inwards more to a safer position at least it might be helpful. The awful noise they are making is certain to attract the attention of our hosts as well if they keep it up for much longer.” The merchant offered up as an alternative to the earlier plan. With the aforementioned hosts being that of the Tarek.. As though they could simply be found at any moment in the vast swath of wasteland they just happened to be in. Indeed Lor was definitely much more suited to city life it seemed.
Last edited by Lor on Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Drader »

Dice rolls
Agility d4!!: [1] = 1
agi wild d6!!: [1] = 1
CK d8!!: [2] = 2
CK wild d6!!: [5] = 5
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

With a sigh and grumble, the aged Balican opens his eyes and slowly climbs to his feet from the sitting position he had been meditating in. A muttered curse about "damned Gith, " escapes his lips at the sound of howling.

Belanius carefully exits his hidden retreat among the rocks, looking in the direction of the awful noise loud enough to wake the dead, expecting to see a swarm clambering up the hillside to his position.

"By the Dictator, himself. What is this?" he muses, surprised to see a ragtag group of humanoids moving through obvious gith territory and being stalked by a hunting party. Concluding his hideaway has not been revealed, he returns to his hovel, commenting, "Well that should keep the slavers happy for a bit...." as he squats with a loud popping from his knees and a grunt from his lips.

He closes his eyes and returns to his quiet prayers until another loud howl echoes off the stone walls. "Curse me for a fool!" he ruminates, once more painfully standing. "This will be the death of me!"

He moves to one of his sacks of belongings and rummages about for a bit until he finds what he seeks. Turning about, the elderly hermit returns to his concealed perch. "They had better appreciate this" he states to nobody in particular.

Standing tall, Belanius raises his hand presenting a small metal disc and intones loudly "By the power and authority of Andopinis, Dictator of the World, I command the desert to obey me! Halt these enemies where they stand so that judgement may be passed upon them!"

Favor 1d10!!-2: [9]-2 = 7 , Wild 1d6!!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Power Cost 2, Modifiers - Large Area +3, Strong +2 = 7

In a spray of sand and rocks, many hands burst from the ground beneath the gith, grasping at their feet and holding them in position. Their pursuit of the hapless survivors below has been interrupted and arrested.

"Kill them quickly, you fools! I cannot hold them long and they will not stop until we are all in chains and they drag us before their Whistling Throne."
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Agility 1d4!! or 1d6!! with a -1 to highest: [2]+[5] = 7
Common Knowledge 1d4!! or 1d6!! with a -2 to highest: [2]+[9!!] = 11
Common Knowledge 1d4!! or 1d6!!: [1]+[3] = 4

The ground giving way under him was frustrating and Harlock wished the roll performed by another. Grabbing the rocks and stones he manages to prevent himself from being injured, but did not like that the others would take injury.

When Harlock sees the tarek holy signs and mentions to the others their importance. "If we are in their land, we should not disrespect their ways." He says, though it is obvious the words are as much for him as they are for the others who observed the signs.

The pursuers was another thing all together. "I say we move to a better place. A battle in the open would give them the advantage. The Gith are also followers of the way and will have gifts that make a fair fight impossible." He says aloud so the others can here. When suddenly the Gith are attacked by a crazy man Harlock was going to seize the opportunity, then the man called them fools, not realizing his uncoordinated action instigated a battle in the terrain that most favored the enemies. Glaring he hesitated a moment...

Q for Tribe
@Tribe of One Are we doing a quick combat here or is that simple narrative for Belanius entrance?
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

The path along the razor-sharp ridgelines is hazardous at the best of times and doubly so with nothing but the dim moonlight of Ral and Guthay to light the way. As lookout, Harlock offers little help, and most of the group is bruised and battered even before the gith begin pursuing the group

[Bumps & Bruises for everyone but Harlock (who made his roll) and Caro and Lor (who Berkyn treated). Drader takes a particularly nasty tumble and ends up with a Wound.]

With the gith closing in, the party appears indecisive, arguing over whether to flee or stand and fight, when an old man in tattered robes appears, brandishing a templar's badge of office as he calls on the sorcerer-king of Balic to bind and entangle the approaching gith. Eldritch claws rise from the rock and sand to grasp the gaunt limbs of the gith, holding them back and providing the party a brief opportunity to flee. Following Lor's direction, the group scrambles down into the shadowed ravines, placing their trust — for the moment, at least — in the newcomer as he leads them on a twisting path before slipping into a partially obscured cave mouth.

240_F_648495799_MsMwr0q05KtT0vp7qs54JUSUo94hMnvZ.jpg (27.83 KiB) Viewed 18368 times

The embers of a small fire glow farther into the cave, which appears to have been home to tareks in the not-too-distant past, although the furnishings that remain are smashed and broken. The old man has scavenged a few pieces that are more or less intact and dragged them around the fire, though he has relatively little in the way of supplies. At least two passageways lead off into darkness from the main chamber, which is large enough to allow you to fight unimpeded if you choose to make a stand here.

You likely have only minutes to make a decision and prepare — already you can hear the hooting of the gith drawing nearer as they those who were entangled by the templar's spell free themselves and are joined by their fellows.

The cave offers ample room to maneuver and fight, and the relatively narrow entrance would serve as a chokepoint, making it difficult for the gith to use their numbers against you (they low ceilings would also prevent them from leaping at you, as they're prone to do). Alternatively, you could attempt to flee through the tunnels and evade them altogether.

You have a moment to decide -- do you want a Quick Combat, or a Dramatic Task to try to flee? If you choose to fight, you have a brief chance to prepare, casting spells (one round's worth of preparation) or (via an appropriate skill roll) preparing defensive measures or making battle plans (all of which could give you a bonus in the Quick Combat, or impose a penalty on the gith). It's pretty open-ended, so if you have an idea, go ahead and describe and make the related roll and I'll figure out how it applies.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Harlock looks at the cave with the cieling that raises ad lowers in natural bends. "I will not be able to maintain a run in those caves. Our ambsh will need to be here." He says.

Then watching as the Gith approach he prepares himself, looking for a good ledge he begins to dig deep into his inner strength. The Way was a difficult talent for many, but Harlock was stuborn and he found the concentration required came to him easily. As his body changed into the form of a small desert minx he leaped up on the ledge hiding in the rocks where he could not be seen.

The wait for the ambush should not be long...

Roll Raise
Shape change, duration minutes +1 (I do not know if this is a current modifier, it is in some copies and not others)
Psionics 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!!: [10]+[2] = 12
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

Once it becomes clear they intend to fight in his home, Belanius says, "Well they know where I am now. No more peace and quiet for contemplation. Did the Dictator send you after me? No, no. That couldn't be, he still answers my prayers"

Watching the half-giant transform and climb into an ambush position, the old man gives a toothy grin at the thought of using tactics the gith enjoy against them. "We shall fight here! Their numbers cannot be used to great advantage." This pronouncement is clearly made by a man who is used to command and expects to be obeyed.

He turns, does a quick head count and scoops up a large handful of sand. With one hand presenting the metal disc and the other full of sand, the Balican templar intones, "Oh great and powerful Andropinis, true ruler of the desert. I beseech thee. Protect these stalwart defenders of your faithful servant and voice out in these wastes!"

Sand is drawn from Belanius's fist into a small swirling cloud in front of him and several others, in turn. The clouds will deflect missiles and, when the gith draw into melee range the grit will fly at the attackers, hampering their attacks.

(Harlock, Caro, Vixa and Belanius are protected with Deflection; enemies are -2 to attack rolls directed at them)

(Power cost 3 + 3 [additional targets] = 6)

Remaining Power 12/25
Dice rolls
1d10!!-2: [9]-2 = 7
1d6!!-2: [8!!]-2 = 6
Last edited by Skeletor on Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn winces as the group gets inside the overhang of the cave entrance. His right ankle was fairly swollen as moccasins made for the sand and silt did not do well in the rocks and scree.

If I had known that concoction worked so well, I would have saved some for my self

As the newcomer works his magic, Berkyn instinctively hesitates and braces himself but quickly dismisses his defensiveness as they could use any help they could get to survive the gith attack. Kneeling down, he rolls out his bag of alchemical ingredients and begins tossing vials to Drader, Caro, and Vix.

"Coat your blades with that. Be mindful you do not let it touch any open wounds you may have. Don't ingest it either. If we are lucky a scratch will render one of those gith unable to move. That just might buy us the time we need to get the upper hand and see another dawn in this blasted hellscape."

Berkyn then proceeds to coat his own blade with the paralytic ichor.

OOC Comments
The vials contain a dose of paralytic poison. Berkyn saves the strong stuff (+2 DC) for his own blade

Bennys: 3/3
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

Belanius watches the bard with narrowed eyes.

Is this how the Dictator plans to be rid of me after all this time? I am a little honored by the expense of an assassin....but why would he still grant me power?

He carefully gathers his belongings into a few tattered sacks and pulls a worn vest of Inix leather over his withered frame. His suspicious eyes never leave Berkyn as he works, handing out toxins for use by the others. That is, until another howl pierces the tense silence in the cave. His attention is drawn once more to the cavern entrance.

"Be ready! They come soon!"
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Vixa »

Vixa scowls as she surveys the cave entrance. "This cave is even darker than where we were before! Would it kill someone to provide some light before those miserable creatures attack?"

With no powers to call upon Vixa readies her blade though she does not take the proffered poison. "I am a Halfling warrior and have no need for such things." she scoffs.

At the old man's call she prepares to spill as much blood as she can "Assuming I can see what I'm swinging at." she mutters to herself.
"Don't Panic"

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

“Ah, I have just the thing!” Came an amused sound from the back near Caro as Lor reaches into her bag and retrieves a strange glass object hanging by waxed sinew. It was filled with a large cloth wick and seemed to be half filled with tallow and oil. The small woman seemingly proud of the device as she pulled out the flint starter from her kit and used it to spark the thing a flame.

“Isn’t it wonderful… Ah, Vixa was it? It is just like a torch, yet much more expensive and far less durable. Perfect for little night time ventures such as these.” The small glow from the dangling orb created a cheerful glow even as their pending doom approached. “I would even dare say they would be quite perfect for a battle such as this if not for the fact that light works both ways. Though perhaps this little choke point will make it difficult for them to fire and throw through? Needless to say, I want to reassure you that I will be alright. I intend to make sure to stand close to the stone wall to make sure this doesn’t happen.” She gave the halfling an assuring nod, confirming that Lor herself should be relatively alright by her estimation.

Her eyes then drifted to the old man who had been shouting out feverish evocations to the Balic sorcerer king as she gave him a polite nod of her head. "And this is simply wonderful! It is such a wonderous stroke of fortune that I would not only run into someone from home, yet one destined and blessed by our very benevolent god and king to carry out his will and protect us as part of the process. I bid thee a hearty and glorious welcome good sir! Let us hope this isn't the last we speak before we become corpses. I would like to thank you properly for the aid after all."
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Looking around the cave where they are going to be fighting, Caro takes the vial Berkyn gave him and applies it to his wrist razors before drawing upon his
Psionics as a Free Action due Adept for Boost Fighting.
  • Psionics: 1d10!!+1!!: [9]+1 = 10
    Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [8!!]+1 = 9
    Result: 10 - Success with Raise. 1 ISP. Fighting 1d10+1 -> d12+2
to boost his fighting skills in preparation for the battle they are about to engage in.

"Lor, STAY BACK from the cave entrance, and HIDE off to the side so you will be safe."

I swear, that silly girl would die in an instant if I wasn't here to protect her.
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Skanni, finally shaking off her shellshock, mumbles. "Fight. Right. Fight coming. Communication for a fight. Gotta hear over the din."
Psionics for Mind Link
Psionics 1d8!, Wild 1d6!: [2]+[6!, 2] = 10 -2 for wound and fatigue = 6
8 PP spent to connect everyone.
Skanni thinks to everyone, We can hear each other's thoughts. Coordinate silently. Can hear thoughts over the fight. Good for fights.

She is still clearly recovering from having her bell rung earlier.
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2); Notes: Outsider, Heroic, PTSD, Brave
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Re: Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

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The howls of the pursuing gith echo off the walls of the canyon outside as you make your preparations. Despite being tired and bruised, and now coordinating with untested allies, your confidence grows as you spread out near the cave mouth, Lor's lantern illuminating the carved walls of the one-time stronghold of the tarek. The entry tunnel was cleverly excavated, offering plenty of space for defenders to move while funneling attackers into narrower confines.

As you check your weapons and apply Berkyn's venom to your blades, Skanni's mind reaches out and connects each of you, one to another, ensuring you will be able to communicate even in the heat of battle. Through her, you feel the probing mental touch of the gith, as the more powerful among them reach out with the Way to locate you.

A minute ticks by, then another, as the slap of feet and chittering war cries of the gith grow louder outside.
Among the calls of "This way!" and "Hurry!" you can make out references to "the great queen" on "the Whispering Throne." By the sounds of it, she is fearfully hard to please but looks favorably on warriors who are able to bring "tall prey" back to her alive.
The cries grow louder and more shrill when the gith scouts spot the cavern entrance. Soon, the first crouching warriors leap forward, obsidian spears catching the firelight as they charge among you. Although the low ceilings of the cave prevent them from leaping past your own warriors, the lean, scaled gith fight savagely as blood paints the carved walls and pools on the sandy floor ...

This is a modified Quick Encounter focused on combat. Each character can make a roll to engage the gith in combat (using Fighting, Shooting, Athletics or an arcane skill) or to support another character (using any skill that makes sense). You can take multiple actions if you choose, but suffer a Multi-Action Penalty to all your rolls as normal (-2 if taking two actions, -4 if taking three actions).

If engaging in combat, any penalties from Wounds or Fatigue apply. You also can gain bonuses from the following sources: +1 for an appropriate Combat Edge (multiples can stack); +1 or +2 from Support; +1 for preparations such as Berkyn's poison, Belanius's deflection spell or Harlock's shapeshifting (these, too, can stack). After totaling all penalties and advantages, your total bonus can't exceed +4.

Combat rolls: On a success, the group earns one token and you suffer a level of Fatigue from Bumps and Bruises. On a raise, you suffer no fatigue and gain an additional token for every 4 points you exceeded a success. On a failure, you gain no tokens and suffer a Wound. On a Critical Failure, you take 1d4 Wounds and the group loses a token.

Support rolls are made at +2 due to Skanni's mind link. On a success, you provide another character +1 to their own roll, or +2 on a Raise. You are at no risk of damage yourself.

Using an arcane skill such as Faith, Psionics or Favor for either roll costs you 1d6 power points.

Based on your roll, describe how your character contributes to the battle.

At the end of the quick encounter, the number of tokens accrued will determine how well you held off the gith:
  • 0-7 tokens: Each PC must make an Athletics roll: On a failure, you are Incapacitated and captured; On a success, you take 1d3 Wounds, reduced to 1 Wound on a Raise;
  • 8-15 tokens: You drive off the gith, but at a cost: For each token you fall short of 16, a random PC suffers 1 Wound (whether or not they directly engaged in combat). For example, if the group collects 12 tokens, then 4 Wounds will be distributed randomly among all PCs.
  • 16+ tokens: You defeat the gith while taking minimal damage yourselves.

You can spend Bennies as normal to attempt to Soak any Wounds suffered as a result of engaging in combat or from failing to collect enough tokens.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Persuasion Support Roll (Work the Crowd) +2 from Mind Link

+2 to Skanni's next Psionics roll (10)
+2 to Draders next Faith roll (19)
+2 to Berkyn's next Fighting roll (11)

Persuasion 1d12!+1: [7]+1 = 8 +2 = 10
Persuasion 1d12!+1: [12!, 4]+1 = 17 +2 = 19
Persuasion 1d12!+1: [8]+1 = 9 +2 = 11
Wild Die 1d6!+1: [2]+1 = 3

Charisma free reroll (using first set of rolls)
Persuasion 1d12!+1: [7]+1 = 8
Persuasion 1d12!+1: [7]+1 = 8
Persuasion 1d12!+1: [8]+1 = 9
Wild Die 1d6!+1: [3]+1 = 4

The flickering light of Lor’s hanging lantern caused shadows to dance over their forms as the gith approached their position, into what would be a potential meat grinder for one or both sides of the conflict. Where even with their prepared position, their victory was far less than certain. Thankfully, Lor had positioned herself away from the others as she held the device aloft to help reveal the location. The last battle she had engaged in had been entirely unpleasant and was not an experience she intended to repeat.

Noting the dank clouds that the elderly Templar had placed around her companions at the front lines of the choke point, Lor had absolutely no idea what purpose they served, but it seemed more than likely that they were something that would help. Which of course left those in the rear ranks somewhat less benefited of the sorcerer kings proxy. Fortunately for them, they had something far better to aid them. Words of supervision and encouragement like none other.

“The baldness of these dwarves is so fascinating! I wonder how smooth the other parts of them are? I think they would be rather slippery if one were to accidentally pour several vials of oil upon them, allowing them to squeeze into all manner of tunnels less suited to their size. Perhaps when I return home, I should try it on Ca– Ah!” There was a sudden pause in the mental link as Lor’s voice echoed within their minds. “Oh yes, we can read one another's thoughts at the moment I suppose. That is rather convenient is it not? Came the follow up sending after the initial awkward pause from the merchant. It seemed as though there would be absolutely no acknowledgement or shame from the previous thought that had inadvertently made its way to the others.

“Fret not rear rank companions!” Came an immediate burst of mental inspiration from the lithe woman, completely shifting notes to the matter at hand. Focusing primarily on those closest to her. “Their paltry prowess of powerlessness is naught but a flicker compared to your awe inspiring might! Envision this with I if you will, imagine and fathom a break in the combat, a brief opening where they break through with their mob for but a moment and it comes your time to act. With the ever so contumacious Skanni overpowering their thoughts from the left, whilst the halcyon natured Drader summons the aqueous might he controls from the right. It would leave them utterly helpless as Berkyn thrusts forward his blade powered by naught but his astounding peremptory disdain for the filth that made such an error but to underestimate the gloriousness that is… The rear rank! We are the last stand, the final wall, the end of all things for the gith!”

Her thoughts resounded through the three persons heads, inspiring them to action and perhaps even allowing them to politely ignore the prior idle surface thoughts of the merchant princess from before.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Psionics 12, 3 Tokens
Psionics 1d10!, Wild 1d6!: [7]+[6!, 5] = 18 +2 from Support cancels out her -1 for Fatigue and -1 for a Wound
1d6 Power Points: [4] = 4
Skanni is too tired to think up anything clever. Bolstered as she is by Lor's "back line!" chant, she grabs with her mind the first gith that makes it past her more melee-focused companions, picks them up, and bashes them into the ground until they stops moving.

Once the first is dead, she repeats it on the next. And then the next.

Skanni does not speak, verbally or mentally, until the fight is over. Her face makes no expression as she kills the gith, and she spares no attention for the splatters of gore who once were her "adversaries."
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

As the gith draw closer and their shadows begin to flicker on the wall, Belanius draws upon his faith once more. He flings the remaining sand in his hand across the cave entrance, intoning a
1d10!!-2: [16!!]-2 = 14

"Oh Andropinis, Master of the Sands, I call upon you once more! Blind these foul beasts so that they cannot find their prey. Judgement will be swift and they shall fall before your loyal servants!"

He utters the last with a quick wink to Lor, acknowledging her proper respect. The aged Balician then readies his bone staff, preparing to crack open some gith skulls.

He shouts a taunt, "Your queen gets no prize this night! The Whispering Throne will be disappointed again!"
Dice rolls
Roll 1d10!!+2: [6]+2 = 8
Last edited by Skeletor on Wed Jan 24, 2024 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

It was amazing to Harlock how much these people talked. Their minds constantly moving around.
As the gith came in and suddenly found themselves bound Hallock moved. Reaching within his inner well he pulled the gift of the dervish and leapng from his perch he released his form. Suddenly the gith found a silent giant landing among them his weapon spinning so fast he struck them all in turn his weapon glowing with psychic force.
When the battle ends Harlock sends, "do your minds ever rest?" to the chatting companions.

Fighting 23 total
Fighting 1d10!! or Wild 1d6!! with ??4: [19!!]+[4] = 23
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

As the gith approached Berkyn slipped into the shadows. The priests eldritch darkness was helpful and so was Lor's mental link -- although Berkyn kept his thoughts to himself lest they betray his location to the enemy. Slipping from stalactites that nearly reached the floor to stalagmites that nearly touched the ceiling, the bard
Fighting 1d8!!: [2] = 2 1d6!!: [4] = 4 Benny 1d8!!: [13!!] = 13 1d6!!: [1] = 1 -1 Fatigue +2 Support +1 Poison +1 Close Fighting Combat Edge = 16
at the first gith that past him, making deep cut along its ribs. The poison did its work, dropping the gith in its tracks.

The next few, Berkyn had to be a bit more precise, stabbing into lungs or slashing throats as he appeared from seemingly nowhere to kill the gith. Lor's guidance keeping him one step ahead of them. Making a loop around the cavern, he finally returned to the first gith he wounded. It stared up with hateful eyes, unable to move. Berkyn knelt beside it and smirked, idly turning his blade over in his hand before plunging it down to end the foul thing's existence. Only then did he open his mind back up to communicate through the telepathic link.

I fear their queen will be most displeased with them today

OOC Comments
Raise and 4 Tokens

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

2 Actions using Fighting (d10+1 -> d12+2 (Boost Trait) -> d12+3 (Due Poison) -> 2x d12+1 (MaP). Caro is going all out to protect Lor.
  • Action 1:
    • Fighting: 1d12!!+1!!: [2]+1 = 3
      Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [4]+1 = 5
      • Bennie Reroll
        • Fighting: 1d12!!+1!!: [10]+1 = 11
          Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [15!!]+1 = 16
      Result: 16 -[ Success with 3 Raises. 4 Tokens Earned./list]
      Action 2:
      • Fighting: 1d12!!+1!!: [10]+1 = 11
        Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [3]+1 = 4
        Result: 11 - Success with Raise. 2 Tokens.

Seeing that Lor for once was smartly staying back, Caro flung himself at the Gith. Jumping on them and stabbing down, diving underneath them and stabbing up into them, and just charging straight at them and slipping their weapons out of the way and stabbing straight into them.... it didn't matter. Caro made quick work of the Gith. Finally when he looked around for another Gith to go after, there was no more. The Dwarf was basically coated from head to toe in blood, yet none of it was his own.

"I am thinking I will be needing a good scrub to get all of this off of me. Can anyone find me some rags off the corpses to help? I don't want to be smelling of this blood for any longer than needed."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Drader »

Using a combo of bolt and healing when needed to save my friends from their folly. Still mad @Harlock for not paying attention and causing me to fall down the cliff and get wounded.
Dice rolls
Faith d10+2: [2]+2 = 4
Widl d6+2: [1]+2 = 3
power d6: [2] = 2
benny d10+2: [1]+2 = 3
benny d6+2: [3]+2 = 5
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

The hooting warcries of the gith echo from the cave-mouth as they charge in, quickly turning to screams of pain and terror as Belanius blinds the front rank and combat is joined.

The battle that follows is brutal and one-sided.

As Lor shouts encouragement from the rear, Harlock drops into the throng of gith and assumes his natural form, laying about with his obsidian axe with unexpected grace and speed, each swing carving flesh in a spray of dark blood. Berkyn darts among the confused raiders, choosing each target carefully, striking precisely if not always deep, trusting his poisons to do their work.

Caro and Skanni kill with blunt efficiency, the dwarf in a flurry of close combat that leaves him awash in blood, the half-elf dealing death at range with her telekinesis, slamming gith into the ceiling and floor, sending them crashing into each other and into the path of Harlock's axe. Drader stays at a distance, as well, hurling bolts of desiccating energy and healing the wounds of his companions.

The gith offensive already is beginning to collapse when the air begins to vibrate with psionic force. One of the gith war-leaders brandishes a glowing crystal, channeling his Will through it with a force that threatens to shake apart the cavern and bury you all with the bones of the tarek ... until Harlock's axe splits his skull like a ripe cabra melon. The shaking stops and the stones above your groan as they settle again into a stable formation, dust and sand falling to coat the blood-soaked battleground. Soon, no gith remain breathing.

As the rush of adrenaline fades, you check your own wounds, which are all minor thanks to Drader's ministrations, and take stock. More than 30 gith lie dead, their bodies torn and mangled in the battle. But as Lor draws near with her lantern, it's clear that these gith are unlike any you've seen in the past.

Hunched and gangly, gith's scaled skin tends to fall within a range of coloration — anything from deep or pale purple to blue to sickly green. These appear to have once been a bruised lavender but much of their skin is blackened and diseased, especially around their sunken nostrils and lip-less maws ... among those butchered by Harlock's axe, you can make out organs riddled with tumors and disease. They were not the risen minions of some foul necromancer, but it's a wonder they were able to fight as they did filled with so much rot.

Also surprising is the quality of some of the plunder you find among the bodies. Although most of the warrior's carry traditional gith weaponry, mostly broad-headed spears crafted of bone and obsidian, the war-leader carried a glaive with a blade of ancient steel and another champion carried an elegant scimitar of the same metal. Black feathers like those you found decorating the gith totems are tied to the weapons, fluttering from below the head of the glaive and around the pommel of the curved sword, each pointing north. The focusing crystal the war-leader carried is of craftsmanship far beyond the gith, as well. As you drag the corpses outside, you see that many of the warriors had decorated their armor and scant clothing with shards and spindles of colored glass that appear to have been chipped from a larger mosaic or torn from a wind-chime far too delicate for savage raiders such as these.
Details of the treasure
The bits of glass are pretty but of limited value — perhaps 50 cp for the lot.

The steel weapons, however, are clearly of ancient craftsmanship and largely untouched by time. Due to their material, neither the glaive nor the scimitar run a risk of breaking under normal use, and benefit from an additional +1 AP.

The psionic focusing crystal is equally deadly as a weapon of war, its facets carved to enhance the wielder's manifestation of the Way. This one is attuned to the school of telekinesis. The wielder gains a die-type in Psionics. When using the telekinesis power, the strength of the wielder's telekinetic grasp is increased by a die-type, as well; damaging powers with telekinetic trappings gain a +1 bonus to damage.
As the dust settles, a current of air brings a stale scent to your nose. Turning around, Lor's lantern reveals a wide fissure has opened in the wall behind the tareks' shrine, splitting the intricate cave paintings that had decorated the stone. Within, you can make out a few carved niches containing ancient bones — too few to have held all of the tareks' dead, though the intricate carvings on the surrounding stone suggest they contain remains of some importance. As you peer carefully inside, a gust of wind swirls within, accompanied by a clattering of stones as piles of rubble gather to form a vaguely humanoid shape, its eyes glowing with spectral fire.

"Im azgakannery ts’rvats yen, nrants’ tuny, pghtsvats. Urish i?nch’ ch’arik’ yek’ mtadir hasts’nel nrants’ hishatakin?" a spectral voice says from the stone as it rises to block you from entering the chamber.
"My kin are scattered, their home defiled. What other evil do you intend to inflict on their memory?"

GM Bennies: 7/7
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn kneels down beside a dead gith cleaved in two by Harlock, rotting organs exposed. Careful not to touch the body, the bard uses one of the gith's obsidian weapons to
Healing 1d6!!: [5] = 5 1d6!!: [1] = 1 +2 = 7
at the tumorous liver and lungs.

"I am not sure these gith would have survived much longer on their own anyway. This isn't natural. I feel our new found friend, may have the right of it. I think they pose little danger to us unless what infected them is also out there."

Berkyn nods his thanks at Belanius for his assistance. The bard then busies himself with carefully taking a few samples and placing the now empty vials of the paralytic poison he handed out.

No sense this ichor going to waste, though

Luckily he finishes before the rubble assembles itself into something that can talk. The disembodied voice nearly causing him to drop the vials as he packs them away into his kit.

Bennys: 3/3
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Lor wrinkled her nose at the pile of diseased looking corpses and did her best to cover her mouth as she stood way back away from them. She had no interest in picking through their dirty treasure, especially at the prospect of getting sick. Picking through blek was something for poor people to do, that is why they existed after all. They are a hard working salt of the earth sort of people who enjoy that sort of thing, and achieve a state of euphoria from picking through dirt. Lor of course admired them for that, but knew that it was something that she would never be able to stomach herself.

As she continued to back away, and the wall she bumped into crumbled behind her, she took a startled jump back as the large stone figure was revealed. Its mountainous form cast upon by shadows from the flickering light coming from the dangling glass lantern she held aloft. With little hesitation, she snapped her fingers to call attention to Caro as the hair on her neck stood up on end, though she seemed to calm down when the creature spoke to them instead.

“Oh how wonderful, it speaks a dialect of dwarven! Listen to how guttural it is. Caro do be a dear and translate his words for me, and let him know that we are a friendly reasonable sort while you are at it.” The merchant smiled at the Tarek and bowed her head, pointing towards the smaller unamused figure next to her and then to his lips, giving the creature another nod.

“Go ahead Caro, no pressure now but he does appear to be rather jumpy at the moment. Perhaps he is upset at being locked up behind that wall? Let us offer him something to eat. What do you think rocks enjoy? More rocks?” Lor frowned at this and shook her head. “No, no that would be cannibalism wouldn’t it? Oh my this is quite the conundrum.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

Belanius wrinkles his nose at the smell of the diseased gith and curiously leans in to observe as the bard cuts them open. He thinks back to the things he has heard several groups say over the last several weeks while he hid in his cave, pondering the Whispering Throne and the queen who sits upon it.

1d8!!: [2] = 2
1d6!!: [8!!] = 8

"They serve some sort of special queen who sits upon a Whipering Throne. That is not just colorful language. It means something. I suspect a defiler at best, something from beyond more likely." the old man mutters to the group after examining the corpses with Belkyn. One eye never leaves the bard, but he is beginning to beleive that the assassin is in fact not there for him.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Vixa »

Survival 1d8!!: [3] = 3
Wild Die 1d6!!: [1] = 1

Vixa sniffs the corpse and wrinkles her nose at the smell. "Well, I wouldn't recommend eating them but I've never seen anything like that before. Maybe if you cooked them long enough or maybe they could be made into jerky...."

Vixa picks up the steel scimitar and gives it a few practice swings before shaking her head and dropping it back to the ground. Looking over the glass shards she puts a few of the more promising looking ones in a pouch for use in repairing her trusty tembo sword should the need arise.

After that she moves off to the side, taking a seat on the ground near the cave wall to watch the proceedings and staying out of the way of the big people as they engage in their strange big people activities.
"Don't Panic"

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

Belanius turns to address the stoney Tarek. "I have no idea what your primitive tongue is trying to communicate. We will stay away from your bones, respect your savage burial rituals and be gone from this place soon enough. Stay in your hole or feel the power of Andropinis"

1d8!!: [6] = 6
1d6!!: [5] = 5
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Looking over the small battle field Harlock nods to himself. Feeling hi performance in this battle should make up for the wrongs committed in the previous battles. Reaching down to grab the fine polearm Harlock lifts it and begins examining it. "I will use this, unless one of you wishes to draw straws for it? If so, I can offer up my Dragon’s Paw as a replacement. But it will not be as durable as this weapon." He says.
Tribe of One wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:45 pm As the dust settles, a current of air brings a stale scent to your nose. Turning around, Lor's lantern reveals a wide fissure has opened in the wall behind the tareks' shrine, splitting the intricate cave paintings that had decorated the stone. Within, you can make out a few carved niches containing ancient bones — too few to have held all of the tareks' dead, though the intricate carvings on the surrounding stone suggest they contain remains of some importance. As you peer carefully inside, a gust of wind swirls within, accompanied by a clattering of stones as piles of rubble gather to form a vaguely humanoid shape, its eyes glowing with spectral fire.

"Im azgakannery ts’rvats yen, nrants’ tuny, pghtsvats. Urish i?nch’ ch’arik’ yek’ mtadir hasts’nel nrants’ hishatakin?" a spectral voice says from the stone as it rises to block you from entering the chamber.
Harlock looks at the strange stone man. "Do you speak giant? Do you speak dwarven? or Maybe Thri-Kreen?" Harlock asks in the relative tongues, thinking if it speaks common or any other languages it will respond to the others questions.
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Lor wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:28 am “Oh how wonderful, it speaks a dialect of dwarven! Listen to how guttural it is. Caro do be a dear and translate his words for me, and let him know that we are a friendly reasonable sort while you are at it.” The merchant smiled at the Tarek and bowed her head, pointing towards the smaller unamused figure next to her and then to his lips, giving the creature another nod.

“Go ahead Caro, no pressure now but he does appear to be rather jumpy at the moment. Perhaps he is upset at being locked up behind that wall? Let us offer him something to eat. What do you think rocks enjoy? More rocks?” Lor frowned at this and shook her head. “No, no that would be cannibalism wouldn’t it? Oh my this is quite the conundrum.
"No, it is NOT Dwarven. Just stay behind me, Lor, in case it gets aggressive. Now, if nobody minds, I will take this Scimitar to use... unless I can instead get that Focusing Crystal. It will allow me to more effectively use my Carrikal Telekinetically."

"Those Gith seem corrupted by something, anyone know any more details about them or this... Tarek Spirit?!?"
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

Harlock wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:49 pm"Do you speak giant? Do you speak dwarven? or Maybe Thri-Kreen?" Harlock asks in the relative tongues, thinking if it speaks common or any other languages it will respond to the others questions.
The rock-like creature cocks its head as Harlock attempts various dialects, then responds in Dwarven.

"I speak the tongue of those who once dwelt within the earth's grip," the tarek spirit says in a grinding voice, before turning toward Caro. "Even if those children have forgotten it's touch."

Gazing beyond the half-giant, it spots the pile of gith corpses, which Berkyn has finished examining.

'You kill the black-tongue leapers. Do you oppose the Whispering Queen, or are you simply here for plunder?" it asks. "I will not let you loot this shrine, even if none of my clan remain to tend it."

The creature gazes around at the empty clanhold, flakes of rock and dust falling from its stony eye-sockets like tears.

"All is dust now, scattered on the wind. If any survived, they are slaves to her corruption now, digging for lost treasures beneath the Whistling Throne."

The stone being curses, reverting back to its native tongue. "Those fools worshiping the wind paid for their folly with their souls but it is we who continue to suffer the consequences."

Having established a means of communication, feel free to interrogate the spirit further. A Persuasion check is probably most useful for establishing how helpful it will be, but it will answer basic questions as long as no one tries to enter the shrine.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Harlock reponds in dwarven. "We only came here to hide from the hunters we slew. I will not steal your sacred items."

Harlock was a survivor and did not like the idea of a powerful enemy hunting them or wanting to turn them into slaves. Mine slaves tended to die frequently, and few ever get to grow grey in their hair. "I do not know the Whispering Queen and I hated being a slave. What can you tell us of her?"
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

“Oh do tell us more of this Whispering Queen. Is she perhaps one that rules and represents the ill affected persons that lay before us?” Lor would chime in with her pleasant voice, confirming her support of the half-giants question and after switching her speech to dwarven. A strange act for certain given that she had only moments ago told her bodyguard to translate such for her when she had erroneously assumed that the Tarek was speaking that particular tongue to begin with.

“But as our friend Harlock has mentioned, we were passing through where the finding of your shrine was only just incidental to that. We did not even know it was here. But do not fret, plundering such sites is an activity for poor people. We’ve much more important matters on our hands at the moment.” The merchant tried to reassure the stony figure, even as she stood on her toes to try to get a look at what may lay within the shrine, taking care not to cross the imaginary line that had separated the fallen wall from the larger area where the battle had taken place.

“It must have been this way for quite some time. I’ve no knowledge of this Whistling Throne or why such treasures would be buried below it. Though I must ask, if none of your kind are left to tend the shrine and your desire is to guard the treasures. Why not simply take them with you and move elsewhere to a spot more remote and out of the reach of they? With the wall now removed this place will be much more evident to those who stumble upon the passage.”
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn did not understand dwarven, but he knew enough of the Giant alphabet and language as well as the generally neutral interaction to know that things were not going to go pear shaped - at least not at the moment.

In Trade Tongue: "Ask it if it know where these feathers that seemingly move on their own accord are pointing to."

Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Tribe of One wrote: Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:58 pm
Harlock wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:49 pm"Do you speak giant? Do you speak dwarven? or Maybe Thri-Kreen?" Harlock asks in the relative tongues, thinking if it speaks common or any other languages it will respond to the others questions.
The rock-like creature cocks its head as Harlock attempts various dialects, then responds in Dwarven.

"I speak the tongue of those who once dwelt within the earth's grip," the tarek spirit says in a grinding voice, before turning toward Caro. "Even if those children have forgotten it's touch."
"I just haven't heard it spoken through lips not those of flesh. We are not here to steal your treasures nor do we know of this Whispering Queen. We just took cover in the cave for tactical reasons fighting those Gith. I am just concerned for my charge's safety in these wastes and we are journeying to safety after our caravan was destroyed."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

The rock-tarek listens silently as the group peppers it with questions, seemingly uninterested in the circumstances that brought them to its abandoned shrine. When all have spoken, its gravelly voice rumbles to life again, addressing Harlock, who it seems to have identified as the group's champion, which in tarek society traditionally fills the role of clan-chief, as well.

The Whispering Queen is corruption given flesh. A foul spirit of the air summoned by fools chasing dust devils," it says, the rumbling voice gradually settling into a steadier cadence.

Perhaps you surface-dwellers spend too much time in the sun and it curdles your minds. But those you loosed her thought the desert breeze was worthy of worship, ignoring the strength of the earth beneath their feet. They came to her prison, a temple of the ancients half a night's march from here, seeking whatever feeble secrets the long-dead wind-worshipers had gathered there. They found her.

"Soon death blew from the whistling halls of that place. She lured others to her service — those feathers are hers, pointing always to her throne. She uses them to draw both curious and faithful to kneel before her and breathe the black winds she exhales. Some she takes into her chamber. Those die quickly. Others are put to work, digging through the sand for lost treasures. Those die almost as soon. Others, like the gith, are too ugly or stupid for either, so she sends them out to seize others as slaves. They die slowly, but her rot overtakes them eventually.

"My clan has dwelled here since my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather's time, before the sands swallowed the roads leading west, when tamarisk grew on the plateau and zaal trees could still be found in the valleys. They fought the gith for a year's counting, then another and another, counting on the stone to shield them as it always has. But it was no use. She found them here, her gith slaughtering the bravest and carrying the rest to dig treasures for their queen as the dark rot slowly takes them. The small moon has shone its full face on the rocks ... three times since then."

Feel free to continue parlaying with the tarek spirit, but the group needs to decide where it heads next.

By Lor's calculations, you're about four days travel from the House Wavir outpost but if the feathers point true, the Whispering Queen's temple lies directly in your path, half a day away. To avoid it would add another day to your journey. Currently, you have enough water to last the group about four days, assuming you continue traveling at night, with about five day's food in the cart.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Lor waited patiently as she listened to the Tarek explain the situation, idly holding the floating feathers she had tucked away behind Caro’s head curiously as their purpose was explained. Eventually returning it to her position as she lightly dusted her hands off upon one another and tapping her chin thoughtfully while resting her other hand on her hip.

“Absolutely wondrous! This changes everything.” The merchant princess spoke out suddenly with unexpected delight as clear excitement shone on her expression. “I had thought it naught but pure coincidence that these feathers had been pointing in the direction of our outpost, and it appears that I was correct, though for entirely the wrong reasons. It is simply that our destination happened to be farther than this… Ah, temple was it?” Lor asked for clarification, as if she had barely remembered the details of the sordid tale that had been told to them by the forlorn creature.

“We must head there and secure it at once! Aside from the obvious notion that circumventing it will place us several days beyond our current water and ration supply, there is a far greater stake at play here. Something that could well and truly change the way trade across the entirety of Athas is conducted!” Lor’s good eye seemed to sparkle at this, perhaps even more so than the quartz replacement she had embedded in the other socket next to it, as Caro could already more than likely feel his blood pressure rising as he knew that no good could be coming from the woman's train of thought.

With a grand motion of her hands to the back of Caro’s head, where the floating feathers lay, still pointing straight upwards and towards the north in defiance of logic and gravity, Lor waited a moment to let the thought sink in on its own. “Do you not see? This… Whispering Queen, in her effort to dig for trinkets of the past, has inadvertently created something far more valuable.” With her breathless excitement barely contained, she finally explained to them what she had seen with merchant sight, seeing profit in places where others saw only the mundane.

“A portable frame of reference, always pointing to the exact same spot. Do you not see? No matter where one is, with these… Feathery things continually and constantly pointing to this temple, a group of skilled navigators could find their way to nearly anywhere they desired, no matter how lost they became by always knowing where they were with regard to this temple. Such a thing will far exceed the value of what was lost in the caravan. We simply must head there and retrieve as many of these things as we can!” Lor intoned with utter delight, even going so far as to clap her hands excitedly at the notion.

“It could change the way trade routes are conducted forever! Of course, we will need to have Caro go inside and dispatch this person and her loyal yet undoubtably violent minions, while I wait outside for him to do so. But once he has done so, it will leave this as a relative safe place, aside from the presence of local fauna that may flock to it.” Lor mused idly as she already started to think several steps ahead of their immediately assumed victory. “Perhaps I should see about having the outpost relocated to this temple. It would only make sense to have it become a major trade hub with the inherent value it would have. Ah, but that would be a matter for papa to address I suppose.”

The concept of Magnetic North, or perhaps the closest thing to it, was but a dream of all merchants in Athas and was now within her grasp.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn's eyes widen as Lor discusses her plan. He didn't necessarily disagree with her, the feathers did have tremendous value. As an agent of House Wavir, it was his duty to get to the outpost and report on what had happened to the caravan and the magic of the feathers was something that would go a long way in recouping their losses.

Still, fighting the gith on their own turf was going to be much more difficult than what they had just gone through here in the caves and would very likely get one of more of the group killed.

"Perhaps we should try to push through to the Outpost and come back to clear out the gith. While I have come to respect Caro's martial prowess, we likely would be able to get supplies and perhaps reinforcements to help in the extermination of the Whispering Queen. I am not suggesting we test our limited provisions by going around but, rather, we go straight through and risk traveling during the day past the gith caverns when they are the least active. If we find that isn't possible, then, and only then, do we risk fighting the gith in their lair."

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skeletor »

Belanius clears his throat now that the talk with the rock-tarek appears to have concluded. "Now that you are done, who are you people and why have you brought this doom upon my hermitage?" The old man leans heavily on his staff and groans with every movement as he packs his meagre belongings, preparing to abandon the cave.

"I can no longer stay here; you will escort me to this outpost. By way of the gith temple or not, I do not care. Andropinis will guide our path as is appropriate. He didn't send you to kill me..." he mutters the last with an eye at Berkyn. "Therefore, you have been sent to aid. And that is exactly what you shall do."

"So tell me. Who are you desperate fools and why are you here?"
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

"We are as you have said: desperate fools. Our caravan was waylaid by the sands, and we have fared little better ourselves."

On the idea of magic feathers, Skanni chimes in, " Will these feathers continue to function once this queen of theirs is gone? It seems the one might require the other."

On the focusing crystal, she says, "I could certainly benefit from that. Most of what I do is telekinesis. That said, I won't fight over it, either. Draw straws?"
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Skanni and Caro cast lots for the crystal! On a 1 it goes to Caro, on a 2 it goes to Skanni.

1d2: [2] = 2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Skanni picks up the scimitar and the crystal, holding the sword out to @Caro.

"No hard feelings, mate. I'll defer to you next time we find something worth finding."
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

Either convinced by Lor's enthusiasm or simply unwilling to argue, the group prepares to leave the tarek clanhold, heading in the direction the temple ruins that serve as the Whispering Queen's lair. Gathering up the valuables looted from their fallen foes, the survivors dice to decide who will carry the steel blades, along with the psionic crystal carried by the gith war-leader.

It is still twilight, and with some luck you hope to reach the ruins soon after sunrise. As you shoulder your packs, the spirit-tarek calls out from its alcove, carrying a stiff leather pouch.

"Take this with you," it says, grinding one stony fist over the pouch, which slowly fills with a pale blue dust that falls from its palm. "It may protect you from the demon's black breath, at least for a time. And if you find any of my people, it will give them the strength to return to me here, where I may call on the earth to heal them."

With that, you head back out in to the ravines, carefully picking your way back up the treacherous slopes to reach high ground. The moons are full and you make good time, following the floating black feathers to the north. As the sky to the east brightens from purple to pink to blazing orange, you find a high ridge to camp on with a view of the scorched valley below.
There, amid wind-carved pillars of rock, you see a series of distinctly man-made towers rising from the sand-filled floor of the valley. Those of you who have spent time in the cities of the sorcerer-kings recognize the structures as windcatchers — hollow stone towers cunningly engineered to capture the breeze and funnel it inside, cooling the rooms below. Even from this distance, you can hear the booming echoes of the wind flowing past the towers and rock spires, no doubt the source of the temple's name.

Much of the ground-level structure appears to be in ruins, or buried by sand, but you can see distant figures moving among the tumbled stones, in and out of shadowed recesses that likely lead into levels below. With the ridge providing some scant cover from the sun, you decide to rest and decide your next move.

From this distance it's clear that there are one or more entrances to some sort of inhabited underground structure among the towers below, but you can likely gather more detailed information by scouting — at the risk of being spotted yourselves. Give me an appropriate skill check for scouting (Notice or Survival, most likely, though something like Academics or even Common Knowledge could be useful, too) and a Stealth check from someone to see if the group avoids detection, and make any other plans or preparations you'd like.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Survival (+2 due Woodsman)
  • Survival: 1d8!!+2!!: [3]+2 = 5
    Wild: 1d6!!+2!!: [5]+2 = 7
    Result: 7 - Success

"Those creatures MAY be more Gith, but I can't really see it from here. I can
Burrow Power
and glide through it to get a better view, unless someone else has a better idea."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn nods, "That is probably our best option. Perhaps we can also put something reflective like a piece of glass away from our camp but where we can see it. It may draw them out and give us an idea of what we are dealing with."

Bennys: 3/3
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

“That is a wonderful plan Caro! It is almost as good as mine, where my suggestion was to have the rest of us wait out here and have you charge in and defeat everything as we do so.” It was difficult to tell if the merchant was serious or not from her pleased look at the idea. “It does look as though traversing this place would take quite some time however, would you be able to meld into the rocks, as you say for very long or will they spit you out after long enough? If the latter we may need to resort to traditional scouting methods.”

“And all that being said, this lovely blue powder would only work on any Tarek we find that are corrupted by this persons influence, yes? That would leave any Gith we find to be quite dangerous. Perhaps a good plan would be to lure them out bit by bit along the edges somehow to dwindle their numbers so as to have fewer to deal with when we eventually go inside?”
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Skanni rubs a bit of the powder between her fingers.

"They said it could protect us, too, right? So, how does it work? Do we have to like, eat it, or something?"

She then also looks to see what she can see, pointing out anything of note to Caro.

Notice 5 to help scout
Notice 1d8!, Wild 1d6!: [3]+[5] = 8
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Harlock looks down on the temple with the others. "We may be able to circle around. Tracks could tell us how many come and go from here?" He says. Then breaking away from the others he begins doing so. People need to eat, they need tools and even slaves have needs.
Critical Failure
Survival to Gain information 1d6!! or Wild 1d6!!: [1]+[1] = 2
As he leaves trying to get some information things do not go as planned...
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

With the rising sun casting long shadows in the valley below, the group discusses how to approach the ruined — and presumably gith-infested — temple. Soon, a consensus builds around a two-pronged approach: Part of the group will create a distraction to draw out the gith, allowing a better count of their forces. Meanwhile, Caro and a few others will use psionics and stealth to do some close-range scouting of the temple entrances.

That was the plan, anyway. Nodding his massive head in agreement, Harlock moves away from the group, looking for a path from the heights down into the valley. Unfortunately, his equally massive feet find a patch of unstable rock. He catches himself before falling, but the slip dislodges a shower of stones that quickly builds into a minor avalanche.

As one, the gith visible near the temple's entrances point in your direction, their shouts echoing off the high ridges soon to be followed by war horns. As warriors boil out from the temple ruins and begin to head in your direction, you realize you are about to get a very accurate, up-close-and-personal tally of the Whispering Queen's forces ...

Harlock's stumble has alerted the gith, who quickly organize into dozens of war-parties that begin loping in your direction. Even with the advantage of height, staying here on the ridge is likely suicide, with the sun rising and no place to hide from the leaping gith. The badland canyons behind you offer cover, at least ... and perhaps other chances to winnow the gith's numbers or make an escape.


We'll handle this more like a Dramatic Task or Quick Combat than a chase, although your rapid flight from the pursuers will be physically taxing.

First, each character must make a Vigor roll (or Athletics if desired) at a -3 penalty (-2 from the heat and -1 from high altitude, which can be mitigated normally with appropriate powers or abilities). Results are as follows:
  • Raise: No negative consequences
  • Success: 1 level of Fatigue from Heat
  • Failure: 1 level of Fatigue from Heat and 1 level of Fatigue from Bumps and Bruises
  • Critical Fail: 1 level of Fatigue from Heat and 1d3 Wounds due to a bad fall (roll for Gritty Damage)

Second, each character can take one action like they would in a Quick Encounter. Nearly any Skill could be used, with the right justification, but you must choose of one two broad objectives: Harming your pursuers or protecting your party.

Harming Your Pursuers
(Example skills and uses: Fighting, Shooting to kill gith directly; Athletics to start a rockfall; Survival to lead them into a patch of burnflowers or sand cactus; Repair to rig a trap; etc.
Costs: Arcane skills can be used for the check but use 1d6 PP or the actual cost of the power, whichever is higher.
Bonuses and penalties: Penalties from Fatigue, etc. apply as normal. An Edge or ability that directly affects the skill and use (ie. Sweep when using Fighting or Marksman using Shooting) grants a +1 to the roll, to a max of +2; You may use Boost Trait or other powers to enhance your roll, but must roll to activate and pay the PP cost.
Results: (This action counts as a Dangerous Encounter)
  • Raise: Roughly 10 pursuers are killed or incapacitated (at least 60 are in pursuit); character is unharmed
  • Success: Roughly 5 pursuers are killed or incapacitated; character takes 1 level of Fatigue from Bumps and Bruises
  • Failure: The character takes 1 Wound (can be Soaked as usual)
  • Critical Fail: The character takes d4 Wounds

Protecting Your Party
(Example skills and uses: Athletics to gain distance or climb to an optimal position; Battle to prepare a defensive position; Stealth to hide; Survival to lose your pursuers in the maze-like canyons, etc.
Costs: Arcane skills can be used for the check but use 1d6 PP or the actual cost of the power, whichever is higher.
Bonuses and penalties: Penalties from Fatigue, etc. apply as normal. An Edge or ability that directly affects the skill and use (ie. Woodsman or Free Runner, for example) grants its normal bonus or +1 to the roll, to a max of +2; You may use Boost Trait or other powers to enhance your roll, but must roll to activate and pay the PP cost.
Results: (This action counts as a Nonlethal Encounter)
  • Raise: Two party members are protected from harm if/when you confront the remaining gith in the war-party (If all gith are dead, there's no confrontation; likewise if all party members are protected, though the gith could be encountered again later)
  • Success: One party member is protected
  • Failure: No effect
  • Critical Fail: The attempt backfires. A protected party member is left vulnerable and there may be other negative effects as appropriate.

Confronting the Gith War-Party
Depending on the party's actions and successes, it's possible gith could all be eliminated or that the party escapes (if all members are protected). Otherwise, their will be a showdown when the war-party catches up to the party. For every 5 remaining gith, one unprotected party member will suffer a hit, with damage based on the number of gith survivors.
GM Bennies: 7/7
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Technospawn »

I know some things
Succeed on vigor check
Use Environmental protection and relief to support group fighting or running. +1 support
Dice rolls
Common Knowledge d8!!: [5] = 5
Wild knowledge d6!!: [2] = 2
Vigor d8!!: [7] = 7
Wild vigor d6!!: [4] = 4
Faith d10!!+1: [5]+1 = 6
Wild faith d6!!+1: [5]+1 = 6
GM Stuff

Code: Select all

[b][color=#BF0000] Initiative[/b]
I will roll 1d56 for each of your initiative cards. I do not reroll duplicates, instead there are 2 extra Joker positions. Ties can be broken by an athletics roll.
[list][*][b]Lowest card goes first[/b]
[*][b]Quick rerolls 41 or higher[/b]
[*]1, 2, 3, 4 are considered Jokers
[*]Cards divisible by 4 are considered Clubs for hindrances affected by Clubs (excepting 4 which is a joker).[/list][/color][/b]
Savage Realms Bennies
GM = 7/7 Jarierth = 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn does his best to
1d6!!: [5] = 5 1d6!!: [5] = 5 Benny 1d6!!: [8!!] = 8 1d6!!: [3] = 3 -3 =5 Success
the harsh terrain in the unrelenting desert heat. His flight made more difficult as he paused and darted amongst to scree making sure the gith followed the path he took through the scree.

As he fled, the bard made sure he
Healing 1d6!!: [9!!] = 9 1d6!!: [3] = 3 +2 -1 = 10 Raise
the vials of disease ridden entrails mixed with some of his own alchemical ingredients along his path, the ichor covered razor sharp shards acting as toxic caltrops to that would accelerate the rot in the gith pursuers. While it would not kill them instantly, it would eliminate them from the chase and ensure they died a slow and agonizing death as their already compromised organs liquidated the creatures from the inside out.

OOC Comments
Fatigue from Heat. 10 pursuers taken out

Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Vigor (-3 due Situation)
  • Vigor: 1d8!!-2!!: [7]-2 = 5 -1
    Wild: 1d6!!-2!!: [2]-2 = 0 -1
    Result: 4 - Success. 1 Level of Fatigue.

Using Boost Survival (Via Adept) - d10+1 due Focus, -1 due Fatigue
  • Psionics: 1d10!!: [8] = 8
    Wild: 1d6!!: [1] = 1
    Result: 8 - Survival -> d12. ISP: 1d6: [6] = 6
Survival (d12... +2 due Woodsman, -1 due Fatigue -> d12+1)
  • Survival: 1d12!!+1!!: [2]+1 = 3
    Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [15!!]+1 = 16
    Result: 16 - Success with Raise(s). 10 Pursuers are Slain with no further Fatigue or Wounds.

Escaping these Gith was all good, but if they weren't dealt with, they would have to continuously watch their backs. Now if it wasn't for this thin air, we would do much better.

Seeing the signs of Burn Flowers up ahead, Caro sets up a false trail that leads to the flowers while disguising their actual path.

The Gith would follow the false trail and get fried before they realized the danger.

"Lor, Go up there with the rest. I am going to leave a little surprise in our path for these Gith."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Vigor Check for heat
-3 from scene
Success (4)
Vigor 1d6!-3: [6!, 1]-3 = 4
Wild Die 1d6!-3: [5]-3 = 2
Gain 1 point of Fatigue

Taunting the enemy into a hidden crevice.
-1 due to fatigue
Raise (8) 10 enemies defeated
Taunt 1d8!-1: [3]-1 = 2
Wild Die 1d6!-1: [4]-1 = 3
Taunt 1d8!-1: [2]-1 = 1
Wild Die 1d6!-1: [2]-1 = 1
Moar Bennie
Taunt 1d8!-1: [3]-1 = 2
Wild Die 1d6!-1: [6!, 3]-1 = 8

Lor wiped the sweat off of her brow as the oppressive heat took its toll on her. Crossing her arms and wondering for at least the seventh time that day why she hadn’t brought a servant with her on the journey to continually wave a branch next to her in order to fan off her skin. There was Caro of course, but he obviously wasn’t suited to such things given his height, plus he wasn’t exactly the sort who would enjoy tasks requiring that sort of finesse. What she needed was a tall oiled Mul perhaps…

It was at that moment that she turned her head to see that Harlock had ended up causing an avalanche and alerted the enemy to their presence. The party fleeing to a better position in the badlands in order to get a better vantage point.

Even as she surprisingly followed Caro’s suggestion to get to the safe area. Lor knew that it would be best if she supervised the dwarf at least a little bit, she would not make for a great leader if she simply left him to his own devices without checking his work at least a little. There was no doubt that he was a competent figure, but complacency was the mother of all failures and she would be amiss if she would fall for such folly!

“What wonderful work you have performed!” Lor yelled over loudly to Caro from her hiding place through the path and around a corner. “Your false path has not only slain several, but has also ensured that our actual location remains unseen. What utter fools are they!” Came the called out voice, full of haughty bravado.

It was at that point that another large group of Gith who had been somewhat more observant in avoiding the burn flower trap would turn towards the direction of the voice. A blood thirsty rage coming over them at the clear intonations of haughtiness coming from the figure up the ridge. Though the language might have been different, the intent was certainly clear. Someone was mocking them.

Caro had of course hidden the real path, but that didn’t matter as they could easily make their way past the more difficult terrain towards the voice that had been full of praise for her ally. Even perhaps envisioning themselves stabbing and clubbing to death the lithe figure who stood atop a flat rock, directly past the crevasse that stood unseen from their angle as they charged up the cliffside. Several of them outright tumbling down the deep angled naturally formed pit as Lor looked upon them with confusion.

“Oh! I appear to have inadvertently led them to our location. This is certainly problematic. Harlock would you be a dear and lift me over towards you? The rest have started pulling out sharp looking projectiles towards my location. I think more come yet still and may yet find a more expedient way here.” Lor requested with a disappointed shake of her head. “Really, I felt I was quite clear earlier that I wasn’t going to get involved in the actual fighting. This language barrier between they and I does make things difficult. Do they not see I am not a strong giant or stocky battle hardened dwarf?”
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Resist Fatigue and Heat with Environmental Resistance Power
Heat and Altitude - Environmental Protection 1d12!! or 1d6!!: [10]+[1] = 11
Raise to Protect Others
Protect The Party - Athletics 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!!: [10]+[3] = 13
Harlock once again feels shame by the trouble he has brought on the group. As the Gith notice him he gets up abd begins running. Their attacks seem to mostly cause only pain, as he takes flight. Doing his best to lure the Gith away from the others he pushes himself running over rocks and chosing the more difficult terrain before looping back to join the others.

The red growing in his skin appears to others to be from his exersice, as he seems to push himself in ways only a Dwarf or Mule could match. But truely it is shame that colors his skin as he runs. When the Gith grow close he does his best to distract them from the team. Hurling huge rocks, or performing whatever other works are nessicary to slow the pursuers.
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Vigor 4
Vigor 1d8!, Wild 1d6!: [4]+[3] = 7
Benny to re-roll that one: Benny Vigor 1d8!, Wild 1d6!: [7]+[5] = 12 -3 = 4
Psionics 11 to Protect with Deflection, 4 PP Spent
Psionics 1d10!, Wild 1d6!: [9]+[6!, 5] = 20

PP spent: 1d6: [2] = 2 . That's less than the power costs, so she uses 4.
Seeing Harlock try to lure their pursuers away, Skanni throws a telekinetic force field around Lor, herself, and whoever else on the team is closest.

"It's better if you don't stand where they can easily see you!" she says, pushing Lor backwards and putting herself between the too-loud noble and the people with pointy things.
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2); Notes: Outsider, Heroic, PTSD, Brave
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

With the horde of gith in pursuit, the party turns to flee, climbing back into the heights of the badlands in hopes of using the twisting terrain to evade the gith and thin their ranks.

The morning sun is a boon, at first, casting long shadows in some places and a distracting glare in others. Drader uses his water magic to provide some relief, but the heat and thin air soon begin to take a toll, with exhaustion as much a risk as the gith's blades. At some point, there will be a reckoning with one or the other.

Still, the party's efforts to divide, bait and ambush the gith do not go to waste. Between Berkyn's poison, Caro leading a group into a patch of burn flower and Lor taunting another into a crevasse, fully half of the gith horde is dead before they catch up to the group in a shadowed box canyon. The claustrophobic terrain prevent the gith from surrounding the party, forcing them into a frontal assault. With Harlock and Skanni shielding the most vulnerable members of the group, the battle is joined, crude gith spears flying through the air as their screams and battle cries echo from the canyon walls.
Gith attacks
There are 30 gith remaining. Each group of 5 makes a single attack with a +2 Gang Up bonus (since they can't fully bring their numbers to bear in the canyon); they also Wild Attack with their Leaper ability, for a net +4 to hit, +4 to damage.

Between Harlock and Skanni, the four weakest combatants in the group are protected, so the 6 attacks are divided between Harlock (2), Caro (2), Berkyn (1) and Vixa (1).

Gith v. Harlock d8!!+4: [3]+4 = 7 = Hit 2d6!!+4: [4, 9!!]+4 = 17 = 1 Wound
Gith v. Harlock d8!!+4: [6]+4 = 10 = Hit 2d6!!+4: [4, 3]+4 = 11 = Shaken (1 Wound if the first is not soaked)

Gith v. Caro d8!!+4: [11!!]+4 = 15 = Raise 3d6!!+4: [1, 1, 9!!]+4 = 15 = 2 Wounds
Gith v. Caro d8!!+4: [7]+4 = 11 = Hit 2d6!!+4: [4, 3]+4 = 11 = 1 Wound

Gith v. Berkyn d8!!+4: [2]+4 = 6 = Hit 2d6!!+4: [5, 2]+4 = 11 = 1 Wound

Gith v. Vixa d8!!+4: [5]+4 = 9 = Miss
The melee is chaotic in the dim, constricted space. Despite the party's skill, wounds are unavoidable. Caro takes the worst of it, an obsidian spear point breaking off between two of his ribs and another tearing the skin from his skull. Even half-blind with blood, he fights on, smashing bones and pulverizing flesh as he holds the line. (Caro is struck once for 2 Wounds, and a second time for 1 Wound)

Harlock stands in the center, his great reach allowing him to deal death in an arc around him. Even so, gith weapons carve his flesh, though the wounds are only enough to slow and not kill him. (Harlock takes 1 Wound from the first hit and is Shaken by a second -- it's 1 Wound if he doesn't soak the first)

Berkyn darts among the gith, his poisoned blades slicing tendons and throats. A dying gith manages to sink its spear into his thigh as he passes -- the wound bears cleaning, but is unlikely to prove fatal on its own. (Berkyn suffers 1 Wound)

Vixa, meanwhile, moves through the scrum like a whirlwind, cutting down gith as she somehow evades each blow directed her way.

After what seems like hours but amounts to no more than minutes, the gith lay dead, their black, diseased blood seeping into the sand at the bottom of the canyon, mingling with the crimson flowing from your own wounds. You hear no sound of further pursuit, however, and allow yourselves to breath a sigh of relief as exhaustion overtakes you.

OOC Comments
Those who suffered Wounds in the combat may use Bennies to soak each wounding attack as normal. With the gith all dead, you have a chance to render first aid and rest — it's up to you whether you want to do that in this canyon (which provides shade but no water or food) or try to find somewhere else (with a Survival roll), although any rolls are subject to the Fatigue and Wound penalties you have accrued. First aid and magical healing can be attempted as normal.

When you rest, each of you may take an advance.

You also must decide your next move, as far as returning to the (now much emptier) temple or bypassing it. If your post contributes to the plan, you may reset your Bennies.
GM Bennies: 7/7
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Benny to Soak Vigor 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!!: [10]+[10!!] = 20

As the Gith come in Harlock radies his dragon's paw. The battle turns intense leaving his with only minor wounds not needing healing.

As the battle ends Harlock helps take care of the corpses before looking to the others. "We should not stay here. Resources are poor." He offers them he begins moving out looking for options.
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

“Capital idea Skanni, I do so dislike it when the pointy ends of those weapons of theirs make their way towards me.” Lor would say in agreement as the psion manifests her invisible barrier around them but a fraction before a barbed looking projectile was making its way towards the merchants neck, causing it to deflect away harmlessly. Something which the haughty woman didn’t seem to notice as she was shooed off by the half elf.

“I’ve always been so fascinated by psionics you know. I of course only have the most rudimentary and mundane of wild talent, but this protective bubble is certainly quite useful.” Lor would say with a pleasant tone of voice as she ran her fingers along the inside layer of it. Seemingly uncaring of the raging battle that took place but a few feet away from her, the sounds of blood and flying gore splattering in every direction around them as if anything outside of the barrier didn’t matter to her.

Once the carnage was completed and the group was taking stock of their current situation. Lor would rest a hand on her hip while giving the lot of them an approving nod. “Well done all of you! That certainly was quite the harrowing experience, though some of you are somewhat worse for wear. I am afraid that will not do at all, and we’ll need to see to those injuries before we move on and they begin to fester. But not a moment longer than that, as our large friend Harlock has alluded to, else we will find ourselves quite depleted. Might I make a suggestion that while those of us who are injured are seeing to such matters, that those of you who are…” There is a small pause as the merchant looks for the right words, spoken in a diplomatic way. “… Of less awe inspiring stature, return to the temple now that it is cleared of overwhelming forces and take a second reconnaissance to see what level of remaining forces there are that stayed behind, and what perhaps the least guarded point of entry might be. We should focus on this instead of scouring the wilderness for meagre rations and supply.”

The woman explained her rationale in her usual eccentric tone, as the daylight shone off of her false eye made of smokey quartz, giving contrast to the mismatched blue orb that glanced over each of her party members. “You see, that was quite the large force we fought just now, which I might add you all did oh so valiantly. But such an army has similar needs to ours, meaning a large supply of food and water must already be available to them in storage in the temple. If we focus our efforts in that direction, I think we should be able to liberate it from them.” Her hand sweeping over the large pile of bodies right next to them. “Especially considering that they no longer have need of it.” She finished with a confident smile. "Such a trove would be their most valuable asset of all, meaning that we need only search for the area that is the most well guarded from their remaining reserves to find it. It is all so simple!"

It, for some reason didn’t seem very comforting however.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn collapses onto a rock and notices for the first time his wounded thigh. Taking some strips of cloth, he attempts to
Healing 1d6!!: [3] = 3 1d6!!: [2] = 2 +2 Healer -1 Fatigue -1 Wound Benny 1d6!!: [3] = 3 1d6!!: [2] = 2 Lor Benny 1d6!!: [4] = 4 1d6!!: [3] = 3
it as best he can. Unfortunately the exhaustion from the fight prevents him from cinching the bandage tight and it is soon soaked through. He would just have to deal with it.

The bard stands up, wincing to see if he can help anyone else. "Is anyone else in need of treatment? I can do what I can, but I, myself, did not come through that battle unscathed.

"I agree we must make haste, but I do not think we should delve into the gith lair. Their queen is likely to have kept her elite warriors as a personal guard and I do not think we are in any shape to deal with any more of them. Remember, they are riddled with disease. Who is to say their food and water isn't contaminated? I say we take a brief moment to catch our breath and then push on to the waystation as planned."

Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Lor smiled at the bard as he provided a significant flaw in Lor's plan, however it seemed as though she was prepared for this exactly situation as she responded with a counter-point of her own. "A reasonable objection Berkyn, but thankfully one we are well equipped to address." The merchant would raise a finger, as she provided the oh so elegant solution she had in mind. "We will simply have those who utilize magic and psionics to cleanse the supplies of disease, while Caro defeats all of the elite guards in battle. In fact, I feel quite silly for not thinking of this earlier. We've been doing everything the hard way up until now. But I suppose that is on myself more than anything else, I was not providing the appropriate leadership to come up with such a wonderful idea until now. With this new amendment to the plan, we are certain to succeed and remain well supplied."

The complete air of confidence she held at this new suggestion perhaps might lend the others to believe that Lor had absolutely no idea how magic worked, and simply believed that it could do anything one desired. Nor did she seem to believe that the current condition of her dwarf companion was any hindrance to his apparent superhuman ability to take on entire armies by himself. As if suddenly recalling the latter, she suddenly turned her gaze towards the dwarf, asking him. "Ah, while we are on the subject, are you alright dear Caro? You did take quite a number of hits during the battle. Doubtless you were bored of the lack of challenge they provided and wished to give them a bit of sport. Well I can't say I approve of that, as we are hardly performing gladiatorial combat at this time, so you should really be more careful. I would so miss you should you perish, as I'll have you know that you have been my favourite bodyguard thus far." Of course what Caro may or may not be aware, is that he has been Lor's first and only bodyguard as the merchant princess had never left the safety of the city before this particular journey.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Vigor at -1 due Fatigue
  • Vigor: 1d8!!-1!!: [5]-1 = 4
    Wild: 1d6!!-1!!: [5]-1 = 4
    Result: 4 - Success. 1 Damage

Vigor at -2 due Wound and Fatigue
  • Vigor: 1d8!!-2!!: [3]-2 = 1
    Wild: 1d6!!-2!!: [4]-2 = 2
    Result: 2 - Fail. 1 Wound

"Lor, you STUPID, vapid, air headed, waste of water. I am OATH BOUND to do protect you at the risk of my VERY SOUL!!! Don't throw away my chance of the afterlife by CONTINUALLY throwing me into every danger you can find just because you are too CLUELESS to even recognize the dangers?!?"

Taking a bandage to do what he can about his leaking blood, Caro winces in pain in spite of his best efforts.

"Please just let me sit here and catch my wind as I bleed for a bit. I need a quick breather."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Lor let out a light twinkling laugh at Caro’s enraged objections, covering her mouth with the side of her hand as it broke into a wide smile as if being somewhat ashamed at the unladylike appearance such an expressive display of emotion it would appear as.

“Oh Caro, you are an utter delight! I fear that without your sense of humour I would be quite lost in this most dire of situations. It is that fresh outlook on life that really invigorates me to see through the potential life threatening situation we have found ourselves.” With it now being clear that Lor completely misunderstood the dwarfs words for an attempt at levity, one which obviously succeeded in raising the merchants spirits.

With a snap of her fingers, Lor reassures both Caro and Berkyn after their recent failures with shrugging off or patching up wounds respectively. “Certainly employees of lesser merchant houses would simply give up at this point. But I know for a fact that Waivr hired the two of you precisely because of your grit and tenacity. Focus yourselves and see for yourselves how tough a sort you really are!”

OOC: Using last 2 bennies before reset to give one extra soak on 2nd attempt to Caro and an extra Healing attempt to Berkyn for patching himself up.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

"A quick breather," Skanni echoes, "but no more than that. If there are more, they will certainly come here first to check on their companions, and we're easy prey, depleted as we are."

She looks at Lor and then at the others. "I don't care which way we go, as long as we go there together and we go there quickly."
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2); Notes: Outsider, Heroic, PTSD, Brave
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Lor's Benny gave me a success
the bandage to see if it had soaked through. It seemed he had done a better job than he thought. Flexibility even seemed to have returned a bit.

Nodding at Caro, "Agreed. We do need to stick together no matter what route we take. If it is to destroy these gith once and for all, so be it."

Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

At the mention of hunting down the Gith nest Harlock nods. "If they are week enough it would pay off." The half giant willing to go whichever rout is chosen, survival being the most important thing. And the highest odds of survival seems to be with this group that wins battles.
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Tribe of One »

Did the group reach a consensus? Or were the other party members simply too exhausted to argue further with Lor? Either way, the ever-optimistic trader wasted no time laying out her plans for raiding the fallen temple in the valley below, oblivious to the fact that none of her fellows appeared to be paying much attention, if they were even conscious at that point.

Taking advantage of the cool shade in the canyon, the group moves away from the pile of gith corpses and rests well enough that all are able to shake off their weariness and continue on with clear heads and renewed vigor.

[You may remove all Fatigue and regain PP. Magical healing is an option if anyone has Wounds, and the group should have a few healing potions scavenged from the caravan.]

Dusk is close as you return to the valley of the temple. Approaching the ruins, you keep an eye out for sentries but see no sign of any gith among the surface structures — if any remain, they have likely sought shelter below.

Reaching the crumbling walls, you find yourselves with multiple entrances to choose from.

Drifts of sand have piled over the crumbling stairs leading to what must have been a grand entrance. A pair of massive stone doors that once guarded that approach still stand but one is cracked and leaning partially open, leaving a gap plenty large enough for Harlock's bulk to slip past into the darkness beyond.


Nearby, a collapsed parapet has exposed another entrance that may have once been concealed. The windcatchers themselves offer a way in, assuming you have rope, and you can make out several holes in the stone dome the towers surround, presumably granting access to the temple below. The wind blowing through the towers creates an eerie whistle and dust devils swirl around the entrances but never seem to draw too near, as if reluctant to approach what lies beneath.


It is time to descend!

PbP and dungeon-crawling don't mix so well, so we'll handle exploration in a somewhat abstract way. Eventually, you will encounter the mistress of this place ... but your characters' skill and actions will determine what you find before that, how well you avoid or protect yourself from the dangers you face before that encounter, and if you're particularly lucky/skilled, could determine whether you meet her on ground of your choosing, or hers.

Feel free to narrate how you wish to enter the ruins, then each PC may make a skill check that will help determine how well you navigate the ruins. Supporting others' rolls instead is a valid option, and if you wish you can accept Multi-Action Penalties to take up to three actions, but MAP can't be eliminated with Edges like Adept or Powers like Speed-Quickness.

As usual, I'm open to most skills as long as you can justify them. Some example skills and actions include:

Scouting: Skills like Notice or Survival, or an Arcane Skill check combined with an appropriate power, will help you find various places of interest within the temple's dungeons. If there's something particular you are looking for — supplies, the tarek captives, the Whispering Queen's throne room, etc. — let me know. A success will find something, while a raise increases the odds that something is beneficial.

Evading: Stealth, Thievery or an Arcane Skill check with an appropriate power will help you bypass dangerous encounters or other threats and delay your confrontation with the Whispering Queen.

Protecting the party: The disease and corruption afflicting the gith pervades the ruins below ground. Healing, Occult or Arcane Skill checks with appropriate powers can protect the party from those threats; combat skill checks or powers can do the same with regard to physical threats.

Learning about your enemy: Academics, Battle, Occult and the like could help you learn something useful about the ruins and your foe, or set up favorable conditions for your showdown.

GM Bennies: 7/7
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

After journeying back to the temple and catching their breath, Lor carefully dismounted from her kank as she made her way to the newly revealed parapet opening and leaned forward to look within. “As much as I would adore searching this ominous yet quite interesting entrance, I dare say it would be somewhat hazardous to attempt dangling Harlock down. Moreso there is little indication that it leads to anything but perhaps what once was accessible tunnel, now collapsed and leaving us deadlocked with only the way in as our way out.” Standing up, she shook her head with disappointment, placing a hand on her hip.

“A pity that, I imagine there would have been valuables abounds as well as perhaps a way to get the drop on our wayward queen. Yet we should keep our eye on the prize, that is the food and water stores that we seek to liberate from their possession. Such things may be well guarded but certainly wouldn’t be inaccessible, so we would have better luck I think taking the main entrance I surmise.” came the reasoned suggestion from the merchant.

“Any objections?”
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Harlock looks down the opening. "I can get through it if needed. But the larger entrance wouod be better. If we go through the smaller one, it will drain my will and potentially weaken me for combat."

then looking at the larger entrance. "If we take this one, we can expect an ambush."
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Skanni »

Skanni speaks up. "I would very much rather not go through the front door if we can help it. As far as getting down, that's not a problem."

A stone begins levitating in front of her as she talks. "I can get us all down there. We can even dangle a rope down, too, in case you want to have an accessible way to climb back out."
Skanni, Half-Elf Psionicist
Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2); Notes: Outsider, Heroic, PTSD, Brave
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

Berkyn nods in agreement with Skanni.

"I would prefer not going through the front door as well. I am fairly adept at remaining unnoticed. Harlock could lower me down and I can take a look. Perhaps we couple that with some activity at the front entrance to act as a distraction."

Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Soak Reroll for Second Wound (-1 due First Wound)
  • Vigor: 1d8!!-1!!: [7]-1 = 6
    Wild: 1d6!!-1!!: [4]-1 = 3
    Result: 6 - Success. Wound Soaked.
Once someone can Heal Caro's Wound, he will start getting ready for Lor's new harebrained plans.

"Not going in the front door is always the best idea. I am also pretty good at Stealth, but would rather remain closer to My Charge, Lor. We all know she needs close supervision. I am also able to either move things with my mind, or can move through the very earth itself. I am also able to bring along some passengers too if I push myself. It is best, however, if I keep the mental strength in reserve for the Burrowing if things get too sticky. If someone can Heal me, it would make things in there easier too..."
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Berkyn of Celik »

1d6!!: [9!!] = 9 1d6!!: [4] = 4

Once Berkyn has been lowered to the cavern floor, he used what little light filters from the surface to move from shadow to shadow with the goal to evade any remaining gith forces in the tunnel complex.


Bennys: 3/3
Pace: 6 Parry 6 Toughness 5
Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Harlock »

Harlock moves to the small opening. As he looked into it, he waited for the other to finish before narrowing his eyes. Then with an exhale of breath his body began bending and melting into ectoplasm. Within seconds Harlock was gone, instead a desert cat was in his place.

As he moved through the opening he made his way through the caves. Scouting ahead where needed, then doubling back to inform the team of his findings. Harlock was in no hurry, regulating his power exertion and his needed rest he was an cautious as possible, taking every effort to prevent himself from putting his allies in danger.

Scouting 21
Scouting (Psionics) 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!!: [21!!]+[5] = 26
Attributes: Agility d4-1, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d6-1, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Parry: 7 Toughness: 11 (0) Size: 3 Reach: 1 (2 w/halberd)
  • Athletics d12 (4)
  • Common Knowledge d4 (0)
  • Fighting d10 (5, +1dt)
  • Notice d4 (0)
  • Persuasion d4-1 (0)
  • Psionics d12 (4+1 dt, based on vigor)
  • Shooting d4-2 (0)
  • Stealth d4 (0)
  • Survival d6 (2)

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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Drader »

Healing @Caro
Dice rolls
Healing 1d10+1: [7]+1 = 8
Wild 1d6+1: [1]+1 = 2
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Lor »

Success (4)
Notice 1d8!: [3] = 3
Wild Die 1d6!: [4] = 4

“I understand your trepidations to using the front door, but the fact of the matter is we do not have sturdy enough rope to lower someone as heavy as Harlock through the opening.” Lor spoke out to the others with a shake of her head. “And while I do adore Skanni and her proficient abilities, I understand that there are likely weight limits to even those appropriating mind over matter. No no, I am afraid there is simply no other–” The merchant was cut off suddenly as Harlock at that moment turned into ectoplasm and shrank himself into a small desert cat.

“… Yes, well I do suppose that changes things does it? I was not aware that he could change himself into an adorable creature at a whim in such a manner. Not to say that he wasn’t already, but this is undoubtedly more so.” Came the sudden turn of opinion as Lor gazed with amusement and clear desire to pet something so soft and fuzzy looking, as if getting ready to ask why he hadn’t done such before when it was clear she had the desire to pet such a creature during the cold nights.

Yet the protestations never came to be, as the former half giant bounded out of view. “Tut tut, I suppose there is little to do about it now. Offwards and downwards I suppose. I do hope I do not get dust in my boots again, the sensation is rather unpleasant.” The woman bemoaned slightly as she retrieved a few items from the cart that they had attached to their kanks, hammering in one of the pitons into a sturdy looking location so that their ropes could be secured in place before the rest of them descended on downwards.

It was of course to Caro’s potential frustration that by the time he had descended after the vapid princess, that she was already rounding a corner and potentially on her way to becoming lost and unprotected were he not willing to chase after her frantically. To Lor, the landscape was food and water, more specifically that elusive supply that those gith undoubtedly had hidden around here somewhere. As with all things in the desert, survival supplies took primary to any other treasures they might find as she navigated the halls and passages that lay before them.
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Re: Into the Western Wastes

Post by Caro »

Psionics (Burrow)
  • Psionics: 1d10!!+1!!: [5]+1 = 6
    Wild: 1d6!!+1!!: [4]+1 = 5
    Result: 6 - Success. ISP: 2d6: [3, 3] = 6

Why are we even going in here?!? Some day she is going to lead me to my death

Going right beside Lor in the explorations, Caro is ready to embrace the very earth itself when they are brought into a situation too dangerous to face. His inner strength will get the earth itself to welcome them and protect them and allow them passage while denying it to their pursuers.
Wounds: 0 / 3
Fatigue: 0 / 2
ISP: 9 / 15
Bennies: 0 / 3
  • -1 Bennie to Reroll Fighting in Quick Combat
    -2 Bennies to roll Soaks
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