Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

GM: Freemage
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Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »

10 EP spent on not rolling

Void, based on GM ruling on MARS advancements, changed to Shifter IF.

HJ Rolls: Carried over 4, 19, and 20 from Old Build
HJ Roll [dice:2iu4g4sb]61528:0[/dice:2iu4g4sb]
I guess I needed one more HJ roll [dice:2iu4g4sb]61528:1[/dice:2iu4g4sb]

EP Spent - +2 HJ Rolls.
EP Spent - Smart & Learned: Smarts increased 1 dt, 3 smarts skills increased 2 die types.

HJ Rolls
Carried Over Magic & Mysticism 4: Some battles are lengthy affairs, and the magic user playing the long game will win in the end. Begin with the Concentration Edge
Carried Over Magic & Mysticism 19: Some arcane wielders learn how to use certain spells as almost second nature. Choose one power your hero knows; if she casts it successfully, she automatically gains the raise effect. = Detect Conceal Arcana
Carried Over Magic & Mysticism 20: Some arcane wielders learn how to use certain spells as almost second nature. Choose one power your hero knows; if she casts it successfully, she automatically gains the raise effect. = Arcane Protection
Magic & Mysticism 20: Some arcane wielders learn how to use certain spells as almost second nature. Choose one power your hero knows; if she casts it successfully, she automatically gains the raise effect. = Drain Power Points
Training 5: Whether via formal training in a dedicated school, learning at the hands of a master, or just surviving a dangerous world, your hero’s picked up some serious fighting skills. He’s got the Martial Artist Edge, or Improved Martial Artist, if he already had Martial Artist.
GM Boon Rolls, carried over
Experienced Start 5 rolls per GM Fiat: Chose all on Body Armor Table 5d20 = 54: 13, 9, 12, 12, 8[Make removable]
Reroll second 12 1d20 = 3: 3[Make removable] = Already is best armor provided by frameowwork
Second Reroll per gm 1d20 = 10: 10[Make removable] = Duplicate result
Third reroll not from carry over [dice:2iu4g4sb]61528:2[/dice:2iu4g4sb]
Fourth reroll not from carry over [dice:2iu4g4sb]61528:3[/dice:2iu4g4sb]
Fifth reroll not from carry over [dice:2iu4g4sb]61528:4[/dice:2iu4g4sb]

Old Roy =
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »


Heroic Male True Atlantean, Shifter, and Temporal Wizard (Shifter)

Iconic Framework: Shifter

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Occult d12, Persuasion d4-1, Repair d4, Shooting d6, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 17 (9)
Strain: 3/3; Corruption: 0
Hindrances: Big Mouth, Code of Honor, Heroic, Quirk (), Vow (major, Serve the Clan), Wanted (major, Splugorth)
Edges: Artificer, Channeling, Concentration, Dimensional Portal, Elementalist, Ley Line Gate, Ley Line Phasing, Martial Artist, Master of Magic, New Powers (Bolt, Deflection), New Powers (Entangle, Boost/Lower Trait), New Powers (Intangibility, Dispel), One With Magic (Heroic), One With Magic (Novice), One With Magic (Seasoned), One With Magic (Veteran), Power Points, Power Points, Power Points, Power Points, Rapid Recharge (), Shift the Arcane, Wizard
Armor: Combat Mage Heavy EBA (TW) (Armor 9, +3 Toughness)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit)
Language: American, Dragonese/Elven and Atlantean
Current Wealth: 0 cr
Arcane Background: Magic (Rifts® TLPG)
  • PPE: 37
  • Powers: Banish (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p154), Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Darksight (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p157), Deflection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p157-158), Detect Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: One Aspect, Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Innate Power), Dispel (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158-159), Drain Power Points (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p159-160), Entangle (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p161), Farsight (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p161), Intangibility (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163), Summon Ally (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169), Teleport (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169-170)
Special Abilities
  • Atlantean Bonuses: Use Common Knowledge to operate stone pyramids, recall vampire lore, and to speak Dragonese/Elven and Atlantean. Have Ley Line Sense and Phasing, and may take Ley Line Rejuvenation Edge or gain free reroll if already have the abilities. Live 500+ years. Can't be transformed or turned into anything else. May Notice any vampires within line of sight, or free reroll if already able.
  • Atlantean Hindrances: Can't roll on Hero's Journey Cybernetics, and targeted first by undead, demons, and servants of evil. -2 Persuasion with evil beings. Heroic
  • Marks of Heritage: Add an Aura Weapon tattoo; a flaming silver longsword. Also add a Heart Pierced by Wooden Stake. Activate with Spirit check, on a raise hero is +1 to hit and Parry with their clan sword.
  • Magic: Power Points: 35; Powers: Banish (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p154), Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Darksight (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p157), Deflection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p157-158), Detect Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: One Aspect, Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Innate Power), Dispel (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158-159), Drain Power Points (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p159-160), Entangle (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p161), Farsight (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p161), Intangibility (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163), Summon Ally (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169), Teleport (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169-170)
  • Power Activators: Magic users must be able to gesture and speak to cast spells.
  • One With Magic - Ley Line Sense: Can sense a ley line within 10 miles, and he can automatically tell how powerful it is, in what directions it flows, where it meets other ley lines at nexus points, and other aspects as might apply (such as if a huge amount of its energy is being siphoned for some other purpose). He can also sense any nearby Rifts within 10 miles, as well as the arcane tremors created by the eruption of new or recurring Rifts within 50 miles.
  • One With Magic - Ley Line Rejuvenation: While on a ley line, gains a natural healing roll once per hour.
  • One With Magic - Longevity: Ages at 1/5the the normal rate and may make a natural healing roll once per day.. Ley line rejuvenation increased to per hour.
  • One With Magic - Arcane Mastery: Choose one power to use and an Innate Ability, requiring no PPE.
  • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
  • Arcane Background (Magic): Begin with banish, drain Power Points, summon ally, teleport and one extra power. They start with the Master of Magic, Power Points, and Rapid Recharge Edges, as well as d6 Occult, d6 Spellcasting, and 15 PPE.
  • Bind the Summoned: Reduce his maximum PPE by the amount needed to originally cast summon ally. The creature remains bound to his service until released or Incapacitated (in either case, returns to its home dimension). Shifters may only have one bound entity per Rank. Once released, the Shifter recovers PPE normally. Bound allies are summoned with a raise, granting them the Resilient ability. In Magic Rituals, Shifters ignore up to four points of arcane skill roll penalties for Improved Duration.
  • Communication Rift: Can open micro-Rifts, to send and receive spoken messages. Near a nexus point or on a ley line the cost is 15 PPE, 50 PPE otherwise. With a Spellcasting roll and a full round, reaches a known location in his dimension (no penalty) or a known target dimension (−2 penalty). The micro-Rift lasts one minute per Rank, who now counts as having visited the target destination. Random dimensions may be contacted this way.
  • Dimension Sense: With a successful Spellcasting roll, a Shifter gains information about a dimension he is in or views through a Rift (even a micro-Rift).
  • Dimensional Teleport Home: Once per day for 25 PPE, can teleport himself home regardless of distance. Only the Shifter, his carried gear, and a familiar are moved this way.
  • Expanded Awareness: Shifters detect arcana as an Innate Ability with the Range (Self). With a Notice roll, they also sense supernatural beings or the manipulation of time or dimensional energies per the Presence Sense power modifier (activations of sloth/speed, summon ally, teleport, and so on).
  • Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Gate: Shifters have these Ley Line Walker edges.
  • Ley Line Magic Mastery: Shifters add two dice to their pool when rolling for available PPE.
  • Psychotically Brave: Gain +1 to Fear checks and −1 from Fear Table results per Rank.
  • Sense Rifts: Can sense Rifts or dimensional anomalies within 50 miles as well as direction, type, and general location. If on a ley line, Shifters can sense Rifts anywhere along the line's length.
  • Shift Reality: Get a free reroll on Spellcasting rolls related to: banish, boost/lower Trait, drain Power Points, illusion, intangibility, invisibility, light/darkness, sloth/speed, sound/silence, summon ally, teleport, and +4 to open, close, or manipulate Rifts and Dimensional Portals.
  • Corruption: Each time the Shifter summons or consorts with an evil being, make an opposed Spirit check. If the Shifter loses, she gains a point of Corruption. Future corruption contests suffer a penalty equal to the current corruption. When she gains a number of Corruption points equal to half her Spirit die type (rounded up), she is no longer a player character.
  • Cybernetics: Impose a −1 to the Shifter's Spellcasting rolls for each point of Strain.
  • Disconnected: They have a −1 Persuasion penalty in social situations involving those not immersed in the occult.
  • Enemies: Shifters frequently provoke a hostile reaction. Shifters who swear fealty to a power opposing Lord Dunscon will likely find the True Federation hostile as well.
  • Spellslinger: ["Arcane Protection"] (Hero's Journey): Spellslinger: Choose one power your hero knows; if she casts it successfully, she automatically gains the raise effect.
  • Spellslinger: ["Drain Power Points"] (Hero's Journey): Spellslinger: Choose one power your hero knows; if she casts it successfully, she automatically gains the raise effect.

Novice Advances
  • Edge: One With Magic (Novice)
  • Edge: New Powers (Bolt, Deflection)
  • Edge: New Powers (Entangle, Boost/Lower Trait)
Seasoned Advances
  • Edge: One With Magic (Seasoned)
  • Edge: Power Points
  • Edge: New Powers (Intangibility, Dispel)
  • Edge: Channeling
Veteran Advances
  • Edge: One With Magic (Veteran)
  • Edge: Power Points
  • Edge: Shift the Arcane
  • Edge: Dimensional Portal
Heroic Advances
  • Edge: One With Magic (Heroic): Boost/Lower Trait
  • Edge: Power Points
  • Edge: Artificer
Current Load: 36 (81)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Atlantis and the Demon Seas, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field ManualSetting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Cyberware Tab, Rifts® M.D.C., Strain Characteristic (for Cyberware), Super StrengthValidity: Character appears valid and optimal

Created with

Old pre Atlantis Version
Player Name: Rob Towell
Google Handle: Rob Towell
Rank: Heroic 2 Advances Left: 0
Race: True Atlantean (Human mechanically)
Iconic Framework: Temporal Wizard (Shifter)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 17 (9)*

Base 2
Vigor 3
Personal Total 9 (4)
Armor Worn
  • Enchanted Armor +9 Armor +3 Toughness

    Splugorth Amulet (not normally worn, kept for study) +4 Armor for 21 (13) but not normally worn

  • Athletics d6
  • Common Knowledge d6
  • Notice d6
  • Occult d10
  • Persuasion d4
  • Spellcasting d10
  • Stealth d6
  • Academics d6
  • Fighting d6
  • Repair d4
  • Shooting d6

  • Code of Honor: Character keeps his word and acts like a gentleman.
  • Quirk: Obsessed with stuff, specifically anything arcane.
  • Big Mouth: Unable to keep a secret, blabs at the worst time.

Iconic Abilities
  • Arcane Background (Magic): Shifters begin with banish, drain Power Points, summon ally, teleport and choose one extra power from the list above . They start with the Master of Magic, Power Points, and Rapid Recharge Edges, as well as d6 Occult, d6 Spellcasting, and 15 PPE (10 PPE base, plus 5 PPE from Power Points).
  • Bind the Summoned: A Shifter can bind summoned beings to his service for an extended period of time . He does this by reducing his maximum PPE by the amount needed to originally cast summon ally . The creature remains bound to his service until released or Incapacitated (in either case, the creature returns to its home dimension) . Shifters may only have one bound entity per Rank. For example, a Seasoned Shifter could have two summoned allies, each costing 4 PPE to summon, bound to him; his maximum PPE is reduced by 8 until he releases them or they are Incapacitated. Once the creatures are released, the Shifter recovers PPE normally. Bound allies are treated as if summoned with a raise, granting them the Resilient ability . When used in combination with Magic Rituals, Shifters ignore up to four points of arcane skill roll penalties for Improved Duration.
  • Communication Rift: Shifters can open micro-Rifts across space and dimensions, just large enough to send and receive spoken messages. Near a nexus point or on a ley line the cost is 15 PPE, away from a site of power it is 50 PPE. By concentrating for a full round and succeeding on a Spellcasting roll the Shifter reaches a known location in his dimension (no penalty) or a known target dimension (−2 penalty). The microRift lasts one minute per Rank of the Shifter, who now counts as having visited the target destination for use of Dimensional Portal and similar abilities . Random dimensions may be contacted this way, which is how power hungry Shifters get in communication with (and sometimes dominated by) monstrous evils .
  • Dimension Sense: With a successful Spellcasting roll, a Shifter can determine a wealth of information about a dimension he is in or views through a Rift (even a micro-Rift). Such information might include: environmental conditions, whether magic poor or rich, if there's a temporal shift, whether it is a parallel dimension or the same one as Rifts Earth (plus general distance away), if there is a strong supernatural presence on the other side, and similar relevant information .
  • Dimensional Teleport Home: Once per day and for 25 PPE, a Shifter can teleport himself home regardless of distance . Only the Shifter, his carried gear, and a possible familiar are moved this way—power modifiers cannot be used in conjunction with this ability . Being able to Dimensional Teleport means Shifters are sorely tempted to explore new worlds and dimensions, often heedless of danger .
  • Expanded Awareness: Shifters detect arcana as an Innate Ability with the reduced Power Points cost from both the Range (Self) and Aspect limitations . With a Notice roll, they also sense supernatural beings or the manipulation of time or dimensional energies per the Presence Sense power modifier (activations of sloth/ speed, summon ally, teleport, and so on) .
  • Ley Line Phasing and Ley Line Gate: Shifters have these Ley Line Walker abilities, see The Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide .
  • Ley Line Magic Mastery: Shifters add two dice to their pool when rolling for available PPE, see Ley Line Energy in the Tomorrow Legion Player's Guide .
  • Psychotically Brave: Shifters become—for better or for worse— progressively jaded to the supernatural, gaining +1 to Fear checks and −1 from Fear Table results per Rank. A Veteran Shifter would be +3 on Fear checks or −3 on table results.
  • Sense Rifts: A Shifter can sense Rifts or dimensional anomalies within 50 miles as well as direction, type, and general location. If on a ley line, Shifters can sense Rifts anywhere along the line's length.
  • Shift Reality: Shifters get a free reroll (can't reroll Critical Failures) on Spellcasting rolls related to: banish, boost/lower Trait, drain Power Points, illusion, intangibility, invisibility, light/ darkness, sloth/speed, sound/silence, summon ally, teleport, and +4 to open, close, or manipulate Rifts (see Characters, Ley Lines, and Rifts in the Game Master’s Handbook) and Dimensional Portals (effectively ignoring the base penalty, see page 31) .

Iconic Hindrances
  • Corruption: Many of the entities a Shifter might bring forth (with summon ally) or contact seek to corrupt him . Each time the Game Master decides the Shifter has summoned or consorted with a corrupt or evil being, she may call for an opposed Spirit check between the being and the Shifter. If the being wins, the Shifter gains a point of Corruption . Future Spirit contests with similar beings suffer a penalty equal to the Shifter’s current Corruption . When a Shifter gains a number of Corruption points equal to half his Spirit die type (rounded up), he becomes a slave to darker external powers (and is no longer a playable character).
  • Cybernetics: Such tech creates havoc for the flow of energy a Shifter relies upon, imposing −1 to the Shifter's Spellcasting rolls for each point of Strain.
  • Disconnected: Consorting with things alien, dark and strange affects Shifters, making their speech patterns and mannerisms seem "off" to most people. They have a −1 Persuasion penalty in social situations involving those not immersed in the occult.
  • Enemies: Shifters frequently provoke a hostile reaction, even among those who are typically tolerant of most casters . Shifters who swear fealty to a power opposing Lord Dunscon will likely find the True Federation hostile as well.
  • Power Activators: Shifters must be able to gesture and have the power of speech to cast spells. If Entangled, Bound, silenced or otherwise muted they can't activate new magic powers.

  • Artificer: Allows user to create Arcane Devices.
  • Channeling: When using a power on a Raise reduce the PPE cost by 1
  • Dimensional Portal: Complex see book, not casual
  • Elementalist (May chose to use alternate summon ally table.)
  • New Powers x5: 10 new powers, 5 starting, detect/conceal (16 total)
  • One With Magic 1 (Gain detect/conceal arcana as an Innate Ability; may sense supernatural beings within line of sight with a Notice check. Conceal arcana even works while sleeping, it only stops working if forcibly Incapacitated)
  • One With Magic 2 (Gain the Ley Line Rejuvenation and Ley Line Sense abilities of a Ley Line Walker.)
  • One With Magic 3 (The character begins aging only one year for every five, and may make a natural healing roll once per day (instead of every five days), even when not on a ley line. On a ley line, the caster gains a natural healing roll once per hour and may recover permanent injuries—see Regeneration in Savage Worlds.)
  • One With Magic 4 (Choose one power to use as an Innate Ability, requiring no PPE (additional Power Modifiers cost the normal amount). The power does not work if the caster is unconscious, asleep, or otherwise Incapacitated. Only powers with a Duration longer than instant may be selected.)
  • Power Points x4: 30 PPE total
  • Shift the Arcane: Shift the Arcane allows the Shifter to alter—or "shift"—the course of certain arcane abilities. The Shifter may use this Edge at any time as if on Hold, as a free action against the same powers as his Shift Reality ability (banish, boost/ lower Trait, drain Power Points, illusion, intangibility, invisibility, light/darkness, sloth/ speed, sound/silence, summon ally, teleport) or any power with a celestial, cosmic, temporal, or similarly ethereal Trapping . This Edge must be used as a power is being activated. The Shifter expends half the Power Point cost of the power to be shifted, and makes an opposed roll of arcane skills versus the caster (with a possible reroll from his Shift Reality ability). If the Shifter wins, he activates the power as if he were the caster, changing its target and other details . With a raise, the original caster is Distracted.
  • Wizard: May spend 1 PPE to change trappings on powers.
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »

Amulet of Iron Will
These somewhat common items are often sold to the wealthy as a way of protecting their minds. When worn the bearer finds his mind hardened from intrusion and attack. Roy wears his against his skin under his armor. Constantly wary of the risk of his soul being touched by another.
Base Item: Quality Amulet (1,000)
  • Major: Strong Will (50,000)
  • Major: Iron Will (100,000)
  • Minor: +2 Spirit rolls to resist powers and corruption (20,000)
    Total: 171,000 credits

Highly Customized Combat Mage Armor (TW) Considered by many the pinnacle of Techno-Wizard armor design, this suit implements magically forged metals, mystic crystal energy cells, and rune-patterned conduits and circuits to provide the arcane version of power armor.
Combat Mage Heavy EBA (TW)
Armor +9 / Toughness +3
Strength Minimum d6
Weight 4/36 250,000 Notes: While powered increase Strength two dice and ignore Min Str, farsight and darksight.
Stealth +2, Environmental +6
  • GM fiat: replacement character for Echo, begin with choice armor and 5 gear rolls. Approved by Freemage
    8 Micro exoskeleton enhancements in the upper torso and arms give your hero a Strength die increase. This result may be applied up to two times.
    9 Covered in a fiber-optic material, your armor color shifts to match the surrounding area with custom camouflage patterns, masks infrared as well as thermal emissions, and is designed to reduce noise. Wearers are +2 to all Stealth rolls.
    12 If it is EBA, this result provides significant environmental system improvements granting a total of +6 to resist Cold, Heat, and Radiation while wearing this suit.
    13 Extraordinary craftsmanship and lightweight materials mean your adventurer’s suit has its Strength Minimum reduced by one die type, while still gaining +1 Armor. This result may be applied up to two times.
    6 Extra high-density plating and other design factors grant +2 Armor to your hero’s Body Armor. This result may only be applied once.
Techno-Wizardry Weapons
  • Techno-Wizardry Gear: Characters with an appropriate Arcane Background— or special ability—may use and power Techno-Wizardry (TW) gear with their personal pool of Power Points (PP), whether PPE or ISP. TW gear embedded powers are typically activated using the wielder’s PP and Arcane Skill or Spirit. Critical Failures cause Technical Difficulties.
  • Recharging Shots: The Shots listed represent how many times a TW ranged weapon can be fired before the wielder has to spend an action pumping Power Points into the weapon to “refill” it; costs two PP unless noted otherwise.
  • Mega Damage: TW weapon wielders can expend 2 PP as a free action to cause Mega Damage for five rounds.
TW Firebolt Pistol
  • Range: 12/24/48
  • Damage: 3d6, AP 6
  • RoF: 1
  • Shots: 10
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Notes: It Burns.
Shard Pistol
  • Range: 15/30/60
  • Damage: 3d4, AP 4
  • RoF: 3
  • Shots: 12
  • Weight: 3 lbs
  • Notes: 3RB; targets hit suffer lower Trait vs Vigor; on a raise they also suffer Hinder.
Magic Amulet not normally worn Armor +4, Against Spulgorth magics, not only gives no protection, but inflicts Vulnerability on wearer.[/OOC]

Mental Incapacitator
OOC Comments
Range 12/24/48, targets roll Vigor check, −2 if the attacker scored a raise, to avoid being Shaken, MBT, TW weapon w/ 1 Major Mod
Vibro-knive: Str+d6, AP 6, min str d4, weight 2, Mega Damage

Flaming sword: Str+d12, AP 6, min str d4, weight 2, Mega Damage
Notes: Costs 1 PP; blade has the flame Trapping, It Burns. Looks like a sword hilt with a large ruby embedded in it until activated (a free action; otherwise a Light Improvised Weapon).

TW Enchanted Cookware
OOC Comments
enchanted with elemental manipulation this pot fill with water and heat with external flame making cooking easy. Requires 1 PPE per hour to operate.
NG-S2 Survival Pack: Designed and sold by the Northern Gun Corporation, this is a fairly common starting item for anyone roaming the wilds. It contains just about everything needed for basic survival. (30 lb, 3,000 credits)
  • One two-person tent, insulated against up to −40 degrees Fahrenheit. It has water collection capabilities, capturing ambient humidity and evaporating water from occupants, thus extending water supplies by 20%.
  • One sleeping bag, also insulated.
  • One flashlight, with a concealed pocket knife. Miniaturized solar panels give it near-infinite operation under typical conditions.
  • One biometric compass/inertial mapper. Body motion provides the necessary power, and the system lets the user know how far and in what direction he’s traveled over time (+2 to Survival rolls related to land navigation). A mirrored back allows for reflective signaling to others if the sun is out.
  • One short-range radio, five-mile range.
  • One first aid kit, provides +1 to Healing checks. It has three uses before it needs to be replenished (300 credits).
  • One hunter/fisher kit, containing wires, line, hooks, and other elements necessary for fishing and small game trapping. This provides +1 to Survival checks where food gathering is concerned.
  • Three saw wires, composed of serrated, high tensile strength wire and two ring handles. Capable of slicing through wood, stone, and even non-Mega metals.
  • One fire starter, a combination solar powered ignition cell and flint sparker (with six extra flints).
  • One survival knife, one small hatchet, and one wooden cross (stored in bag of holding).
  • Four signal flares.
  • One climbing kit with 30 feet of lightweight cord, a pair of climbing gloves, four ceramic spikes, and a small mallet.
  • One bar of soap and a sterilized cloth.
  • One canteen.
  • Two weeks worth of minimal sustenance survival rations in sealed pouches.
Wingboard(TW): One of the oddest, yet most iconic, Techno-Wizard creations is the Wingboard, also called the TK-Glider in some circles. With no engine, the device is designed to channel ley line energy to allow the rider to skim a line at an elevation of 100 to 1,000 feet off the ground. Causing the board to initially lift requires 1 Power Point. (26,000 credits)

Extra - Magic Optic System (TW): Though gem-encrusted visors, full helms, and even elaborate sunglasses can be crafted to serve, most Techno-Wizards prefer the classic goggles approach to creating this mystical sensory enhancement system. It provides +2 to sight-based Notice checks, and the wearer gains access to darksight, farsight, and detect arcana. The system requires 1 Power Point per hour of use. (1 lb, 30,000 credits)

TW IRMSS: 42,000
  • Succor 20,000
    Conversion 4,200
    +10 PPE 10,000
    Changed trapping to Enchanted per Freemage +0 cred, mechanically identical.
TW Jammer Pistol: A special energy disruption pistol designed to cause small mundane technology to fail temporarily. The wielder uses either his Shooting or Arcane Skill to target a technological device no larger than a rifle (with appropriate Called Shot penalties for the size of the item). With a successful hit, the device won’t work for one round, or three rounds with a raise. TW Jammer Pistols have a range of 12/24/48 and 10 shots before they must be reloaded, requiring 2 PPE (.5 lb, 75,000 credits).

TW Psionic Mind Shield
Usually embedded within a helmet, this apparatus provides +4 on opposed rolls against psionic powers and +4 Armor versus damaging psionic powers. Unfortunately, the wearer cannot benefit from benevolent psionic effects, such as mind link. The system costs 3 Power Points per hour it’s active (1 lb, 50,000 credits).
  • Changed trapping to Enchanted per Freemage +0 cred, mechanically identical.
Translator: Programmed with the most common languages spoken in North America, this handheld device operates with a d12+2 skill for most translation work. It can be set to operate via digital display or audio. Use the same process as for the cybernetic Language Translator (see page 116) to teach the system new languages (1 lb, 9,600 credits).
  • TW Conversion 960
    Changed trapping to Enchanted per Freemage +0 cred, mechanically identical.

Credits: 34,430 (after shopping)
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »

Common Spells - 37 PPE
  1. Arcane Mastery - detect/conceal arcana (when used is +4 to roll)
  2. Banishment - banish (free reroll)
  3. cloak of Displacement - deflection
  4. Collected Wisdoms - warrior’s gift
  5. Daggers of Returning - bolt
  6. Devour Arcanum - drain Power Points (free reroll)
  7. Elemental Mastery - telekinesis
  8. Entropic Prism - dispel
  9. Evolve Reality - boost/lower Trait (can be used as an innate ability, cost 0 power points to use at base effect, must still pay for modifiers, when used automatically gains the raise effect on a success, free reroll)
  10. Magic Nets - entangle
  11. Master of The Arcane - arcane protection (when used automatically gains the raise effect on a success)
  12. Portable Holes - teleport (free reroll)
  13. Psychic Constructs of Will - Summon Ally (free reroll)
  14. Sands of Time - sloth/speed (free reroll)
  15. Talisman of Iron - protection
  16. Temporal Phasing - intangibility (free reroll)
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »

Roy grew up the first part of his life in the burbs around Lone Star. But as he entered adolescence he found the sentiments more and more began to bug him. His mother and father spoke to him and his siblings frequently of wanting to move, but the safety the CS provided kept them same.

But everything changed when Roy was twelve. Strange things started happening around Roy. Little things, that eventually became to much to be ignored when the family returned home one day to find a Dog Boy patrol in the house. One of the neighbors spotted them and with a subtle shake of his head communicated all they needed.

Roy never found out why the Dog Boys came, had they angered their neighbor, was he simply hateful, or was his shaking head an disappointment something else entirely. Roy simply never understood the situation. Who was it that called them in or why. In the end life did not care and the two of them fled. It took some time and they risked many dangers on their way. But eventually the Wilson family found their way to Tolkeen. Once they where in Tolkeen Roy, Jesse and Brent were able to get apprenticeships. Learning how to use their talents and turn them into true magical power.

As Roy studied and learned to master his skills as a temporal warrior (Combat Mage), his sister learned to combine magic and technology into the amazing new art of techno-wizardry. But Brent's interest turned more towards the destructive arts. Brent wanted revenge against the CS demonology and necromancy became a consuming passion for him as his talents developed.

The two brothers had falling out when the War came to Tolkeen. Brent and Roy arguing and both trying to convince their family to either flee again, or to stay and fight. Roy felt it was a lost cause, and encouraged his sister and parents to join him on a journey south to find a new home. Maybe Magestar or somewhere in the Magic Zone. While Brent chose to stay for the battles, his dark magic better at the indirect art of necromancy. The more who died the more soldiers Brent would have to send to the CS for battle. His favorite being to send their own fallen back to them.

Eventually even Brent realized the Tolkeen was going to loose. As the family fled South he would argue frequently with Roy and Jesse until eventually Brent could not tolerate it anymore and broke away, convinced he could find a better way to fight the CS in Kingsdale while the rest of the Family went on to eventually discover Refuge and join the cause their.

The Wilson family now lives in Refuge, where Roy’s talents where employed in the defense of Refuge. But Roy found the more time he spent mastering his skills, the more he found he did not know.

Training for field exercises and preparing himself Roy dedicated himself to putting 100% of his energy into ensuring he was ready to travel. When he was finally ready to resign his position and turned in his papers he was offered a new position. Join a field team in need of skills like his. His desire to see more and do more in the field would work nicely with the needs of the Legion to send out S.E.T.s.

Once he was approached by an officer named Osanna Roy accepted quickly. He has already had a couple of missions that went well, and is happy with his decision. Being in the field and able to actually help people in person is an opportunity he really values.
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Roy's Many Bags of Holding

Post by Roy »

Bag of Holding - 1 (Patron Item) (Bronze, SWADE)
Rare Enchanted Bag
Made for hiding what valuables are contained inside. As a free action, the character can activate the bag's magic and
• Weight: 1 lb.
Magic Features:
• Effect: Dimensional Pocket
• • Activation: A free action is needed to activate access to this function. Until the bag is activated, it is simply an empty, ratty looking (though sturdy) leather pouch. See Detection below.
• • Unless Activated, the pouch itself is usually empty or filled with a few random odds and ends. A canny user might keep a handful of few decoy items in the pouch while not activated to fool casual inspection.
• • Capacity: 50 lbs.
Detection and Identification: While the Bag of Holding is quite subtle, it is not truly hidden, merely disguised. Therefore the user is warned not to allow it to come under scrutiny by the magically or psychically active.
  • • A successful use of Detect Arcana will register it as magic, but will not usually reveal its purpose. A raise will reveal it uses Dimensional and Temporal magic, but not how.
    • Using the Exalted Detect Arcana Power Modifier will reveal its function with a raise and that it uses Dimensional and Temporal Magic on a success.
    • A Shifter using Detect Arcana will reveal it to be using Dimensional and Temporal magic on a Success and determine its function with a raise.
    • Similarly a Shifter using Exalted Detect Arcana will automatically determine its function on a success. On a Raise they can figure out how to activate it.
• • Restrictions: Though flexible, the orifice for deposit is only 4"x4", so nothing larger can fit inside the bag of holding. Retrieving an item takes an action. For every 4th item after the first in the bag, the time to grab an item increases by 1 action. 1-4 items: 1 Action 5-8 items: 2 actions, 9-12 items: 3 actions, etc. This can be spread over multiple rounds.
  1. Enchanted Translator
  2. Magic Optic System
  3. Wooden Cross
  4. Mental Incapacitator
  5. Vibro-knife
  6. TW Enchanted Cookware
  7. Altaran Magic Amulet
  8. Enchanted Translator

Bag of Holding - 2 (purchased from market)
  1. Shard Pistol
  2. Firebolt Pistol
  3. Enchanted IRMSS
  4. TW Jammer Pistol

Bag of Holding - 3 (purchased from market)
  1. Enchanted PPE Battery w/10 PPE
  2. Enchanted PPE Battery w/10 PPE
  3. Enchanted PPE Battery w/10 PPE
  4. Enchanted PPE Battery w/10 PPE
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Roy »

Race: True Atlantean
Iconic Framework: Temporal Wizard (Shifter)
Toughness: 17 (9)*
Amulet of Iron Will (+2/+4 Spirit to resist a lot of stuff)

Wounds: 0/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Bennies: 1
-2 Reroll on DQE from going all in

PPE: 31/37 (Summoned Fey reduce by 6)
-12 from DQE
-17 Communication Rift
+10 drained a battery
+20 4 Hours recovery (Maximum reached thirty-one, Battery refills as well)
  • PPE Battery: 10/10
  • PPE Battery: 10/10
  • PPE Battery: 10/10
  • PPE Battery: 10/10
Active Effects:
Permanent - 2 Night Elves summoned with Mind Rider modifier - Shay and Tey (reduces PPE by 3 each for a total of 6)
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Re: Roy - SWADE Atlantean Shifter

Post by Ndreare »

Shay & Tey
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Occult d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Performance d8, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 3
Hindrances: Clueless, Impulsive
Edges: Very Attractive
Special Abilities:
  • Flight: Even the wingless Pixies possess a flying Pace of 12.
  • Inherent Magic: All minor Faerie Folk possess the following powers: beast friend, confusion (befuddling 178 dancing lights), darksight, entangle (ensnaring vines, gripping ice, etc.), invisibility, puppet (Faeries invariably use this to lead their victims in a Faerie Dance, stealing their clothes and equipment while they cavort), slumber, and speak language. Night Elves and Frost Pixies know bolt.
    Faeries often Support each other to be more effective casters. In the PPE rich biome of Rifts Earth, Faerie Folk possess effectively unlimited PPE.
  • Size −3 (Very Small): The various sorts of Faerie Folk range from four to 12 inches tall.
  • Weakness (Salt): Salt does damage to Faeries, dealing +4 damage. Even a pinch deals 1d4+4 damage, quite deadly to such small creatures.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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