03 A Short Test

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Savage Siri
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03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Seeing the results of Lumo’s situation the Captain arranges for a few men to take care of the situation. The relations officers coming over to her to get her best description of the victim. While the captain’s stress levels look higher than when he was interacting with the CS officer.

Drexler’s trip to the school house and offer to share some books and knowledge is well received. The teacher, Mr. Wheeler, seems as interested in what Drexler knows for his own curiosity as he is for the students. Spending a bit of time copying the data Drexler is willing to share onto the school’s own device. “If you would have time between your missions. There is a lot information here. Maybe you could help us sort through it?”

When Dara speaks with the QM about gear requirements he seems open about it. “You will have to get the reqs approved by the Cpt. But that should not be a problem. They already signed off for priority replacement for gear for the AATs going through.” Her adventures in town seeming to have encouraged the warmth of the town and perhaps some forgiveness for Lumo’s own adventure.
the town does have a local weird scientist. But as Psi-ghost none of them are capable of working on TW devices effectively. However, one of the legion scientists is a Techno Wizard.

Nyx finds her efforts at undermining the CS challenged a little as the locals seem to have no prior knowledge of them. But in the end she is able to draw more than a few interested ears. Concerns about how the CS will treat the citizens of a town full of psychics begins to spread. Questions such as “how many are there”, “won’t they just leave”, “what if we do not want to deal with them” begin to spread.

As Trent and Nyx go out seeking spirits, Nyx seems to find a potent distillation made from some sort of giant local blackberry. Made in various strengths, the strongest completely losing flavor. If desired she could try some of the local wine, which they seem to enjoy. Trent’s efforts for a good whisky nets him some, but the locals have nothing that could be considered exceptional for whisky or distillate.
Trent Angel wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 12:24 pm "This is a pretty good little spot you have here, brother. You ever do live shows here?" Trent asks to the bartender. He isn't faking his interest when he listens to the man explain the problems that have come up each time they've tried.

Sensing when the bartenders story comes to an end, he adds a request "Hey, you know anyone who has gone through that rift? Just wondering what a guy might need to prepare for..."

The old timer nods, his head indicating the direction of the rift one would see if not inside a building. “Not many. Something is strange about that thing. Going through it is easy, but coming back is always hard. Like the town don’t want you back.
“A few have not been able to come back, so most folk stopped trying. But every now and then someone tries it and makes it back. The real problem is timing, its only there when the moon is out, then it opens somewhere else.”

The old timer goes on, enjoying chatting he shares some stories of people who made it back and their adventures. Even sharing one of his own where he went to a place he calls Oakanagua and met giant ape people living in a frozen forest.

The AAT finally gathers, prepared with their gear and supplies refreshed the scientist again reiterates. “The rift should be opening at the same time the town returns in 11 minutes 27 seconds at 6:31:14. Specialist Houser says it will only take him about 20 minutes to redirect the Rift. Once you are on the other side you will have until 19:49:02 tonight. I know the Cpt said you would only be a few hours on this trip. But just remember the time limit.” The overly anxious scientist sounding infinitely concerned about your potentially not returning, as if the intended redirect was not only 60 kilometers away at the top of the mountain at the next nexus on the same ley line.

As the moon comes up the town slows forms with the giant tear in the air above the nexus. Suddenly the rift swirls and begins shifting colors and patterns as Houser uses his skills to control the energies in the rift. He can be seen straining somewhat until the gate finally solidifies. With a great sigh he nods. “It took.” He says as the rifts seems to clearly show the arrival point previously scouted.

Stepping through the rift sends shivers through the heroes arrive as planned at the mountain top nexus. The heavy forest shows signs of animal traffic. But no overt threats. Spreading out and securing the site the AAT can clearly feel a strong vibration in the air accompanied by a low thrumming.

Looking around you see some small animals scattering away from the rifts and its new arrivals. While directly across from the entry a large dark brown colored bear sits watching, apparently not reacting to the new arrivals.

Instructions: You have arrived, the scientist with you, Specialist Houser and Grants, are setting up instruments and begging test communications both through the rift and through the air waves.

You action is to either assist with the testing or investigate and secure the area.
Assist with testing; Roll Electronics -2 or Weird Science -2. Alternatively you may support the team using Repair. They have d10 and combined count as a wild card. Information gained will be based on number of successes with a limit of three significant pieces of information.

Secure the area; Securing the area will require 5 tokens. This is a dangerous area and a lot of unfriendly things could get interested in an open rift that scares away mundane beasts. If less than 5 tokens are had then an Combat encounter will happen.
Roll Notice -2, Survival +0, or you can pitch some other relevant non-combat skill and roll with a -4.
Critical Failure: Team looses a token
Failure: You do not identify or remove any local threats. Gain 0 tokens
Success: You identify a threat and are able to neutralize it. Gain 1 token
Raise+: You identify multiple threats and are able to neutralize them. Gain 2 tokens
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Dara laughs heartily at the idea of her helping with human technical equipment. "You have to be able to read the scribblings on the dials to operate those!" she chuckles as she begins moving in an expanding circle with the others who are securing the area.

Survival 1d6!: [1] = 1 Wild Die 1d6!: [2] = 2
Benny survival 1d6!: [6!, 1] = 7 Benny Wild 1d6!: [3] = 3

Observing her walking in a partial crouch, one could think she is staying in the center of the group for protection. The reality though is that reaching out with her radar senses she is constantly aware of the position of the allies around her, and seeks to keep herself in an easy command distance of all of them. She seeks to learn the terrain, and the position of both cover and areas that might be difficult to traverse.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

Securing the Area
Raise (13) Gain 2 Tokens
-2 for scene +2 for Alertness = 0 modifier
Notice 1d8!: [8!, 5] = 13
Wild Die 1d6!: [1] = 1

Even though the Rift had been massive as it formed over the course of the night, Lumo still habitually hunched forward as she stepped inside as if it were a typical human sized doorway. The giant had been somewhat sullen ever since she had to admit to her commander that she had accidentally stolen food from one of the towns folk in an attempt to befriend them. It had seemed as though the reputation of her kind had preceded her and there was little to be had of it. It likely didn’t help that her strange attire made her look as if she were a savage cannibal out for her next meal either, but there were few options for finding functional protective clothing for one her size, and the somewhat sparse survival gear at least served that purpose once it was powered up.

Lumo had an interest in technology, though she certainly lacked the aptitude for it, having revealed to the others earlier that she just barely had an idea of how her laser pistol worked. So it was that when she knelt down and started playing with the buttons on the complicated looking device, that it wasn’t long before she was shooed off by the scientists and told to go and make herself useful in securing the area.

With a dejected expression on her face, Lumo wandered off to aid in making sure the area was safe. As her mystic senses aided her in watching out for magical presence as well, she inadvertently kept a better watch than she thought she was doing. Reporting back any magical wavelengths that were suspiciously heading in their direction so that the others would be prepared for such an encounter. Perhaps even directing the scientists to pack up and move their equipment to another nearby location to avoid such if it was required. At least until the curious threat had passed on by however.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Conviction: 3
Parry: 7 Toughness: 17(6)
PPE: 12/15
Staff PPE: 10/10
ISP: 24/30

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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Rad ducks through the portal, his trusty One-Man-Army Betsy at the ready. He sights first on the bear, but when the creature doesn't react to the team, he slowly lowers his weapon and surveys the forest. "My kind of terrain," he mutters before snapping a twig off a branch and carefully touching it to his lips. "Not poison," he notes, popping the twig into his mouth. As the scientists begin to set up, Rad heads out on a careful sweep of the nearby woods, looking for signs of dangerous animals or people.

1d8!+2: [4]+2 = 6 , Wild 1d6!+2: [5]+2 = 7 +2 from Woodsman

A much larger and more aggressive bear crosses the path ahead of Rad, snarling at the commando and rising onto its hind legs. Rad quickly snaps off a laser shot from Betsy into the bear's arm, and it whines and flees into the forest. "One less threat for the eggheads," he thinks, working his way back towards the rift.
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Survival 1d4!!: [6!!] = 6
Wild Die 1d6!!: [1] = 1

Dorn crosses through the Rift to the other side with the others, his nerves humming with the chemicals the bio-comp is pumping through his system. As he stalks through the underbrush he checks his weapons to be sure they are close to hand.

The terrain reminds him of the stories the old ones would tell of their homeworld and Dorn chuckles softly to himself as he scans his surroundings "Bhiodh e èibhinn ruith a-steach do elf bhon t-seann saoghal an-dràsta. Na smaoinich gum biodh iad air troich mar mise fhaicinn roimhe. Heh, heh, heh."

Dorn sees some spoor but nothing that should pose a security threat to the mission. Not that he's an expert tracker but it certainly doesn't seem like there is any sign of hostile forces. "To be cursing the luck for sure but so far to being the boring mission, No?"
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Using Danny’s Focus d8+2 to scan the area with his Expanded Chi Awareness
Focus 1d8!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Focus Wild Die 1d6!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Spend a Benny
Focus Benny Reroll 1d8-2: [7]-2 = 5
Focus Wild Die Benny Reroll 1d6!-2: [2]-2 = 0

Knowing that he wouldn’t be any help with the technical stuff, Danny concentrates on making sure the area around the expedition is safe. He attempts to reach out with his mystic senses to sense the flow of Chi in the area but finds that he can't achieve the proper state of mind to do so. He guesses that his transit through the rift must have somehow thrown him off. He'll have to try again later after whatever interference it generated within him fades away.
Last edited by Danny Lee on Wed May 08, 2024 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

Bennies:1/3 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Repair 4 is +1 to Support
Repair 1d6!!: [2] = 2
Wild 1d6!!: [4] = 4
Coming through the rift last, Nyx pays little attention as the eggheads talk through what comes next, instead gazing around the surrounding wilderness hoping for something she can shoot.

Peace Doc counsels, the word echoing through her skull in an attempt to quiet her anxiety.

Yeah, yeah, all rainbows and fluffy bunnies here, she thinks back, carving a corner off a piece of rock-hard jerky and tucking it into her cheek to soften.

Before she's aware, the others all claim scouting duty, leaving her to assist the scientists. Her knowledge of electronics and the other pseudo-scientific gear is negligible, but she's accumulated enough mechanical know-how from stripping and reassembling firearms to be able to fetch a wrench when needed. It's not much, but her assistance at least lets the brain-boys focus on their readouts instead of grunt work.
Nyx Harcrow
Player: Tribe of One
Bennies: 3/3
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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Trent immediately starts helping put equipment into place. He is unfamiliar with these exact sensors, but after connecting to his jack he sees that the basic interface is fairly simple. I should be able to help here. He starts whistling a tune for a song he's hoping to write.

Electronics - 1 success
Actually a 5, forgot to include the -2 from the test, and +1 from Nyx's support. +2 is from Cybernetics / CEP
Wild 1d6!!+2: [3]+2 = 5
Electronics 1d6!!+2: [4]+2 = 6
After getting the first sensor set up to his satisfaction, he looks up to see Nyx hanging out and looking out of place.

"I figured setting up sensors might have been a little boring for you, Wild One. Could you hand me that wrench? I think if I can get his next array figured out, I can consider my day to be a success."
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Easing his nearly overstuffed pack to the ground, Drexler eyes the equipment needing assembly. "I believe I have just the tools we need." He then begins removing various kits and instruments from the frame pack. After some careful unpacking and sorting he finally hefts out a field repair kit. Seeing Trent and Nyx already hard at work he moves to
Repair d6!!+1: [2]+1 = 3 Repair Wild d6!!+1: [10!!]+1 = 11
the third array. In no time at all he has it together and wired up.

((two successes))
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Savage Siri
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Techno Wizardry 1d10!! or 1d6!! with +4 from support: [3]+[3] = 6 = 7 success

The team easily secures the area. Establishing a perimeter proves easier than expected. Between Lumo’s awareness and Dara’s radar, the team determines the area is infested with fairy folk. Though they remain hidden, the signs are clear, with occasional glimpses as one gets a better look at the newcomers. Dorn and Rad notice recent signs of brodkil activity, unspoiled by rain or weather. Danny Lee's disruption is short-lived as he regains his center.

The area should be safe for now, but the brodkil may return, drawn by the rift. Fortunately, there are no signs of larger or scarier demons often found near nexus points.

As the small research team doubles their numbers, setting up equipment and calibrating it goes quickly. The strange scientist mumbles, frustrated at the results. “How can light pass through unaffected, but communications be stopped? The radio waves are the same as light… How can the rift depower equipment on return but leave it fully charged when passing through from the town?”

Dimensional anomalies are strange, but they should follow known magical principles, they grumble. Approaching the rift with the intent to send something through is simple. However, intending to pass through brings resistance, filling the mind with fear and visions.
Your inner chi and self-awareness make you immune to this effect as it is a Fear -2 roll.

After a couple of hours on watch, the team notices shadowy movements at the edge of perception. Each time, it is a subtle movement, disappearing when looked at directly. Approaching the clearing's edge stops any perceived movement. Knowing there are fairies around, they are suspected. However, something feels off about the situation.

Instructions: If it's just fairies, they rarely pose much danger but may mess with supplies and equipment. If it's more, someone should act. Make a Notice roll versus a 7.

You cannot clearly see what is causing the problem.

You spot some Night Elves messing with the supplies. They will scatter/fly away if approached.

Make an Occult roll, narrate/roll for any other actions taken, and let me know the results on Discord.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Ndreare wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 5:31 am As the small research team doubles their numbers, setting up equipment and calibrating it goes quickly. The strange scientist mumbles, frustrated at the results. “How can light pass through unaffected, but communications be stopped? The radio waves are the same as light… How can the rift depower equipment on return but leave it fully charged when passing through from the town?”

Dimensional anomalies are strange, but they should follow known magical principles, they grumble. Approaching the rift with the intent to send something through is simple. However, intending to pass through brings resistance, filling the mind with fear and visions.
Going over the data with the other scientists Drexler forms a theory as to the why, if not the hows, of the rifts anomalous properties. "It strikes me that this acts as a defensive measure for the town. Whether that is intentional or not remains to be seen, but intentional alteration would explain the inconsistent travel effects that don't follow know rift behavior. I'm curious if a rift from another nexus opened to here would manifest the same anomalies?" Pondering the questions posed by the rift as he ate, Drexler
Notice d10!!+2: [1]+2 = 3 Notice Wild d6!!+2: [2]+2 = 4
off into the darkness when not focused on the screen of his field computer, oblivious to the dancing shadows.
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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Notice 1d6!!: [9!!] = 9
Wild Die 1d6!!: [3] = 3

Dorn notices the little winged folk flitting about the expedition's supplies and messing with the equipment. Scowling Dorn stomps towards the area to chase the creatures off, pausing only to pick up a softball sized stone and hurling it at a nearby tree. As the stone hits the tree with a loud Krak! Dorn bellows at the small creatures.

"Hey you leetle flying bastards! That is not the being of your stuff! Tapadh leibh a dhaoine beaga sgiathach! Glan dheth no feumaidh mi do shèideadh gu pìosan eadhon nas lugha!"

Whether it is the rock throwing or his bellowing it seems to be enough to discourage the small creatures and they fly off into the night. Getting on the radio he broadcasts a warning for the others to be on the lookout for the strange flying creatures.

"Hello! Please to being on the lookup for small flying creatures that is to be messing with the gear. They to be looking like veeeeery small elf with wings so obviously to not be up to any goodness but like elf easy to scare away. Over."

Dorn's thoughts were less confident about their ability to deal with these pests. I'm glad they scare easy. Those damned little pests would be a major pain to clear out with force. It's not like we can just start chucking grenades into our supply depot.

Shaking his head Dorn continues his patrol making sure to check through all the supplies for more of the flying pests.
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Notice 1d6!: [1] = 1 , Wild Die 1d6!: [1] = 1
Rad is distracted studying Brodkil tracks, and completely fails to notice the fairies flitting around the equipment until one of them filches one of his plasma grenades. "Hey!" he yells, flailing wildly at the creature.
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

Notice 1d8!+2: [8!, 4]+2 = 14
Wild Die 1d6!+2: [1]+2 = 3
Occult 1d8!: [1] = 1
Wild Die 1d6!: [6!, 1] = 7
Casting Tongue Swap (Speak Language) - Additional Recipients modifier (6)
Psionics 1d8!: [8!, 7] = 15
Wild Die 1d6!: [2] = 2

Lumo’s eyes shone brightly in the night as her Spiritual Awareness easily spotted the creatures, right around the time that the oddly speaking dwarf next to them was throwing rocks at them to try and get them away from their equipment. The giantess appearing somewhat stunned at the sudden situation before she suddenly bleated out a cry of protest.

“Oh no, please do not hurt them too much, they are only curious to see what it is we are doing.” As all six of her arms waved off the action in several different gestures of caution. Although immediately after she said as much, she would witness the things go to pry a plasma grenade off of Miles things, completely undermining her earlier protests.

Frantically trying to deescalate the situation, Lumo performs the same gruesome act she had earlier, where she would reach into her own mouth and proceed to violently rip out her own tongue with a sickening tearing sound, as a single hand held the still wiggling muscle between her fingers. Almost immediately after her eyes would roll back into her head, as a long greenish entropic forked replacement would suddenly replace what she had pulled out, and dangle between her now bleeding lips.

The ghostly appendage would wave and flap as Lumo then spoke once again, though this time her words echoed within everyone's ears as a cacophony of sound that seemed to bounce around as if they were all trapped within an echo chamber. The sensations were… Strange, to say as an understatement, but somehow all around could speak and understand the language of any faeries that might have remained.

“Please do not fret.” Came her echoing voice. “Our equipment is important to our survival and we do not know where we are. The dwarf with the rocks does not know you are here to play… ah… Also, that thing is very dangerous! Please be careful with it!” The giant remembering at the last minute to point towards the floating ball of plasma death that one of the creatures now held.
Last edited by Lumo on Wed May 29, 2024 9:02 am, edited 4 times in total.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Notice Roll 1d6!: [2] = 2
Notice Wild Die Roll 1d6!: [6!, 1] = 7

Keeping his eye out for potential threats, Danny spots a couple of Night Elves eyeing the scientific gear that was set up curiously. He quickly strides is way over there.

“Seee anything you like?” he asks as politely as a merchant would a customer. Startled, the two scatter into the night.

“I guess not,” he comments once they’re gone.
Dorn Giantslayer wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 7:54 pm "Hello! Please to being on the lookup for small flying creatures that is to be messing with the gear. They to be looking like veeeeery small elf with wings so obviously to not be up to any goodness but like elf easy to scare away. Over."
”Caught a couple looking over the tech at the Rift,” Danny replies back over the radio. ”Think I managed to frighten them off before they actually touched anything.”
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Notice 1d6!+2: [1]+2 = 3
Notice Wild 1d6!+2: [3]+2 = 5

Dara misses out on the joy of having shadowy things in her peripheral vision for obvious reasons, but her normally acute senses fail to pick up enough of the activity around the supplies to cause her any real concern.
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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

1d4!+2: [1]+2 = 3

Wild 1d6!: [1] = 1

Trent is mostly lost in his own thoughts, thinking of lyrics for that song he's been working on. He occasionally whistles a bar or two and then shakes his head, mumbling, "That's not quite right…”

He starts to snap out of it when he hears Dorn broadcast something on the radio, but he was so focused on his songwriting that he didn’t catch what he was saying. Shocked to action, Trent quickly looks around to try to assess the situation as Lumo calls out in a strange language that seems to echo in his mind.

”Did someone say something about elves? What?”

Trent is starting to absorb the chaos that seems to be unfolding. Just as he is starting to zoom in with his optics package, one of the faeries touches the side of his head where the cybernetics connect to his skull.

1d6: [5] = 5

”Auurauuaaghh!” he screeches in pain as it seems to create a static shock that reverberates through his brain.
It doesn’t seem to cause any harm to Trent, beyond the momentary pain. However, his optics package is essentially useless until he can get it repaired.
Last edited by Trent Angel on Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:35 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Raise on Notice
Notice 1d8!!+2: [2]+2 = 4
Wild 1d6!!+2: [9!!]+2 = 11
Raise on Occult
Occult 1d4!!-2: [6!!]-2 = 4
Wild 1d6!!-2: [11!!]-2 = 9
Having found something resembling a moment of zen while assisting the egg-heads with their machinery, Nyx refuses to let a few faeries ruin her mood. After, faeries were no bother at all considering the parasitic vermin that had plagued her in the Atlantean slave-pens ...

A mental rumble from Doc pulls her back from that particular rabbit hole and she banishes the memory back to the locked box in her mind where it lives and begins polishing her guns — for what might be either the ninth or 10th time that day — while daydreaming about brodkil charging into the camp so she could shoot them.

She soon finds herself in the zone, humming a half-remembered tune she thinks her mother once sang to her ... until something off in the distance catches her eye. Nyx hasn't devoted any meaningful study to the occult, but she's picked up a few scattered bits of knowledge in her travels and this was ... unexpected.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

Lumo’s glowing eyes scanned the area as she wrinkled her nose on thought, as if trying to recall a vague memory as the chaos erupted around her. The general dopey eyed giant didn’t normally come off as the fastest thinker, as demonstrated by the fact that she had at that moment decided to calm her nerves by taking a long drag out of that oddly shaped pipe that she always had with her.

It was then that she peered over next to the rift from whence they came that she saw through the arcane and noticed the shifting invisible forms of the pair of fairies that were mid ritual. There was another small pause as her mind attempted to process what it was seeing, before the object would suddenly fall from her mouth and she would point in that general direction with all six of her arms at once.

“They, they they they’re trying to close the rift I think! Faeries can turn invisible and they’re casting a complicated spell!” Came sudden panicked warnings as she fumbled for her skull mounted staff which had also fallen to the ground in the meantime. Showing clear intent to try to stop them before it was too late.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
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Conviction: 3
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PPE: 12/15
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Watching the winged night elves in her reverie, Nyx is jolted by a sudden realization — and another unwelcome memory, of a crushed faerie attempting to blink itself invisible in the arena in Atlantis.

They can hide themselves from sight at will, so why are these letting themselves be seen? she thinks, before she and Doc voice the same the thought together: Distraction!

She spots the pucks right after, their chameleon skin flashing as they perform some sort of ritual near the rift.

At the speed of thought, her pistols are in her hands.

"One more witchy word out either of you and whatever's left of you is gonna be flying in six directions at once, she calls out to the pucks, not particularly caring if they understand her or not.
Nyx Harcrow
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Shamefully, it takes Dara over 2 full seconds to reach her position, slightly behind and to the right of Nyx. The delicate "shiiinnnggg" of her battle fury leaving the scabbard the only indication of her presence. As the silver blade glints she shoves a bit of her mental energy into
Psionics 1d6!: [1] = 1 Wild Psi 1d6!: [2] = 2
Benny Re-roll 1d6!: [6!, 3] = 9 Wild 1d6!: [4] = 4
Result is a raise hence -4 to arcane powers focused on Dara, -4 damage from them

When Nyx tilts her head in Dara's direction she whispers, "Sorry I was so slow."
Last edited by Dara on Wed Jun 12, 2024 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Finally catching on to what's happening around him Drexler abruptly stands up, spilling his work onto the ground and interposes himself between the the warrior women and the fae. "Wait, wait, wait!! Let's not go murdering sapiens because they're inconvenient. I'm sure they have a reason to close this and it may tie into our research. Of course we prefer they do not..." Turning to where the wee folk are performing their ritual, the researcher
Spell casting d8!!: [1] = 1 Spellcasting Wild d6!!: [1] = 1
some magic trying to look into the ether, but fails, spectacularly. Despite stunning himself with uncontrolled PPE, Drexler tries to shake it off and
persuasion d6!!-3: [5]-3 = 2 persuasion Wild d6!!-3: [3]-3 = 0 Reroll!! Reroll Persuasion d6!!-3: [3]-3 = 0 Reroll Persuasion Wild d6!!-3: [3]-3 = 0
with the fae. "Please stop, we need that to get home. It doesn't go anywhere dangerous."
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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Hearing Lumo's warning, Danny uses his mystic senses to spot the disturbances in the flow of chi caused by the two fae performing a ritual. Once he knows where they are he turns toward them.
he uses Scan.
Focus Roll 1d8!+2: [5]+2 = 7

"I'd stop now if I were you," he says in the type of soft and quiet tone that conveys casual menace.

Roll Intimidation 1d4!: [2] = 2
Roll Intimidation Wild Die 1d6!: [5] = 5
"The last thing you want to do is strand me on the same side of a rift that you're on."
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Rad curses, failing at the faery flying away from him with a plasma grenade. Momentarily distracted, he reacts slowly to the commotion behind him, but the ruckus about the portal closing finally gets his attention. "Aw, nuts," he mutters. "This was such a pleasant day." He finds the nearest cover, crouches, and trains Betsy on the portal, waiting for the team leads to provide guidance.
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Given the tension in the air, Trent starts to reach for his rifle. However, the Lumo's words ring in his ear. They are just playing!

He reaches instead for his guitar. It has been through more action than the rifle anyway. He starts
Performance 1d8!!: [5] = 5
Wild 1d6!!: [3] = 3 ,
building tension until the words of a popular song start flowing out. The sound emits from his lips, but it's origin is much deeper, in the caverns of his heart.

"..backbeat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now..."

The spirit of the song takes Trent, and he seems oblivious to the pending firefight all around him. I hope they're music fans! he thinks as he slowly walks towards the fairies. His visage is calm, as though he thinks of them as audience members. Just some fans, here to see "Nexus of Sound."

And all the roads we have to walk are winding
And all the lights that lead us there are blinding
There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my Wonderwall"
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Joker Dara 1d56 or 1d56: [33]+[56] = 89
Ace of Clubs Dara Tactician 1d56: [49] = 49
Given to 9 of Spades Drex 1d56 or 1d56: [51]+[32] = 83
Ace of Clubs Rad 1d56: [49] = 49
King of Diamonds Nyx 1d56: [46] = 46
Queen of Diamonds Dorn 1d56: [42] = 42
Jack of Diamonds Tormento (I think he is gone) 1d56: [38] = 38

After Fey

9 of Clubs Trent 1d56: [29] = 29
5 of Spades Lumo 1d56: [16] = 16
5 of Clubs Danny Lee 1d56: [13] = 13

Please Wait, Dara has Tactician to assign
Fey Acting on 10 of Hearts
Peregrine (Puck) 1d56: [23] = 23
Ardens 1d56 or 1d56 or 1d56: [51]+[42]+[34] = 127
Group One 1d56: [33] = 33
Group Two 1d56: [39] = 39
Group Three 1d56: [17] = 17
Group Four 1d56: [41] = 41
Group Five 1d56: [35] = 35
Meta before I create a narrative so you all know.

The Pucks are not aggressive and apparently are ignoring the actions and words of the players (An action of observation and Occult -6 to know what they are doing, -2 for LLW and Shifters). The scientist are getting emotionally overwhelmed. The Night Elves are definitely paying attention.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Realizing that Trent is wrapped up in song, and that we have many warriors capable of acting prior to the night elves, Dara taps Drexler on the shoulder. Pointing with her sword, she says quietly, "Those night elves there are the most frenetic of the tiny beings around us. While they are quite safe when jarred, these seem intent on us now."

Dara hopes that nudging "the science" so that Drexler now acts on the Ace is the best idea.
Of course Drexler is free to refuse this bump in initiative, per the rules of tactician.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

As a free action since this is a melee weapon, 6 ISP to activate the battle fury
a substantial amount of energy into her blade. The satisfying feeling of furious anger suffuses her.

Almost as an afterthought, she tosses a bit to
Detect Arcana 1d6+3: [5]+3 = 8 Wild Die DA 1d6+3: [3]+3 = 6
FYI the +3 comes from +1 for the power being self/aspect limited and +2 from Joker this round.
The raise means she should ignore ALL invisibility penalties and possibly knows something about the weaknesses of faeries as well as active powers and abilities, or anything else Rob likes
hoping to better interpret what the Night Elves are up to.

"Anybody got some table salt?" she says lowering her center of gravity into a fighting stance.
Player: Shiro
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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

"Screw it," mutters Rad. "I'm not getting stuck on this side of the portal." He lines up Betsy on one of the Night Elves and
Shooting 1d8: [5] = 5 +2= 7, Wild 1d6: [4] = 4 +2 = 6, Damage 4d6: [1, 5, 2, 3] = 11 AP3
. "Let's see what that does," he says as he takes aim at another elf.
Last edited by Miles RAD Radoslav on Tue Jul 02, 2024 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Cursing his hesitation and hoping things are still salvageable, Drexler begins to
Casting Dispel with multiple powers and small area mods (cost 5) Spewllcasting d8!!-1!!: [13!!]-1 = 12 Wild d6!!-1: [4]-1 = 3
his hands tracing arcane mathematics in light onto the air in front of him. The equations glow faintly at first then flare up fiercely before transferring to an area near the rift forming a pulsing dome for a second.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Resist dispel 10, 1 token
Spellcasting Resistance 1d10!! or Wild 1d6!!: [2]+[10!!] = 12
As Drex's spell begins to release, he feels the magic being pulled into the rift above as a 20' diameter funnel of energy around the pucks connected like a vortex leading to the rift becomes visible. The pucks inside flicker to visibility as one of them looks over to Drexler. Strangely the look shows more confusion than anger. The previous feeling of dread coming from the rift dissipates, instead replaced with a tremendous sense of uncontrolled energy.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Ndreare wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:37 am
As Drex's spell begins to release, he feels the magic being pulled into the rift above as a 20' diameter funnel of energy around the pucks connected to the rift becomes visible. The pucks inside flicker to visibility as one of them looks over to Drexler. Strangely the look shows more confusion than anger. The previous feeling of dread coming from the rift dissipates, instead replaced with a tremendous sense of uncontrolled energy.
"Please, explain why you're closing the rift. I swear some of us are reasonable people." He pleads to the pucks. As he does so the researcher also tries to
Occult: -1 fatigue, +2 scholar. Occult d12!!+1: [3]+1 = 4 Wild d6!!+1: [4]+1 = 5
the strange PPE funnel now visible.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Nyx watches in utter confusion as the pucks continue doing whatever it is they're doing and Radoslav takes a shot at one of the night elves.

"Does anyone here know what the hell these faeries are doing?" she says, the frustration clear in her voice. Still, she keeps an iron hold on her tempter, as well as her guns, waiting for a clear sign of aggression before she starts exploding heads.

Nyx will Hold her action until there's a clear sign the faeries are trying to hurt the party.
Nyx Harcrow
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Nyx wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:07 pm Nyx watches in utter confusion as the pucks continue doing whatever it is they're doing and Radoslav takes a shot at one of the night elves.

"Does anyone here know what the hell these faeries are doing?" she says, the frustration clear in her voice. Still, she keeps an iron hold on her tempter, as well as her guns, waiting for a clear sign of aggression before she starts exploding heads.

Nyx will Hold her action until there's a clear sign the faeries are trying to hurt the party.
Straining to grasp the odd behavior of the rift, Drexler answers "I think the rift is somehow tied to them and they are trying to close it."
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Rad sees a wing flutter to the ground as the night elf vanishes in a blast of coherent light from Betsy. "That's more like it," he mutters, lining up his next shot.
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Notice Rolls to Spot the Pucks are -4 for invisibility. If you do spot them attacking them is possible, but the attacks get absorbed into the swirling vortex of energy around them.

Night Elves are tiny and have an additional -3 to notice and attack rolls.

As Dara prepares herself for battle and encourages Drexler she is better able to make out the locations of the tiny fey.

Ignoring Drexler's pleas to avoid harming sentients Miles is not willing to let the fairies with a reputation of being malicious destroy the teams gear raise his weapon and obliterates one of them. Then moves trying to get behind cover. A small flutter of half a wings falls to the ground as they tiny fey vaporized.
Drexler wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:51 am
Ndreare wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:37 am
As Drex's spell begins to release, he feels the magic being pulled into the rift above as a 20' diameter funnel of energy around the pucks connected to the rift becomes visible. The pucks inside flicker to visibility as one of them looks over to Drexler. Strangely the look shows more confusion than anger. The previous feeling of dread coming from the rift dissipates, instead replaced with a tremendous sense of uncontrolled energy.
"Please, explain why you're closing the rift. I swear some of us are reasonable people." He pleads to the pucks. As he does so the researcher also tries to
Occult: -1 fatigue, +2 scholar. Ld12!!+1Ldd6!!+1
the strange PPE funnel now visible.
The Pucks look confused at Drex as he tries to disrupt their ritual, but continue their work. Unwilling or perhaps unable to stop their work.
Miles RAD Radoslav wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:58 am "Screw it," mutters Rad. "I'm not getting stuck on this side of the portal." He lines up Betsy on one of the Night Elves and
Shooting 1d8: [5] = 5 +2= 7, Wild 1d6: [4] = 4 +2 = 6, Damage 4d6: [1, 5, 2, 3] = 11 AP3
. "Let's see what that does," he says as he takes aim at another elf.
The research team obviously becoming aggressive the dozens of tiny fey realize that battle is afoot! And begin disappearing. the group of little closest to Rad having lost one of their numbers screams and begin incanting as bolts of purple and black energy flies from their hands at Rad! The bolts striking with draining energy syphoning life energy from him as he burst into purple flames his skin burning away!

Four remaining in Group 1 Spell Casting 1d10!! and 1d10!! and 1d10!! and 1d10!! with -2 from cover and +3 for scale for total +1: [3]+[6]+[2]+[5] = 16 Three Hits no raises.
(unlimited PPE, so bolts are maxed out as 3d6 MD AP 6, Armor Piercing +3, Fatigue +2, Glow +1, Heavy Weapon +2, Hinder +1, Lingering Damage +2, and More Damage +2.)
Maxed out Bolt 3d6!!: [9!!, 5, 4] = 18 = 2 Wounds
Maxed out Bolt 3d6!!: [2, 1, 10!!] = 13 = 1 Wound
Maxed out Bolt 3d6!!: [5, 3, 1] = 9 = Shaken (If shaken a wound)

The others realizing the humanoids are turning hostile begin laying down spells of extreme power. Their words clearly understood as they speak in a sing song. "Fight no more, the battle is over, all you want to do is dance, nothing else matter..." Their song lulling you into peace. The scientist with you begin dancing to the magical music.

There was 5 groups of 5 Night Elves, one is dead, leaving 24. This leaves enough for the four attacks on Rad and two spells for each party member that is not overtly attacking them and the two scientist (fail by GM fiat).

Post Edit: They do not have Mind control modifier. So I edited the penalties bellow.
Dara - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [4]+[5] = 9 = Spirit Roll versus 5 or do nothing but dance.

Drex - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [9]+[1] = 10 = Spirit Roll versus 9 with a -2 Penalty or do nothing but dance.

Nyx (May try to interrupt as she is on hold) - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [3]+[3] = 6 = Failure, no rolls needed

Dorn (May try to interrupt as he is on hold) - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [7]+[6] = 13 = Spirit Roll versus 7 or do nothing but dance.

Trent - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [9]+[4] = 13 = Spirit Roll versus 9 with a -2 Penalty or do nothing but dance.

Lumo - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [4]+[29!!] = 33 = Spirit Roll versus 29 with a -2 Penalty or do nothing but dance.

Danny Lee - Puppet With Mind Control1d10!! and 1d10!!: [7]+[4] = 11 = Spirit Roll versus 7 or do nothing but dance.

Nyx = On Hold may act after resolving above or potentially interrupt
Dorn = On Hold may act after resolving above or potentially interupt
Trent = May act after resolving above
Lumo = May act after resolving above
Danny Lee = May act after resolving above
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Trent focuses all his will to

Performance 1d8!: [7] = 7 Wild 1d6!-2: [2]-2 = 0 Benny Spirit 1d8!: [5] = 5 Benny Wild 1d6!: [1] = 1

compulsion to dance, but his limbs no longer obey his will. He

Spirit 1d8!-2: [4]-2 = 2
a rhythmic slide to his right and claps. Then steps backward in an exaggerated move before doing a spin... It would look like fun if there were not visible terror behind his eyes.

It will happen again. I won't be able to help, and someone is going to get hurt bad.
Last edited by Trent Angel on Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:16 am, edited 11 times in total.
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

5 vs 29 (failed with a raise)
Lumo Spirit 1d8!: [1] = 1
Lumo Wild Die 1d6!: [5] = 5

The giantess stares droopy eyed as the night elves swarm around her and take control of her mind with their combined faerie magics. Seemingly in a daze for a few moments before she idly reaches back to the communicator that was hanging from the back of her belt, a sudden loud synth tune beginning to play from what was more than likely a saved file. The song a nonsensical tune likely hailing back from before the golden age of man, with Lumo sudden breaking out into dance to move along with the lyrics, even going so far as to sing along with them despite the power not so much commanding her to do so.

“We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind. ‘Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance… Well, they’re no friends of mine.” The annoying yet oddly catching music increased in intensity as the dancing looked more like an awkward prancing around to the faeries, indicating to everyone around that Lumo was not exactly what one would call the most talented of individuals despite seemingly being prepared for this exact situation.

Regardless, the daze on her face made it very clear that she would not be any help with their situation for the time being unless someone was able to snap her out of it…
Last edited by Lumo on Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Conviction: 3
Parry: 7 Toughness: 17(6)
PPE: 12/15
Staff PPE: 10/10
ISP: 24/30

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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Spirit Roll 1d8!: [8!, 8!, 4] = 20
Spirit Wild Die Roll 1d6!: [5] = 5
Danny’s Psychic Defense Prana (Mind Shield) gives a -2 Penalty to attempts to use Mind Reading or Mind Control on him, so his actual number he has to oppose to resist is 5. In addition, his power makes it so that if he successfully resists the one who attempted to mind read or mind control him suffers Fatigue. And on a Raise on the Resistance roll they are Stunned as well.

So considering he got multiple Raises on his Resistance roll, Danny’s attackers are definitely got a level of Fatigue and are Stunned.

Danny feels a compulsion pressing down on him to just dance but he calls on his Celestial Guardian training to rebuke it, causing those who attempted to impose their will on him to suffer a stunning backlash. Drawing upon his inner reserves, Danny augments his Chi Awareness to enable him to attack his foes unhindered by their diminutive size and veiling magic.

Spending a Benny to Mimic. The Power Stunt Mimic allows the character to use one of his powers as if it were another, To do so, the character picks a “new” power based on one of their existing abilities and describe how it’s used to gain the effects of another. The number of Super Power Points in the temporary power is equals to the Power Limit, which for Mega-Supers is 15. The effects of a power stunt lasts one use for an instant power such as an attack and three rounds for a passive power.

The power that Danny is emulating with his Chi Awareness (Scan) is Awareness, which lets one ignore one point of attack penalties for each level in it. With 15 points Danny can get 15 levels in it, which is more than enough to negate the penalties due to the Night Elve’s tiny size and invisibility. As a passive power, he’ll enjoy the benefits of Awareness for three rounds.

Despite having successfully resisted, Danny begins to dance anayway, moving to the beat of Lumo’s music. Moving toward the now stunned Night Elves who tried to control him, he uses chi to charge his feet and brutally stomps down

Thanks to Two-Fisted, Danny can make two attacks without penalties.

Fighting Roll 1d10!+3: [10!, 6]+3 = 19
Fighting Wild Die Roll 1d6+3: [6]+3 = 9
I’m assuming this definitely got a Raise against the Night Elf’s Parry, so I included the Bonus Die in the roll.
Damage Roll 5d6!+1d4!: [3, 6!, 5, 6!, 2, 4, 5]+[1] = 32

Fighting Roll 1d10!+3: [7]+3 = 10
Fighting Wild Die Roll 1d6!+3: [3]+3 = 6
Damage Roll 4d6!+1d4!: [3, 6!, 1, 2, 6!, 2]+[4!, 4!, 1] = 29
Bonus Damage Die If Raise 1d6!: [6!, 4] = 10

Thanks to Danny’s Dragon Fist (Melee Attack) this is all Mega-Damage.
on each Night Elf in time with the song.
Last edited by Danny Lee on Wed Jul 24, 2024 3:51 am, edited 9 times in total.
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

Bennies:1/3 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Arcane Resistance -2 to target number

Spirit Die 1d8!!: [7] = 7
Wild Die 1d6!!: [8!!] = 8

As the situation deteriorates, Dorn makes a snap decision and pulls a frag grenade from his harness, quickly arms it and tosses it into the midst of the faerie creatures that he can see.

Athletics Die 1d8!!: [7] = 7
Wild Die 1d6!!: [10!!] = 10

Damage with Raise
1. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [4, 1, 2, 7!!, 3]+[3] = 20
2. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [5, 7!!, 1, 5, 4]+[3] = 25
3. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [5, 2, 5, 5, 9!!]+[4] = 30
4. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [7!!, 3, 9!!, 2, 2]+[8!!] = 31
5. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [3, 11!!, 5, 5, 4]+[2] = 30

The throw is perfect and Dorn squints a bit as the grenade detonates in a blast of light and sound. "TO BE EATING THAT YOU TEENY LITTLE PESTS!" Dorn roars at the fae as he backpedals away from the carnage and pulls another grenade, just in case.
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Soak #1
1d8: [2] = 2 Wild 1d6: [2] = 2 - Soaks one of two wounds
Soak #2
1d8: [2] = 2 -1 Wild 1d8: [2] = 2 -1 soaks one of one wounds, takes an additional wound because shaken, now at two wounds
Rad dives for cover as the spells slam into him, yelling in pain as they tear into his torso and one leg. "Not expecting that," he mutters, looking frantically for somewhere to hole up.
Dice rolls
1d8: [5] = 5
1d6: [2] = 2
1d8: [7] = 7
1d6: [5] = 5
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Evasion Attempts
OOC Comments
Dorn Giantslayer wrote: Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:59 pm

Arcane Resistance -2 to target number

Spirit Die 1d8!!: [7] = 7
Wild Die 1d6!!: [8!!] = 8

As the situation deteriorates, Dorn makes a snap decision and pulls a frag grenade from his harness, quickly arms it and tosses it into the midst of the faerie creatures that he can see.

Athletics Die 1d8!!: [7] = 7
Wild Die 1d6!!: [10!!] = 10

Damage with Raise
1. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [4, 1, 2, 7!!, 3]+[3] = 20
2. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [5, 7!!, 1, 5, 4]+[3] = 25
3. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [5, 2, 5, 5, 9!!]+[4] = 30
4. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [7!!, 3, 9!!, 2, 2]+[8!!] = 31
5. 5d6!!+1d6!!: [3, 11!!, 5, 5, 4]+[2] = 30

The throw is perfect and Dorn squints a bit as the grenade detonates in a blast of light and sound. "TO BE EATING THAT YOU TEENY LITTLE PESTS!" Dorn roars at the fae as he backpedals away from the carnage and pulls another grenade, just in case.

Fey Evade 5d10 Target number is 8: [3, 5, 7, 9, 8] = 32
As Dorn's grenade explodes three of the tiny fey can be seen coming into visbility their corpses burning on the ground.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Notice 13
Notice 1d8!!+2: [5]+2 = 7
Wild 1d6!!+2: [11!!]+2 = 13
Plus she's got full multi-optics (ultrasound, thermal, nightvision, etc.) so I assume she can see them all.
"Son of a ..." Nyx grimaces as the faeries start throwing fire and mind control spells at the team. "Your funerals, you little goblins."

Energizes her pistols and splatters one Night Elf
Multi-action here: Activating Smite on her guns, then taking three shots. MAP is only -2 due to Adept, Two-Fisted, etc.
Psionics (-2 MAP, +1 for Smite) 1d12!!-1: [10]-1 = 9 = Raise, so pistols now do 3d8+3
Wild 1d6!!-1: [1]-1 = 0
Shooting (-2 MAP, +3 equipment, -3 size) 1d10!!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Wild 1d6!!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Shooting 1d10!!-2: [13!!]-2 = 11
Wild 1d6!!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Shooting 1d10!!-2: [5]-2 = 3
Wild 1d6!!-2: [5]-2 = 3

Two misses and one Raise.

Damage 3d8!!+3+1d6!!: [10!!, 3, 5]+3+[5] = 26
Focusing her will into her shooting irons, she raises the guns and unloads traditional rounds into the closest night elves, splattering one but narrowly missing two others.

"Damn it. Like shooting horseflies," she mutters, biting her lip as tries to concentrate her aim before the next salvo.
Nyx Harcrow
Player: Tribe of One
Bennies: 3/3
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Savage Siri
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

The small fey seem unable to defend themselves from the hostile giants as they begin attacking the fairies. They begin fleeing into the jungle in all dorections! The Uncoordinated flight from battle almost comical if it were not for the gore and remains of their brethren...
(They are still on the map until after the first block goes.)

Within the dome the two Pucks work diligently to protect their ritual. Doing all they can to resist Drexler's efforts to break it.
(@Drexler's target number this round will be 11 if you would like to continue trying to break their ritual.)

@Dorn JOKER! (rolled in discord, because GM is flaky.
@Dara (picked Drexler to move up.)
@Trent Angel
@Lumo (Remember you are dancing under the above command)
@Danny Lee
@Drexler (moved up by Dara)

Bad guys average initiative is 31.28. So they are acting on 31.

Dara 1d56 or 1d56: [34]+[14] = 48
Dara Tactician 1d56: [36] = 36
Drex 1d56 or 1d56: [4]+[9] = 13
Rad 1d56: [27] = 27
Nyx 1d56: [38] = 38
Trent 1d56: [48] = 48
Lumo 1d56: [45] = 45
Danny Lee 1d56: [52] = 52
Peregrine (Puck) 1d56: [56] = 56
Ardens 1d56 or 1d56 or 1d56: [4]+[18]+[12] = 34
Group One 1d56: [35] = 35
Group Two 1d56: [39] = 39
Group Three 1d56: [46] = 46
Group Four 1d56: [5] = 5
Group Five 1d56: [20] = 20

Protect the Ritual
Spellcasting 1d10!! or 1d6!! with a +2: [3]+[9!!] = 12
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

At first it appears that Dara is under the affects of the fey enchantment, as she dances and spins about. However, as she moves through the night elves, her Battle Fury flicks out three times
Fighting is +2; Night Elves are -3 so -1 cumulative. My Detect Arcana overcomes inbisibility, so I hit 4, 4, 12 on Night Elves
1. Fighting 1d8!: [5] = 5 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [3] = 3
2. Fighting 1d8!: [4] = 4 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [5] = 5
3. Fighting 1d8!: [8!, 5] = 13 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [1] = 1
I'm assuming only one is damaged, so damage is: 1d12!+2d6!+5: [9]+[1, 4]+5 = 19 AP 12
Assuming that was a raise on damage add Extra d6 damage for raise 1d6!: [3]+[2] = 5 so Damage 24 AP 12

Then she draws her Wilks 320, points it at the Pucks, and fires a warning shot,
So opposed target is 9 {+2 from Wilks 320} If Dara wins she will leave them Distracted -2 to their rolls.
Shooting Test 1d8!: [7] = 7 Shooting Wild Test 1d6!: [3] = 3
FYI: Two-gun kid for the shot + Improved Frenzy from the Sword

Saying, "Stand Down your magicks!"
Player: Shiro
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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Modifiers: -4 for target size, -2 for MAP, +2 for ion weapon, +2 for joker
Shooting 1d10!!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Wild Die 1d6!!-2: [3]-2 = 1

Shooting 1d10!!-2: [4]-2 = 2
Wild Die 1d6!!-2: [5]-2 = 3

Dorn fingers another Frag Grenade but given Dara's proximity decides against it. Instead he rips his Ion Pistol from its holster and fires two shots, one at each of the remaining creatures that apparently are persisting with their ritual.

Unfortunately the small size of the targets proves too much and both of his shots go wide. "Damn it to all the hells! These tiny pests are starting to piss me off!" Dorn roars in Dwarven. Continuing in English he grumbles "Should have to being to tossing another grenade at tiny little pests."
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Trent surges forward toward an unexploded group of Night Elves, continuing his dance as he does so.

He pops and locks, intentionally getting in the faerie's view in the hope that he can

Test to distract:

Performance 1d8!: [8!, 6] = 14
Wild 1d6!: [2] = 2


"...Nobody gonna break-a my stride!

Nobody gonna slooow meee down, oh no!"
Trent sings as he gets right in the face of one of the Night Elves.
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Savage Siri
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Trent Angel wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 4:41 am Trent surges forward toward an unexploded group of Night Elves, continuing his dance as he does so.

He pops and locks, intentionally getting in the faerie's view in the hope that he can

Test to distract:

Performance 1d8!: [8!, 6] = 14
Wild 1d6!: [2] = 2


"...Nobody gonna break-a my stride!

Nobody gonna slooow meee down, oh no!"
Trent sings as he gets right in the face of one of the Night Elves.
Spirit 1d8!! or Group Die 1d6!!: [4]+[2] = 6

Dara wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:56 pm At first it appears that Dara is under the affects of the fey enchantment, as she dances and spins about. However, as she moves through the night elves, her Battle Fury flicks out three times
Fighting is +2; Night Elves are -3 so -1 cumulative. My Detect Arcana overcomes inbisibility, so I hit 4, 4, 12 on Night Elves
1. Fighting 1d8!: [5] = 5 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [3] = 3
2. Fighting 1d8!: [4] = 4 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [5] = 5
3. Fighting 1d8!: [8!, 5] = 13 Fighting Wild 1d6!: [1] = 1
I'm assuming only one is damaged, so damage is: 1d12!+2d6!+5: [9]+[1, 4]+5 = 19 AP 12
Assuming that was a raise on damage add Extra d6 damage for raise 1d6!: [3]+[2] = 5 so Damage 24 AP 12

Then she draws her Wilks 320, points it at the Pucks, and fires a warning shot,
So opposed target is 9 {+2 from Wilks 320} If Dara wins she will leave them Distracted -2 to their rolls.
Shooting Test 1d8!: [7] = 7 Shooting Wild Test 1d6!: [3] = 3
FYI: Two-gun kid for the shot + Improved Frenzy from the Sword

Saying, "Stand Down your magicks!"

Peregrine versus test of NINE Agility 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!! with +2 from Joker: [11]+[11!!] = 22
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Seeing shots at the Pucks get harmlessly absorbed by the vortex surrounding them, Danny realizes he’ll need to try a different tactic if he wants to disrupt their ritual. But what could he do? Then he notices the fact that while all the other fae are flitting about, the two Pucks are standing on the ground. Probably in order to perform the ritual. In any case, that fact alone might give him a way to attack them that would bypass the vortex’s protective effect.

Spending a Benny to Mimic. The Power Stunt Mimic allows the character to use one of his powers as if it were another, To do so, the character picks a “new” power based on one of their existing abilities and describe how it’s used to gain the effects of another. The number of Super Power Points in the temporary power is equals to the Power Limit, which for Mega-Supers is 15. The effects of a power stunt lasts one use for an instant power such as an attack and three rounds for a passive power.

Danny will be using his Dragon Fist (Melee Attack) to mimic Earthquake with the Alternative Trait (Unarmed Fighting) +1 ,Mega-Damgage +1, Triple Range +4 and Strong +2 Modifier. Basically he’s punching the ground with a chi-charged fist to create a localized earthquake directed at the Pucks.

Drawing upon his inner reserve of chi to perform acts even more extraordinary than he normally can, Danny stops dancing and concentrates on charging his fist with as much chi as possible. After a couple of seconds, satisfied he’s accumulated enough energy to achieve what he wants, he smashes his fist down into the ground, creating a shockwave the reverberates through the earth toward the two Pucks.
Unarmed Fighting Roll 1d10+1: [7]+1 = 8
Unarmed Fighting Wild Die Roll 1d6!+1: [3]+1 = 4
Danny is using the line form, so that will send a straight line 4 yards wide and 72 yards long toward the Pucks. The effects of the Earthquake will last till the start of Danny’s next turn. All those who are within the area of effect or who enter the zone before it expires must Evade with a -2 penalty or be Shaken. Those who Critically Fail take 3d6 damage, which will be Mega-Damage. Since the power is affecting the ground, I figure it should be able to go under the vortex and affect the Pucks.

“That ought to shake things up!”
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

Bennies:1/3 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

"Friggin' magic users," Rad snarls, setting down Betsy and hefting his ion blaster. "Let's see how you like this!"
Ion Blast
Shooting 1d8: [4] = 4 -2+2, Wild 1d6: [4] = 4 -2+2, not good enough to offset size penalties
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Nyx still isn't sure whether the conflict is due to actual malevolence on the part of the fae or some sort of miscommunication and the confusion is only fueling her rage. As the surviving night elves flee, she turns her fury on the pucks working their ritual.

"You had your chance, you little fools," she said, raising both guns and taking careful aim, firing once at each of the fae trouble-makers.
One shot with each pistol, no MAP due to Ambi/Two-Gun Kid. With helmet, pistol and Sharpshooting bonus, each is at 1d10+4 before any penalty.

Shooting 1d10!!+4: [2]+4 = 6
Wild 1d6!!+4: [9!!]+4 = 13

Shooting 1d10!!+4: [6]+4 = 10
Wild 1d6!!+4: [5]+4 = 9

Damage 1 3d8!!+5: [3, 5, 3]+5 = 16
If Raise, add 1d6!!: [2] = 2
Damage 2 3d8!!+5: [3, 15!!, 9!!]+5 = 32
If Raise, add 1d6!!: [7!!] = 7
I'm not sure what penalty she's facing when shooting the Pucks, but she strikes one (before penalties) with a 13, doing 16 damage, AP 2 (18 damage if a Raise); she strikes the second with a 10, doing 32 damage, AP 2 (39 damage if a Raise).
Nyx Harcrow
Player: Tribe of One
Bennies: 3/3
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

Danny Lee wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:21 pm Seeing shots at the Pucks get harmlessly absorbed by the vortex surrounding them, Danny realizes he’ll need to try a different tactic if he wants to disrupt their ritual. But what could he do? Then he notices the fact that while all the other fae are flitting about, the two Pucks are standing on the ground. Probably in order to perform the ritual. In any case, that fact alone might give him a way to attack them that would bypass the vortex’s protective effect.

Spending a Benny to Mimic. The Power Stunt Mimic allows the character to use one of his powers as if it were another, To do so, the character picks a “new” power based on one of their existing abilities and describe how it’s used to gain the effects of another. The number of Super Power Points in the temporary power is equals to the Power Limit, which for Mega-Supers is 15. The effects of a power stunt lasts one use for an instant power such as an attack and three rounds for a passive power.

Danny will be using his Dragon Fist (Melee Attack) to mimic Earthquake with the Alternative Trait (Unarmed Fighting) +1 ,Mega-Damgage +1, Triple Range +4 and Strong +2 Modifier. Basically he’s punching the ground with a chi-charged fist to create a localized earthquake directed at the Pucks.

Drawing upon his inner reserve of chi to perform acts even more extraordinary than he normally can, Danny stops dancing and concentrates on charging his fist with as much chi as possible. After a couple of seconds, satisfied he’s accumulated enough energy to achieve what he wants, he smashes his fist down into the ground, creating a shockwave the reverberates through the earth toward the two Pucks.
Unarmed Fighting Roll 1d10+1: [7]+1 = 8
Unarmed Fighting Wild Die Roll 1d6!+1: [3]+1 = 4
Danny is using the line form, so that will send a straight line 4 yards wide and 72 yards long toward the Pucks. The effects of the Earthquake will last till the start of Danny’s next turn. All those who are within the area of effect or who enter the zone before it expires must Evade with a -2 penalty or be Shaken. Those who Critically Fail take 3d6 damage, which will be Mega-Damage. Since the power is affecting the ground, I figure it should be able to go under the vortex and affect the Pucks.

“That ought to shake things up!”
The ki fueled earthquake runs to the barrier the energy becoming visible briefly as the energy is pulled intothe vortex of energy running into the rift.
Miles RAD Radoslav wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:35 pm "Friggin' magic users," Rad snarls, setting down Betsy and hefting his ion blaster. "Let's see how you like this!"
Ion Blast
Shooting 1d8: [4] = 4 -2+2, Wild 1d6: [4] = 4 -2+2, not good enough to offset size penalties
The shots miss the last of the tiny fey as they disapear into the woods.
Nyx wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:13 am Nyx still isn't sure whether the conflict is due to actual malevolence on the part of the fae or some sort of miscommunication and the confusion is only fueling her rage. As the surviving night elves flee, she turns her fury on the pucks working their ritual.

"You had your chance, you little fools," she said, raising both guns and taking careful aim, firing once at each of the fae trouble-makers.
One shot with each pistol, no MAP due to Ambi/Two-Gun Kid. With helmet, pistol and Sharpshooting bonus, each is at 1d10+4 before any penalty.

Shooting 1d10!!+4: [2]+4 = 6
Wild 1d6!!+4: [9!!]+4 = 13

Shooting 1d10!!+4: [6]+4 = 10
Wild 1d6!!+4: [5]+4 = 9

Damage 1 3d8!!+5: [3, 5, 3]+5 = 16
If Raise, add 1d6!!: [2] = 2
Damage 2 3d8!!+5: [3, 15!!, 9!!]+5 = 32
If Raise, add 1d6!!: [7!!] = 7
I'm not sure what penalty she's facing when shooting the Pucks, but she strikes one (before penalties) with a 13, doing 16 damage, AP 2 (18 damage if a Raise); she strikes the second with a 10, doing 32 damage, AP 2 (39 damage if a Raise).
The energy of the attacks are quickly absorbed into the energy vortex creating small patches of visible field becoming visable with each strike of the weapon.

@Drexler will recieve +4 support from the attacks of Danny Lee and Nyx.
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

-2 unskilled penalty
+1 support to Drexler
Performance 1d4!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Wild die 1d6!-2: [6!, 1]-2 = 5

There was little that Lumo could do as she danced in place to the ancient Golden Age music that she had started from her communications pad that she was now embarassingly dancing to as the fight occurred around her. Not knowing what to do about the situation, she became worried that the rest of the team hadn't noticed that she had been possibly enspelled by forces they didn't understand, and thought that they would think that she was just a silly giant who decided that spinning around in place was an appropriate response to their current situation.

Seeing that Drexler was understanding of how magic worked, she thought it would be a good idea to move over to him and possibly try to communicate with him somehow that there was nothing that she could do to help so that way he wouldn't get the wrong idea. As it stood, he seemed to be incredibly focused on the pair of pucks that were encircled within the maelstrom ahead of them.

As she moved next to him, she tried to speak out the words that she desired, but instead could find that she could only attempt intrepretive dance, which ended up being a terrible sight to behold as Lumo had no talent for it in the slightest. (Being large and having six arms did not help her at all.)

The awkward swaying to the left and right as she bounced her arms up and down as the odd music played around her did nothing to help her chances with communicating with him, but somehow the absolute ridiculousness of it had a calming effect on him and allowed him to focus better on his current task.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Conviction: 3
Parry: 7 Toughness: 17(6)
PPE: 12/15
Staff PPE: 10/10
ISP: 24/30

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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Spirit to resist Puppet
Spirit d6!!-3: [3]-3 = 0 Spirit Wild d6!!-3: [4]-3 = 1 Benny to reroll Spirit Reroll d6!!-3: [5]-3 = 2 Spirit Wild Reroll d6!!-3: [5]-3 = 2

Watching his companions attack the fae makes the good-natured scientist sad and angry. Compelled to dance by the fairies he does not do much better at it than Lumo. As he "struts his stuff" his hands again begin to
Casting Dispel 1 PP. Modifiers: Fatigue -1, Distracted -2, Support +5. Net +2. Spellcasting d8!!+2: [6]+2 = 8 Spellcasting Wild d6!!+2: [3]+2 = 5 Benny to reroll Spellcasting Reroll d8!!+2: [7]+2 = 9 Spellcasting Wild Reroll d6!!+2: [3]+2 = 5
mystical equations in the air that then seek purchase in the fae magics.

He then walks/electric slides between the remaining fae and the group. "I REALLY do not think all this murder is necessary."
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Savage Siri
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

OOC Comments
Ardens Support 1d10!! Wild 1d6!!: [16!!]+[4] = 20
Ardens provides Peregrine a +2, which counters the distracted penalty.
Ritual 1d10!! or Wild 1d6!!: [1]+[1] = 2
The constant volley of attacks disrupting the protective vortex, combined with drexler's efforts, easily overcome the ritualist. As the spell breaks, the vortex becomes visible again. Snapping as the energy feeds back into the Pucks. Shaken the puck leading the ritual screams in pain, while his brother seeing the collapse celebrates. "Mín are lain!" Ardens yells, apparently having forgotten of the heroes gathered around.
We are free!

With the collapse of the ritual, the protective field around the rift, preventing the heroes from going back through dissolves. Neither the force field nor the impending dread remain. Then in a series of flashes, the rift itself begins too supercharge. It is obvious to all that it is going to explode.

You must flee or get caught in the explosion!

This is a Dangerous Quick Encounter versus Athletics (you may use in arcane skill if you have teleport). Check your characters maximum movement to determine your modifier.

Your maximum pace/movement is the value you would get if rolling the maximum on your running die or distance from special ability/power.
If you are puppeted, you are considered Distracted and suffer -2 in addition to any other penalties.

-4 = Maximum Pace/Movement <12"
-2 = Maximum Pace/Movement 12" to 17"
+0 = Maximum Pace/Movement 18" to 24"
+2 = Maximum Pace/Movement 25" or higher.

Critical Failure or Modified 1 or less = 1d4+1 wounds
Failure = 1 wound
Success = 1 fatigue from bumps and bruises
Raise = made it to cover
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Hearing the fey proclaim their new freedom, realization washes over Dara, and her need to “free all slaves” kicks in. She grabs one of the pucks, probably the ritual leader and Drexler and moves as fast as she can.
Pace 8+d6=14, her strength is d12+1 so can carry 500 lbs
Athletics 1d4!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Wild 1d6!-2: [3]-2 = 1
Benny Athletics 1d4!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Benny Wild 1d6!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Benny again 1d4!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Wild again 1d6!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Why not 1d4!: [2] = 2
Why not Wild 1d6: [6] = 6 ok at last -2 is a 4, -2 for Encumbered so call this a 2, Failure hence all are at 1 Wound

As she runs by Dorn with a look so wild it even takes him aback, she yells ”Grab Lumo!”
Last edited by Dara on Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

Failure (1)
Take 2 wounds
1d4: [1] = 1
-2 from puppet, -2 speed
Athletics 1d4!-4: [4!, 1]-4 = 1
Wild Die 1d6!-4: [5]-4 = 1

If Lumo had any hope at all of not looking ridiculous to her party, it was likely completely banished at this point as she started to run away from the explosion… While flailing her arms from side to side doing the same odd dance that she had been attempting to do earlier. Perhaps even running too erratically for Dorn to help her as the juicer was also faced with ensuring that he himself didn’t get blown up by the oncoming explosion.

Yet it seemed that the fae would get the last laugh on her, as their efforts did indeed seem to ensure that she would take a significant hit from the blast, going so far as to knock her sideways as bits of flesh and bone were scalded or burst from her skin due to the unstable energies making contact with her unprotected skin. Any subsequent screaming that may have come from her was drowned out by the noise of the oncoming blast, leaving little time for those around to get a good feel for exactly how much damage it had done to her.
Last edited by Lumo on Tue Aug 20, 2024 10:41 am, edited 2 times in total.

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Conviction: 3
Parry: 7 Toughness: 17(6)
PPE: 12/15
Staff PPE: 10/10
ISP: 24/30

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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Sensing the impending danger, Trent's wild dancing suddenly changes. It's time for the big move. He starts running for a dusty area of ground and does a

Athletics 1d6!: [3] = 3
Wild 1d6!: [4] = 4
Athletics 1d6!: [1] = 1
Wild 1d6!: [6!, 4] = 10

-2 for pace, -2 for puppet, +2 for elan for a net 8

, as the ancient ones did.

His move takes him next to a low area of ground behind a small rise. He dives down and covers the back of his head with his hands, just before the blast hurtles energy over his head.
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Seeing the portal collapse, Rad yells, "Awww, nuts," and drags himself up, limping away from the impending detonation.
Athletics 1
1d8: [7] = 7 -2(wounds)-4 (max speed 10 from wounds) Wild 1d6: [2] = 2 -6
With his wounds, he only manages to stagger 20 feet before the explosion hurls him into the ground.
Wounds 3
1d4: [2] = 2 +1, total Wounds 5
He crashes to the ground, unconscious and badly bleeding, his nose and one ear blown off.
Incapacitation 2
1d8: [3] = 3 -3 Wild 1d6: [5] = 5 -3, 2d6: [6, 6] = 12 for incapacitation - Head, 1d6: [1] = 1 -Hideous Scar
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Athletics 1d8!!: [2] = 2
Wild Die 1d6!!: [1] = 1

Spending a Benny

Athletics 1d8!!: [7] = 7 - 2 = 5
Wild Die 1d6!!: [2] = 2
Burn Die 1d6: [5] = 5

Dorn's eyebrows crawl up his forehead and he sees the buildup of eldritch forces.

"Uh Oh"

Dorn may not know a bedknob from a broomstick but he does know an impending explosion when he sees one.

"To be the time for the running to the hills!"

Moving with a speed that belies his bulk Dorn turns and runs with the others trying to outrun the impending explosion. For the most part he succeed in getting out of the blast area but still get pelted with a number of large pieces of debris. Dorn feels his rig trigger a release of drugs into his system counteracting any minor damage he might suffer.
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Dara releases Drexler to stand on his own, while still keeping a hand on the Puck she pulled out. She then slowly fishes around in her hair with the free hand for a few moments. She pulls a meaty red chunk out of it, wipes it off and examines it with her hand for a moment. At last she hold up the chunk of meat, which now looks more clearly like an ear, or at least most of one. A quizzical look forms on her face as she says, "This belong to anyone?"
Player: Shiro
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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Athletics Roll 1d6!-2: [4]-2 = 2
Athletics Wild Die Roll 1d6_2: [6] = 6
Ok, I made a mistake with the Wild Die Roll.
Correct Athletics Wild Die Roll 1d6!-2: [5]-2 = 3
He suffers one Wound.

Seeing dangerous build up of energy in the Rift, Danny tries to sprint away from it before it explodes. Unfortunately for him, he just isn’t able to get far enough to totally avoid harm. While he manages to get away from the blast proper, he still manages to get hit by a piece of shrapnel propelled by it.

Once the dust clears, Danny assesses the situation. He sees that everyone managed to survive but some got hurt even worse than he did by the blast. Fortunately, he’s mastered the art of utilizing chi to heal. But before he tends to the others, he opts to try to heal himself first so he’ll won’t be hindered by his injuries when he treats the others.
Danny’s going to use his Health Restoration Technique (Healing). He has one wound so his skill will be penalized by one.
Focus Roll 1d8!+1: [2]+1 = 3
Focus Wild Die Roll 1d6!+1: [1]+1 = 2
Spends Benny For Reroll
Focus Roll 1d8!+1: [3]+1 = 4
Focus Wild Die Roll 1d6!+1: [2]+1 = 3

Once he’s healed himself Danny begins heading toward Rad, who looks like the most injured among them.

“Before you do anything else, give me a chance to try healing him,” he says as he approaches the commando. ”In fact, give me a chance with everyone who needs healing first before expending your personal energies or resources to treat people.
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

Bennies:1/3 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Nyx mutters a curse as her shooting once again proves ineffective, but soon enough lets out the breath she'd been holding as Drexler's efforts finally manage to disrupt whatever ritual the little goblins had been trying to craft. The cursing starts up again in earnest, however, as she quickly realizes the magic surrounding the rift is about to go kaboom.

"Sonuva ..." she mumbles as she leaps to her feet, holstering her pistols and scooping up her back as she hauls ass for the treeline.

Athletics 6
Athletics -2 1d6!!-2: [4]-2 = 2
Wild -2 1d6!!-2: [8!!]-2 = 6
She moves fast, but the boots she's in are made for facing down bastards and shooting them in the face, not running. The explosion behind does its part to fling her the last few yards into cover, where she lands in an ungraceful tumble, emerging with a mouthful of dirt and a few new bruises.
Nyx Harcrow
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Athletics to support Dara, +1
Athletics d6!!-5: [5]-5 = 0 Athletics Wild d6!!-5: [9!!]-5 = 4
At first shocked at being pulled around, Drexler quickly gets the gist of the situation and tries to help Dara rather than be a burden but his efforts are to little and too late to get them into cover. The explosion rocks the trio leaving them hurt but alive. Looking dazed by his first combat experience his eyes, a bit glazed, can't seem to settle on anything leaving him just standing there in shock a moment. Despite this he manages to mutter a thank you to @Dara out of relexive politeness.
Danny Lee wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:23 pm “Before you do anything else, give me a chance to try healing him,” he says as he approaches the commando. ”In fact, give me a chance with everyone who needs healing first before expending your personal energies or resources to treat people.
The Ki masters words seem to help the researcher focus a bit. "I also may be able to assist. I have some medical training I just need to find my pack and I may be able to help some."
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Ndreare »

The rifts explosions clears the field as the heroes settle into place. It is impossible to tell how many of the small fey lived through the explosion. But anyone or anything that could not run was definitely unable to make it.
Rad’s injuries leave him near death desperately needing medical attention. The ley lines behind the heroes continue fluctuating as a ley line storm begins brewing. For those aware of the arcane the air thickens like soup as a pressure builds.
The heroes will need to find shelter and save the injured as soon as possible!

Task Find Shelter; roll either Notice -6 or Survival +0. You may make one attempt at healing your allies without incurring a penalty. More than that will constitute wasted time and incur a -2 distraction penalty.
Critical Failure: Your efforts only get in the way, subtracting 1 from the rolls of others. And you will be exposed for the first round.
Failure: Try as you might, the trees make it to hard to see any shelter.
Success: You find a cave, hollow, or other shelter with enough room for 1 person per success and doubling per raise. (Example two raises would find shelter for four people)
Special Size Penalty: Characters over Size 0 take up an additional number of spaces equal to their size. Small characters take up half as much room as a sie 0 person.

You cannot hunt for shelter while inside shelter. Those stuck out in the storm will suffer the normal effects of a ley line storm at the start of next round.

Danny Lee = 1 wound, already made healing roll and healed wound for post action.
Dara = 1 Wound
Dorn = 0 Wounds
Drexler = 1 Wounds
Lumo = 2 Wounds
Nyx = 0 Wounds
Rad = 3 Wounds, Head Injury, and Bleeding Out
Trent = 0 Wounds

[I kept wanting to polish this more, but it has been too long.]
  • 2D6 EFFECT
    2 Catastrophe: Something goes terribly wrong. The GM must decide what, but some ideas are a new and permanent Minor Hindrance, the inability to use powers for several days, or an explosion of some sort. The backlash should be thematic if possible. If the hero tampers with dark forces for his abilities, for example, he might become corrupted or summon something sinister into the world. If he’s a weird scientist the device might explode for 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast Template, or he might develop a Quirk, Phobia, or other “madness.”

    3 Backfire: The power succeeds as with a raise but affects a different target with the worst possible results. A bolt hits a random friend, boost Trait increases an enemy’s skill or attribute, etc. If there’s no likely target, he’s Stunned instead. If the power has a Duration other than Instant, it lasts its full term and can only be negated by dispel (the caster can’t voluntarily end it herself).

    4–5 Short Circuit: The power fails but the Power Points allocated to it are spent, along with an additional 1d6 Power Points.

    6–8 Stunned: The caster is Stunned (see page 106). She subtracts 2 from arcane skill rolls for the rest of the encounter (the penalty remains –2 even if she gets this result again).

    9–10 Overload: The character’s synapses crackle and overload with power. He takes 2d6 damage plus the cost of the power in Power Points, including any Power Modifiers the player declared.

    11 Fatigue: The character suffers Fatigue.

    12 Overcharge: The power draws ambient energy from the air, automatically succeeding against the target with a raise and costing the caster no Power Points!


We do not reroll duplicates. To make up for this and ensure Jokers come up for players there are four Jokers. If two wild cards on oposing sides have duplicate cards their actions will happen in order of whoever posts first.
1 = 2 of Clubs
2 = 2 of Diamonds
3 = 2 of Hearts
4 = 2 of Spades
5 = 3 of Clubs
6 = 3 of Diamonds
7 = 3 of Hearts
8 = 3 of Spades
9 = 4 of Clubs
10 = 4 of Diamonds
11 = 4 of Hearts
12 = 4 of Spades
13 = 5 of Clubs
14 = 5 of Diamonds
15 = 5 of Hearts
16 = 5 of Spades
- reroll line for quickness & activation for Calculating -
17 = 6 of Clubs
18 = 6 of Diamonds
19 = 6 of Hearts
20 = 6 of Spades
21 = 7 of Clubs
22 = 7 of Diamonds
23 = 7 of Hearts
24 = 7 of Spades
25 = 8 of Clubs
26 = 8 of Diamonds
27 = 8 of Hearts
28 = 8 of Spades
- reroll line for Hyperion Juicer -
29 = 9 of Clubs
30 = 9 of Diamonds
31 = 9 of Hearts
32 = 9 of Spades
33 = 10 of Clubs
34 = 10 of Diamonds
35 = 10 of Hearts
36 = 10 of Spades
37 = J of Clubs
38 = J of Diamonds
39 = J of Hearts
40 = J of Spades
41 = Q of Clubs
42 = Q of Diamonds
43 = Q of Hearts
44 = Q of Spades
45 = K of Clubs
46 = K of Diamonds
47 = K of Hearts
48 = K of Spades
49 = A of Clubs
50 = A of Diamonds
51 = A of Hearts
52 = A of Spades
53 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
54 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
- If no reroll is being used then there are 2 extra jokers -
55 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
56 = Jokers = They are equal, Player Jokers can go first.
and of course update your signatures!
"Possible and practical are two comrades who rarely see eye to eye."
Rob Towell
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Lumo »

Healing power (-2 for Lumo wounds, -3 for Rad wounds, +2 for Healer edge. Net -3)
Raise (10)
Healing Rad for 2 wounds
Psionics 1d8!-3: [8!, 5]-3 = 10
Wild die 1d6!-3: [3]-3 = 0

Survival roll to find shelter (-2 wound penalty, +2 Elan)
Raise (9)
2 Tokens for shelter gained
Survival 1d6!-2: [2]-2 = 0
Wild die 1d6!-2: [4]-2 = 2
Bennie for Survival
Survival 1d6!-2: [4]-2 = 2 +2 = 4
Wild die 1d6!-2: [6!, 3]-2 = 7 +2 = 9

There was a soft groaning from the dirt as Lumo slowly rose to her feet. The dazed look on her features didn't really express the gravity of her injuries, given that she always had a dazed look upon her face. However, the missing chunks of flesh and visible exposed bone from her large figure that smoldered from explosive fumes might have done the trick. Caked in dirt mixed with the blood to threaten to infect the wounds as she leaned over onto her staff to support herself, ears still ringing from the concussive blast that had sizzed her flesh and knocked her onto her face only moments prior.

The rest of the party was equally busy, scrambling to their feet and assessing their injuries. After a moments thought, the giant thought it would probably be a good idea to do something about her own, but stopped moments before focusing her thoughts on the meditation to do so as her attention was drawn away to something else.

Several of them were gathered around the fallen figure of Rad as those with the talent tried their best to heal the heavily wounded man while tending to their own injuries. The ringing sound in Lumo's ears cleared up momentarily, as the headache she was experiencing suddenly indicated an approaching leyline storm. There wasn't going to be enough time for them to pull this off while at the same time escaping to shelter relatively intact.

Limping forwards, Lumo's lumbering form awkwardly barrelled through the others that were gathered around Rad as she hurredly focused her thoughts on the power needed to restore his injuries, giving little regard to her own in the process. At the very least, she could walk, they needed all of them to be able to walk if they were going to get out of here alive. Movement first, recovery later...

"I will apply subtle healing force to him. I hope that it will be enough." The gentle giant would mumble to the others as she knealt down next to Rad, taking one of his tiny hands in hers,

A moment later, Lumo's droopy eyes suddenly rolled upwards into the back of her head, as she proceeded to open her mouth and projectile vomit out copious amounts of what could only be described as green ectoplasmic goop. The sound that followed was a gurgled wretching akin to a drunkard that was in the process of emptying a fire hose worth of bile. It continued onwards as a horrifyingly disgusting sizzling sound and the smell of burning flesh came from the ectoplasm that covered the poor figure, as it morphed into wiggling slimy green tendrils that wormed their way into his exposed wounds, with the majorty of such making their way to his head and face.

Despite the extremely violent looking scene taking place before them, it seemed that upon entering Rads wounds, that the tendrils would disappear inside of him and leave behind newly intact flesh. While it was not enough to completely restore him to full health, it did seem to take care of the majority of his injuries.

Meanwhile, Lumo wiped her mouth and used her staff to raise herself up to her feet, sweat dripping from her forehead as hair matted against herself from the strain and toll her own injuries were taking. "We have to get out of here, a leyline storm is coming." Came a mumbled warning. "I think I remembered seeing a few safe looking areas when we arrived, but it might not be enough for everyone."

Bennies: 2/3
Wounds: 2/3
Fatigue: 0/2
Conviction: 3
Parry: 7 Toughness: 17(6)
PPE: 12/15
Staff PPE: 10/10
ISP: 24/30

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Dorn Giantslayer
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dorn Giantslayer »

Survival 1d4!: [1] = 1
Wild Die 1d6!: [2] = 2

Spending a benny

Survival 1d4!: [4!, 3] = 7
Wild Die 1d6!: [5] = 5

Magic is not Dorn's strong suit but even he knows that the Rift collapsing is going to be a big problem. With a grunt he turns his attention to the more immediate problem of shelter in the face of the growing storm. Foraging in the wilderness is not his strong suit but he still manages to find a large tree that had been uprooted in a previous storm. The shallow cave it forms should be adequate to shelter a human, but not him.

Last edited by Dorn Giantslayer on Tue Oct 29, 2024 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ancient wisdom from the Golden Age: Don't Panic.

Dorn GiantSlayer
Player: Jim
Active Alts:

Bennies: 4 / 5

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7, Run Die d6; Parry: 9(2); Toughness: 22 (7) MDC; Size: Normal (2); Strain: 8/8; Burn: 7

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Pace: 7; Run Die d8; Parry: 7 / 9 w/ Shield; Toughness: 22(7) MDC; Size: Normal (2) Burn: 7; Bennies 5 of 4

AGILITY: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Shooting d10, Stealth d4

SMARTS: Battle d6, Common Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

SPIRIT: Persuasion d4,

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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Trent is feeling as

PTSD Spirit 1d8!!: [6] = 6
PTSD Wild 1d6!!: [1] = 1
headed as he has in a long time, despite all the craziness going on with these fae. Maybe I've found just the right kind of crazy. he thinks in the brief moments before he realizes he needs to take shelter.

"Out of the pan, and into the fryer, eh, guys?!"

At first glance, he doesn't see anywhere good to hide. Taking another good look around, he

Survival 1d4!!: [2] = 2
Surv Wild 1d6!!: [3] = 3
Benny Survival /d4!!+2: [2]+2 = 0
Benny Wild 1d6!!+2: [3]+2 = 5
a hollow spot under a fallen tree, next to a good sized rock. There's just enough room for one person. Shouting to make himself heard, he calls out to the team "Here's a safe spot for one! It's not big enough for both of us!"

Trent makes his way over to his dinosaur and makes efforts to calm her down. "Don't worry Flyta, we've been through worse. I'm pretty sure anyway," he says, as he nervously looks to the sky.
Last edited by Trent Angel on Sun Oct 20, 2024 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Dara »

Dara finds herself staring at the very interesting vomiting process going on. "Probably fortunate for him that he's unconscious."
Then she visibly recovers herself with a shake and begins seeking shelter. The trees are little impediment to Dara, as her braindar can distinguish them from living creatures and open spaces rather well. She is seeking any form of

OK, just remembered I have Improved Nerves of Steel so I'm not really at -2 for roll. Also, I'm probably Shaken so need a Vigor roll first.
Unshake 1d8!: [5] = 5 Unshake Wild 1d6!: [4] = 4 OK so not shaken any more
Survival 1d6!-2: [3]-2 = 1 Wild Survival 1d6!-2: [4]-2 = 2 <- this was really a 4 but I'm gonna Benny it
Benny Survival 1d6!: [2] = 2 Benny Wild Survival 1d6!: [6!, 5] = 11
To heck with it, spending a point of conviction HERE: Conviction 1d6!: [2] = 2
OK, so final roll for Survival is 11 + 2 = 13; two raises and hence room for 4 normal, size 0 people.
and eventually finds room for 4.
"I've found a large den here, room for two others aside from me and this puck! I feel conviction that we will be safe here!" She gestures furiously, then she ducks under a large boulder that has an open cavity of an old animal den under it, dragging the hapless puck with her.

"OK little one, you know what is coming. You are welcome to stay under here with me if you can tell me something useful about what you and your companions were doing with that rift. Remember that I have many large friends out there, and I will gladly exchange their fate for yours rather than see them harmed!"
Player: Shiro
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Miles RAD Radoslav
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Miles RAD Radoslav »

Rad jerks awake with Lumo hovering over him. Clasping a hand to his face, he stammers "I guess you patched me up? Thanks. What's going on?" Lumo explains about the storm, and Rad hauls himself to his feet with a grunt of pain. "Let's check this out."
Survival 5
1d8-1: [2]-1 = 1 Wild 1d6-1: [2]-1 = 1 Benny 1d8-1: [2]-1 = 1 1d6-1: [2]-1 = 1
He spots a small hollow under a rock. "If it's all the same to you, I'm going to crawl in there until this blows over." He staggers over to the hollow, crouches, and crawls inside.
Dice rolls
1d8-1: [5]-1 = 4
1d6-1: [6]-1 = 5
Character Name: Miles "RAD" Radoslav
Parry:8/7, Toughness: 13/5
10 /10
Wounds: 0
Fatigue: 0

Bennies: 3
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Trent Angel
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Trent Angel »

Trent encounters Flyta

Dino Survival 1d6!!: [5] = 5

around nervously for a safe place to hide. "That's a good girl, Flyta, but I don't think that spot is big enough for you."
OOC Comments

Bennies: 3/4 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Nyx »

Survival 10
Survival 1d6!!: [10!!] = 10 = Raise
Wild 1d6!!: [4] = 4
Nyx thinks bloody-minded thoughts as she shakes her head to clear the ringing from her ears. The explosion of the rift means they're stuck here — and here is looking decidedly less welcoming with every second, as a ley line storm of some kind builds, setting off a different kind of buzzing in her brain.

"There'd better be a helluva lot of hazard pay coming when we get back to somewhere we can spend it," she mutters, before slapping on a forced grin when Doc hits her with a telepathic hiss of displeasure. "Oh, but it's an adventure. Who doesn't love camping in rain that could summon a demon at any minute?"

With little to offer by way of healing to the others, she sets off into the trees, looking for a safe place to hunker down. She finds a low shelf of rock not too far from the explosion, with room underneath for a herself and one other.

"Dara, or whoever, I've got room for one more over here," she says, before adding: "No dwarves, though. This rock is still pissed about what some gold-grubbing relatives of yours did to it an age ago."
Nyx Harcrow
Player: Tribe of One
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Drexler »

Modifiers: Wound -1, fatigue -1. Net -2: Survival d6!!-2: [5]-2 = 3 Survival Wild d6!!-2: [11!!]-2 = 9
As he looks through the debris for his pack, still dazed from magical backlash and explosions, Drexler finds a crevasse in the terrain were some of the equipment was thrown. He looks up to proclaim his discovery when he notices the impending storm. "OH. Hey, we may want to find cover this looks like it might get pretty bad." he tries to yell over the growing magical tempest. "I think one more person can fit in here with me."
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Danny Lee
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Re: 03 A Short Test

Post by Danny Lee »

Survival Roll 1d4!: [2] = 2
Survival Wild Die Roll 1d6!: [1] = 1

Feeling the impending ley line storm build in strength, Danny looks around wildly trying to locate a safe haven. Unfortunately, while he has managed to pick up a modicum of survival lore in his travels, it definitely isn’t his strong suit. He mostly relied on more skilled companions in that regard to help him out when needed. Failing to find any place to shelter himself, he falls back on old habits yet again, looking to see if any of the others have found a spot that has room for him too.
Danny Lee
Danny Lee

Bennies:1/3 Wounds: 0/3 Fatigue: 0/3 Conviction: 2
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