New PBP group for CS unit based in Arkansas

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The Savage Inquisition
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New PBP group for CS unit based in Arkansas

Post by High Command »

I'm going to open recruiting for a CS Play By Post game. The setting will be CS Arkansas in 108 PA, just after the switch from El Dorado to CS Arkansas. We will be exploring the shift from Independent Kingdom to CS State, from a military built around M&Ms to a military built around soldiers. We will be dealing with the fallout of the Juicer Uprisings and the rise of new forces in Arkansas and beyond.

The group will be the 4th Squad of Delta Platoon, 5th Airmobile Infantry Company, 3rd QRF Battalion, 2nd Arkansas Division, Arkansas Regional Defense Corp. The Company is based out of Fort Jericho - the base built atop the ruins of Newtown - leveled after the horrors of the Juicer Uprising. The game will start in July of 108 PA. In March the Kingdom of El Dorado (Door-AY-Doh) ceased to be. In its place, the Coalition State of Arkansas stands up. The last three months have been...transformative. You are either a new recruit or a former member of the El Dorado Army. Either way you have been through extensive training. Say what you will for the CS as a political entity, but their training is superb. The NCO corp is dedicated to getting troops up to speed and trained well in very short order. There is no small part of propaganda, but that has been the norm for military service for as long as there has been formal military service.

Character Creation
Edges and Skills
Many edges and skills will stick out for your specific build, but a few to take note of:
Athletics: In addition to movement, this also covers throwing grenades. A d4 may get you by, but you’ll feel the strain if you don’t invest.
Common Knowledge: A lot of the tasks you will have to do as a soldier are actually covered by this, as is cooking and remembering regulations.
Electronics: A lot of tasks for military units will be handled by this.
Fighting: At least some hand to hand skill is suggested. Only specialists need to go heavy though.
Repair: From demolitions to building things, Repair will rarely be wasted skill points. Only specialists need to go heavy though.
Shooting: This skill is highly suggested.

Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Jaw, Rock and Roll, and Steady Hands are all very useful to many soldiers.
The Soldier Professional edge is a no-brainer. Increase your carrying capacity and get bonuses to resisting environmental hazards. It’s a soldier’s life!
Scrounger and I Know a Guy are both logistical boons for any unit’s supply superstar.
While any Hindrances are available, the following are common among the Coalition’s soldiers:
From Savage Worlds: Arrogant (Major), Bloodthirsty (Major), Driven (Minor/Major), Loyal (Minor),
Outsider (Minor; represents psychics and human passing mutant humans with IC Coding), Ruthless, and Secret (Minor; can represent human passing mutant humans without IC coding).
From Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide: Illiterate (Minor)
From Empires of Humanity: Arcane Averse (Minor or Major), Partisan (Minor or Major), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Minor or Major),

Allowed Races
Humans, Human Mutants (either Psi-Muties or Muties), Dog-Boys, and Psi-Stalkers.

Psi-Mutie (Human Mutant)
The Coalition, and El Dorado before them, has long employed mutant humans, though becoming citizens is rare in the CS, and becoming officers nearly unheard of. The examples that exist are regarded as heroes by all military mutants.
Psi-Muties (as they are derisively called by their superiors and any human supremacist) all have some minor physical sign of their mutant status; if they don’t then they are considered human.
  • Minor Psionic: Psi-Muties begin with Arcane Background (Psionics), Psionics at d6, 10 ISP, and three powers of choice. If a Psi-Mutie chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics), she adds two powers to her starting total (e.g., an Psi-Mutie Burster starts with five powers). (4)
  • IC Coded Mutant: Mutants are spurned by many humans but the reaction is more often disgust than hostility. Even when accepted as members of human society they are often not welcome in the highest social circles and may have difficulty fully pursuing romantic and professional relationships. Many human communities that accept D-Bees still find human mutants off-putting, in these cases their Reaction starts at Uncooperative. A chip is implanted in the back of the mutant's neck which clearly identifies them to any place with such scanners. Removal is forbidden by law and is checked as a part of routine medical check ups. (-1)
  • Not Quite Human: The mutant's Race is not considered human for the purposes of selecting Iconic Frameworks or edges. (-1)
  • Physical Mutation: The Psi-Mutie must select one point of Positive Racial Abilities and one point of Negative Racial Abilities. The Negative Racial Ability must be physical in nature. (0)
Mutie (Human Mutant)
The Coalition, and El Dorado before them, has long employed mutant humans, though becoming citizens is rare in the CS, and becoming officers nearly unheard of. The examples that exist are regarded as heroes by all military mutants. Muties (as they are derisively called by their superiors and any human supremacist) all have major or multiple minor physical signs of their mutant status. Their abilities tend to defy reasoning, however.
  • Adaptable: Human Mutants (Muties) begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must meet its Requirements as usual. (2)
  • IC Coded Mutant: Mutants are spurned by many humans but the reaction is more often disgust than hostility. Even when accepted as members of human society they are often not welcome in the highest social circles and may have difficulty fully pursuing romantic and professional relationships. Many human communities that accept D-Bees still find human mutants off-putting, in these cases their Reaction starts at Uncooperative. A chip is implanted in the back of the mutant's neck which clearly identifies them to any place with such scanners. Removal is forbidden by law and is checked as a part of routine medical check ups. (-1)
  • Not Quite Human: The mutant's Race is not considered human for the purposes of selecting Iconic Frameworks or edges. (-1)
  • Mutant Abilities and Physical Mutation: The Psi-Mutie must select up to 3 points of Positive Racial Abilities and one point of Negative Racial Abilities. They are eligible for Arcane Background (Gifted) if chosen as a Positive Racial Ability. The Negative Racial Ability must be physical in nature. (2)
Eligible Iconic Frameworks
Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide: Burster, Combat Cyborg, Mind Melter. MARS - Any of the following: Body-Fixer/Cyber-Doc, City Rat (urban agents and spies), Headhunter, Merc Soldier (grunts and specialists), Operator, Personal Concept Option, Power Armor Ace, Psi-Operator (especially in psychic units), Rogue Scholar (technical advisors, scientists, and spies), Vagabond, and Wilderness Scout (forward observers, scouts, and snipers). Robot Vehicle Aces would be allowed, but the campaign concept doesn’t really work for them.
Tomorrow Legion Field Manual: Bounty Hunter.
Arcana and Mysticism: Nega-Psychic, Psi-Slinger, Zapper.
Blood and Banes: Dinosaur Hunter and Vampire Hunter.
Empires of Humanity: RCSG Scientist, Commando, Cowboy, Gunslinger, EOD Specialist, and Intel Operative.
Additional Options (edges and MARS Packages) will be available once Europa's playtest material is released.

Standard Gear (CS Military)
Money and Common Goods: 6d6 × 100 Universal Credits.
Utility Belt: Survival rolls do not take a penalty for being attempted without basic tools (3 lb.).
  • Survival Gear: First aid kit, Canteen (half gallon), Communicator (5-mile range), Compass/inertial mapper, Flint & steel, whetstone, multi-tool, Survival knife (Str+d4), Meal Ready to Eat (1 use, each can sustain a normal human for one day).
    Magazine/E-Clip storage slots (4): two E-clips or magazines for each weapon, typically 2 short and 2 long.
    Flashlight/signal light (two modes, LED, and IR)
    Wooden Cross and Wooden Stakes x 6.
Standard Issue Weapons and Armor (Packages based on MOS): Choose one of the following MPS options for base gear.
  • Infantry and Gunners: CA-1 Heavy EBA, Armored GreatCoat, C-18 Laser Pistol sidearm, C-12 Heavy Laser Rifle, Vibro-Knife or Vibro-Bayonet, 2 × frag grenades, 2x smoke grenades, 2x stun grenades.
    Dog-Boy Infantry are instead issued DPM-D2 Body Armor. Other armor may be available with approval and clearance (HJ choices or Requisition).
  • Robot/Vehicle Crew, Scouts, Technical Specialists (medics, mechanics, etc), Psychics, and Pilots: CA-2 Light EBA, Armored GreatCoat, and carry a C-18 Laser Pistol sidearm, C-10 Light Laser Rifle, Vibro-Knife or Vibro-Bayonet, 2 × frag grenades, 2x smoke grenades, 2x stun grenades.
    Dog-Boy Scouts and Vehicle Crew are instead issued DPM 101 “Dog Pack” Light Riot Armor. Other armor may be available with approval and clearance (HJ choices or Requisition).
  • Power Armor Pilots: Standard Issued PA-06A SAMAS or PA-100 Mauler, Pilot’s Flight Suit, C-20 Laser Pistol sidearm, Vibro-Knife, 2x smoke grenade, 2x stun grenade.
CS Airmobile Infantry Infographic.png
Setting Rules
In addition to the following, the game also uses Blaze of Glory, Blood and Gore, Born a Hero, Conviction, Death and Defeat, More Skill Points, Siphoning PPE, Technical Difficulties, Vehicle Fatigue, Wound Cap.
Command Radius And Radios
Heroes with Leadership Edges may operate at extended ranges when able to communicate with allies remotely. Such commanders may affect their Spirit divided by 2 in allies when in constant communication via radio or similar effects like the mind link power. Command Presence doubles this number. Range is limited to line of sight, as the leader still needs to see their soldiers in order to direct and coordinate them.
This campaign will use the Journey Rules from Tomorrow Legion Field Guide.
The military gives a soldier everything she needs, including special equipment. Requisitioning additional items combines the fine art of asking nicely, proper documentation, and good military etiquette to get more than assigned. This is a modified version of the Wealth Rules. The full rules will be used once Europa is released for Playtest.
Fire Support
These will be used once Europa is released for Playtest.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
Posts: 1990
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:10 am

Re: New PBP group for CS unit based in Arkansas

Post by High Command »

Posting Expectation is once a week, minimum. There will be a group chat on Discord. Stay in touch there. I will try and post on Mondays.

1. Tofa (Murp)
2. David Kochanski (Twist)
3. CS Hunter (Chrisitan)
4. Elias Barnes (Mike/MJH)
5. Darwin Scofield (ColdFlamesOfEternity (BryanH))
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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