Table Results
Agility: d6; Smarts: d8; Spirit: d10; Strength: d6; Vigor: d8Pace: 6/d6, Fly 12/d6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 14 (6); PPE: 15
Academics: d6
Athletics: d6
Common Knowledge: d4
Electronics: d6
Faith: d12+2
Fighting d6
Healing d6+2 (+2 First Aid, Ignore two points of Wound Penalties)
Intimidation d6
Notice: d6
Occult: d10
Performance: d6 (+1 if Comm Band active)
Persuasion: d10 (+1 w/language other than Spanish; +1 if Comm Band active)
Piloting: d6
Shooting: d6
Stealth: d4
Spanish: Native
American: d6
Demogongian: d6
Dragonese/Elven: d6
Techno-Can: d6
Loyal (Minor): Never leave a man behind
Hesitant (Minor): Draw two cards instead of one, take the lowest
Overconfident (Major): Don't worry, the power of Heaven will see us through!
Vow (Major, IF): Hippocratic Oath
Heroic (Major, Racial): I'm one of the good guys!
Wanted (Major): Lyn-Srial are hunted by the Coalition for rescuing and harboring refugees of the Tolkeen war.
Alien Physiology: -2 Healing checks if not familiar. x2 medical supply costs.
Cyber Resistant: Lyn-Srial can’t take cybernetics of any kind.
D-Bee (Major): The initial Reactions to Lyn-Srial typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Those with an Unfriendly or lower
Reaction will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in
violence. (This is modified by Cunning Linguist and Peacekeeper Priest; actually starting Reactions are Neutral for Human Supremacists, Cooperative for most other Humans, and Friendly for D-Bees and cosmospolitan humans.)
Inherent Nature: All Lyn-Srial count as supernaturally good.
Non-Standard Build: -2 to use gear (incl. weapons) not designed for L-S. New gear costs x3, starting gear is already fitted for use.
Higher Standard: Minor violation: Suffer a −2 to Faith rolls for one week. Major abrogation: Lose all Powers for one week.
Exorcism (IF): Free reroll on banish. As an action, give free re-roll to resist illusion, puppet, etc. Ally uses higher of my Faith or their Attribute.
Flight (Racial): Fly at Pace 12 and “run” for extra movement as usual; use Athletics when maneuvering.
Four Arms (Racial): Lyn-Srial ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties each turn.
Low Light Vision (Racial): Lyn-Srial ignore Dim and Dark Illumination penalties.
Regeneration (Racial): Lyn-Srial make natural healing rolls once a day and may regenerate lost limbs.
Shield of Faith (IF): Supernatural creatures/abilities at -2 to attack/effect.
Strong (Racial): Lyn-Srial have a Maximum Strength of d12+1
AB: Faith (IF): I talk, Heaven listens!
Power Points Edge (IF): Novice level
Linguist (F&G(: 4 Languages other than native tongue at d6
Combat Lifesaver (HJ): Support roll affects up to 4 Extras when checking Vigor after Incapacitation
Imp. Combat Lifesaver (HJ): Ignore 2 points of Wound Penalties when Healing; roll Healing Support to boost ally Death & Defeat roll
Professional: Faith (Hind): Hallelujah!
Expert: Faith (Hind): Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Peacemaker Faith (N1): Reactions start one level higher than normal; Additional Modifiers for some Powers
Healer (N2): Get a +2 to both normal and supernatural Healing.
Rich (N3): Two Gear HJ rolls, start with an additional 15K Cr
Master Of Magic (S1): Can use Mega-Modifiers
T-12 Field Medic Light EBA
+2 Healing: First Aid, Infravision
17 lbs
Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Laser Pistol
Range: 15/30/60; Damage: 3d6, AP 2
+1 Shooting
2 E-Clips
2 lbs
Trauma Kit
The trauma kit grants a +1 on all Healing rolls. Frequent use requires replenishing the supplies, as dictated by the GM
3 lbs
Communications Band
Grants speak langauge, +1 Performance/Persuasion
1 PPE/hr
1 lb
Silver Holy Symbol
.5 lb
NG-S2 Survival Pack (Stored on Florence)
Climbing kit with cord, pitons, and hammer; +1 Athletics (climbing).
Compass/inertial mapper with a mirrored back for signaling; +1 Survival (navigation).
Emergency Kit with a survival knife, signal flares, and one week of sealed minimal rations.
Fire starter kit with pocket lighter and flint sparker.
First aid kit with three uses (each refill costs 100 credits).
Flashlight and radio (five-mile range), crank and solar powered.
Hunting/fishing kit +1 to Survival checks to gather food via fishing and trapping small game.
Sanitation kit with water filter, canteen, mess kit, soap and sterile cloth.
Two-person tent, insulated with a water collector, providing +2 versus cold or heat environmental Hazards. Paired with an insulated sleeping bag
20 lbs
16100 Credits
Carrying Capacity 30 lbs.
Total Weight: 22 (42 with NG-S2)
The Cleansing Wind banish
PPE: 3; Range: 8; Duration: Inst.; Free Re-roll
Trappings: Invocation with Holy Symbol, target is battered by divine winds; banished targets turn to cloud-fog and discorporate in the wind (targets vulnerable to Air Trappings suffer a -4 to resist.
Opposed by target's Spirit
Success: Shakes Target
Each Raise: Inflicts one Wound
Incap sends target back to home plane until GM allows return
FATIGUE (+2) Being affected by Power suffers one level of Fatigue. (No Incapacitation)
RANGE (+1/+2/+3/+5): Range x2/x3/x5/x10
SELECTIVE (+1) Only in conjunction with AoE; only affect desired targets
EXORCISM (Extra/WC: Half Spirit Die/Spirit Die) Difficult Ritual, banishes target permanently; target must be present throughout ritual, see book for outcomes
Make Whole healing
PPE: 3; Range: Touch; Duration: Inst.; Auto-Raise
Trappings: Laying on hands while in prayer.
Raise: Heals 2 Wounds; returns Incapped Ally to Shaken.
GIFT OF LIFE (+1) Suffer one level of Fatigue, heal Wounds up to 24 hours old; may be used with Mass Healing
GREATER HEALING (+10): Heal Wounds outside Golden Hour
CRIPPLING INJURIES (+20): 1 Hour Prep, one casting per caster/injury; Success Exhausts subject for 24 hrs
NEUTRALIZE POISON & DISEASE (+1): Roll to cure is affected by any modifier to the disease/poison resistance.
MASS HEALING (+2/+3): MBT/SBT centered on caster
The Light of Heaven protection
PPE: 1; Range: 8; Duration: 5
Trappings: Prayer produces a momentary glow around target
Success/Raise: +2 Armor/Toughness (Armor does not stack with MDC)
SHROUD (+1) -1 penalty to be attacked; +1 Stealth
HURRY (+1) +2 Pace while Power lasts
RANGE (+1/+2/+3/+5): Range x2/x3/x5/x10
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1) 1 per PPE (does not work with Greater Protection)
LIGHT WITHIN (+3) Target gains the benefits of the Brave and Elan Edges (does not stack with actual Edges)
ENHANCED PROTECTION (+1) +4 Armor/Toughness, can be used w/Additional Recipients
GREATER PROTECTION (+3) +6 MDC Armor, stacks with MDC but not non-MDC; Raise = +6 Toughness, with MDC benefits.
The Sun Shall Cast Out The Darkness smite
PPE: 2; Range: 8; Duration: 5
Trapping: Prayer ends with ethereal flames around the weapon; weapon does Fire damage, but also does +4 damage to targets vulnerable to Light Trappings (Cloud Magic)
Success/Raise: +2/+4 Damage to one Melee weapon or one 'load' of ammunition
ARMOR PIERCING (+1-+3) +2 AP per +1
HEAVY WEAPON (+2) Weapon does MD
RANGE (+1/+2/+3/+5): Range x2/x3/x5/x10
ADDITIONAL RECIPIENTS (+1) 1 Additional recipient per +1; cannot be used with Greater Smite
LIGHT WITHIN (+3) Target gains the benefits of the Brave and Elan Edges (does not stack with actual Edges)
From Gear:
Tongues (speak languages))
PPE: 1; Range: Self; Duration: 10 Minutes; +2 Casting (due to Self Limitation)
Trappings: Run finger along the Commband while wearing it
Success: Read, speak and write a language not known
Raise: Use/comprehend slang, dialects, etc.
OOC Comments