The assault on the orphanage is brutal, bloody, and highly destructive. The Deep Cultists have no qualms with the use of high explosives and the massive tentacle bursting forth from the sea exhibited no concern for the structural integrity of the orphanage building, at times smashing portions of the building to shower the intrepid attackers with debris. Too, the massive tentacle sprouts a number of smaller sub-tentacles, each large enough to give Kidemonas a worry. In the end, though, the 12th AAT triumphs, sending the tentacle back to the depths to recover. Hillary Blackwell fought to the death, choosing to join her master in the crushing depths rather than face the justice of the town.
Lars Hetfield, the sea inquisitor who had thinned the cultist herd in the lead-up to the fight, offers his gratitude for your service to all living things. "You made a friend for life. I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, but if I can ever help you out, I will. Fair winds and following seas."
Kirk Mustaine, the town sheriff, may be even more grateful to have the cult removed from the town and a terrifying threat neutralized. "Looks like we got some vacant homes now that the murders are solved and those damned cultists are taking their last salt dip. Bet we could get the homes fixed up and put you all in them. What do you say? Cullport's nice when raging sea monsters and murderous fanatics aren't running loose, and you all can take care of those types just fine!"
But whether you take him up on his offer or not, duty calls. A few days' rest flies by and you find your rendezvous. The ship "The Iron Maiden" is loaded and made ready for your journey.
OOC Comments
Everyone can take an Advance and refresh all bennies.
Once all your loose ends are tied, you board the vessel and are led to your respective quarters. As you stow your gear, a voice comes over the intercom. "Good day, this is Captain Bruce Harris. We are bound for New Freeport for a supply drop and a rendezvous. The forecast is smooth sailing, but just the same, please familiarize yourselves with the location of the lifeboats and emergency supplies."
The anchor is raised and the ship begins steaming for the open ocean.
A day and a half passes with idyllic conditions. The weather is fair and the sea is as calm as it can be. As the second night approaches, though, the winds begin to pick up. Out of nowhere, a squall begins battering the Iron Maiden with brutal winds and massive waves.
The captain sounds general quarters, calling all personnel to their stations. There is a flurry of activity as all available hands begin running as fast as the rolling ship will allow. Crashing waves toss the ship about and cause even the saltiest sea dog to lose their footing.
Sea Legs
Vigor roll at -2 or take one level of Bumps & Bruises.
The storm's intensity ramps up. Waves smash into the bridge. The sailors shouts are barely heard over the tempest, but it appears a few of them have been knocked overboard. The captain calls over the intercom: "We're losing hands and I can barely keep control of the helm! All souls aboard, we need help!"
This is a Dangerous Quick Encounter. The options in front of you are as follows:
Stay put. You're not a sailor and if you can't see the storm, it can't get you. Hope the crew was wearing their life vests.
Assist with crew retrieval. Utilize a skill of your choice that fits with spotting or physically retrieving overboard sailors.
Assist with steering the ship. Boating to assist Captain Harris in getting the ship through the squall.
Assist with navigation. Survival to help with course correction and avoiding the largest of the rogue waves.
All rolls are at -2 plus any other Bumps & Bruises or applicable Hindrance penalties.
Critical Failure: d3 Wounds
Failure: d3 Bumps & Bruises
Success: 1 Fatigue
Raise: Yer a natural sea dog! Take a benny.
Persephone grabs her staff and immediately activates Environmental Protection for Water. It doesn’t stop her from getting battered about on her way to the deck but it will help if things go wrong once she's there. She grabs a rope that is not being used on anything at that moment and shouts to find out where the men went over. She runs to that side and ties herself to a piece of the rigging before scanning the waters. Once she spots them she reaches out her free hand toward them holding her staff with the other and rubs one of the gems casting flight on as many as she can locate.They will need to maneuver to get back to the ship but they shouldn't drown in the mean time.
Cerberus, for his part tries to remain on the bed in their room but even with 4 legs he gets bumped around and there's whines and the occasional yelp from there.
Last edited by Persephone on Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
+2 Occult, Notice and Survival vs. Vampires, +2 on Networking and Research rolls to expose or locate Vampires, their allies and their nests
PPE: 32/32 (Personal), 10/10 (Staff of Power) - Recovery: 10/hour
Bennies 4/3
Staff: Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1, two-handed --Channel 2 PPE to make it MegaDamage, No Non-Lethal Penalty, +4 Non-Lethal Damage
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d10+2, Stealth d8, Intimidation d4
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Edges: Alertness, Danger Sense
Special Abilities:
Bite: Str+d4.
Size −1: The heads of these canines come to an average human’s waist, and they weigh about 60 pounds.
Speed: d10 running die.
Wild Card: 2/2 Bennies
N2: Spirit d8
N3: Reliable (Re-Roll Support rolls)
S1: Elan (+ 2 on Benny Rerolls)
S2: Strength d8
S3: Fighting d8, Intimidation d4
S4: Gladiator (On raise can spend a bennie to get "The Drop" on opponent)
Benny Psionics roll
1d10!!+3 1d6!!-3: [2]+3+[5]-3 = 7
Second Benny
1d10!!-3 1d6!!-3: [5]-3+[3]-3 = 2
Third Benny
1d10!!-3 1d6!!-3: [7]-3+[3]-3 = 4
Edward nearly goes overboard as the ship smashes into the waves. He grabs a nearby rail for dear life and activates Presence Sense, calling out the location of those who went overboard.
Vigor 1d10! or Wild 1d6! with +2 and -2 to maximum and minimum: [5]+[6!, 2] = 13
Helping Out Athletics 1d12!! or Wild 1d6!!: [8]+[5] = 13
Oh, Athletics is only d8. So let's ignore that 8 and treat as a 5.
5-2=3 Failure.
Wounds 1d3: [3] = 3
Benny to Reroll because realized it was Fatigue and the Fatigue rules are stupid 1d8!! or 1d6!! with a -2: [4]+[2] = 6
Second Benny, because Fatigue rules are still stupid 1d8!! or Wild 1d6!! with a -2: [7]+[3] = 10
Kid seems unaffected from the ships rocking. Watching out to the see as his mind drifts to sea monsters. This sea is large and Kid had never really spent any time at sea before. "Do you think we will see a kracken? In the Clash of the Titans video there was a sea monster so big even a dragon could only run from."
Then recognizing some of the others were not fairing nearly so well as the massive dragon he nodded. "Oh, never mind. I did not realize you were ill."
As the storm begins picking up Kid does not notice when the sailors are knocked over board until the captain yells out. Looking over Kid leaps from the ship diving into the water he takes on the form of a kracken, using his tendrils to grab the sailors and lift them to the deck of the ship. Unfortunatly the sailors on the ship where unaware of the dragon's true nature and began firing on him. The assault blasting one hole after another into his soft unarmored hide as his regeneration does its best to keep up. In the end Kid flew from the water landing back on the ship, catching his breath. "Okay, so um. that kind of hurt." He mumbles in embarasement.
Gaspard Sea Legs Vigor 1d6-2!!: [4]-2 = 2
Gaspard Sea Legs Wild Vigor 1d6-2!!: [6]-2 = 4
Proditione Sea Legs Vigor 1d10-2!!: [8]-2 = 6
Skotia Sea Legs Vigor 1d10-2!!: [8]-2 = 6
Erebu Sea Legs Vigor 1d10-2!!: [2]-2 = 0
Failure: Bumps & Bruises
When the storm starts rocking the ship, Gaspard, Perdi and Skotia all manage to evade being knocked about too badly; Erebu, however, is not so lucky, having been slammed by a loose crate and knocked back down the steps as they were all coming up to the deck to assist however they could (well, Gaspard was coming up to assist however he could; the demons were all coming up because he jerked on their metaphysical leashes--potayto, potahto).
Support rolls from minions:
Perdi Strength 1d12!!: [3] = 3: No Help
Skotia Notice 1d10!!: [2] = 2: No Help
Erdu Notice 1d10!!-1: [7]-1 = 6: +1 Support to Gaspard
Assembled on deck, and seeing what Persephone was doing, Gaspard opted to engage in a similar effort on the other side of the ship. "Skotia, Erdu, you both act as spotters--tell me if you see anyone fallen overboard. Proditione, once I get them up here, you grab them--without harming them--and hold them steady just long enough for them to get their bearings and then we'll move on to the next." The minions moved into action, though ironically, it was only the skull-rattled Erdu who managed to actually help in any significant way. Gaspard briefly has time to wonder if knocking demons over the head a bit makes them more compliant and useful, before having to focus on keeping himself on-board the pitching vessel.
Several minutes later, he was panting, having plucked at least a couple of the sailors out of the water and teleporting them up to the deck. The strain of fighting the motion of the vessel and the wind and rain was definitely starting to wear him down, though.
Despite the howling winds and the raging seas, the valiant members of the 12th AAT manage to rescue everyone who got tossed overboard.
As the last soul is dragged back onto the ship, (apparently paying little mind to the fact that a demon is the one who saved his life) the sea goes from tumult to tranquil almost instantaneously. The waves flatten out and the water becomes almost as smooth as glass. Even more disturbing than the sudden calm is the fog that appears out of nowhere. The haze is so thick that you can barely see from one end of the boat to the other, and the color is a strange purple-pink.
This is most assuredly not natural.
Captain Harris announces from the bridge: "All hands, remain on alert. We have no nav, no radar, nothing. We're blind." Even that transmission is horribly distorted, sounding like a poorly digitized robot vocal, slowing and speeding up randomly. Anyone carrying anything electronic notices their devices radiating static electricity. If you have electronic sensors, they are either spinning out of control or simply reading nothing. Electronic optics show static. Nothing else fares any better.
Anyone with electronic devices containing memory, roll Electronics or Hacking at -2, or Common Knowledge at -4. Failure and the memory is erased. Crit fail and the device detonates.
Dimensional Sense
Anyone with anything that resembles a Detect Arcana, Expanded Awareness, or some other dimensional sense recognizes that you are right in the middle of a temporal/dimensional flux.
As you try to sort out your bearings, @Edward's Presence Sense pings again. Off the port bow, a bright yellow inflatable life raft floats into view. Seven individuals onboard begin waving their arms and calling out. "Help! HELP! Mayday! Help us!" Seven men, dressed in ragged olive drab clothing (looking like the remnants of a uniform) and themselves looking rather worse for wear, look up in awe at the ship. They have a variety of minor wounds and some bandages applied. They also look dehydrated. A quick look shows that three of them have holsters strapped to their waists. All of them appear to be wearing what looks like life vests. One of the men begins shouting in a raspy voice. "Please help us! Our plane's been over a week. We're out of food and down to our last drops of water. Some damned squids or something attacked us just a few hours ago and we lost three of our crew. Can you get us back to Banana River?"
None of them appear to have noticed that there is a dragon or a handful of demons on board. Yet.
What are you doing?
Gaspard immediately murmurs to his companions. "This fog is some sort of temporal disruption. It is possible that these men are displaced in time--or that we are. Maybe both. Stay alert." Then he calls back down to the men. "We would be happy to aid you, gentlemen. However, we must insist that, as we bring you aboard, you turn over your weapons. These waters are filled with surprises, and we'd like to keep more from joining the mix. Do not worry, you will be well-treated, and your weapons will be returned to you once we are able to drop you off. We have water, rations and medical assistance to offer. If you agree, pull alongside, and we'll haul you up one at a time." He drops a rope overboard after having the others tie it off securely. "Tie that to your raft, so that you'll be a bit more stably linked to us."
And as they do that, he concentrates on the castaway who is speaking for their group.
Spellcasting 1d12!!: [1] = 1
Wild Spellcasting 1d6!!: [3] = 3 Benny
Spellcasting 1d12!!: [9] = 9
Wild Spellcasting 1d6!!: [2] = 2 Okay, he has to roll Smarts; Gaspard succeeds with an auto-raise if he rolls a 9 or less. Casting with Mind Walk, so 4 PPE total.
Reaching into the man's mind, he demands to know, Where do you come from?
Since Gaspard auto-Raises on a success, he gets a "complete" answer to the question, and the guy will not know his mind has been infiltrated.
*Persephone is quick to put a hand out to touch the wolf only to remember he is below decks.* Not again! Cerberus! *She calls, a little frantically. The wolf runs up at her call, nudging people out of his way to get to her. She calms again when she is able to touch the wolf, hoping to ensure that wherever...whenever...they wind up. They do so together. She hesitates when the men appear. They could be friend or foe. She's not certain. But, they also look worse for wear. She takes just that moment to come to a decision but one of her companions was quicker. She decides to leave it at that.*
+2 Occult, Notice and Survival vs. Vampires, +2 on Networking and Research rolls to expose or locate Vampires, their allies and their nests
PPE: 32/32 (Personal), 10/10 (Staff of Power) - Recovery: 10/hour
Bennies 4/3
Staff: Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry +1, two-handed --Channel 2 PPE to make it MegaDamage, No Non-Lethal Penalty, +4 Non-Lethal Damage
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d10+2, Stealth d8, Intimidation d4
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Edges: Alertness, Danger Sense
Special Abilities:
Bite: Str+d4.
Size −1: The heads of these canines come to an average human’s waist, and they weigh about 60 pounds.
Speed: d10 running die.
Wild Card: 2/2 Bennies
N2: Spirit d8
N3: Reliable (Re-Roll Support rolls)
S1: Elan (+ 2 on Benny Rerolls)
S2: Strength d8
S3: Fighting d8, Intimidation d4
S4: Gladiator (On raise can spend a bennie to get "The Drop" on opponent)
Edward nods in agreement with @Gaspard Gillead "Yes, we must insist that you come aboard unarmed."
If they agree with this, Edward will do his best to draw their attention away from anyone that might look odd to them, and help them aboard to the best of his ability. If they do not agree, Edward will prepare himself for combat.
(If possible Kid will alter his form into his humanoid looking form before they spot him.)
Kidemonas looks at the men trapped on the tiny boat. "We have plenty of food and can provide you shelter." Opening his sight to the beings he examines their auras to ensure if there is anything to worry about the new comers. Also opening his senses to any others that may be hiding. Helping people is a priority, but that does not mean letting the team get ambushed.
Detect Arcana
Exalted Detect Arcana with Presence Sence 1d8!! or Wild 1d6!!: [6]+[5] = 11