Below are their personnel records. Additionally each has a special section. Commentary and Scuttlebutt is not "officially" a part of the record, but is information commonly available to anyone with Connections (specific CS departments), I know a Guy, or with a raise on Networking.
During interludes, I will be setting up chances for the players to introduce or feature interaction with different NPCs. Some will be specifically prescribed, and some will be generally directed. Others, like the introductions, will be completely freeform. Such information will go into the Commentary and Scuttlebutt section.
At the end of each of these cycles, I will offer a Benny and a generic +1 to any one task that month to whoever take the time to collate all these entries into the specified format.
Code: Select all
[Headshot Img, 200 px by 200 px] (optional)
[url=]Link to First Mention[/url]
[b]Description and Disposition[/b]: (give me a snapshot of who the character is, RP hints, etc)
Character they are linked to/introduced by. Also other Characters they have interacted with. Do this as bullet points, easy to track quick to the point. Include links if it helps.