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The Savage Inquisition
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NPC Directory

Post by High Command »

This game will live and die by the relationships built and maintained by various NPCs in the game. These posts will include potential NPCs that can be filled out. Not all options will be listed, especially admin assistants and officers in the command and support staffs.

Below are their personnel records. Additionally each has a special section. Commentary and Scuttlebutt is not "officially" a part of the record, but is information commonly available to anyone with Connections (specific CS departments), I know a Guy, or with a raise on Networking.

During interludes, I will be setting up chances for the players to introduce or feature interaction with different NPCs. Some will be specifically prescribed, and some will be generally directed. Others, like the introductions, will be completely freeform. Such information will go into the Commentary and Scuttlebutt section.

At the end of each of these cycles, I will offer a Benny and a generic +1 to any one task that month to whoever take the time to collate all these entries into the specified format.

Code: Select all

[Headshot Img, 200 px by 200 px] (optional)
[url=]Link to First Mention[/url]
[b]Description and Disposition[/b]: (give me a snapshot of who the character is, RP hints, etc)
Character they are linked to/introduced by. Also other Characters they have interacted with. Do this as bullet points, easy to track quick to the point. Include links if it helps. 
For soldiers, they will get a personnel record, and some "comments from previous commanders" that will lead into their hindrances and edges, without directly linking them.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
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Private Trevor Higgins, Infantry MOS; 4th Platoon

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Service Branch: CS Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Service Number: AR10-321-089-18A8-7F73
Pay Grade: E-1
Pay Rate: 1700
Rank: Private
Date of Birth: 21, March, PA 89
Primary Specialty: Infantry
Military Education:
  • Basic Training, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Enemy Force Identification Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Airborne Assault Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Navigation and Movement Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Survival Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
Record of Military Actions:
  • 10 October, PA 107: Assigned to Theatre: St. Louis Archway, 2nd Platoon, 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, St. Louis Archway Defense Force; Fort Bell
    21 February, PA 108: Fort Bell, St. Louis Archway Defense Force): Private Higgins's unit engaged a force of brodkil emerging from the gate on the morning of 21 February, 108. His unit was being overrun, but with no regards for his own safety, Higgins moved in to cover fallen comrades while medics extracted them. He repeated these actions for the entirety of the six hour battle. Many were wounded, though Private Higgins was never really hurt. The unit was victorious and survived long enough to be reinforced by surrounding units. His unit received a citation for exemplary response time, and was noted for their defense of the Coalition and Fort Bell. Private Higgins was personally awarded the Iron Star by Colonel Norman Walters, Commander, Fort Bell.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • Marksmanship - C-12: Awarded 30 November, PA 107, Colonel Normal Walters, Commanding Officer: Fort Bell, Commanding Officer: St. Louis Arch Defense Force.
    Field Experience Badge: Awarded 25 February, PA 108, Colonel Normal Walters, Commanding Officer: Fort Bell, Commanding Officer: St. Louis Arch Defense Force.
    Archway Defense Service Ribbon: Awarded 25 February, PA 108, Colonel Normal Walters, Commanding Officer: Fort Bell, Commanding Officer: St. Louis Arch Defense Force.
    Iron Star: For Bravery in defense of his fellow soldiers and holding the line in the face of overwhelming odds. Awarded 25 February, PA 108, Colonel Normal Walters, Commanding Officer: Fort Bell, Commanding Officer: St. Louis Arch Defense Force.
    Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
Disciplinary data and court martial record:
  • Subject has received multiple citations of good conduct and being a positive influence in squad activities from maintenance to field manuevers. Subject has expressed concern over the presence of psychics, psi-stalkers and dogboys, but follows orders and does not cause problems in the field.
Commentary and Scuttlebutt: Private Higgins is a model soldier, a Marksman with his C-12, skilled at tactical retreats and advances, but neither timid, bloodthirsty, or prone to over extending the battle lines. He has been awarded multiple citations from platoon and company commanders for his good attitude. While perfectly normal, Higgins has some history with the arcane powers, whether psychic or magical in nature, adversely affecting his previous squads and fervently expresses concern when forced to partner up with psychics of any sort, but always follows orders and does not cause any major problems.
Family: Private Higgins is originally from the northern part of Arkansas, from near the community of Oden. His father, Terrence, is a demolition technician for a local mining company. His mother, Shayla, is a stay at home mother. Higgins is the oldest of five. His younger siblings, Sierra (female, 15), Travis (male, 13), Terrel (male, 8), and Sienna (female, 4) still live with the mother and father.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
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PFC Jada Kilgore, Infantry, Combat Medic

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Service Branch: CS Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Service Number: AR00-710-086-ECE7-E1CD
Pay Grade: E-2
Pay Rate: 1750
Rank: Private First Class
Date of Birth: 10 July, PA 86
Primary Specialty: Combat Medic
Military Education:
  • Basic Training, Army New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Linguistics 100 and 101 (Natchez), Army, El Dorado, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Linguistics 100 and 101 (Spanish), Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Enemy Force Identification Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Monster Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Faerie Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Magical Threat Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psionic Threat Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    First Aid Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Dietary and cooking program, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Advanced Culinary Arts Program, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Medical Corpsman Triage and Treatment School, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Damage Control Training Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Airborne Assault Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Survival Training Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
Record of Military Actions:
  • 10 July, PA 106: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 1st Platoon, 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Missouri Armored Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
    3 September, 107 PA: Police Action (Support I.S.S. Operation) Fifth Company was sent to quell rioting, supporting local I.S.S.. Acted largely in support role. Private Kilgore's platoon was awarded a citation for valor for their courageous actions in protecting and providing aid to civilians and local businesses. Kilgore, specifically, was noted as being instrumental to triage of casualties and directing civilians to shelters or the hospital, as needed.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Certifications, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • Medic Badge: Awarded 20 June, PA 106, Colonel Andrea Peters, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Institute of Military Medicine
    Emergency Medical Technician Certificate: Awarded 20 June, PA 106, Colonel Andrea Peters, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Institute of Military Medicine
    Firefighter Certificate: Awarded 10 May, PA 106, Brigadier General Parker Matthews, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Army Training Facility
    Field Experience Badge: Awarded 13 September, PA 107, Arkansas Defense Force, General Gregory Adams, Commanding Officer, Fort Jericho; Commanding Officer, 22nd Missouri Armored Brigade.
    Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
    Flight Paramedic Certificate: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
Disciplinary data and court martial record:Citations for cleanliness and participation in maintenance exercises.
Commentary and Scuttlebutt: PFC Kilgore is a courageous and skilled combat medic. Off duty she works out a lot and can often be found in the base fitness facilities. Her family comes from the Pecos badlands and the wilds of the Louisiana swamps, from among the Natchez. However, Kilgore is a vocal supporter of Arkansas joining the Coalition. She actually volunteered to join the CS while living in Fort Jericho.

Family: She is a third generation citizen of Arkansas, and her family is very loyal to Arkansas first. Her father is a shift supervisor at the Red River Refinery with an excellent discipline record. She and her mother were among the first Arkansas colonists of Fort Jericho after the events of the Juicer Uprisings. Her mother is a civilian doctor and her older sister runs a restaurant in town popular with the base's officers. Mother and father are sperated, but still married. Kilgore and her sister Cara are the only children. Cara is married (James Curr) and has one child, age 5. Husband's family ties (the Greensville Currs) are problematic, but he seems to not be an active member of that family organization. Her sister's restaurant and mother's clinic were among the businesses protected on the date of 3 September, 107 PA.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
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Private First Class Walter Scoggins, Close Combat Specialist

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Service Branch: CS Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Fort El Dorado Army, El Dorado Defense Force
Service Number: AR11-C18-089-25DE-3FF4
Pay Grade: E-2
Pay Rate: 1750
Rank: Private First Class
Date of Birth: 18 December, PA 89
Primary Specialty: Close Combat Specialist
Military Education:
  • Basic Training, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Close Quarters Combat School, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Monster Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Enemy Force Identification Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Magical Threat Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Dietary and cooking program, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Damage Control Training Course, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Light Four Wheel Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Basic Small Craft Handling, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Reconnaissance Awareness Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Navigation and Movement Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Survival Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psionic Combat Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psionic Orientation and Sensitivity Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Airborne Assault Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
Psionic Manifestation:
  • Sixth Sense about danger; Not incredibly well honed, but useful
Record of Military Actions:
  • 16 February, PA 105: Assigned to Theatre: Eastern Arkansas: White River Defense Zone; 3rd Platoon, 3rd Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force; Naval Station Greenville
    White River Triangle Incident Report #ADF10082: During the months of October, November, and December of PA 105, and the Months of January and February of PA 106, Third Company was engaged with a Federation of Magic strike team which led a major offensive utilizng summoned creatures. Eventually the company was issued silvered knives and bayonets.
    • 8 October, PA 105: In a major conflict lasting a week, Third Platoon was engaged with a unit of Brodkil supported by an enemy magic user. Some other sort of local creature was protecting the magic user. The creature's howls had severe psychological effects on many soldiers.
      11 October, PA 105: In a 17 hour large battle against another magic user and allied Simvan monster riders, Third Platoon engaged and eliminated all enemy forces. Captured POWs provided new Intel vital the resolution of the conflict. Third Platoon given a Citation for Valor for creative use of capture techniques to subdue enemy Simvan leader.
      20 October, PA 105: Minor Skirmish with Simvan forces; Enemy Eliminated
      29 October, PA 105: Minor Skirmish with Gargoyle forces; Enemy Eliminated
      31 October, PA 105: Major Combat with small group of enemy magic users and allied forces; Interrupted major ritual to summon something very large. Battle lasted 18 hours. First engaged outer screening forces. Forces eliminated. Unending waves of monsters (brodkil and gargoyles) were pouring out of the rift, even as the mages were attempting to widen it. Local forces witnessed seeing something the size of a building with wings and what seemed like a flaming whip on the other side. Third Platoon managed to get past screening forces and engaged the personal bodyguards of the mages. Private Scoggins was stabbed by a brodkil through his left lung, which then collapsed. A bio-systems replacement was put in place and he spent November and December recovering. Private Scoggins was awarded the Iron Star for his actions, including killing two of the mages in close combat.
      13 January, PA 106: After medical leave ended, Private First Class Scoggins (newly promoted), along with reinforcements, rejoine Third Platoon, which had suffered 60% casualties. Unit resumes patrol and immediately has a minor skirmish with Simvan marauders working with Federation of Magic forces.
      18 February, PA 106: With new intelligence, Third platoon hits the home of the Simvan Marauders, killing their leader who had personally enforced the alliance with the Federation of Magic. Simvan support buckles and the tribe leaves the region, going further east into the Magic Zone.
      27 February, PA 106: In a massive battle, Third Company engages the main Federation of Magic force of Brodkil, Gargoyles, and magic users. Third Platoon is again wiped out, with Private First Class Scoggins being among a handful of survivors, the only one to survive without major injuries.
    9 May, PA 106: Assigned to Garrison Force, Greenville Defense Base; Promotion to Corporal
    19 September, PA 106: Assigned to Convoy Duty; Engaged in a major action against Simvan raiders on rhino buffalos 15 miles east of Warren; Many vehicles damaged and soldiers injured. Drove off raiders and called in air support from Fort El Dorado.
    14 November, PA 107: NJP: Dereliction of Duty, Intoxication on Duty; Reduction in Rank to Private First Class, Pay reduced by 50% for six months.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • Field Experience Badge: Awarded 16 February, PA 105, Lieutenant Colonel Killian Curr, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion (2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force)
    Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
    Unit Citation: Valorous Conduct: Unit did use effective teamwork and incredible bravery in the face of overwhelming danger to subdue enemy Simvan leader using creative and novel techniques. Simvan no longer a threat in this conflict after capture. Awarded 11 October, PA 105, Lieutenant Colonel Killian Curr, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion (2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force)
    Iron Star: For Bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, peronally defeated enemy magic users as well as dozens of bodyguard units to end the ritual summoning them. Awarded 30 November, 105 PA, Lieutenant Colonel Killian Curr, Commanding Officer 1st Battalion (2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force)
    Commando Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
    Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
Disciplinary data and court martial record:Citations for cleanliness and participation in maintenance exercises.
Commentary and Scuttlebutt: Scoggins is a wildcard, but an effective one. He will charge directly into battle with the enemy, and often in doing so will put them off balance. His primary weapons are his standard issue C-12 and his vibro-bayonet. He still has his silvered vibro-bayonet his unit was issued back when part of the El Dorado Army. As a veteran of the El Dorado Army, he was given retraining and moved to necessary combat operations. He has battled alcohol addiction and has a negative mark on his record. He seems to be staying sober, but this has affected his mood and other personnel report him being difficult, though not impossible, to get along with.

Family: Scoggins was born in Greenville and was orphaned at the age of 10. At the age of 17 he volunteered for the El Dorado Army and has served there ever since.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
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Private First Class Dora Travis [PSI]

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Service Branch: CS Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Fort El Dorado Army, El Dorado Defense Force
Service Number: AR21-906-084-C82F-900B
Pay Grade: E-3
Pay Rate: 1750
Rank: Private First Class
Date of Birth: 6 September PA 84
Primary Specialty: Psi-Stalker, Scout Sniper (Commando qualified)
Military Education:
  • Basic Training, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Close Quarters Combat School, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Reconnaissance Awareness Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psionic Combat Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psi-Stalker Orientation and Sensitivity Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Master Psychic (Sensitive) Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Dietary and cooking program, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Basic Small Craft Handling, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Combat Divers Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Demolitions Course, Basic, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Tracking and Counter-tracking Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Trap and Mine Detection Training Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Underwater Demotions Course, Army, El Dorado, El Dorado Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Airborne Assault Course, Army, Fort Arkansas, Army Training Facility (ATF)
Psionic Manifestation:
  • Sixth Sense about danger; Not incredibly well honed, but useful
    Psi-Stalker sensitivity to magical energy and supernatural creatures
    Psi-Stalker ability to blend in with most animals, save predators
    Psi-Stalker ability to consume energy from enemy combatants and monsters
Record of Military Actions:
  • 12 January, PA 105: Assigned to Red River Refinery Garrison, 2nd Platoon, 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force, El Dorado Army
    3 March, PA 105 While guarding a delivery of fuel to Lone Star, 20 miles past ruins of Texarkana: A group of Pecos raiders attacked the convoy and managed to disable the transports. Second Platoon dug in for a long (16 hours) fight and managed to keep them from taking the transports or their fuel. Dispersed bandits after Lt. Green (Commander, Second Platoon), with a series of sniper shots, killed the enemy leadership. Private Travis acted as spotter, but was more of a hindrance than a help.
    • Edit: Notes from interviews with other platoon members suggest that the platoon commander intentionally downplayed the actions of Private Travis. Most noted exceptional marksmanship and that her kill count may have been the highest in the platoon. All agree she and the Lieutenant Green, Commander, Fourth platoon, were part of the same sniper team that took down the leadership of the raiders. Most suggest that she got the kill shot, but did not want to gain even more ire from the Lieutenant than she already had. All agree the LT was vindictive towards her, though never to the point of garnering any actual dereliction of duty or insubordination towards his own leadership.
    13 July, PA 105 Texarkana Ruins: While patrolling the ruins, a group of Raiders took some civilians from the refinery hostage. Managed to recover all hostages with no civilian casualties.
    • Edit: Eye witness reports from both fellow soldiers and civilians indicate that Private Travis took a direct role in the rescue, including utilizing a cutting torch to sneak into the location the hostages were being held in, evacuating them, and then assisting her squad with taking down the bandits with coverage from the rest of the platoon. Apparently this plan stemmed from Travis, but it was her squad's CO, SSGT Henley, that launched it. Lt. Green had rejected the plan out of hand because it came from "that mutie bitch" (terminology confirmed by all interviewees). Because SSGT Henley had led the attack, there was no blowback on Travis from her CO.
    White River Triangle Incident Report #ADF10082: 1st Company sent to reinforce forces deployed during noted incident. 1st Company was relieved by 3rd Company of 1st Battalion.
    • 5 November, PA 105: Due to the events of 31 October, the deployed forces suffered heavy losses and had to be reinforced; 1st Company is deployed to the FOB north of Warren.
      12 November, PA 105: A force of brodkil skirmishers raid the FOB and Second Platoon is directly involved in the defense. unit suffered 5 casualties, 3 of which were able to return to duty after a few days.
      • Edit: Lt. Green was among those seriously injured. He was on medical leave for 14 days. This timing is important to the following event.
      16 November, PA 105: A unit of combat mages deployed close to the FOB to support a shifter trying to summon a small horde to strike the camp. Private Travis and her dog pack are directly credited with eliminating this threat. Citations for valor issued by Lt. Jerome, interim commander, Second Platoon. Recommendations for Iron Star declined by Lt. Green upon resumption of command, citing multiple records of insubordination in her record.
      20 November, PA 105 to 11 January, PA 106: Against the advice of his junior officers and NCOs, Lt. Green led Second Platoon against the camp of the Federation Mages, which was located in a Fade Region. Second Platoon became trapped as the camp Faded into another reality. Of the 52 soldiers who entered, only 5 survived. Four were from 3rd Squad, SSGT Marcus Henley, CPL Mariah Kirk, PVT Travis, Psi-Hound A7AA-3309 "Lady", and Lt. Green. All were barely alive. Henley had to receive major bionic reconstruction, Kirk was medically retired after a psychotic break from the trauma, A7AA-3309 was recuperated but has been permanently moved to Garrison Duty where she thrives. PVT Travis managed to drag them all out, and then slipped into a coma as soon as the rescue team arrived. Lt. Green was also in a coma. Private Travis did not wake for a year. The rest were up in about 2 months.
      16 October, PA 106: Green was sentenced by Court-Martial for the reports of his gross negligence, dereliction of duty, and misconduct while in the field. As it turned out, Private Travis had noticed the Fade shift coming and tried to convince the Green of the coming event. Despite the urgent counsel of his NCOs and his junior officer adjunct, he refused to take as credible her warning. He then compounded this by engaging in an ill advised assault which saw 50% casualties in the first attack. The Federation forces hunted the survivors like animals, and Green only survived by sacrificing his men. Henley, Kirk, Travis, and A7AA-3309 had distanced themselves and rescued Green before he could be sacrificed by the Federation forces. A running firefight ensued and the five of them made it out, though only barely. Kirk managed to radio for help even as Green yelled in the background for Travis to unhand him so he could go back in. It is believed he struck her in the spine and caused the damage that sent her into a coma. Green was sentenced to military prison and now serves a life sentence and is doing hard labor for his crimes. SSGT Henley was promoted to First Sergeant and is now with 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho. He was given full bionic conversion at personal request due to the severity of his injuries.
      Because of actions taken in a time of stress, no charges were levied against Private Travis, despite her repeated insubordination towards Lt. Green, not to mention the assault he suffered by her person on several occasions during their time cut off. SSGT Henley did not blame her for this because, directly quoted, "The man laid the blame for everything at her feet, despite the fact we wouldn't even be there if he had seen an inch beyond his own prejudice towards mutant humans. She, quite simply, beat me to the literal punch as I repeated regulations to myself about striking a superior. I cannot condone her lack of restraint, but I can certainly understand it." It is the investigators that the situation drove Private Travis to incredible stress and she should be held blameless for these actions given the charges against Green. However, she has forfeited any accolades, save for a personal citation from her superior officer, SSGT Henley, which shall stand per his direct request.
    21 January, PA 107: Private Travis recovers from injuries and awakens from her coma.
    11 March, PA 107: Private Travis, after intense physical and mental therapy has been proven fit for a return to duty.
    15 March, PA 107: Due to events of 20 November, PA 105 to 11 January, PA 106, further trials and mental health counseling is advised.
    9 July, PA 107: After extensive testing, certification, and therapy, Private Travis is returned to duty. Updates to her Military Education Certificates are noted for her personnel record. Promoted to Private First Class.
    19 July, PA 107: Assigned to Theatre: Eastern Arkansas: White River Defense Zone; 4th Platoon, 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force; Naval Station Greenville
    9 November, PA 107: While operating in the White River Triangle north of Warren along the White River, 4th Platoon obtained boats from local fishermen and used them to rescue civilians captured by pirates, while 3rd Platoon destroyed the pirates themselves. Lt. Jacobs credit PFC Travis with the idea, though it was executed by the entire platoon.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas, Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • Field Experience Badge: Awarded 12 January, PA 105, Captain Killian Hargraves, Commanding Officer, 1st Company of 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force, El Dorado Army
    16 November, PA 105 White River FOB, North of Warren: Private Travis and her Dogpack (Psi-Hound units A7AA-3309, A7AA-3318, and A7AA-3328) did located and eliminate a shifter and his escort of combat mages as they prepared a ritual to summon creatures to overrun the FOB. Recommend Private Travis be given the Iron Star for Valor and quick and clever action in combat. Awarded 17 November, PA 105; Lt. Jerome, interim commander, Second Platoon, 1st Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force, El Dorado Army
    16 October, PA 106 Fade Region, White River Triangle: On 20 November, PA 105, Private Travis did by means of her racial sensitivity, determined the Platoon had passed into a Fade Region that was about to shift dimensions. She did immediately inform her superior officer, who took her information under advisement, and against the advice of his own junior officer and senior NCOs, did proceed anyway. It is hereby acknowledged, that at risk to herself and as a matter of honor, that Private Travis reitered her statement, asking her superior to reconsider. He refused. Private Travis then went to the task of tracking enemy forces, as ordered by her superior. This citation acknowledges her dedicated to duty in the face of a personal attack by her superior officer.
    9 November, PA 107 White River Triangle, fishing village along the White River: Citation for tactical brilliance and quick thinking: Private Travis came up with a plan, then executed by the entire platoon, to utilize local fishing boats to evacuate prisoners ahead of the assault by 3rd Platoon. Her clever and quick thinking saved a lot of lives. Awarded 11 November, PA 107, Lt Gregory Jacobs, Interim Commander, Fourth Platoon, of 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Eldorado Reconnaissance Brigade, El Dorado Defense Force; Naval Station Greenville.
    Scout Sniper: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility (based on recertification trials of 9 July, PA 107, El Dorado Army Training Facility)
    Commando: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility (based on recertification trials of 9 July, PA 107, El Dorado Army Training Facility)
    Mississippi Service Ribbon: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
    El Dorado Service Ribbon: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility (based on recertification trials of 9 July, PA 107, El Dorado Army Training Facility)
    PSI Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
    Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 19 June, PA 108, Arkansas Defense Force, Colonel Henry James, Commanding Officer, Fort Arkansas Training Facility
Disciplinary data and court martial record:: [3 pages of Redacted NJP punishments]
Note attached: Due to prejudice and gross misconduct of former superior officer, all of these have been retroactively removed from this record. Thourough investigation finds no fault in Private Travis's actions.

Commentary and Scuttlebutt: Whoever this Lt. Green was, he was a hateful piece of work unfit for a uniform in the CS Army. Despite his rather constant and vocal protests of her mutant status, genetic testing later showed him to also be a mutant, though he had denied it and falsified his records. Her later superiors all found her to be a careful and calculated scout sniper, always acting with stealth and precision. She is quite deadly and used to working with Dogboys. She worked with freeborn mercenaries hired by the El Dorado military before unification with the Coalition. All but one of them, A7AA-3309, died in the Fade Town incident and A7AA-3309 will never be useful in the field again. A7AA-3309 now serves as a door guard for Red River Industries main plant in Fort El Dorado City.

Travis is notable for her honed ability to find enemy magic users and her affinity with psi-hounds as well as human soldiers. Most interviews find her fellow soldiers remembering her as a quiet, reserved individual who nonetheless pursued victory with dedicated and patience. Her family come from Top Knots tribe of Psi-Stalkers, long allies of the Coalition and El Dorado.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
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Private "Geraldo" 8CEA-61D0 (PSI)

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Name: 8CEA-61D0 "Geraldo"
Service Branch: CS Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Service Number: LSB1-215-105-8CEA-61D0
Pay Grade: E-1
Pay Rate: 1700
Rank: Private
Date of Birth: 15 February, PA 105
Primary Specialty: Dog-Boy Scout
Military Education:
  • Basic Training, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Psi-Hound Orientation and Obedience Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Linguistics 100 (Spanish), Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Survival Training Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Wilderness Navigation and Movement Training Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Close Quarters Combat School, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Hovercycle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Light Hover Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Heavy Hover Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Enemy Force Identification Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Monster Identification and Elimination Training Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Airborne Assault Course, Army, Lone Star Genetic Center, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
Record of Military Actions:
  • 1 January, PA 107: Assigned to Theatre: Oklahoma (Coalition Freelands) Defense Zone; 1st Platoon, 2nd Company, 5th Battalion, Fifth Lone Star Reconnaissance Brigade, Lone Star Defense Corp; Wichita Falls Military Outpost
    14 May, PA 107 (Coaltion Colony on the Red River, 30 miles from Wichita Falls Military Outpost): A large force of Pecos Raiders attacked the village of Red Clay, Oklahoma. 2nd Company deployed and routed enemy. Casualties within expectations: 2% friendly, and 10% enemy.
    27 May, PA 107 (Coaltion Colony on the Red River, 30 miles from Wichita Falls Military Outpost): While securing the region and escorting supplies for rebuilding, the same force attacked again, 1st Platoon repelled them after a twelve hour retreat towards a nearby fort. Casualties within expectations: 10% friendly, 15% enemy.
    12 June, PA 107 (Coaltion Colony on the Red River, 30 miles from Wichita Falls Military Outpost): Stationed in a FOB near Red Clay, 2nd Company was attacked again by the raider group. Battle lasted eleven hours. 8CEA-61D0 interrupted an attack meant for the commanding officer. He took the attack and broke his femur, though he managed to kill the foe in close combat. Awarded Iron Star for Bravery and Valor in Combat
    20 October, PA 107: Psi-Hound 8CEA-61D0 recovered from injury after extensive physical and mental therapy. Unit returned to active duty.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas, Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • 29 June, PA 107 (Wichita Falls Military Outpost): Psi-Hound 8CEA-61D0, in defense of his superior officers took the hit of a grackletooth, killing it in close combat, even after experiencing a broken femur. For his valorous actions, Psi-Hound 8CEA-61D0, designated Geraldo, is awarded this Iron Star.
Disciplinary data and court martial record: No records of note.

Commentary and Scuttlebutt: Geraldo is considered a model, if cautious, psi-hound. His feverent defense of humans is a verifiable pattern. He has been told by many superiors that he needs to make sure to prioritize his own survival, and he always whines and promises to do better. Doubt is expressed by his superiors that he will succeed. Transfer to Arkansas made to fill out needs for scouts.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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High Command
The Savage Inquisition
Posts: 1990
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2016 6:10 am

Private Diana Faragut (RPA)

Post by High Command »

Personnel Record
Name: Faragut, Diana
Service Branch: Army, Arkansas Defense Force
Service Number: AR00-413-089-54DF-A316
Pay Grade: E-1
Pay Rate: 1700
Rank: Private
Date of Birth: 13 April, PA 89
Primary Specialty: Power Armor Pilot
Military Education:
  • Airborne Assault Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Basic Training, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Close Quarters Combat School, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Communications School, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Combat Divers Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Dietary and cooking program, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Field Weapons/Armor Support and Maintenance Program, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Ground Vehicle Combat Manuevering, Advanced, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Heavy and Emplaced Weapons I Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Heavy and Emplaced Weapons II Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Heavy Hover Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Helicopter Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, Fort Arkansas, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Helicopter Combat Maneuvering Course, Advanced, Army, Fort Arkansas, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Hovercycle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Light Hover Vehicle Maneuvering Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Military Robotics and Electronics Technical Support School, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Power Armour and Robot Gunnery Training Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Power Armour and Robot Training Course, Basic, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Power Armour Training, Advanced (Mauler), Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Power Armour Training, Advanced (SAMAS), Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Reconnaissance Awareness Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
    Trap and Mine Detection Training Course, Army, New Chillicothe, CS Army Training Facility (ATF)
Record of Military Actions:
  • 15 October, PA 107: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Missouri Armored Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
    6 November, PA 107 (Fort Jericho): 4th Platoon deployed to pull convoy duty for civilian convoy #AFED920314-A on its monthly run to deliver fuel and supplies to the villages of the Oachita Mountains. Units deployed with 2nd Armored Transport and Attack Helicopter Platoon, 5th Squadron, 1st Battalion, 22nd Missouri Armored Brigade.
    11 November, PA 107 (Village of Willow Peak): While in transit, an SOS was received from the village of Willow Peak, under an attack by howling quadrapeds and their master, a Thornhead demon. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th squads responded and after a short firefight, managed to kill the monsters and the Thornhead.
    26 November, PA 107 (Fort Jericho): 4th Platoon and their convoy RTB.
    1 March, PA 108: Assigned to Theatre: Northern Arkansas: Ozark and Ouachita Defense Zones; 4th Platoon, Fifth Company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, Arkansas Defense Force; Fort Jericho
Decorations, Medals, Badges, Citations, and Campaign:
  • Airborne Qualification Badge: Awarded 15 July, PA 107, Brigadier General Parker Matthews, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Army Training Facility
    Aviation Badge: Awarded 15 July, PA 107, Brigadier General Parker Matthews, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Army Training Facility
    Field Experience Badge: Awarded 20 November, PA 107, Arkansas Defense Force, General Gregory Adams, Commanding Officer, Fort Jericho; Commanding Officer, 22nd Missouri Armored Brigade.
    RPA Badge: Awarded 15 July, PA 107, Brigadier General Parker Matthews, Commanding Officer, New Chillicothe Army Training Facility
    Iron Star: Awarded 26 November, PA 107, for Valor in defense of the village of Willow Peak. Private Faragut jumped from the helicopter transporting her, using jets to bring her down atop a thornhead demon. She then engaged it in close combat while the rest of 4th platoon get in position for the final kill. Because of her unorthodox charge, the lives of dozens of soldiers were saved.
Disciplinary data and court martial record: None; though commanders sometimes note her unhealthy fascination with competition with her fellow soldiers. All counselling has been handled in the unit successfully.

Commentary and Scuttlebutt: Faragut is a go-getter intent on making her mark and earning her citizenship, possibly that of her parents. She is from the White River Triangle, and actually travelled to Fort Jericho to enlist. She was sent to New Chillicothe with many other new recruits. her natural talent and drive allowed her to excel, qualifying for power armor training when most of her peers were attempting to understand basic squad tactics. She seeks to inspire her fellow soldiers, but she more often ends up simply yelling at them - though for all the right reasons. She has never seen a challenge she hasn't tried to overcome and simply believes she is incapable of failing because she will keep trying until it is done correctly. She is a team player, however - no matter the size of her ego.

Family: Faragut's family still lives in the White River Triangle, and Faragut has already petitioned to earn citizenship for them. She already passed up a promotion to get a boost towards her own citizenship and that of her father, mother, and little brother. Family are fishermen and hunters - small dinosaurs and aligators largely.

(Note this requires two raises on Networking to find out, regardless of how you found out the rest): Family is a potential target for recruitment when a colonization slot opens up for the lake villages southeast of Fort El Dorado.
Tales of the 17th SOG
"In so far as you are concerned, I am the right arm of High Command itself. You are my Fist, be ready to strike at any moment." Major Killian Gregor, 3rd SOG Battalion, CSSD, Chi-Town.
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